TLC programming your mind for Success

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Programming Your Mind forTLC Success

We will start at 11:00 EST … Remind Your Team

Regarding SUCCESS, most people miss the obvious and spend their time looking for the Magic Fu Fu

Dust! Their AIN’T NO FU FU DUST!

The Most Important MessageI can share with you!

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTYou don’t have to take my word for it, but we

must learn from the wisdom of the ages and those that have traveled this road before us! That is what

I want to share with you.

Life Changing Quote

“You are where you are in your life becauseof what has gone into your mind, to change where you are is to change what goes into your mind” Zig Ziglar

“We see things not as they are, wesee things as we are”

•Have you ever thought how different your life might be if you were raised in another state or country?

•Had a different Family Dynamic?

•Were raised in a different social class?

•Attended a different school as a child?

•Raised with a different religious affiliation?

“Would you agree if our circumstancewhere different, we would be different as human beings”

Doesn’t it make sense that if we could change our programming we could change our life for the better, or worse?

Clumsy Johnny

• Scientifically What Happens? • We have multiple beliefs, brain cell patterns

“If you had the leaders programmingwouldn’t you have their results?”

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter their life by altering their attitudes William James

Foundational Truth

“As a man THINKETH in his heart, so is he”

Foundational Truth

• Every Self-Help Book ever written

* Opinions* Attitudes* Beliefs

“You are where you are in your life becauseof what has gone into your mind, the only way to change where you are is to changewhat goes into your mind” Zig Ziglar

You have to ask yourself if youreally believe this?

We have brain cell patterns about

What kind of parent/grandparent

we are

* What kind of cook we are

*What kind of Singer we are

We have brain cell patterns about

What kind of business

mind we have

* What kind of driver we


*What kind of Friend we


And Yes …….

What kind of a TLC leader you are or aren’t.

• If you have been around this industry very long you have heard this “Wisdom of the Ages” principle from countless numbers of books, articles, speakers, and training CDs, haven’t you?

• I AM NOT SHARING ANYTHING NEW …..however …. Knowing is not the answer!

• It is easy to miss the obvious while searching for the Fu Fu Dust!

How we process information

• *Hear – Disagree

• *Hear- Agree- and continue to do what we have always done.

• *Hear-Agree-Make Radical Change

• *Hear-Agree-and make daily changes that leadto totally new patterns, self image, & beliefs

“You are where you are in your life because of what has gone into your mind, the only way to change where you are is to change what goes into your mind” Zig Ziglar

Knowledge without action leads to self-delusion.

Information does us no good if it is not put into action.

Why I got serious about this…whyyou should! … Life Changing Day!

• After hearing the “Wisdom of the Ages” for 3 years, I made the conscious DECISION to make changes and program my mind for success.

Huge advertising agencies have been using Subliminal advertising since the 50s to Program our Minds & Motivate Us to Buy!

(Sex – Death)

Eat Popcorn and Drink Coca Cola

Coke sales increased 18% and Popcorn Sales over 57%

Tidy Bowl



“You are where you are in your life becauseof what has gone into your mind, the only way to change where you are is to change what goes into your mind” changewhat goes into your mind” Zig Ziglar

We are all programmed!

• Song on the Radio?

We are all programmed!

• Like a good neighbor ………..

We are all programmed!

Where’s the …………..

We are all programmed!

Who Shot?

We are all programmed!

• I shot ………

We are all programmed!

15 Minutes could save you …………

We are all programmed!

I can’t believe I ate ……………….

We are all programmed!

I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.

We are all programmed!

I’d Walk a Mile for a ………………

Our sub-conscious mind, (program / brain cell patterns) controls our actions and our actions create our outcomes, good or bad …. WE MUST ACT IN

ACCORDANCE to our Program.

How can YOU consciously programour Mind for TLC SUCCESS?

You can develop every skill set and mindset youneed to achieve whatever you choose in TLC!!!


• Books• CDs• People• Events

Which create …………………. SELF TALK

How are we programmed?

It is not really the books, tapes, cds and events. It is what you say to yourselfabout the books, tapes, cds and events.

15 Minutes a Day to ProgramYour Mind for Success

Top 3 Reasons converted to Affirmations

Review Top 20 Reasons

Read “My Perfect Day Daily”

Read the Scrolls from

15 Minutes a Day to take yourself to a new level Now and for the rest of your TLC career

….(The Only Way)

• * Turn your car into a University on Wheels

15 Minutes a Day to take yourself to a new level Now and for the rest of your TLC career

….(The Only Way)

* Trade some of your music time for personal development time to develop NEW more productive brain cell patterns

15 Minutes a Day to ProgramYour Mind for Success

Top 3 Reasons converted to Affirmations

Review Top 20 Reasons

Read “My Perfect Day Daily”

Read the Scrolls from

15 Minutes a Day to take yourself to a new level Now and for the rest of your TLC career

….(The Only Way)

Has this made sense for you today?

I wouldn’t have the opportunity to be speakingto you this morning, if not for the Sony Walkman and my decision to Program mymind for Success

Invest in this course online today at:

BEST SELLER: Original Programming Your Mind for Success

Online $67.00


• $29.97 DVD


• $14.00 Value