TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure

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  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure



    ME TAL !EALT!"#$%&"#$'

    TATA I STIT(TE O) SOCIAL SCIE CES(Deemed to be University since 1964; under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 19 6!

    "#$# %U&A" 'A&G, D )$A&, 'U'*A+ 4 --...#tiss#edu

    In co**a+oration ,ithDr. Gui-*ain S a-tha Menta* !ea*th E/ucation Tru-t 0 G1SET2

    At Ranchi

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    +$S/+/U/ /) * A U$+" &S+/0

    $umber , 112 6 5U ,

    Government of +ndi'inistry of duc tion

    $e. De7hi, the 9th A8ri7, 1964


    +n e ercise of the 8o.ers conferred by Section 3 of the

    University Gr nts Commission Act, 19 6 (3 of 19 6! the

    Centr 7 Government, on the dvice of the Commission,hereby dec7 red th t the / t +nstitute of Soci 7 Sciences,

    *omb y, .hich is n institution for hi:her educ tion, sh 77

    be deemed to be University for the 8ur8ose of the s id Act#




  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    IMPORTA T DATES+ st D te for &ecei8t of Com87eted orms t the

    +nstitute by %ost nd in %erson' rch 1 , 14

    ++ st D te for &ecei8t of Com87eted orms t the+nstitute from &emote Are s &e:ions

    ' rch 1-, 14

    +++ Common ntr nce /est t & nchi Centre A8ri7 6, 14

    +" Announcement of 7i:ib7e C ndid tes on /+SS .ebsitefor Grou8 Discussion /est nd %erson 7 +ntervie.

    A8ri7 1 , 14


  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    Tata In-titute of Socia* Science-7

    An Intro/uction

    /he / t +nstitute of Soci 7 Sciences (/+SS! . s est b7ished in 1936, s the SirDor b>i / t Gr du te Schoo7 of Soci 7 ust nd e@uit b7e society# /+SS h s been en: :edin rese rch, 8o7icy su88ort, 8ro:r mme deve7o8ment nd ev 7u tion, tr inin:,

    nd dvice on deve7o8ment interventions .ith the ministries nd utonomousbodies of Go+; St te Governments; bi57 ter 7 nd mu7ti57 ter 7 or: nis tions;universities nd institutions cross the .or7d; the non5:overnment sector,industry, businesses t the n tion 7 nd intern tion 7 7eve7s; nd 8eo87es :rou8s

    nd net.or?s#

    A hi:h de:ree of freedom nd utonomy sh 8e the 8ositive .or? ethos ndcre tivity in the +nstitute f ci7it tin: stron: 7in? :es bet.een educ tion, rese rch,fie7d ction nd ?no.7ed:e dissemin tion# /+SS . s . rded 5St r r tin: by$AAC in # +n 9, the $AAC re5 ccredited /+SS nd 87 ced it in Gr de BA.ith score of 3#-- out of 4 the second hi:hest mon:st 77 universities

    ccredited by $AAC unti7 no.#

    TISS7 A Mu*ti1Location et,or8e/ (ni er-it4

    /+SS is committed to 8rovide @u 7ity nd soci 77y re7ev nt hi:her educ tion in

    Soci 7 Sciences .ith stron: interf ces .ith m n :ement, he 7th, 8hysic 7 ndh bit t sciences# +n its effort to democr tise ccess to hi:h @u 7ity educ tion inthe disci87in ry nd inter5disci87in ry re s of Soci 7 Sciences, the +nstitute h sincre sed the sco8e, re ch nd n ture of its educ tion 7 efforts cross the country

    nd h s inte:r ted students from v ried, nd 8 rticu7 r7y, dis dv nt :ed nddisenfr nchised b c?:rounds, throu:h concerted me sures#

    /+SS h s no. :ro.n into mu7ti57oc tion net.or?ed university so s to re ch outto students in their o.n re:ion 7 conte ts# +t h s c m8uses in 'umb i, /u>7 8ur,Gu. h ti nd yder b d#

    /hese Gu. h ti nd yder b d c m8uses h ve been est b7ished s ECentres ofce77ence .ith &e7ev nceF th t .i77 subst nti 77y stren:then b sic nd 887ied

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    rese rch in disci87in ry nd tr ns5disci87in ry re s of Soci 7 Sciences# /he /u>7 8ur, Gu. h ti nd yder b d c m8uses of /+SS offer five5ye r +nte:r ted' sters 8ro:r mme in Soci 7 Sciences# /he Gu. h ti nd yder b d C m8uses.i77 offer three5ye r *# d5'# d# 8ro:r mme to 8roduce hi:h @u 7ity te chertr iners nd revit 7ise the te cher educ tors 8ro:r mme in the country#

    /he /+SS C m8uses

    /+SS 'umb i

    /+SS 'umb i hosts 9 Schoo7s, +nde8endent Centres, nd 3 &esource Centres sindic ted be7o.


    Schoo7 of Soci67

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    different tr des throu:h 8 rtnershi8s .ith v rious industri 7 nd service sectors#

    Schoo7 of duc6tion .ith Centres in 7ement ry duc tion; nd &ese rch ndDeve7o8ment of +ndi n n:u :es in i:her duc tion#

    In/e5en/ent Centre-

    Centre for ife7on: e rnin:

    Centre for um n co7o:y

    Centre for &ese rch 'ethodo7o:y

    Centre for Studies in Socio7o:y of duc tion

    Centre for Study of Soci 7 c7usion nd +nc7usive %o7icies

    = mset>i / t Centre for Dis ster ' n :ement

    Re-ource Centre-

    Com8uter Centre

    %ub7ic tions Unit

    Sir Dor b>i / t 'emori 7 ibr ry

    TISS Tu*9a5ur

    /+SS /u7> 8ur . s conceived s rur 7 c m8us in 19-6, s 8 rt of the +nstitute sGo7den =ubi7ee initi tives to. rds ho7istic nd sust in b7e deve7o8ment# /he

    Government of ' h r shtr don ted 1 cres of b rren 7 nd in Sind8h 7 vi77 :e, /u7> 8ur / 7u? , )sm n b d District for this 8ur8ose# +n the first 8h secommencin: in 19--, community ction 8ro>ects .ere initi ted nd 7in? :es bui7t.ith rur 7 communities# /he n ture of these 8ro>ects m ?in: the GS .or? forthe 8oor, mobi7is tion of .omen nd m r:in 7ised communities to ccessservices, demonstr tion of the . tershed 8ro>ect, inte:r tin: :ender nd e@uity

    s8ects, f ci7it tion of community 8 rtici8 tion in reconstruction ndreh bi7it tion of e rth@u ?e5 ffected 8eo87e nd tr inin: of 8o7ice, b7oc?deve7o8ment nd 7oc 7 7eve7 offici 7s 8rovided /+SS /u7> 8ur so7id b se in there:ion# /he s8r .7in: /u7> 8ur c m8us is no. be utifu7 :reen c m8us .ithe ce77ent infr structure# +t current7y offers five5ye r inte:r ted m ster s de:ree8ro:r mme in Soci 7 Sciences; nd '#A#, '# %hi7# nd %h#D# in Soci 7 8ur is 8oised for consider b7ee 8 nsion of te chin:, rese rch nd outre ch 8ro:r mmes in the 1 th %7 n8eriod#

    TISS Gu,ahati

    /he /+SS h s intensified its .or? in the $orth5 stern St tes over the 8 st 1ye rs, nd fter consu7t tion .ith ei:ht St te Governments :reed to set u8 $orth

    stern &e:ion c m8us in Gu. h ti in 1 #

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    i ound tion, it h s est b7ished the AIim %rem>iSchoo7 of duc tion (A%S !# /he im of this co77 bor tion is to 8romote initi tivesin educ tion, s .e77 s to f ci7it te rese rch nd technic 7 interch n:e cross thes8ectrum bet.een the t.o or: niI tions r n:in: from curricu7um deve7o8ment,rese rch, dvoc cy; to nurturin: 8 rtnershi8s nd cre tin: institutions th t bui7dbro d5b sin: tr inin: c 8 bi7ities in v rious :overnments nd non5:overnment 7or: nis tions# Current7y, /+SS yder b d h s stron: mu7ti5disci87in ry f cu7ty,8ost5doctor 7 fe77o.s nd rese rch te ms s8re d over 3 centres ive7ihoodsDeve7o8ment, duc tion, nd %o7icy nd Govern nce#

    TEAC!I G 0Cam5u-1,i-e /i-tri+ution of 5ro:ramme-2

    TISS Mum+ai

    /he /+SS 'umb i c m8us offers the fo77o.in: ' ster s De:ree %ro:r mmes

    $ine Soci 7

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    1 # %ub7ic e 7th in e 7th %o7icy, conomics nd in nce

    16# %ub7ic e 7th in Soci 7 8idemio7o:y

    1J# Deve7o8ment Studies

    1-# duc tion ( 7ement ry!

    19# 8ur C m8us offers t.o 8ro:r mmes

    '#A# Soci 7

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure



    /he ro7e of c demic institutions 7i?e /+SS in conductin: 8ioneerin: rese rch

    rooted in the conte t of societ 7 re 7ties, nd imed t inf7uencin: 8o7icy nd8r ctice for 8ositive soci 7 ch n:e, is .ide7y c?no.7ed:ed# Durin: 112 1 , tot 7 of 1J9 rese rch nd document tion 8ro>ects .ere on:oin: t the +nstitute#)f these, 1 rese rch 8ro>ects .ere in mu7ti5disci87in ry re s .hi7e therem inin: .ere nchored in v rious Schoo7s Centres# /he on:oin: rese rches tthe +nstitute re in v rious re s, inc7udin: chi7dren nd youth; c7im te ch n:e;community deve7o8ment; cor8or te soci 7 res8onsibi7ity; d 7its nd trib 7s;dis ster m n :ement; educ tion; food security; :overn nce; hum n ri:hts;7 bour nd mi:r tion; ment 7 he 7th; n tur 7 resources m n :ement; rur 7deve7o8ment; urb n issues; nd .omen nd :ender#


    As 8 rt of its e tension ctivities, the /+SS h s been undert ?in: innov tiveie7d Action %ro>ects ( A%s! since the 193 s# /hese A%s focus on the

    em8o.erment of m r:in 7ised :rou8s, testin: ne. 88ro ches nd str te:ies inres8onse to ch n:in: soci 7 re 7ities, f ci7it tin: deve7o8ment of fie7d5b sed?no.7ed:e nd 8r ctice2theory continuum, mon: others# /hey h ve 87 yed ninte:r 7 ro7e in the curricu7um of soci 7 .or? educ tion# ' ny im8ort nt institution 7innov tions such s Chi7d Guid nce C7inics, soci 7 .or?ers counse77ors inhos8it 7s nd mi7y Courts, S8eci 7 Ce77s for "io7ence : inst oint venturebet.een the con:re: tion of the *rothers of ch rity nd the corsendon?consu7t nts +ndi .ith the c demic su88ort from the / t +nstitute of Soci 7Sciences (/+SS!# %rofessors from /+SS nd *e7:ium nd USA .i77 be te chin: in theG5S / f ci7ity in & nchi# +n the future G5S / 87 ns to est b7ish c demic centresin Siv: n: i (/ mi7n du! nd C 7icut (Her 7 !

    'ore inform tion bout the Con:re: tion of the *rothers of Ch rity see...#brothersofch rity#or: nd ...#fr c rit 5intern tion 7#or:

    'ore inform tion bout Corsendon? Consu7t nts +ndi seehtt8 corsendon?indi #co#in

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure



    %rof# S# % r sur m n

    '#Sc# (%une!, C#%#S# (++%S!,D#%#D# (+SS, /he :ue!,

    %h#D# ('umb i!


    Dr# $ee7 D bir

    '#S# 8ur

    %rof# C#A#H# 0esudi n

    '#A# (' dr s!, %h#D# (/+SS

    %rofessor nd De n,Schoo7 of e 7th Systems Studies

    Dr# S# Siv & >u

    '#Sc#, '#A# %h#D# (S"U!

    %rofessor nd De n,Schoo7 of Deve7o8ment Studies

    Dr# #*ec?

    '#A# (/+SS!, %h#D# (Aur n: b d!

    %rofessor nd De n,Schoo7 of Soci 7 7i 'onteiro

    '#A# (%une! , %h#D# (Go !

    %rofessor nd De n,Schoo7 of 'edi nd Cu7tur 7 Studies

    Dr# G#G# < n?hede

    '#A#, *# d# (' r th. d !,'#%hi7#, %h#D# (=$U!

    %rofessor nd De n,Schoo7 of duc tion

    Dr# Ash * >8 i

    #'#, '#%hi7#, %h#D# ($ S+U,* n: 7ore!

    %rofessor nd De n,

    Schoo7 of ., &i:hts nd Constitution 7Govern nce

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    Dr# t $ r y n

    '#S# h n

    '#A# (' h tm G ndhi!, %h#D(De7hi!

    %rofessor nd De n,Soci 7 %rotection )ffice

    %rof# $ sreen &ustomfr m

    '#A# %h#D# (/+SS!

    Ch ir8erson,Gender Amity Committee

    'r# D#H# Shetty

    *#Com# (& nchi!, %GD in %'L+&(K+SS!

    De8uty &e:istr r

    's# & >ee 'enon*#Com# ('umb i!

    De8uty &e:istr r

    'r# 'ust f 'omin

    '#Com(Shiv >i!, D#%#'#(/+SS!,#S#'#('umbi! , %GD '('umb i!

    Assist nt &e:istr r(Ac demic!

    's# Geet "en?et

    *#A#('umb i!

    Assist nt &e:istr r(Ac demic!

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    / ISS COMM( IT<

    /he +nstitute is home to over 16 f cu7ty members .ho re consistent7y invo7vedin te chin:, rese rch, 8o7icy m ?in: nd institution bui7din:# /hey re su88ortedby technic 7 nd dministr tive st ff members nd re ch out to more th n 1,68ost:r du te nd 4 doctor 7 students t ny one time# /he /+SS communitye tends f r beyond, encom8 ssin: n e tensive net.or? of 8 rtners, formerf cu7ty, rese rchers, ctivists, nd 7umni cross the deve7o8ment community.or7d.ide#

    r ::in:

    & ::in: in ny form is strict7y 8rohibited on 77 c m8uses of /+SS, .ithin the+nstitute 8remises or ny 8 rt of the +nstitute system, s .e77 s on 8ub7ictr ns8ort#

    +nstructions for Determinin: 7i:ibi7ity to A887y

    (i! B% ss C7 ss in the * che7or s De:ree 8ursued by the 887ic nt .i77 be t ?en

    for determinin: his her e7i:ibi7ity#(ii! C ndid tes .ho re in the fin 7 ye r of their * che7or s De:ree 8ro:r mme,but h ve not 8 ssed in 77 the courses (m in m >or subsidi ry, etc#! of the first

    nd second ye rs (if the De:ree is of 3 ye rs dur tion! nd first, second nd thirdye rs (if the De:ree is of 4 ye rs dur tion! on the d y of 887yin: for the8ro:r mme re not e7i:ib7e to 887y for ny of the ' ster s De:ree 8ro:r mmeoffered by the +nstitute#

    (iii! C ndid tes .ho h ve been dec7 red s f i7ed in the fin 7 ye r e min tionre not e7i:ib7e to 887y for ny of the ' ster s De:ree %ro:r mmes of the

    +nstitute, un7ess they 8 ss their * che7or s De:ree e min tion on the d y of

    887yin: for ny of the 8ro:r mmes#(iv! 7i:ibi7ity, once determined on the b sis of the inform tion :iven by thec ndid te in the A887ic tion orm, sh 77 be fin 7 for the 8ur8ose oftest intervie. se7ection# o.ever, in c se it is found th t the inform tionfurnished by c ndid te is incorrect or mis7e din: or ine7i:ibi7ity bein: detectedbefore or fter the test intervie. se7ection dmission, his her c ndid ture .i77 bec nce77ed#

    (v! +f 8rovision 77y dmitted student f i7s in the fin 7 ye r of his her* che7or s De:ree min tion nd even if he she h s 887ied for re5ev 7u tion tthe university co77e:e, he she .i77 not be 77o.ed to continue the 8ro:r mme s

    the offer of 8rovision 7 dmission st nds utom tic 77y c nce77ed on his her f i7urein the fin 7 ye r e min tion#

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure



    ' r?s for the Different Com8onents

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    ch 77 n, but shou7d send the ttested co8y of income certific te for the ye r 1 213 nd the c ste certific te# C ndid tes .hose 8 rents income durin: 1 213 is more th n the fores id mount shou7d send the ch 77 n nd 7so the c ste

    nd income certific tes# /he +ncome Certific te shou7d h ve been issued by &evenue )fficer of the res8ective st te :overnment# Certific tes issued by the

    / 7 ti or ' A or '% or ny offici 7 .ho re not from the &evenue De8 rtment .i77not be cce8ted#

    (d! *on6fide Certific6te C ndid tes 8ursuin: fin 7 ye r of de:ree shou7d send bon fide certific te issued by the %rinci8 7 "ice5%rinci8 7 De n or ny uthorisedoffici 7 of their co77e:e#


    Assist nt &e:istr r (Ac demic! D te ############### / t +nstitute of Soci 7 Sciences, 'umb i

    /his is to certify th t NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN## is bon fide studentof this co77e:e nd is 8ursuin: his her fin 7 ye r de:ree# e She h s successfu77ycom87eted his her first nd second ye r e min tions nd no b c?7o: or 8 8er 7eftun ttended in his her first nd or second ye r e min tions#

    Si:n ture of %rinci8 7 .ith d te

    nd Co77e:e +nstitute s St m8

    (e! 1in67 0e6r '6r?sheet C ndid tes .ho h ve com87eted their :r du tionshou7d send either co8y of the fin 7 ye r m r?sheet sho.in: their resu7ts or8rovision 7 com87etion certific te issued by the co77e:e university or de:reecertific te or ny other certific te 8rovin: successfu7 com87etion of :r du tion#

    (f! Det6i7ed A887ic6tion 1orm After the $ tion 7 Common

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure



    )or the Pro:ramme

    &eserv tion of se ts is s 8er Government of +ndi re@uirements 1 M forSche/u*e/ Ca-te-6 J# M for Sche/u*e/ Tri+e- nd JM for )ther * c?. rdC7 sses ($on5Cre my yers!#

    Per-on- With Di-a+i*it47 3M se ts s 887ic b7e .i77 be considered in the' ster s De:ree %ro:r mmes for %

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    Socia* Protection office

    /he Soci 7 %rotection )ffice (S%)! . s est b7ished t the +nstitute s 8er Go+ ndUGC directives .ith the honor ry 8osition of the i ison )fficer occu8ied by

    senior f cu7ty member# /he S%) f ci7it tes the over 77 .e7f re of the students,st ff nd f cu7ty be7on:in: to SC, S/, )*C ($on5cre my yer!, minority nd %

  • 8/13/2019 TISS MA Social Work Admission 2014 Information Brochure


    $otes (i! +n c se of 8 yment by c sh de8osit in n S*+ br nch, 87e se note th tthe S*+ .i77 ch r:e &s# 5 s their 8rocessin: fee for e ch de8osit, .hich c nnotbe d>usted : inst the 887ic tion fee#

    (ii! % yments m de vi dem nd dr ft, 8 y order or ny m de other th n thebove modes is not cce8t b7e nd the 887ic tion .i77 be re>ected# $ocommunic tion to this effect .i77 be sent to such c ndid tes#

    (:! )*C ($C! Certific6te )*C c ndid tes from the cre my 7 yer re tre ted s:ener 7 c ndid tes# C ndid tes be7on:in: to )*C (non5cre my 7 yer st tus! shou7dsend the community nd non5cre my 7 yer certific te issued by n offici 7 of the&evenue De8 rtment of the res8ective st te :overnment# /hey shou7d 7so enc7osethe income certific te income5t return fi7ed by their 8 rents :u rdi ns# A77 )*C($C! c ndid tes h ve to tt ch dec7 r tion .ith re: rd to their st tus, nd

    887ic tions received .ithout ny of the bove mentioned documents, .i77 bere>ected# %7e se note th t the non5cre my 7 yer certific te issued before )ctober3, J, .i77 be tre ted s outd ted nd such c ndid tes .i77 be tre ted s

    :ener 7 c ndid tes, even thou:h they m y be7on: to )*C ($C!#