TMIslington Trivium and Bacc

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Trivium 21st C and the Baccalaureate

Tom SherringtonHeadteacherHighbury Grove School, Islington

@headguruteacher#TMIslington March 23rd

What does it mean to be British in 2015?

…Grammar, Dialectic (logos) and Rhetoric…..

……….a curriculum that responds to change as well as being rooted in our

traditions. It should seek out academic, cultural, social and artistic challenges …

……….physical challenges that are authentic, that stretch each child, and give them experiences they

would not otherwise get…

The Trivium

• Grammar: Knowledge, cultural capital, tradition, subject disciplines

• Dialectic: authentic experience, questioning, collaborating, debating

• Rhetoric: communication, self-expression, performance, making.

The National Baccalaureate @Highbury Grove

Final Baccalaureate Transcript.

Core Entitlement/ Requirements

Three Core A Levels or BTECs Extended Project


Personal Development Programme: 150 Hours:

Community, Physical, Creative, Cultural

Completion of KS4

Best 8 GCSEs with Ma/En

Additional A Levels

Additional Qualifications

and Achievements