To love or not to love-PRONTO

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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human beings seem to learn only by two major life forces: pain and love

Why we constant ly continue our pursuit of love?

Love is rooted in the human nature. Love is a natural goal that can be accom-plished and can be learned. Love is a drive, a necessity, an e s c a p a b l e n e e d . Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.

L o v e i s a h u m a n unavoidable attribute. The real essence of love is..

the process of love




antecedents of love

to love yourself you should:

1.  know yourself 2.  meet yourself

what are my qualities and skills? what are my virtues and vices? what are my dark sides? Be sure that everybody has dark sides. Don’t be afraid of your dark sides. Accept them.

Know yourself - who am I

Dive into your abyss! Only the descent into the hell of self-knowledge can pave the way to godliness

(Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804)

Try to understand the r e a s o n s w h y y o u behave as you do. Evaluate correctly the role of the others and yours in shaping who you are now. Forgive them, forgive their errors, forgive if t h e y w e r e a b s e n t , neglectful or aggressive or if they did not fulfill your needs. Forgive yourself.

Know yourself - why am I so

The process of self-knowing is risky and dangerous, albeit necessary. We cannot remain always children (Freud). We have to go out of the cave.

To love yourself you must - meet yourself


1.  the time dimension

2.  the silence dimension

3.  the desert dimension - the loneliness dimension

4.  the emptiness dimension - the freedom dimension

5.  the nature dimension - the body dimension

The major knowledge is linked inextricably

to love

(Paracelsus, 1493-1541)

don’t be afraid to be happy…