Tips for buying a second hand car

Post on 11-Sep-2014

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If you are thinking about buying a second-hand car check out these 4 helpful tips on buying a used-car. On here are links to other websites with extra information and examples of the paperwork a buyer will need. It is really important all the bases be covered in the buying process. Remember, there are no guarantees and there are lots of 'lemons' out there waiting to be picked by unsuspecting buyers.


Buying a second hand carThe best tips for...

Buying a used car from a private seller is a big gamble unless you are confident about what you're looking for and have some knowledge in the motor world.

The people selling the cars are not often licensed or registered, and often have as much, or as little knowledge as you. Being one step ahead will ensure you won't get 'ripped off' during this tricky process.

“It is very exciting when the time comes to buy a car but you must have your wits about you if you are looking at a used vehicle being sold by someone who is not registered in this


• Dishonest sellers can lie and cover up any discrepancies to do with the vehicle and they offer no warranties... So, if anything were to brake down in a week after the purchase, the buyer is left to pay for everything.

• Also you need to have done some homework before you even take the car for a test drive, you do not want to get behind the wheel of an unsafe vehicle you know nothing about.

Don’t worry your not alone in this.

• There are hundreds of motoring companies and insurance offices with plenty of information and guides on all the right questions you need to ask and what to look our for when inspecting a new vehicle.

• Things like service history and other outstanding repairs.

• These two questions put you in the right direction of knowing if there might be a reoccurring problem and whether or not you will be left with future repairs and bills.

The internet is a huge information hub on vehicles of all types.

• Do a keyword search on the make and model of a car and read up on common faults or problems that other people have had.

• There are pages and pages of facts and reviews on thousands of vehicles that can be a big help when a buyer is unsure of what kind of car would suit them most.

Always take the car for a test-drive.

• Test the car's steering to see if it feels comfortable, and make sure the brakes are in good working order.

• Even checking the horn, indicators and electronics are all working is a good idea because once you commit to a sale, you will be left with these repairs at your own expense.

Always make sure any offers are put on paper

• Such as price, any extras the seller is willing to offer, payment method, the date and signatures.

• This will save any disagreements in the future and is an important proof of purchase on the buyer's behalf.

• Changing the ownership of the car should be done as soon as the purchase has been made.

Always stick to the selling price you and the seller agreed on.

• Most sellers are willing to negotiate on price however if your budget is a few hundred dollars short of the asking price, it wouldn't hurt to apply for a cash advance online.

• They are instant and can be deposited into your account within 60 minutes. It's a convenient and fast transaction to make sure you get your new car quickly.

• If you are thinking about buying a second-hand car check out these 4 helpful tips on buying a used-car.

• On here are links to other websites with extra information and examples of the paperwork a buyer will need.

Remember, there are no guarantees and there are lots of 'lemons' out there waiting to be picked by unsuspecting buyers.