To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 3-5

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 3-5. To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 3-5. Scuppernongs. Diminutive -Adj.-Extremely or unusually small. I made myself a couple of sandwiches with the rather diminutive loaf of bread I'd bought from the shop on the way home. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 3-5


To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 3-5

Diminutive-Adj.-Extremely or unusually small.

I made myself a couple of sandwiches

with the rather diminutive loaf of

bread I'd bought from the shop on the way


Amiable-Adj.-having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.

The amiable man helped the woman choose which pepper is

the best.

Disapprobation-N.-strong disapproval, typically on moral

grounds.“I’m afraid our activities would be received with considerable disapprobation by the more learned authorities. (p. 42)

Auspicious-Adj.-Conducive to success; favorable.

The remainder of my schooldays were no more auspicious than the first. Indeed, they were an endless Project that slowly evolved into a Unit,…

Ethical- Adj.-of or relating to moral principles or the branch of

knowledge dealing with these.• He seems to mean

that he is in favor of ignoring general moral and ethical principles because they are meaningless.

Reluctantly-Adj.-Exhibiting or marked by unwillingness

• She reluctantly ate the vegetables.

Tacit-Adj.-Understood or implied

without being stated.

Our tacit treaty with Miss Maudie was that we could play on her lawn, eat her scuppernongs if

we didn’t jump on the armor, and explore her vast back lot, terms so generous we seldom spoke to


Benevolence-N.-desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness

Contentious - causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.

“Ain’t got no mother,” was the answer, “and their paw’s right contentious.”

Condescension - an attitude of patronizing superiority; disdain.

“Sit back down, please, Burris,” and the moment she said it I knew she had made a serious mistake. The boy’s condescension flashed to anger.

Abominable – adj. - repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome: an abominable

crime. 2. very unpleasant; disagreeable

He had discarded the abominable blue shorts that were buttoned to his shirts and wore real short pants with a belt;… (p.47)

Until Jem and Dill excluded me from their plans, she was only another lady in the neighborhood, but a relatively benign

presence. (p. 56)

Benign – adj. – Gentle; Kindly; Favorable; not harmful

She was our friend. How so reasonable a creature could live in peril of everlasting torment was


• Incomprehensible-Adj.- Difficult to understand or comprehend; unintelligible

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 3-5

Review your words each night.