To sum it up - · Expectations on future mobility Autonomous Driving is the key enabler...

Post on 04-Oct-2020

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To sum it up…

Prof. Dr. Peter König

Institute of Automotive Technology

Trier University of Applied Sciences 1

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 2

Potentials of Autonomous Driving

Autonomous Driving is the key enabler for

- improving road safety

- improving traffic flow

- improving fuel efficiency and pollution

- improving quality of life and comfort

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 3

A Word on Road Safety…

Global Status Report on Road Safety: - per year about 1.24 million people die annually in traffic accidents - additionally 20 - 50 million people get hurt in traffic accidents - the total loss of traffic accidents counts for more than $100B per year


03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 4

Autonomous Driving is the key enabler for

- improving road safety

- improving traffic flow

- improving fuel efficiency and pollution

- improving quality of life and comfort

Potentials of Autonomous Driving

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 5

A Word on Traffic Flow…

Continuous growth of megalopolises: - more than 10 mega cities with population of more than 10 million - more than 20 regions globally in which mega cities and suburbs adjoin each other - enabling mobility will be top priority for the future society

Java (Jakarta - Tangerang): 143,000,000 Taiheiyō Belt, Japan (Chiba – Fukuoka): 80,000,000 Pearl River Delta (Hong Kong - Quanzhou): 70,000,000 Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai - Ma'anshan): 88,000,000 Bohai Economic Rim (Beijing - Qingdao): 66,400,000 Blue Banana (London, Benelux, Rhine-Ruhr, Milan): 130,000,000 Great Lakes (ChiPitts): 55,600,000 Northeast (BosWash): 55,200,000 Quebec City – Windsor Corridor: 18,000,000

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 6

Potentials of Autonomous Driving

Autonomous Driving is the key enabler for

- improving road safety

- improving traffic flow

- improving fuel efficiency and air pollution

- improving quality of life and comfort

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 7

A Word on Fuel Economy…

Continuous demand for mobilization:


Republic of China

Need for oil:

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 8

Potentials of Autonomous Driving

Autonomous Driving is the key enabler for

- improving road safety

- improving traffic flow

- improving fuel efficiency and air pollution

- improving quality of life and comfort

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 9

The Future Way of Life…

Increasing demand for comfort and privacy during transportation

Bild: Themann

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 10

Expectations on future mobility

Autonomous Driving is the key enabler for

- improving road safety

- improving traffic flow

- improving fuel efficiency and air pollution

- improving quality of life and comfort

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 11

… so what is our future looking like?

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 12

… so what is your future looking like?


: in



03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 13

Technology will replace the Human

Perception-Action approach to fullfill driving task

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 14

Human Data Processing during Driving

Relevance of non-predictible intuition based action during driving





03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 15

Human Data Processing during Driving

Relevance of non-predictible intuition based action during driving





03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 16

Human Data Processing during Driving

Relevance of non-predictible intuition based action during driving





03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 17

Human Data Processing during Driving

Relevance of non-predictible intuition based action during driving

Todays infrastructure presupposes personal experience and intuition. A human filled data base can never be as updated as all humans life experience. So introducing autonomous driving is possible if we either - accept higher risks for accidents in special cases (esp. rural areas) or - provide an adapted infrastructure that does not postulate intuition.





03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 18

Infrastructure for Autonomous Driving

Concepts for a future infrastructure

Audi, Höweler +Yoon Architecture

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 19

Infrastructure for improved Road Safety

Concepts how to improve road safety in a medieval infrastructure

Pedestrian fatalities per million habitants


SWOV, 2006

„Sustainable Safety“ - Concept starting 1995

- definition of new categories for streets based on either separation or combination of unequal traffic flows at different speeds - target is mono-functionality of all streets for pass-through / distribution / arrival - increase of top speed on highways - increase of top speed on distribution roads - reduction of top speed on arrival streets - limitation of max. length of arrival streets

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 20

Road Traffic Data

Protection of Vulnerable Road Users

As long as we can not realize

separated traffic flows for

unequal road users

we need to focus on the

protection of vulnerable road users

as e.g. 2-wheelers and pedestrian.


03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 21

Pedestrian Protection

Introduction of Pedestrian Protection Requirements in NCAP and UN R127


03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 22

Pedestrian Protection

Lower Leg Impactor Test in order to reduce injury

Flexible Pedestrian Leg Impactor Flex-PLI

Flex-PLI intro 2014

TRL-leg since 1997

Impact Speed: 40 kph

24.5 mph





03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 23

Pedestrian Protection

Autonomous Emergency Braking AEB in order to avoid injury

Video Camera Radar

Volvo, EuroNCAP

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 24

Pedestrian Protection

Implementation of Radar, Ultra Sonic Sensors and Laser Scanners






03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 25

Pedestrian Protection

Concepts for Pedestrian Friendly Bumpers - Top View

Definition of testing

area acc. to UN R127


Concept: Implementation of „PedPro Corners“

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 26

Pedestrian Protection

Concepts for Pedestrian Friendly Bumpers - Top View

Definition of testing area

according to NCAP

includes hard structures

below bumper!


Concept: Elimination of hard structures outside of „PedPro Corners“

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 27

Pedestrian Protection

Design Concepts for Pedestrian Friendly Bumpers

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 28

Pedestrian Protection

Concepts for Pedestrian Friendly Bumpers - Side View

Impactor wraps around the bumper

bending limits are exceeded „old“


Concept 1) „flat nose“


03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 29

Pedestrian Protection

Concepts for Pedestrian Friendly Bumpers - Side View

Impactor wraps around the bumper

bending limits are exceeded „old“


Concept 2) „rotation“


03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 30

Pedestrian Protection

Concepts for Pedestrian Friendly Bumpers

Concepts: - 130 mm of soft foam in front of hard bumper beam - hard lower bumper stiffener rotates in cooler package - radar systems need to be packaged far upfront




03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 31

Pedestrian Protection

Concepts for Pedestrian Friendly Bumpers




03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 32

Impact on average damage

ADAC Bumper Crash

10 kph Toyota Avensis vs Audi Q7

- Radar Sensor defect: 3.271 €

- Total damage Avensis > 5.000 €

Repair Cost : Radar Sensors Mercedes 464 € - Honda, Toyota, Jaguar >3.000 € (plus installation and adjustment) Parking Sensors: Citroen 40 € - Audi 280 € Xenon Head Lights: Toyota 657 € - Peugeot 308 1.233 €



03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 33

… so what is your future looking like?

Outlook: - the introduction of autonomous driving in todays urban environment is still far away - pedestrian friendly vehicle concepts do not lead to a significant reduction of fatalities but - they increase pedestrian injury in low speed impacts - they significantly increase the amount of loss in low speed impacts

03.09.2015 Prof. Dr. Peter König 34

… so what is your future looking like?