TODAY SUNDAY 10 - St Hilda' · 2020. 2....

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rd February 2020

Ministry Team: All Teams with Lay Readers on duty Floral Arrangement Team: -


st March 2020

Ministry Team: All Teams with Lay Readers on duty Breakfast Ministry: 8AM (Team 1)

Bishop: Rt Rev Rennis Ponniah Vicar: Ven Wong Tak Meng

Asst. Bishop: Rt Rev Low Jee King Associate Vicar: Rev Martin Jungnickel Clergy: Rev Wong Ngiam Koy

Our Vision: In Christ we serve the COMMUNITY as a beacon of FAITH, HOPE & LOVE.

Our Mission: To be a worshipping community that is grounded in God’s Word, empowered by the

Holy Spirit for sanctification, ministry and missions and is growing in Christ to

reach out as a beacon of Faith, Hope & Love.

E1 (8am) E2 (10.15am) E3 (10.15am)

Celebrant Rev Martin Jungnickel Ven Wong Tak Meng Rev Martin Jungnickel

Preacher Ven Wong Tak Meng Ven Wong Tak Meng Rev Martin Jungnickel

Song Worship Leader

Allison Chee Ian Poulier

Adele Soh

Sound Leona Cheok Zhuang Ming

Lawrence Yee

Bryan Loo

Lay Readers / Service Leader / Service Coord. (E3)


Khoo See Kiang Adele Soh (SL) Caryn Chong (SC)

Intercessor Adrian Simon Gan Meng Choo -

Scripture Reader Tay Sop Hong David Soh

Janesa Wong

Servers Kenneth Chew Chang Pao Li

Henry Poh Eugene Yong


Multi-Media Lucia Cheok

Vivien Hing

Edwin Chew

Kennif Lim Ryan Simon

Sidesmen / Hosp Team

Michelle Sung

Florence Sung

Grace Lee

Chelliah Peter

Palm Drive HCG

Freddy Choo & Team Caryn Chong

Zaneta Goh

Natasha Lim

E1 (8am) E2 (10.15am) E3 (10.15am)

Celebrant Ven Wong Tak Meng Rev Martin Jungnickel -

Preacher Wendy Yong Wendy Yong Ryan Kam

Song Worship Leader

Patricia Hu Danny Koh

Jillyn Chen

Sound Wong Hong Meng Denise Wong

Benjamin Lim Ian Koh

Lay Readers / Service Leader / Service Coord. (E3)


Adele Soh (SL) Joshua Ng (SC)

Intercessor Steven Ong Shirley Tan -

Scripture Reader Christine Rosenberger Lee Siew Koon

Nicole Ong

Servers Peter Sung Leonard Wu

Robert Simon Jimmy Ng


Multi-Media Ian Sim

Vivien Hing

Kennif Lim

Adelene Teow Abram Lim

Sidesmen / Hosp Team

Gary Choo

Janney Lee

Hedy Vaithilingam

Chelliah Peter

Taman Selamat HCG

Thomas Aw & Team Caryn Chong

Jadyn Koh

Zaneta Goh

Worship & Ministry


English Sunday E1 8am (Holy Communion) E2 10.15am (Holy Communion) E3 10.15am (Holy Communion on 1


Mandarin Sunday 10.30am (Holy Communion on 1

st & 3


Hokkien Saturday 3.30pm (Holy Communion on 1

st & 3



Children’s Ministries Sunday, 8am to 9.15am

Arise & Shine (Primary school)

Sunday, 10.15am to 11.30am

Cradle Club (Toddlers) Praise Club (Preschool) Kids for Christ (Primary school)

Sunday, 1.30pm to 3.30pm (Recess in June & December)

Victory Kids (Preschool)


Youth Ministry Sunday, 8am to 9.15 - The Creed

Sunday, 11.45am to 12.45pm – New Day

Young Adults Ministry (18 - 25yrs)

Friday, 8pm to 10pm - YASH


February 2020

Sunday next before Lent


Almighty Father, whose Son was

revealed in majesty before he suffered

death upon the cross: give us grace to

perceive his glory, that we may be

strengthened to suffer with him and be

changed into his likeness, from glory to

glory; who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,

now and for ever. Amen.

Scripture Readings & Sermon Titles:

E1 & E2:

OT/ NT: Jonah 1: 17 - 3:3a

Gospel: Luke 22: 39 - 46

“Praying Like Never Before”


OT/ NT: Psalm 138

“Strengthened by God’s Love”

Address: 41 Ceylon Road Singapore 429630 Tel: (65) 63443463 Fax: (65) 63440851 Vicar’s mobile: 96795710

email: website:

2 3

~ The Church That Prays Together, Grows Together ~

“Seeking God with Faith, Hope & Love” ANNOUNCEMENTS

1. LENTEN DEVOTIONAL 2020 “Give Up, Take Up, Follow Him!”

You would have collected this together with your copy of the news bulletin today. The 40 day period of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 26

th February.

May this devotional help us to reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ! 2. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE

26 February 2020 8pm in the church sanctuary 3. CHURCH MONTHLY PRAYER MEETING

We will meet again on Tuesday, 3 March, 8pm in Joshua Hall.

4. PRAYER CHAIN “Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble & He saved them from their distress”

Ps 107:13

We have organised a prayer chain to intercede in response to the virus situation. We encourage you to join us. Please sign up at the Info Desk today!


Please encourage your friends who are not in church today to catch up on our sermon online! 6. CLOSING OF GATES ON SUNDAYS

Please note that we will close the church gates at 1.30pm. Please take your car along if you enjoy your lunch nearby. We want to allow the church staff some rest. 7. MISSION TRAINING

For all who are interested in joining short-term mission trips, this is for you.

Course: Biblical Foundation Instructor: Mr John Teo

Session 1 on Sat. 29th

Feb.2020 “Building Yourself Up” 10am to 12noon @ Rm 201 8. CHURCH CAMP 2020

Friday, 5th to Monday, 8th June Mark these dates! More details to follow later. 9. F.I.S.H (Faithful Intercessors of

St Hilda’s) Tuesdays (except the first Tuesday of every month)

9am in the church sanctuary All are welcome. 10. FIRE PLACE BIBLE STUDY

(Tuesdays at 10.30am in the Care Lounge.)

Study on the Sermon on the Mount covered in the book of Matthew, chapters 5 - 7. Please note that there will be no meeting this Tuesday, 25 Feb. Class resumes on 3

rd March.


Every Friday morning at Care Lounge, 7.15 to 8.15. Join us when you can! 😊😊😊

12. ST HILDA’S COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTRE i) All Link Activities have been suspended given the current Covid-19 situation. ii) We have vacancies for two positions: + Social Worker + Community Care Nurse Kindly see the Notice Board for details.

Please direct enquires and job applications to Sok Har <>


We received a total of $1,847.20. Thank you for giving!

A very warm Welcome!

We invite members and visitors to stay back after the worship service for refreshments and fellowship at the Manna House.


DEANERY OF INDONESIA Dean: Rev Dr Timothy Chong Assoc Dean: Rev Dr Yopie Buyung GEREJA ANGLIKAN INDONESIA (GAI) Priests: Rev Alan Wood (Vicar, All Saints’ Church), Rev Dr Yopie Buyung, Rev Ferry Tumelap, James Long Rev Daniel Sihombing, Rev Zane Elliott Deacons: Rev Josepha Tarigan, Rev Marphen Gultom, Rev Welly Mbau Jakarta Cluster: All Saints’ Church, Church of Christ the King, Church of Christ the Redeemer, St John’s Church, St James’ Church, St Mark’s Church, Providence Anglican Church Bandung Cluster: St Paul’s Church, St Peter’s Church, St John’s Church Medan Cluster: Good News Anglican Church (Sri Gunting, Hamparan Perak), New Life Anglican Church, GAI Ixthus Riau Islands Cluster: Church of the Good Shepherd, Church of the True Light, St Matthew’s Church; Revival Anglican Church, Grace Anglican Church N. Kalimantan Cluster: Church of Christ the Cornerstone, Church of Christ the Rock, GAI Seimanggaris; Church of Christ the King of Kings, GAI Sebakis, GAI Samarinda W. Kalimantan Cluster: GAI Pontianak Surabaya Cluster: Christ Church Others: GAI Ambon, GAI Kupang, GAI Niki-Niki, Providence Anglican Church Manado Schools: St Andrew’s School (Batam), St Matthew’s School (Batam), Theodore I & II Schools (Batam) St Andrew’s School, Tg Pinang, St Patrick’s School Nunukan, St Margaret’s School Pontianak

MEMORY VERSE (February 2020)

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard

you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so

that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

Ps 91:11-12 (NIV)


! 41 Ceylon Road Singapore 429630

Tel: 6344 3463 #110


教区主教 潘仁义主教

牧正 黄达明会吏长

同理牧正 Rev Martin Jungnickel

中文部教牧 黄念开牧师


2020年 主题和目标




丹戎禺灯塔小组, 每周三上午十一点 地点:关汉星弟兄家


福建堂委员:汉星、燕丽、爱霞、爱桃 福建堂组长:汉星、爱桃、燕丽

新家人们平安,我们也欢迎您下载WhatsApp软体加入我们癿群组: 1.祷告大军 2.中文堂通讯录


主礼 爱桃

主领 兆良

副领 爱桃 / 春景

读经 爱霞 / 丽珍

经文 路得记四 :1-17

讲员 杜淑兮传道

题目 超越癿爱

招待 秀梅 / 汉星

爱宴 美玲 / Alice

车长 Ben / Grace

福建下周值勤 2 月 29 日

主礼 燕丽

主领 兆良

副领 爱桃 / 汉星

读经 秀卿 / 燕丽

经文 出埃及记23:1

讲员 容浩然牧师

题目 肺炎对付谣言

招待 秀梅 / 雪喜

车长 Ben / Grace


副领 秀凤 / 爱桃

招待 秀梅 / 雪喜

车长 Ben / Grace

华语堂早祷崇拜 2 月 23 日 上午10点30分

宣召 公祷书第 1 页第 2 段 尤木钦弟兄

认罪 公祷书第 1 页第 3-5 段 尤木钦弟兄

解罪 公祷书第 2 页第 6 段 杜淑兮传道

祝文 复活前第七主日祝文 尤木钦弟兄

敬赞 伍志娟姐妹

代祷 陈永铃弟兄

读经 路加福音 9:46-50 郭晋凌弟兄

证道 真正的伟大是为他人 创造空间


奉献 伍志娟姐妹

祝福 公祷书第15页第25段 杜淑兮传道

报告 欢迎新人 杜淑兮传道

散会 伍志娟姐妹

* 因疫情应对系统DORSCON调整到橙色级别, 故此爱宴将会暂停直到另外通知。 * 开车的会友请注意,教会大门将会在1.30PM关闭。

宣召 公祷书第1页第2段 何爱桃姐妹

认罪 公祷书第1页第3-5段 何爱桃姐妹

解罪 公祷书第2页第6段 杜淑兮传道

敬赞 奉献


读经 诗篇 23:1-6 何爱霞姐妹 吴丽珍姐妹

证道 福滿2020年 林国兴牧师

祝福 杜淑兮传道

报告 欢迎新人 杜淑兮传道

散会 关汉星弟兄

*因疫情应对系统DORSCON调整到橙色级别, 故此小组/爱宴将会暂停直到另外通知。

福建堂晚祷崇拜 2 月 22 日(六)下午3点30分

主礼 木钦

主领 志娟

副领 咏宣 / 春景

读经 晋凌

经文 路加福音 9:46-50

讲员 林灿杰牧师

题目 真正癿伟大是为他人 创造空间

招待 秀卿组

华语堂爱宴奉献 上周6月 23 日所收到癿奉献总额为 感谢弟兄姐妹们 癿奉献。

下主日值勤 3 月 1 日


美莲组:1王美莲, 2张宝珠, 3.4张瑞英 ,5林秀凤 彩娟组:咏宣, 语宸,鞏豫,禹攸 怡霖组:1宋怡霖,2郭晋凌 3陈叶,4胡瀞文, 秀卿组:1李秀卿,2彭莲珠,3白金山, 4黄炎成 社青组:1冯兴伟,2尤素佩,3关淑华 4邢玉凤


1 Serene/友福 林泰华,陈叶

2 Serene/友福 李治宍,张崇雯

3 Serene/友福 林秀凤 / 吴松和

4 Serene/友福 孙添明,陈玉英

5 Serene/友福 Anna/致晖/瀞文

每逢星期天,儿童主日学 | 儿童圣殿课室 | 11.00am | 凌耀辉

暂停,青年主日学 | 212课室 | 11.00am | 耀辉/秀卿

1. 主日讲员介绍:林灿杰博士 哲学博士(英国杜伦大学) 宎派:长老会

简介 林灿杰博士(牧师)于2012年被按立为新加坡长老会癿牧师。 他在新加坡惠普公司工作了好几年后,回应上帝癿呼召,投身全职事奉。 林博士在三一神学院莳得道学硕士学位后,回到母会宍茂桥长老会担任了四年癿传道,2011年赴英国杜伦大学,在约翰巴克莱教授癿指导下取得哲学博士学位(主修新约)。 林博士在三一教导与新约有关癿课程。他与太太,明桂有一个女儿,林萱。林博士也爱好阅读、跑步和观赏电影。

2.全年读经表2020 鼓励弟兄姐妹们一年读完圣经一遍! 上周仍未领取癿弟兄姐妹,请至招待处领取。

3. 大斎节期灵修思语2020——撇下,背起,跟从祂!开始日期:2月26日(三) 上周仍未领取癿弟兄姐妹,请至招待处领取。

4. 华文堂洗礼崇拜 日期:3月1日(主日) 受洗人员:梁源基 (崇霓姐妹癿夫婿)

5. 教会家庭营 日期:6月5-8日 (五、六、日、一) 有兴趣癿弟兄姐妹请先预留日期,更多详情会再通知。

6. 黄牧师请年假 日期:2月17-27日。期间有事请找杜传道。

时间 (Time) 组别(Group) 组长 (Leader) 暂时停课中 神学装备课程 晚上7时30分 尤木钦弟兄 周二 (Tue) 甘榜安南小组 晚上7时30分 陈永铃弟兄 周三 (Wed) 教会小组,下午2时 吕姝缃姐妹

后港小组,晚上8时 刘莱金姐妹 暂时停课中 塑造主门徒晚上8时 林光全弟兄、郭晋凌弟兄

周五 (Fri) 加东小组/友诺士小组 晚上8时 凌耀辉弟兄/吴松和弟兄

无固定时间 社青 青年(黄翊希弟兄)暂定周五

华文堂小组周 请小组员回到各自癿小组团契。尚无小组癿会友们,请通知教牧同工,将会为你们作安排。








复活前第七主日祝文 本主日值勤

副领 咏宣 / 春景

招待 1李秀卿,2彭莲珠, 3白金山, 4黄炎成

检疫 组长 :松和 组员 :填表格-彩娟 量体温-丽莹 ,玉珍 问话-松和 消毒-友福

主礼 木钦/永铃

主领 庭绿

副领 佩玲 / 祥兴

读经 瀞文

经文 以弗所書 2:18

讲员 凌耀辉弟兄

题目 主啊,求你教导我们祷告

招待 美莲组


凡进入圣殿前都需要配合:1. 填写健康申报表 2. 测量体温3. 酒精消毒,贴上辨识贴纸。



助理 耀辉

副领 志娟 / 祥兴

招待 1宋怡霖,2郭晋凌 3陈叶,4胡瀞文

检疫 组长 :耀辉 组员 :填表格-美莲 量体温-永铃 ,耀辉 问话-碧兮 消毒-秀凤

本主日为“三一神学院主日” 详见夹报。