TOMORROW’S FOOD COMMUNITIES Jane Stammers Country Markets Ltd The Food & Drink Innovation Network...

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Jane StammersCountry Markets Ltd

The Food & Drink Innovation NetworkStaverton Park Conference Centre, Daventry, Northants 14th July 2011

Future food production to feed the world

o The world needs to double its food production by 2050 and costs are rising¹

¹Source: The Future of Food and Farming Report, Govt Office of Science

Climate Change and Food

o Climate change may, as well as having direct effects on food choice, have indirect effects through prices and availability which in turn may affect the types and quantities of food eaten¹

¹Source: Food Standards Agency Climate Change and Food Report Sep 10

Sustainable food system

o A system that is healthy for the people and the planet

Source: Dr Charlie Clutterbuck, Hon Research Fellow, Centre for Food Policy, City University Specialist Adviser (2009)EFRA Select Committee "Securing Food Supplies to 2030”

UK Food Consumption - Environmental impact

o In the UK we would need 5X our own land space to produce the food we eat

o Food and Farming would use about 1/5 of all the air available to us and

o 20 Niles worth of all the water coming out of Africa and Europe each year

Source: Defra

UK Food Consumption - Social Impact

Source: Dr Charlie Clutterbuck, Hon Research Fellow, Centre for Food Policy, City University Specialist Adviser (2009)EFRA Select Committee "Securing Food Supplies to 2030”

o 70,000 people die early in UK because of food related disorders

Food Security in the UKo UK needs to

produce more food, especially fruit and vegetables, more sustainably

o UK imports £15bn food which we could produce ourselves (Dec ‘10)

Source: EFRA (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee)

Strategies for the future¹

o Low intakes of beef and cheese, sugars, tea, coffee and cocoa, air-freighted foods

o Moderated intakes of eggs, poultry, fish, Mediterranean-style vegetables and salads, cooking oils, biscuits and crackers

o High intakes of other plant-based foods, pulses, milk and cereals

o Reduction of food waste, and composting what food waste we cannot avoid

¹Source: Food Standards Agency Climate Change and Food Report Sep 10/

UK Food Consumption – Economic Impact

“Food is not a commodity”

Bill Clinton – World Food Day 2008

Source: Bill Clinton – World Food Day 2008

Sparkling ideas and initiatives...

Community Shops

Source: Plunkett Foundation

There are now over 260 community owned shops trading in England, Scotland and Wales, staffed largely by volunteers and for the benefit of the community

Community Supported Agriculture

Soil Association

A partnership between farmers and the local community, providing mutual benefits and reconnecting people to the land where their food is grown

Food Co-ops

Farmers Markets

Farmers’ markets have been running in England for more than a decade

They are a fantastic way for producers to sell directly to the public

Allotments and vegetable growing

¹Source: The National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardens Ltd² Source: B&Q

The ever-increasing popularity of growing fruit and vegetables has once again been highlighted with new figures pointing to the strong demand for allotments across the UK¹

Sales of vegetable seeds now outstrips flower seeds²


If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.“

Albert Einstein

It began with the tiny seed of an idea – and it’s growing and growing

Television and Food

Britain gets Baking

o 28% population baking from scratch at least once a week

o Waitrose sold an additional 361,210 bags flour in the last 12 months

¹Source: Mintel ² Source: Waitrose Kitchen Magazine

The Cooks of Country Markets

Genuine Homemade food made by real people in their kitchens at home
