Timeline - ucyc.com · PAPER AIRPLANE Students can build a paper airplane and see how far it can...

Post on 25-Jun-2020

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Hi leaders,

Thank you for choosing online camp in this crazy season. UCYC is genuinely thankful for your trust in our ministry. It is our prayer that God works mightily through this week. Although it is not traditional, we believe that students will come to know Jesus on a deeper level!

We know that this week will not go perfectly, but we are trusting that in spite of ourselves, amazing things will happen! We put together this short guide to be a primer for your online camp. It will give some helpful information, tips, and ideas to have a great week of Camp at Home. No document can ever fully cover the experience of camp, but we hope this is helpful.

Our goal is to take care of all of the details so that you can pour into your group. It’s not easy, but we believe God is going to use you to impact students for eternity.

Thank you for all you do. Our team is praying for you.

Derek Beauchamp Director of Experience




DAY ONE3:00pm Leader Zoom Call

7:00pm Session 1

8:00pm Small group


Every afternoon your students will participate in different activities and challenges so they can earn points for their team. There will be one Afternoon Challenge per day, encourage your students to record themselves and send the videos to home@ucyc.com so we can highlight them at our next session. Whether they are shown at session or not, any video sent in of a successful Afternoon Challenge will be awarded points.

We will also offer other afternoon activities apart from the challenges. These activities include making tiktoks, crafts, minute to win it games, and more. Any videos or pictures of these activities will also be worth points to insure participation.

DAY FIVE9:30am Pastor led session

and Q&A

DAYS TWO-FOUR9:30am Leader Zoom call

10:30am Session

11:30am Quiet Time

3:00pm Afternoon Fun

7:00pm Session

8:00pm Small Group Time




Trivia hotline

Paper Plane

PARTNER/GROUP ACTIVITIESKeep the balloon off the ground


Recreate a movie scene


DAY 3 CHALLENGE: Minute to win it games

QUIET TIME:Students will receive a physical Quiet Time Book. After every morning session they will find their favorite, distraction free space in the house for this time of the day. The Quiet Time Book serves as a devotional book for students to practice one on one time with God.


AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES: These are a few ideas of things that students can do all week for fun. If they send in any pictures or videos of them participating they will receive points. Pictures and videos can be sent to home@ucyc.com.


We want to see your moves! Dancing is one of the best parts about camp! Whether it’s solo or the whole family, send us your best dancing videos from TikTok! We don’t want old ones though, make sure you send us ones you made this week! The more people involved in your video, the more points. Make sure all lyrics and moves are appropriate!


Students will be given a book with multiple crafts that they can complete using things found around the house. Pictures of crafts will be worth points.


Students can call 928-460-9040 every day of camp between the hours of 1-5. From the other end they will be asked a trivia question. If they answer the question correctly they will receive points. If incorrect there’s no penalty. Students may call as many times as they want during the given hours.


Students can build a paper airplane and see how far it can fly. We don’t want just any airplane though, we want students to find any prompt online to build the best paper airplane they can. Send us pictures and videos for points! Bonus points to the plane that’s the biggest and the plane that flies the farthest. Can also be a team activity!

PARTNER/GROUP AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES: Here are a few different options of things students can do with their siblings or if they’re able to watch with friends. Pictures and videos can be sent to home@ucyc.com.


This is a competition between whoever you’re playing with. Blow up a balloon and see who’s the best at keeping it off the ground. Whenever you hit the balloon, then it’s the next person’s turn and it keeps rotating. Rounds are lost if the balloon hits the ground while it’s your turn. Make sure to hit it in the opposite direction of your competition to make it more difficult. Walls and furniture are fair game to play off of.


We want to see your acting skills! Whether it’s a sound from Tiktok or you memorize the lines, video yourself and friends reenacting your favorite scene from a movie or show. Points can be deducted if it’s not appropriate.


OverviewDo you ever feel stuck? The world can make us think that pursuing success, followers, and influence is the most valuable thing about life. These things are empty. We’re so focused on our own timeline that we rarely think of anyone else or of our relationship with God. When we live life this way it’s hard to find purpose, connection, or hope.

A man named Joseph in the Bible can teach us something about pursuing God’s purpose in our life. Joseph was abandoned by his family, sold into slavery, and thrown in prison for years. Even in his suffering Joseph focused on God’s timeline. Join us this summer at UCYC as we learn how God’s purpose can direct our lives and how His timeline can give hope in all circumstances.

This week, you will challenge the students to put their trust in the plans and providence of God like Joseph did in the last quarter of the book of Genesis. Through pain, failure, and tribulation, Joseph put his faith in the promises of God and never abandoned that trust.






main ideaThe first evening session has 3 main goals.

The first goal of this session is for your students to get to know the speaker, Derek Beauchamp.

The second goal is to introduce the theme, Timeline. This week, Derek will be telling the story of Joseph’s life, his struggles, his rise, and his unrelenting faithfulness throughout.

We will begin the week by giving context on Joseph and his family. Joseph, his father’s favorite, received visions of the future telling of his eventual reign over his own family. While his brothers despised him for this, Joseph knew that these visions showed God’s plans in his life, God’s timeline. We hear how Joseph knew he was part of God’s timeline, and God wanted him here to do something amazing. God wants to do something incredible in your students.

The main idea of Night 1 is God wants you here. Whether that means in their houses or simply on this planet, they were strategically placed for God’s purpose. We want to connect God’s promises to Joseph with God’s promises for us. We want the students to see that God has an incredible plan for their life that will shake their world.

The third goal is to challenge students to look at their lives in the context of God’s plan for them. Like Joseph, they all have a story. One way or another, God brought them to camp. God has had a hand in their entire life!

MARKERS OFSuccess SMALL GROUPFocusStudents are familiar with the speaker, Derek.

Students know our theme.

Students are challenged to consider God’s plan for their life.

Small group leaders will be opening a time of reflection. We want students to see God’s hand in their life and to consider what God has planned for them this week.

Source Text | Genesis 37:1-11


Evening Session | Introduction & Contextualization



GOD WANTS YOU HEREGod has an awesome week planned for you and your students. This is an opportunity for the Word of God to grow in your students. The goal of tonight is to introduce students to God and His promise to Joseph. Encourage your students to lean in with prayer and focus on what God is going to show them this week.

What is the best vacation you have been on?

We might be stuck at home, but ultimately God has put you here. Why do you think He did that?

Have you ever seen God work in your life? In the lives of others? Tell us about that?

What are some hard things in your life right now?

Leaders: Encourage your students to share. Share some examples to open up the discussion. It can be school, sports, family life, etc.

What are some things you can do this week to focus on God?

Leaders: End your time together with prayer. Pray that God would show us how He’s working in our lives and how we can listen better to what He’s saying to us.

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Session Notes



AFTERNOON CHALLENGE: TRICK SHOTSStudents have all afternoon to film themselves doing trick shots around the house or backyard. Students can use any sort of ball and basket to create their shots. Videos of successful trick shots will count for color points and will give them an opportunity to be highlighted during session.


main idea


To understand the goodness of the Gospel, students need to understand the weight of sin in their lives. In the Joseph narrative, we see Joseph’s brothers betray and sell him into slavery. While serving in Potiphar’s house, he is wrongfully accused and sent to prison. Through terrible circumstances, Joseph’s faithfulness shines in the darkness around him. We see how the sin of others ruins the lives of those around us. The sin of Joseph’s brothers and Potiphar’s wife created immense suffering for him. Joseph was not broken by the evil committed against him, and he remained faithful to God despite the discouragement.

Help students understand how sin enslaves them. In this session, emphasize how we are more like the brothers than Joseph. Joseph was enslaved because of the evil of his brothers, but his brothers were captive to their hatred and jealousy and were trapped in a lie and shame. Their sin hurt their brother, their father, and their relationship with God. Sin enslaves and hurts relationships with others and, most importantly, God. Our sin affects us in the same way. Some elements in this chapter of Joseph’s story, the attempted seduction of Joseph and the accusation of rape from Potiphar’s wife, can be mature for younger students. Be sure to navigate wisely and avoid going into detail. The important aspects are Joseph’s faithfulness and refusal to compromise his faith when he was wronged.

SIN ENSLAVES YOUMorning Session - 2 | What is sin?This morning, there will be a teaching video in session outlining what sin is and what the bible says about sin. This video will set up the talk tonight about how sin enslaves you.

The video speaker, Javaughn Marshall, speaks about the original sin and how sin affects every aspect of our lives. Javaughn addresses the definition of sin and what it looks like in our lives. This week, we are looking at how others’ sins affect us as well as how our sin affects others. The purpose of this session is to introduce the concept of sin and help students start to see sin in their lives.

Evening Session - 3 | The betrayal of Joseph, his enslavement, imprisonment, and his faithfulness throughout.Source Text | Genesis 37:12-36, 39:1-23

Students understand the story of Joseph’s betrayal, wrongful imprisonment and the circumstances surrounding it.

Students understand that sin enslaves them and hurts those around them.

Students are challenged to confess the sin they see in their life.

Students will have an opportunity to identify and share sin in their life.



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FIRST THOUGHTFind a quiet place to relax somewhere. Make this your own special spot for the week where you can have space to be alone with God and your thoughts. Now pause for a second and just listen. The goal is to find somewhere you can be alone with your thoughts and with God.

Here’s a challenge for you this week: take advantage of this time. You’ll have plenty of chances to play games and go crazy during sessions, but this short time right here will help you understand who God is and what He wants for your life. Stay focused through this quiet time. It’s worth it.

This week, our theme is Timeline. You’ll be hearing about a man in the first book of the Bible named Joseph. Joseph was betrayed and experienced terrible things, but through it all, kept his eyes fixed on God. Joseph saw how the events of his life were chapters in God’s story of rescue not just for him, but for his whole family. Through betrayal, prison, and lies of others, Joseph saw his role in God’s story and saved his family to help form the nation of Israel.

Each morning, you’ll have the opportunity to get an in-depth look at the day’s main idea, pray about specific things, and grow in your personal relationship with God. Write down questions you have for your leader, underline things you like, and think of how the day’s main idea can change the way you view the world. Are you up to the challenge? Let’s dive in!

PRAYHave you ever prayed before? For some of you, the answer is, “Yes, of course!” Or maybe you have never tried praying, and that’s okay. Praying feels awkward sometimes, and it might not make sense to you. The Bible tells us that when we pray, God hears us and cares deeply for our prayers. Prayer can look like many things. It can be folded hands and closed eyes while you pray silently in your head. It might be talking out loud to God. Some really enjoy writing their prayers out. Prayer can look like so many things, but the important part is talking and listening to God. As long as our mind is focused on God and we are communicating with Him, we’re praying.

Last night, you were challenged to consider God’s plan for you this week. Prayer is one of the best ways to do that because it is listening and talking directly to Him. When we pray, we are focusing on God.

Spend a few minutes talking with God about your day, what you are looking forward to, and ask Him to help make your quiet time awesome. Finally, ask God how you can know Him better and better understand His plan for your life.


READLet’s try something. Make a list of the greatest antagonists, the bad guys, from movies, books, video games, or history. List them below, and write what they did that made them so villainous.

The Bible is God’s letter to the world. Using faithful humans to record history, poems, prophecies, and letters, God created the book that we know today. Today, we explore what the Bible says about sin. Sin is always present in the story of humanity, and it plays the role of the antagonist, the bad guy. Sin is an important concept to understand as we learn about the first chapter of Joseph’s life and how his life was disrupted by sin.

The goal for this morning’s quiet time is to understand the concept of sin and how it fits into your story. Every person on Earth is affected by sin, and has been enslaved by sin in some way. It could be a wrong that someone has done to us, or some way that we have hurt others. In our story, sin is the great barrier keeping us from living a full and good life in freedom. SIN ENSLAVES US.

Below are several passages from the Bible that talk specifically about sin.

Read each one and answer the following questions.

“When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21

Q | How have you seen sin affect you or people you care about?

“Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.” James 4:17

Q | When is a time you knew the right thing to do and didn’t do it?

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You may be wondering, “What’s the big deal with sin? Why is it so important to my story?”

Sin destroys everything it touches. It causes violence, broken relationships, lies, greed, stealing, and all other forms of evil. Sin isn’t just bad actions that people do. Sin is any action, thought, or attitude that says “I don’t need God! I know what’s best for me!” When God created the world, it was perfect and without pain or evil. But when mankind decided to rebel against God, sin enslaved the hearts of humans and changed the world forever.

In order to understand the pain and suffering we have all experienced, we must understand the role sin plays in our lives. The Bible says that sin is pleasurable for a short time (Hebrews 11:25). Things like cheating on a test, spreading rumors about friends, or lying to your parents can make you feel better or have some benefit in the moment, but that pleasure blinds us to the real effects of sin. But the truth of sin is that it’s more than bad actions. It comes naturally to us, and it controls us. Sometimes it feels like we can’t stop ourselves from being bad people.

Q | What are some ways you’ve been hurt by others?

Q | Why do you think they did those things?


• Being lied to by a friend because they were afraid of looking bad.

• Being bullied by others because they wanted to feel more important.

• Relationship problems due to selfishness or shame.

• Thinking badly of yourself because of the words and actions of others.

Sin enslaves you. It takes root in your mind and makes you act selfishly, hurt others, and blinds you to what God is doing in your life. Every person in the world is affected and hurt by sin.

Tonight, you’ll hear how sin ship-wrecked Joseph’s life and the life of his family. Before tonight, it’s important to know the Timeline of God’s people leading up to this point in history.

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Before Moses, before the Promised Land, before Israel was a nation, Israel was a person.

When the first humans, Adam and Eve, rebelled against God, sin entered the world. As humans spread across the planet, their evil deeds twisted everything leading to murder, idol worship, and worse.

God picked a man named Abraham to be the father of a great nation of people who would stand out because of their relationship with God. These people would bless the whole world and nothing would be able to stop them as long as they remained faithful to God. Unfortunately, sin ruins everything.

As Abraham began his family, sin crept in and turned brothers against each other with lies, manipulation, and evil. One of those children, Jacob, had an encounter with God that would change his life forever. God renamed Jacob and gave him the name Israel. Israel had twelve sons who would become the twelve families of Israel. Can you imagine if you lived in a house with eleven siblings, and all of them became the president of a country? Anyways, Joseph was one of those sons.

(Adam to Jacob family tree)

HERE’S WHAT WE HAVE DISCOVERED ABOUT SIN SO FAR:Sin hurts us and the people around us.

Sin affects everything and everyone.

Sin enslaves us.

Q | Based on what you’ve learned in this quiet time, share in your own words how you would define sin.

We did it! We made it through the first day of quiet times, and we learned some amazing things. When you meet with your leader and small group, share some of the things you wrote down.

Theology Thought | SINAccording to Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology, “sin is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature… Sin includes not only individual acts such as stealing or lying or commiting murder, but also attitudes that are contrary to the attitudes God requires of us.”

What attitudes does God require of us? What does it mean to have a Godly mindset?

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MORNINGToday may be the first time some of your students have heard about the concept of sin. The goal of this small group time is for your students to understand what the destructive nature of sin looks like. Encourage your students to talk about the ways sin has affected their lives. Students made a list of their favorite villains from some of their favorite stories during quiet time. You can use this as a conversation starter for your small group time.

1. Lying is the easiest sin to fall into. Share about a time you were caught in a lie.

2. What is “sin”? Why do you think people don’t like to talk about it?

3. Share a time when someone else’s sin has hurt you.

Leaders: Students may be hesitant to share about the hurts they’ve experienced. Give examples for students to open honest conversation.

4. Enslavement sounds like an extreme word to describe sin, but it’s cruel and unfair, it has no mercy, and it never gives you a break.

How is sin like enslavement? Describe a time you felt enslaved by your choices?

5. It’s very easy to see the flaws in others and overlook our own faults. What are some things that you struggle with?

Leaders: Pray for your students.

EVENINGRead this quote from Martin Luther, ”The recognition of sin is the beginning to salvation.” Think about this as you lead this small group. The goal of this small group is for your students to understand how sin keeps us from God and for them to recognize and confess their sin. This is the first step to experiencing the joy of the Gospel.

1. Tell about a time you got back at someone who wronged you.

2. In what ways are you like Joseph’s brothers?

3. Leaders: Give examples for your students to relate to in parallel to Joseph’s brothers.

4. How has your sin affected (enslaved you from) your relationship with God?

5. “The Lord was with Joseph” is said over and over again, especially in his most uncomfortable moments. What does this say about God in the middle of your trouble?

6. What sin(s) do you need to let go of and trust Jesus with?

Leaders: Give examples of some common struggles for students their age. Even share about some things you needed to let go of when trusting Jesus.

Pray for your students as you finish up this small group.

Session Notes



AFTERNOON CHALLENGE: MINUTE TO WIN ITStudents will be given a document of multiple Minute to Win It games. The goal is to record and complete as many as they can during the afternoon. Each video sent in of a game they have beaten is worth points. The student that completes the most wins bonus points for their team. Videos will also be shown during session.


GOD’S TIMELINE RESTORESmain ideaThe goal for this day is to put focus on students’ need for Jesus in their lives and to encourage them to make a spiritual decision. This morning video session taught by Caleb Curtisi tells the story of Joseph’s liberation and his rise to power in Egypt. Joseph interprets the dreams of two fellow prisoners, the cupbearer and the baker to Pharaoh. Joseph interprets the dreams, and they come to pass. The Pharaoh is troubled by strange dreams of the future until the cupbearer, restored to his position, tells Pharaoh of Joseph’s abilities. Joseph tells Pharaoh that God alone is responsible for

his abilities and warns Pharaoh of a devastating impending famine. Pharaoh liberates Joseph from prison and makes him second in command in Egypt. Because of Joseph’s faithfulness, Egypt is saved from the famine. Caleb introduces Jesus as a set up for the quiet time section and for tonight’s gospel message.We begin to see how all these terrible events in Joseph’s life are beginning to culminate into God’s act of salvation for Israel and his family.

Source Text | Genesis 41:37-45EVENING SESSION 5 | Joseph shows mercy to his brother saves God’s people.

MORNING SESSION 4 | Joseph interprets dreams.

This is the climax of Joseph’s story. Joseph has been elevated from his lowly position as a prisoner to the second most powerful man in the land. His faithfulness and trust in the promises of God has saved him. Finally, Joseph’s past catches up with him, and his brothers, starving and helpless, come to him to beg for help. After a series of tests, Joseph sees how the past decades have shaped their hearts. He reveals himself to his brothers and invites them to come to Egypt and escape the famine.This story is a beautiful parallel to the Gospel. In this story, we are like the brothers. We are sinners and need to be saved. Jesus sees us, forgives us for our past sins against him, and invites us to dwell with him forever. Like Joseph to his brothers, Jesus sees us with mercy and chooses to give us life. We call this grace. When students follow Jesus, they are forgiven. Through Jesus we can experience the

fullness of God’s love, truth, and mercy. God’s desire for humanity is to be reconciled with Him. God’s timeline restores. Be sure to communicate how God’s plan is to make all things new (Revelation 21:5). Through the ups and downs of life, God desires all to be saved and restored. Derek uses the text to connect Joseph with Jesus to make that link for students. He highlights the parallels between the students and the brothers. Many of us live trapped in the sin and shame of our past. Jesus reveals Himself to us and pours grace and forgiveness on us. Like Joseph, He invites us to live with Him forever. The presentation of the gospel should be clear, challenging, and bold. UCYC does not do altar calls. Derek will deliver a clear challenge to students to make a spiritual decision. Church group leaders will take it from there.

Source Text | Genesis 40-41:36

MARKERS OFSuccess SMALL GROUPFocusStudents clearly hear the gospel and understand their need for a savior.

Church leaders feel equipped to lead students toward a spiritual decision.

Students are given the opportunity to make a spiritual decision.



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Last night, we heard how sin destroyed Joseph’s life. It tore him away from his home, shattered his family, and left him wrongfully imprisoned in a foreign land. We see how our sin not only affects us, but also everything around us. Joseph’s family was enslaved by their sin, and it tore them apart. Sometimes, we suffer the consequences of our own sin, but in Joseph’s story, it was the jealousy and greed of his brothers that caused his suffering.

This morning, you heard how Joseph kept his focus on God, and how not even prison could stop him from praising God. Joseph remembered the dreams God showed him, and he held onto that promise. He knew that God had a plan for him. When Joseph’s fellow prisoners had troubling dreams, Joseph interpreted them and told them that God was the source of his wisdom. When the Pharaoh, the most powerful man on the planet at the time, called him into the throne room to interpret his dreams, do you think Joseph was hopeful? Maybe he was scared or nervous, or maybe he was remembering God’s plan for his life when he stood before Pharaoh and interpreted his dreams.

It reminds us of one of the most famous story timelines of all time, Star Wars. The story arch of Rey has a similar flow to that of Joseph. A naive young girl from a broken family in the desert is taken from her home into a world she doesn’t understand. While Rey is combatting the evil First Order, Joseph is combatting the effects of sin in his life and pursuing God’s plan. In episode eight, Rey finds herself stranded on the planet Ahch-To where she is given the opportunity to face her fears and follow this mysterious figure, Luke Skywalker. After spending some time on the isolated world of Ahch-To, Rey

emerges stronger, wiser, and ready to face Kylo Ren who holds her future.

Like in every good story, there’s a timeline of events that lead up to the climax, the main event, of the story. The first night, we were introduced to our protagonist, our good guy, Joseph. Next in the story, we encounter the main conflict in the story. He was betrayed by his family and sold into slavery, wrongfully imprisoned, and forgotten. Meanwhile, through all this, our hero is getting older, wiser, stronger, and more capable of handling the conflict.

Joseph is in the “Ahch-To” stage of his life. When he emerges from this inhospitable place, he knows that God’s plan for his life is moving him towards his promised future. God’s plan for Joseph’s life was hinted at in the dreams he had when he was back home. God’s timeline for Joseph’s life was always headed towards restoration, healing his brokenness and giving him a new future.

It’s clear as we read that God is the real hero of this story. It’s God who is protecting Joseph and blessing him through the hard times. God is guiding Joseph towards a greater future, and it’s God who saves him from the sin of the world.

This leads us to ask, “who is the hero in my life? Who will save me from the evil of the world?” The bible teaches us that Jesus is our one true Savior, the one who overcomes the evil of the world and gives us a new future and heals our brokenness.

Tonight, *SPOILER ALERT* Joseph will reach the climax of his story and come face to face with his past. Like every good character, he is given a choice to either be a hero, or to give in to his hatred and fall to the dark side, the sinful side.




PRAYIn the region around Israel, there are two major bodies of water: the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. While only about 60 miles apart, the two bodies of water could not be any more different. The sea of Galilee is a freshwater lake full of life and beauty. Further south is the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is so salty, nothing lives. Both seas are connected to the Jordan River, but the difference between the two is the sea of Galilee has water flowing into it as well as out of it. The water of the Dead Sea flows in, but doesn’t have anywhere to go, so it stagnates.

In many ways your soul is like a sea. When there is no water flowing in or out, the water gets stagnant and salty. The water slowly begins to lose its oxygen and can no longer support the life of fish, algae, and plants. When there is no water flow to or from the pond, it becomes difficult for the ecosystem to support life. Prayer with God is our access to fresh water in our soul.

Talk with God today about anything, tell Him about your favorite part of online camp so far, or tell Him about the most frustrating thing in your life right now. God has something awesome to show you this week. Ask Him to help you focus on one or two big things you need to hear while doing camp. After this week, stay focused on maintaining the freshness of your soul. You don’t need four-hour prayer sessions every morning, but when you think of it, talk with God throughout your day and you will see the difference!

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“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” John 4:14


READHave you ever met anyone famous? A movie star or maybe an athlete on a professional team? Were they anything like you thought they would be? Think of a famous person you’ve met or would like to meet. What kind of person do you think they are? Why do you think that?

Tonight we are discussing Jesus, perhaps the most famous person in all of human history. The goal for today is to understand who Jesus is and why He is important.

Based on what you’ve heard or learned, what words would you use to describe Jesus?

Below are several passages from the Bible. Each one talks about Jesus.

Read the verses then answer the questions.

“When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “who do people say that the Son of Man is?”

“Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”

Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:13-16

Simon Peter said that Jesus is the Messiah, God’s chosen one.

Q | Why was his answer different from the other people in these verses?


After Jesus was baptized, He went up immediately from the water. The heavens suddenly opened for Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming down on Him. And there came a voice from heaven: “This is My beloved Son. I take delight in Him!” Matthew 3:16–17

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Casesarea Philippi is in modern day Syria, a country in the Middle-East

The Voice from heaven is God


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Imagine being present at this incredible moment! Imagine being on the banks of the Jordan River with John the Baptist and Jesus. Actually place yourself there. What would it have been like to see the Holy Spirit flying through the air as a dove? What would a voice from heaven sound like? Put yourself in the setting. If you’d like, you can draw what you imagine below.


“Then the high priest stood up before the others and asked Jesus, “Well, aren’t you going to answer these charges? What do you have to say for yourself?” But Jesus was silent and made no reply. Then the high priest asked him, “Are you the messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”

Jesus said, “I Am. And you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God’s right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven.” Mark 14:60-62

After reading these verses, list out new words you would use to describe Jesus.



C.S. Lewis, who wrote the epic books, the Chronicles of Narnia, has a challenge for us. He says that Jesus is either lying, crazy, or exactly who He says He is. What do you believe?

People call the story of Jesus the Gospel which means “good news”. Why is Jesus’ life so important?

Jesus was one-of-a-kind. Jesus was born and lived a perfect, sinless life. He resisted all temptation and lived only to honor God. Can you imagine that?! He always did what God wanted. No one else in the world has ever been able to accomplish that! Jesus loved the unlovable, He healed the sick and wounded, forgave sinners, and cared for all who asked. Jesus was exactly what God had in mind when he made humans.

While Jesus was 100% human, He was no ordinary man. Jesus was sent by God. God saw the sin and hurt in humanity’s heart and knew that there was nothing that humanity could do to remove the sin that was rooted in us. Because of our sin, we could never spend eternity with a perfect God. He knew we needed good news. Purely out of love, God sent us a way to remove our sinful nature so that we can spend forever in freedom with Him.

Remember, we have a problem. Sin enslaves us. This message is called the Gospel also known as the Good News. All the bad things we’ve done are erased because of Jesus. As you talk to your friends, eat dinner, or go for a walk, consider who you think Jesus is. Ask your leaders and your pastors any questions you have. We’ll be learning more about Jesus later tonight.

Now that you know a little of who Jesus is, what does that mean to you? Below are some important questions that will help you think through the person of Jesus. If you do anything with your quiet time this week, answer these questions as thoughtfully and honestly as you can.

Q | What’s the thing about Jesus that is the hardest to believe? His perfection? His grace? His love for everyone?

Reread the verses from this section

Q | What’s the thing about Jesus you admire the most?

Q | Do you believe Jesus loves you?

Theology Thought | TRINITYWhile the term “trinity” is never used in the bible, it refers to the three persons of God, the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. The bible teaches that there is one God, that God is made of three persons, and each person is fully God. Confused yet? Christians have pondered over these truths for centuries, but we know all three of those facts to be true. What can you do to deepen your knowledge of biblical truths?

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MORNINGToday, we are focusing on God’s plans even in the middle of a mess, specifically, the promise of God as it relates to us and our sin. This small group is designed for your students to have an introduction to Jesus and to lay the foundation for a spiritual decision. Help your students understand the plan of our new life in Jesus. In their quiet time, students were invited to choose a celebrity and describe what they think that person would be like. They also answered some questions about their first impressions of Jesus based on several passages from scripture. Try asking what your students wrote in these sections to start off your small group time.

1. God always has a plan, but sometimes we don’t. When was a time that you attempted something and it wasn’t planned out? How did it go?

2. Describe a hard time in your life. Why is it hard to trust God in the middle of hard times?

3. What does it mean to trust in God? Read Revelation 21:5a.

4. What has God promised to us?

5. In what ways would following Jesus change your life?

Leaders: Pray for students, that they would respond to the gospel in faith.

EVENINGTonight, students heard the gospel. The gospel is God’s plan in Jesus to rescue us from sin and death. This is an opportunity for your students to consider a relationship with God or how to strengthen it. Pray for your students to hear the gospel and respond in faith to God. If it helps, share about the time you heard the gospel and the effect it had on your life.

1. Joseph had the right and the power to throw his brothers in prison and punish them for their sin, but he didn’t, and instead forgave them. Would you have done the same thing? What do Joseph’s actions say about how he views God?

2. God used Joseph to save his brothers and thousands of others from starvation. How is this similar to the way Jesus saves us?

3. What does it mean to follow Jesus?

4. When Joseph forgave His brothers, their lives were completely changed. The truth is Jesus has forgiven you in a much greater way. How does this change your life?

Leaders: Some of your students may be ready to make a spiritual decision. Celebrate! God is working in your students. Seek guidance from a pastor if you’re unsure how to go about that. Remember to pray and thank God for all the good He has done this week.

Session Notes

Session Notes



AFTERNOON CHALLENGE: BOWLINGStudents will use anything they can find as pins and any sort of ball they want. They will set up ten “pins” in the safest part of the house and stand 15-20 feet away. Each round is two rolls, they will do ten rounds and see the total amount of pins they knocked down. Students will send in pictures or videos and their total score for points! The highest score sent in will be more points for their team. Scoring rules for bowling will be sent in the activities document. Videos will also be shown during session.



MORNING SESSION 6 | What is purpose?

main idea


Tonight’s session tells of the last chapter of Genesis. Joseph’s brothers are concerned with the wrath of their brother after the death of their father, Israel. Joseph, wracked with grief, tells his brothers one of the most moving verses of the bible. What they meant as evil against him was all part of God’s ultimate plan for his life (Genesis 50:20). God used the pain, suffering, and failures in Joseph’s life to save thousands of people. God uses everything in our lives to tell the story of the Gospel. Derek communicates that a life lived with Jesus is not necessarily easy but God will be glorified in everything.

In life, we endure so much brokenness and failure, and it’s easy to fall to doubt and discouragement. This passage reveals an incredible truth: God has a plan for us. Your timeline tells God’s story. The events in our lives point to the new life that God is creating in us. Our timeline tells a story of brokenness, redemption, and salvation. Our story tells God’s story, and we can use it to help and heal others.

EVENING SESSION 7 | The life of purposeSource Text | Genesis 50:20

Students understand Joseph’s perspective of life.

Students are challenged to live a life of intentionality and mission.

Students are challenged to consider an area of their lives where they can use their timeline to tell God’s story.

Students and leaders will share how they’ve seen God work in their lives. They should spend time worshipping and praising God for His intervention in their lives. Leaders will talk about how powerful our stories are and how our stories of redemption tell the Gospel.

Last night, many students made a new decision to trust Jesus for the first time. Praise God! Take some time to celebrate and highlight some stories you’ve heard from some of the leaders. Nicole Clifton is the video speaker this morning sharing how our struggles create growth and how our unique stories are powerful tools for the Gospel. Nicole shares from her own extensive experience how God transformed her suffering and trials into a Gospel sharing weapon.

This should be a 10-15 minute devotional message that introduces the concept of purpose and living intentionally. This should inspire students to think of their role in God’s timeline.



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YOUR TIMELINE TELLS GOD’S STORYFIRST THOUGHTLast night a lot of people made the decision to follow Jesus and to tell God’s story with their timeline. Maybe you were one of those people who made a decision to be more faithful to what God has called you to. Or maybe you were just super encouraged to hear the Gospel from a great speaker! Whatever happened last night, I hope you were changed by it.

Joseph’s journey leading up to last night was full of disaster and pain. We saw how God took all those terrible things in his life and flipped them into the salvation of his family and the future of Israel! Joseph was brought low and abandoned, but God never forgot him. God heard his prayers and gave him the strength and wisdom to overcome. Who would have guessed that Joseph’s timeline would have made him the second most powerful man on the Earth and save the future of God’s people?

Think about your favorite character. It can be from a movie, a book, a video game, or show. Consider the conflict that arose in their story, how they overcame it, and how it strengthened and grew them.

In the space below, explain the character’s conflict, victory, and growth.

God works the same in our lives. Before we ever knew God, He knew us, and He has a plan for our lives. The apostle Paul had an incredible story of God’s plan for his life! When once he hunted and killed Christians, he had an encounter with Jesus that changed his life forever. Paul authored most of the New Testament in the bible and took the good news of the Gospel all over Europe and Asia! He wrote this in a letter to a church:

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3–6

Paul assured the Christians that God would never leave us, and He is doing an incredible work of transformation in us and in the world around us! The next step is figuring out what to do with this new life that Jesus has given us. When Joseph received a new life and a new chance, he used it to save thousands of people from a famine and to forgive his family. Joseph’s faith changed the world! How will you bless the world around you? What person in your life needs hope and freedom from the chains of sin?


PRAYTake some time this morning to thank God for all that He’s done in your life! No matter what decision you made last night, we are all changed by what God does. Ask God to show you how you can grow. Pray for opportunities to show someone the love of Jesus. Ask God for opportunities to serve and grow when camp ends tomorrow!

Spend thirty seconds thinking about the things you’ve learned this week about yourself, about God, and about the people experiencing this with you.

READJesus is the most influential human in the history of the world. 2,000 years after He left earth, we’re still talking about Him. The impact Jesus left on the Earth in his 33 years has changed the course of human history. Christians all over the world pray and worship the same God that we have been learning about all week. Following Jesus comes with a completely different set of life values than living for yourself.

Today, you’ll learn what it means to live for Jesus and that starts right now with a look at what purpose is.

Everyone is looking for purpose. In math class, you’re asking your teacher the purpose behind learning the quadratic formula. You ask your mom why you have to clean your room every week. You ask your grandma why you can’t use the good dishes. What is the purpose?

Consider these questions. Looking back at your life so far, how have you seen God work? What has He saved you from? What good things has He brought to your life? What do you think God might have in store for you next? How can you tell God’s story with your timeline?


There are lots of ways to live your life with purpose. Have you ever thought about what that looks like for you? It can be difficult to think about a giant thing like your life’s purpose when there’s so much going on in your life right now. There’s a lot of pressure to figure out school, friends, and your place in the world. Luckily, as Christians we have a purpose that comes directly from Jesus.

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life values - the code of conduct for your words, attitudes, beliefs, and actions


Below are several passages from the Bible talking about purpose. Read each section and then complete the question or exercise.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Q | What is one thing you do each day that you could do for God?

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11

1 Peter 4 tells us that God has given us all abilities. He asks us to use all of them to bring Him honor. Tell God’s story using your gifts. On the lines below, list some things that you know you’re good at. They could be anything. Character traits like loyalty, talents like piano, passions and hobbies like dungeons and dragons and history.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-21

This passage is called The Great Commission, and Jesus gives us this mission. Be encouraged by this - no matter what your life looks like, what you’re interested in, or who you hang out with, The Great Commission is all about telling God’s story with your timeline. So many people invest their whole lives in empty things like a nice house, money, status, and fame. Use your life to invest in something that lasts forever! SHOW GOD’S GREATNESS!

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Glory means God’s greatness. When we do things for “the glory of

God” we do them because of God’s greatness and



Q | Who are three people you can build up with God’s love when you get home?

Q | Why do they need to feel God’s love from you?

Q | What are specific things you can do to build them up?

You’ve probably learned some things this week, and sharing that with other people is the most rewarding thing you can do. The story of your growth will help others grow in the spiritual areas of their life.


Theology Thought | CALLINGAccording to the theologian, Louis Berkhof, a Christian’s calling is received through a combination of hearing the Word of God preached and the Holy Spirit moving within: “It works by moral suasion plus the powerful operation of the Holy Spirit.” How important is hearing the Word of God preached in your own life? How can you draw closer to God in your local church to better understand your calling through the Holy Spirit?

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You made it to the end of not just the book, but of the week! There’s only twenty four hours left of camp, and I hope you take full advantage of everything it has to offer. As you start to think about what awaits you when life goes back to normal, remember the things you’ve learned this week. God wants you here. Not just at camp, but on Earth! He has a plan for you. Sin enslaves you. Don’t let sin and the darkness of your old life control you and twist you. Live a life of freedom and joy in Christ! God’s timeline restores. God is making all things new! His plan is always to heal and restore, and you are part of that plan! Your timeline tells God’s story. What God has done in you is deeply personal, but it’s not supposed to be a secret! Tell everyone you care about how God has transformed your life. Your story might just change someone else’s timeline.

The memories you’ve made this week can be the start of a whole new story. If I had one prayer this week, it’s that you would understand that God loves you so so much, and there’s nothing more important than knowing God. My life was transformed at a camp, and my life has been an adventure ever since. Never forget the moments and friendships you made this week. Take the story God has written for you, and tell the whole world!

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You did it!


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MORNINGLast night, many students made a decision to trust Jesus for the first time. Take a moment to celebrate their step in faith, and talk about what that means. During their quiet time, students were given the opportunity to think through some of their favorite stories that develop a character through struggle. Feel free to use this as an icebreaker in this morning’s small group time. The goal for today is to explore the next steps to growing in their relationship with Jesus.

1. Talk about the most awesome thing you’ve seen someone do. Leaders: use this as a way to tell them of the impact they can have on others around them in Jesus. Encourage them in saying that God has created specific works for them as it says in Ephesians chapter 2.

2. Joseph trusted God after he was sold into slavery and thrown in prison. God showed him favor. What does it mean to have someone show you favor?

3. In what ways does Jesus bring purpose into your story?

4. How can you show God’s timeline to the people in your life?

5. Last night, you learned about Jesus and about how He wants to know you better. What can you do to grow your relationship with Jesus?

Leaders: Pray for your students as they are beginning to see their purpose.

EVENINGTonight’s session concludes the story of Joseph, and God’s Timeline for his life. It’s important to know our Timeline is a story that tells of brokenness, restoration, and salvation. The goal for this small group is for students to understand that their story can help lead others to Jesus. Our timeline tells God’s story, and we can use it to help and heal others. Encourage your students to understand their story as their gift from God to bless others.

1. Why is your story important? How does it point people to Jesus?

2. How can you help others around you who don’t know Jesus?

3. Read Romans 8:28. What does this verse mean in your story?

4. How does your timeline tell God’s story?

5. “What’s something you’re going to do differently after this week? (write down and share with the group) (What’s something you can start doing or STOP doing to tell God’s story?)

Leaders: Give examples for your students to relate to if they can’t think of anything. Also, once your group wraps up, remember to pray thanks for all that God has done this week. Also, pray for the future months and the places your students will be. Pray that they would grow strong and confident in Jesus. In ancient times, the Israelites would make cairns, symbolic stacked stones, to remember how God had delivered them. This week, God did amazing things in and through your group. Take a moment to consider all the good things that happened this week, and find a place at home in the backyard or somewhere special to make a cairn as a symbol of the awesome work God has done. Everytime you look at it, remember how God worked in you this week!

Session Notes

Session Notes




On this final day, use this time to review the main points of this week: God Wants You Here Sin Enslaves You God’s Timeline Restores and Your Timeline Tells God’s Story

These four themes are the four chapters through which we communicated the Gospel this week. Take a few minutes to talk about each point and review the Timeline of Joseph’s life.

The goal of this final group session is to leave the final impressions of the message of this week. Spend 5-10 minutes in this last devotional. Be sure to celebrate the decisions this week and focus on what happens next. Talk about how your students can continue to grow in faith and plug in to church. If your students talked about actions they want to take in their lives, highlight them and make an action plan.

Highlight the verses that stood out most to your students. Here are a few we used this week!

John 4:14

Philippians 1:3–6

1 Corinthians 10:31

1 Peter 4:10-11

Matthew 28:19-21

Genesis 50:20

LAST DAY | Tell God’s Story


Derek Beauchamp is a millennial who grew up in the church. He began working in ministry after high school and spent several years co-founding a ministry designed to reach young adults far from God. He currently serves at UCYC as the Experience Director. Derek has a passion for reaching the next generation and sharing the good news of Jesus.

Gage Nerger grew up in Phoenix, AZ where he graduated from Deer Valley High School. He has been passionate about entertaining since he won a male pageant his senior year. Gage loves all Arizona sports teams and is a veteran fantasy football coach. He has been a part of UCYC’s ministry since 2016.

Brandon Bellerson is a worship leader and songwriter from Phoenix, AZ. He serves as one of the worship pastors at Compass Christian Church and loves his wife Amelia and his daughter Delilah.




928.445.0391 www.ucyc.com

1400 Paradise Valley Rd Prescott, AZ 86303


2600 Cold Springs RdPrescott, AZ 86305