Today’s Agenda Welcome to Social 10-2 Course Outline Discussion Introductory Case Study The nature...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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  • Slide 1
  • Todays Agenda Welcome to Social 10-2 Course Outline Discussion Introductory Case Study The nature of Ethical Inquiry
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  • Social 10-2 WCHS
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  • Team Teaching Ms. Janice Brown
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  • Welcome to Social 10-2 Ana Mara Aceytuno Room 5 School: 403-328-4723
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  • Around the world A student begins by saying the name of any country, city, river, ocean or mountain The next person must then say another name that begins with the last letter of the word just given time limit, 3 seconds and no names can be repeated For example First person: London, Second Person: Niagara Falls, Third Person: Switzerland
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  • GEOGRAPHY Scavenger Hunt Your Task: Search for the countrys location Name the continent Name the countries it shares borders with If there are bodies of water near by, name them as well READY TO PLAY?
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  • Where in the world is Bolivia? Where in the world is Georgia?Where in the world is Djibouti?
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  • Soc 10-2 Course Outline WCHS Living in a Globalized World
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  • Course and Exams Schedule
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  • Anas expectations Be respectful Be prepared Be on-time
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  • Soc 10-2 Course Overview Historical aspect of globalization and its effects The relationship among globalization, citizenship and identity How to respond to these issues
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  • Social Studies 10-2 Course Organizer
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  • Key Issue To what extent should we embrace globalization?
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  • Key Outcome Students will understand, assess and respond to the complexities of globalization
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  • Write down your thoughts about the world view you are going to experience What is the main thing that you observed? From a distance
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  • Sitting Plan Back SabhangLukeZach DeepakJoleriKaleAshisEthan MarkSapanaDakotaEvanJimmy ShivaNamikaWhitneyAustinThomas ArthurClaireYarleniKaylaNavid MirvetaCodyStefanieNoahDonivan VanessaColeJesyJaedenShahrukh FRONT
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  • Todays agenda Review yesterdays topics Difference between point of view and perspective Case Study using Ethical principles
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  • Definition of Social Studies Social studies is the study of people in relation to each other and to their world
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  • Controversial Issues Sensitive topics There is no consensus of values or beliefs People might disagree upon Brings opportunities for an open dialogue
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  • POINT of VIEW What individuals believe to be true based on their personal experience
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  • PERSPECTIVE What people believe to be true based on their collective experience as a group; a world view
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  • Case Study Canada is a pluralistic society. This means that Canada is a society that respects and values the individual and collective opinions and perspectives of many groups of people. How do different points of view and perspectives affect the people in one country? Is this kind of society possible? Page 3 in your textbook
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  • Case Study Immigration Language History Todays society
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  • The nature of Ethical Inquiry yes objective principles respect the rights of the individuals The Golden Rule: One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. Value the principle of EQUALITY
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  • The nature of Ethical Inquiry no subjective What would happen if? thinks about consequences long term and short term consequences
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  • What do you think? In your case studies you will be asked; to consider the yes and no sides of any issue to look at all the possible angles of the issue use this information to reason out what YOU think of a particular action, was it ethical or unethical? What WOULD you do? and Why?
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  • Introductory case study Write down your position in a short three lines statement