Today's Worship Service *Assurance of Pardon Serving in...

Post on 17-Apr-2020

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Prayer is the primary work of God’s people. It is a vital connection to God where we can hear from, listen to, and respond to the Lord. Here are some ways you can pray this week...

Strength: Carol LoweryHealing: Chuck Marshall, Ken Stewart, Everett Lapp, Jane Sparks, Carol Czarnecki, Mary Jane Sawai, Julie Gehlbach, Carole Gates, Sharon PlumbComfort: For John Flohr and family in the death of Linda Flohr on March 19. For Doug Brannock and family in the death of Joan Brannock on March 6 in Walla Walla. A memorial service will be held at Lake Grove on April 6 at 1 PM.Upcoming Surgery: For Larry Bowman on April 1.MissionPartnersZambia Partnership: Pray for a succesful transfer of responsibility from the World Vision staff to community leaders in Sinazongwe. Pray for the pastors and church leaders that they may be true to the Scriptures and effective in their teaching and discipling.Portland Rescue Mission: Pray for safety, peace, and wisdom/guidance for the Burnside shelter staff and guests as the winter season is especially challenging due to the need for warm meals and dry shelter during the cold rainy months.

To submit a prayer request, write it on a Prayer Card found in the pews and drop it in the box in the Narthex, call the church office, email, or submit online at

Prayer hour... Meet in Pastor Robin's office for an hour of prayer on Tuesdays at 8:30 AM or Sundays at 8 AM.


Today's Worship Service

Prelude Intermezzo by James Mansfield

The Church Alive

*Hymn 216 Beneath the Cross of Jesus

*Prayer of Adoration

Prayer of Confession

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading Luke 15:11-32 NRSV (see insert)

Sermon The God Who Moves Toward You Pastor Graig Flach

Serving in WorshipPreaching Pastor: Pastor Graig FlachAssisting: Pastor Mark McIlraithMusicians: Neal Cox, Troy Schmit, John Howell, Steve Conrad, vocalists; Jeff Wood, organ, piano.

Have mercy on us, O God, because of Your unfailing love. We have sinned against You and done what is not right. Sometimes we ignore our guilt; sometimes we feel guilty all the time. Please help us recognize and face our sin and then repent and be washed clean from it. Thank You that Jesus already paid off all our debts against love and justice; we owe everything to Him. Like the lost son of today’s Bible story, let us “come to ourselves” and return home to You, our loving Father.

Silence for Personal Confession)

* = please stand as you are able



*Prayer of Dedication

Prayer of God’s People & the Lord's Prayer

The Offering*DoxologyPraise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Offertory I Need Thee Every Hour arr. Robert Lowry

Give Thanks to God

Proclaim God’s Word

Draw Near to God

Postlude Short Fantasy in A Minor by Walker BaylorPlease join us in Fellowship Hall after the service for coffee and conversation.


Go In God's Name

*Hymn 418 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling

*Passing of the PeaceOne: The peace of Christ be with you.All: And also with you. Share Christ’s peace with one another.

By John T. Grape, arr. Howard Helvey © 1994 Beckenhorst Press, Inc. CCLI #207039

*Call to Worship One: We are here to worship the God who waits for us, Watches for us, and welcomes us.All: For we have willfully wandered from His love. Sometimes we feel far away from God.One: Let us then remember that God never ceases To lavish His love upon us.All: We are so grateful that God is like a safe place for us, A happy home to which we can always return.One: Let us worship the God who waits and watches for us, And welcomes us home.All: Amen!

*Assurance of Pardon*Response When I Survey the Wondrous CrossWere the whole the realm of nature mine,That were a present far too small;Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.

Anthem Jesus Paid It AllI hear the Savior say, "Thy strength indeed is small!Child of weakness, watch and pray, find in Me thine all in all."Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe;Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.Lord, now indeed I find Thy pow'r and Thine alone,Can change the leper's spots and melt the heart of stone.Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe;Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.For nothing good have I whereby Thy grace to claim;I'll wash my garments white in the blood of Calvary's Lamb.And when, before the throne, I stand in Him complete,"Jesus died my soul to save," my lips shall still repeat.Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe;Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.

Commissioning of Stephen Ministers




Real. Active. Faith.

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partnering with Christ who transforms the world one life at a time. If you’d like to know more about us

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LGPC Special Events Calendar

March 31 9:30 + 11 AM|

AGROS VISION TRIP - Currently seeking interested applicants to serve on a first vision trip to Guatemala (August 11-18) to see the expanding work of Agros. Applications available at the church and church website, deadline to apply is May 1st. An informational meeting will be help April 7 at 11 AM in the Courtyard Room. Questions? Contact Jan Pearce at

ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING SPECIAL OFFERING - Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36% of undesignated gifts, while Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receives 32%. On Sunday, April 7, we will receive funds as we join efforts with our denomination to help people in need. Special offering envelopes are available in the Gathering Area. Make your check out to LGPC and write “One Great Hour” on the memo line.

This Week5April

MOPS Family Dance - Join MOPS on Friday, April 5 from 6 to 8 PM in the Fellowship Hall for the 2nd Annual Fun n' Fancy Family Frolic Dance in Fellowship Hall. Tickets are just $5 at the door and there will be music, snacks, and a raffle. All proceeds benefit Lake Grove MOPS.

Upcoming 7April

Ordination Service for Michelle Olson - 2 PM. Michelle will be ordained to the ministry of Spiritual Direction and Retreats. Reception to follow. All ordained ministers are invited to wear their robes for the service.


In Life and In Death - Sunday, April 7. 12:15 to 2:00 PM. Courtyard Room. The seminar is designed to explore Christian perspectives on death, to review elements of a Christian memorial service, and to equip participants to plan their own memorial service. Lunch is provided. RSVP to


45ers Circuit - 6:30 to 8:30 PM. $15 per student. 4th & 5th graders, join us for an evening of climbing. Drop-off & pick-up at Circuit Bouldering Gym in Tigard. Light snacks provided. Waiver required and available at RSVP to


Palms and Pancakes - 10:30 to 11:30 AM. Fellowship Hall. Join us for Palm Sunday crafts and pancakes! Fun for all ages!


Holy Week Services - Maundy Thursday, April 18, 7:30 PM; Good Friday, April 19th, 7:30 PM; Saturday Easter Service, April 20, 5 PM, Easter Sunday Services, April 21, at 8, 9:30, and 11 AM.