Tips to deal with an angry child

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Keep Calm

If you're busy, stressed and easily

frustrated, either due to

circumstances at home or in the

office, this will have a negative

effect on your child too. If you're

stressed, it is bound to pass onto

their mood too. So it is essential

that you do not let your agitations

get to you. 

Make them Aware of their own Emotions

It is very important for you to talk to

your child and ask them to start

expressing emotions which they may

find difficult. By allowing them to

express themselves and be emotionally

aware, this in turn prevents emotions

from building up inside them, ultimately

helping in gradually tapering down the

angry outbursts.

Don’t Get Physically Aggressive

The physical aggression would not

only make the child distance

themselves from you, it has been

shown that children subjected to

physical aggression have more of a

tendency to "rebel" and show anti-

social behaviour as they grow up.

Though the reason for your outburst

may be due to their indiscipline, the

best way, still, is to remain calm. 

 Explain the Consequences of Poor Behaviour

Your child needs to be told that whilst it is

acceptable to get angry, it is not acceptable

to show aggressive behaviour. For example,

if a child is angry that they were not served

their favourite dish and they start throwing

the cutlery around, tell them calmly, do not

shout, that it is fine to be disappointed at

the dish, but be stern and say it is not

acceptable to throw the cutlery as it is

dangerous and poor behaviour.

Recognise and Appreciate Improvement

Whilst they do say that praising your

child and rewarding them consistently

can lead to a sense of pampering and

poor parenting, it is not necessarily

the case, anything in the right

proportions is not bad. Do not start

materialising their improved

behaviour by awarding expensive

gifts or more TV time as this in turn

can have its consequences,

particularly if they keep demanding

more and you "do not keep your


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