To Kill a Mockingbird - Kill a...

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To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee

Chapter 1-Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter one.

VISUALIZATION: Close your eyes and visualize the Radley Place, then draw it on the back of this sheet. Double check the text to make sure you’re idea of the house is congruent with the details given in the book.

JOURNAL: Get in touch with your own childhood by describing one of your best

childhood experiences below. Draw upon memories of your neighborhood, games you played that were fun and friendly or even risky or cruel. Try to think of characters from your childhood whom you saw as odd, situations that challenged your courage, and the activities you would generate with your friends on long summer days.











To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 2- Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter two.

CROSSWORD: Create a crossword puzzle with the ten listed vocabulary words. Redefine them in your own words to provide clues. Create your rough draft on your own sheet of paper, then transfer the finished product to the back of this sheet.

RAP IT UP!: Use the vocabulary words and your own version of their

definitions to write your own rap song. Write your rough draft on your own sheet of paper, then transfer your final rap song to the space provided below.

Vocabulary Words

1. Convict 2. Testify 3. Venue 4. Testimony 5. Acquittal 6. Verdict 7. Entailment 8. Condescend 9. Malevolent 10. Vapid

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 3- Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter three.

CLARIFY A QUOTE: Atticus said to Scout, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view- until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Use the space below to explain what this means and how you can apply it to your own life.

REAL RULES: “Real Rules” are the hidden rules that we all learn without bringing them to a

conscious level much of the time. In a group of three people, discuss what the “real rules” of the Maycomb County educational system are. Then discuss the “real rules” that we experience today. After your discussion, use the space below to construct a well-written paragraph about why it is necessary to have commonly understood rules in a society.

CRACKLING BREAD: Scout talks about Calpurnia trying to make up with her after her scolding


Lunchtime by feeding her a piece of crackling bread. This dish, along with many

others, is common to the South. Explore Southern cuisine by making some

crackling bread. Bring it in to class to let everyone have a taste.











To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter-4 Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter four.

MAKE A LIST: Scout said to Jem, “Grown folks don’t have hiding places.” While adults don’t necessarily hide the way kids do, they certainly hide in other ways. Generate a healthy list of the many ways that adults hide.

SKETCH ME SOMETHING: Jem and Scout have found some treasures in the knothole of a tree.

They are beginning to wonder who put these treasures in the tree and whether or not they were left there for them. Think of a young child in your life (a sibling, cousin, neighbor). Brainstorm some of their interests and take their age, gender, personal hobbies into account. If you were to leave little treasures in a knothole of sorts (could be anything… a trunk, a log, a rock they play near every day)what types of objects would you leave for them? On the back of this sheet, draw the “knothole”, or whatever object you would use as the dropping point, and draw at least five of the treasures you would leave for them to discover. Please label each item.

RADIO FUN: Radio shows were a popular source of entertainment in the 1930’s. Listen to the radio

show below and write down four of the comments that the boy in the clip says to insult his teacher. Also write down the teacher’s name and the boy’s name. (Make sure you hit the “Play” button.)











To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 6-Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter six.

GROWING PAINS: In the last six chapters, Scout has learned many things about life and the society in which

she lives. Jem has also been adapting to his environment. In the columns on this sheet, list of the things that Scout has learned and the ways that Jem has changed over the course of the story so far.

MISCHIEF VS. MISBEHAVIOR: The narrator tells us that “it seemed the only message Jem got from Atticus was

insight into the art of cross examination.” Jem has been told not to torment Boo, and he has ignored it. Consider whether or not this makes Jem a ‘bad kid”. How would you account for (describe) this behavior? The distinction between mischief and misbehavior is a tricky one, made more difficult by missed signals from the adult world and mixed feelings within a child. In the columns below, try to make the distinction between mischief and misbehavior. Which one would you consider to be worse?

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 7- Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter seven.

TRADE SHOES: In the spirit of Atticus’s life lesson, take a moment to walk in Jem’s shoes. We all have an

inner monologue from time to time, especially when we are deeply moved by something. Pretend that you are Jem in the moment he realizes that Boo has only friendly feelings towards the kids and Mr. Radley will not allow Boo to interact with them. What would that conversation in his head sound like? Use the space below to voice the dialogue between Jem and his emotions in the midst of his discovery.

WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN: Jem is educating Scout on the ways of the Egyptians. Take this opportunity to

Re-familiarize yourself with Egyptian history by researching their contributions to the world by way of inventions. Make a list of items we use today that were initially inspired by the Egyptians. (Fill the entire page) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 8- Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter eight.

LAUGH IT UP: Write a comedy routine using the ten vocabulary words listed. Make sure that your use of each word is correct and that you clearly show you understand what it means (follow up your use of the word with a clarifier).

STORYBOARD: Create a comic strip on the back of this sheet using the ten

vocabulary words listed. Make sure that your use of each word is correct and that you clearly show that you understand what it means (clarify in the storyboard). For example: “Why is this movie so vapid, dude? I mean… it’s completely boring!”

Vocabulary Words

1. Ascertain 2. Procure 3. Analogous 4. Dire 5. Fanatical 6. Innate 7. Tacit 8. Edify 9. Inquisitive 10. Fathom

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 9- Common?

Read paragraphs 6-10, and paragraphs 41-56 of chapter

9. Then discuss the following questions with your group:

Define the word “common” as it is used in this chapter.

What kinds of activities/ behaviors/ language would adults

today consider to be “common”.

Various individuals find certain actions socially

unacceptable, but in varying degrees. What types of

behaviors would fall into the following categories: tacky

and tasteless, lapses in manners, intentionally crude, rude

or cruel behavior?

How do each of you feel about bad language?

How do each of your parents feel about bad language?

To Win or to Lose

Read paragraphs 16- 31 of chapter 9. Then discuss the

following questions with your group:

Why does Atticus feel he needs to defend Tom Robinson?

What do you think Atticus means when he says, “Just

because we were licked a hundred years before we started

is no reason for us not to try to win”?

When Scout walked away from the fight with Cecil Jacobs,

do you think she won or lost this “battle”?

How do you react when someone challenges you or

someone you love?

Do you think it is better for you to “get even” with that

person or walk away?


Read paragraphs 12-15 of chapter 9. Also, read

paragraphs 12-20 of chapter 5.

Miss Maudie said, “His name’s Arthur and he’s alive.”

Atticus said, “I’m simply defending a Negro- his name’s

Tom Robinson.”

These statements were made to counter cruel remarks by

Scout. How are they similar responses?

Why do you think this type of response is effective in

defusing a prejudice?

How would you respond to someone who is throwing out

prejudice, disrespectful comments about a particular

person or group of people (for you this may not be

racial…. It may be about politics, religion, sexual

orientation, etc.)?

Wise Parenting

Read paragraphs 133-179 in chapter 9. Also read

paragraphs 188-190.

This excerpt teaches us a lot in the way of parenting and

coaching. Even though Uncle Jack isn’t Scout’s father, she

respects him and loves him so he is in a position to

provide guidance, insight and discipline.

What did Uncle Jack do wrong in his handling of this


What did Uncle Jack do correctly in the handling of this


In an effort to look at this situation from both vantage

points (both mature adult and frustrated child), how do

you think Jack should have reacted?

What should he have told Scout to do differently?

Atticus uses a very interesting technique to get Scout to

give special credence to his words- he allows her to

“overhear” them. How is this effective? How is this


Do you think your parents have ever tried this tactic on



Read paragraphs 132-133 of chapter 9. This is not the

first time Lee brings up the concept of “relativity”.

What is relativity in this sense? What is it you think Scout

is pondering here in this passage?

How does this concept help us to understand people of

different religious convictions?

How could this concept help you to deal with conflict in

your own lives?

Read paragraphs 32-36 and 73-75.

Describe Aunt Alexandra from Jem and Scout’s


What does Jem mean when he says Aunt Alexandra is a



Read paragraphs 181-187 of chapter 9.

What is it that Atticus is about to take on?

How do you think this will affect him? His children?

Does he want to do this?

Uncle Jack said, “Let this cup pass from you, eh?”

What does this allude to (refer to)?

To whom is he comparing Atticus when he says this?

What does he mean by this statement?

How does this allusion help to illustrate an important


Why do you think authors use allusions in literature?

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 10- Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter ten.

GENTLEMEN: At the end of the chapter, after Jem’s faith and admiration in his father is restored, Jem

recognizes that his father is being humble about his talents. When Scout questions Jem as to why Atticus won’t brag about his abilities, Jem responds, “Atticus is a gentleman, just like me!” Do you think that chivalry and the nature of being a gentleman is still valued in our society? What examples of chivalry and gentlemanly respect and courtesy do you see in the world today?

PARENT PERSPECTIVE: In the course of this chapter, Atticus changes from “half-blind father” to “one-

shot Finch.” Like most of us, he sees most clearly when he has to- and the kind of sight he has to develop requires that he remove his glasses. Just like Scout and Jem, many of us find our parents faults quite glaring, but sometimes it’s helpful to back up and look at our parents from a new perspective. What are their strengths? What talents do they have that make you proud of them? In what ways do they demonstrate great parenting. From this perspective, write a letter to your parents telling them what makes them a “One-shot Finch” in your eyes. (Tell them all the things that make you proud of them.)Use this sheet as a brainstorming/rough draft sheet, then attach a final, handwritten copy. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter14- Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter fourteen.

TEN-COMMANDMENTS OF CHILDHOOD: Jem breaks the final code of childhood when he “rats” on Dill.

Produce a “code of childhood” from your memory of your younger years… and maybe a few expectations of your friends even now. Make sure you include at least 10 rules that children know not to break when dealing with one another.

RUNAWAYS: Atticus was forced to deal with a runaway when Dill was discovered under Scout’s bed.

Interview one of your parents to find out how they would handle a close family friend or relative running away from home to your house. Explain what you learned and then respond. How do you believe parents should handle their children’s runaway friends who turn up on the door step begging concealment? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 23- Choose one the enrichment activities below to complete for chapter twenty-three.

PAYING THE BILL: Atticus tells his children, “Don’t fool yourselves- it’s all adding up and one of these days

we’re going to pay the bill for it. I hope it’s not in you children’s time.” It has been a long time since the 1930’s; many things have changed. Write a well-written paragraph to address the following questions: Has the bill been paid? Is it being paid? Can it ever be paid? Should it be paid?

KINDS OF FOLKS: Reread Jem’s description of the four kinds of folks starting at paragraph 102. Consider how

many “kinds of folks’ you have been taught to divide people into by your family or by society in general. Fill in the chart on the back with at least five kinds of folks. Describe them and explain how you have been instructed to respond to or interact with each of these types of people. At the bottom, explain whether this is a bad thing to do or helpful for you in figuring out your world. -____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________