Tonta malta-future-of-cultural-heritage-2015-v2

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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The Future of Cultural Heritage

Yaşar TontaHacettepe University

Department of Information ManagementAnkara, Turkey


1st International Conference DIM 2015, Valletta, Malta

(Balta, 2014, p. 196)

What is Cultural Heritage?

“the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations”

• Monuments• Group of structures• Sites


Why is Cultural Heritage Neglected?

• Definition of “citizenship” of nation-states

• New nationalism• Intentional collective amnesia or

denial contributes to nation-building efforts . . .

(Van der Auwera, 2012)

Although we are Rums, we don’t know Greek and we speak TurkishWe don’t write and we don’t read Turkish, and we don’t speak Greek either.We are a mixture. Our alphabet is Greek and we speak Turkish (Balta, 2012, p. 117)

(Balta, 2012, p. 76, 78)

It was mandatory to speak Greek during local election campaigns to address newly migrated Muslim population after the population exchange in 1923-1924

(Belli, 2004, p. 29)

Birth in one place,growing old in another place.And feeling a stranger in two places.

Ayşe Lahur Kırtunç

Twice a Stranger

Destruction of cultural works, places of worship, and memory institutions of libraries, archives and museums in wars and armed conflicts is a “war crime”. (1949 Geneva Convention, Article 53)

“the Balkan Alzheimer’s disease”

Photo: Y. Tonta, CC-BY

The Neglected Culture

Whose culture is it?

Why are we “selective” about our cultural heritage?


Genetic Legacy of Anatolia

Less than 9% of the genes (Y-chromosome) of Turkish people inherited from the Turkic speaking people of Central Asia. . .

States that existed in Anatolia





Preservation of cultural heritage and game theory

The payoff matrix

The game tree

Would this game scenario work in real life?

Is it possible to preserve cultural heritage collaboratively?

“rights relating to cultural heritage are inherent in the right to participate in cultural life”.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights , Article 27

Homo culturalis

(Güvenç, 1995, p. 196)

Sources for SlidesThis presentation is largely based on TEDxGediz (21 May 2014, İzmir), ÜNAK2014 (17 September 2014, İstanbul) and VEKAM 2014 presentations with the same title. 2. Silistra, from the collection of Constanta Public Library3. St. Dimitrios Church, Ortaköy, Silivri, St. Dimitrios Church (Mosque), Ortaköy, Silivri, Photo: Yaşar Tonta, CC-BY 5. Interiors of the mosque, Ortaköy, Silivri, Foto: Yaşar Tonta, CC-BY6. Balta, E. (2014). The exchange of populations: Historiography and refugee memory. İstanbul: istos, Foto: Yaşar Tonta, CC-BY8. Van der Auwera, S. (2012). Contemporary conflict, nationalism, and the destruction of cultural property during armed conflict: A theoretical framework. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 7(1): 49–65.9-10. Balta, E. (2012). Gerçi Rum isek de, Rumca bilmez Türkçe söyleriz: Karamanlılar ve Karamanlıca edebiyat üzerine araştırmalar. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. Foto: Yaşar Tonta, CC-BY11. Belli, M. (2004). Türkiye-Yunanistan nüfus mübadelesi: Ekonomik açıdan bir bakış. İstanbul: Belge Yayınları.12. Twice a Stranger, Bruce Clark. Photo: Yaşar Tonta, CC-BY13. Bosnia and Hercegovina National Library (by night), 14. Bosnia and Hercegovina National Library in flames , Bosnia and Hercegovina National Library restored, De Bernieres, L. (2009). A Partisan’s Daughter. London: Harvill Secker. Photo: Yaşar Tonta, CC-BY

Slaytlar İçin Kaynaklar (devamla)18. The Balkan peninsula The Fertile Crescent, Göbekli Tepe,,_Urfa.jpg, Photo: Teoman Cimit, CC-BY Some rights reserved; Book cover: 22. Qadesh Peace Agreement, İstanbul Archaeological Museum, Photo: Giovanni Dall'Orto, 2006. CC-BY23. The Hittite Sun Disk, Anatolian Civilizations Museum, Ankara, Foto: Bjørn Christian Tørrissen, CC-BY-SA Some rights reserved.24. The Hittite Sun Monument, Sıhhiye, Ankara, 25. Cinnioğlu, C. et al. (2004). Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia. Human Genetics, 114, 127-148.26. The states and civilizations that existed in Anatolia, Ekşioğlu, Ş.Z. (2012). Kültürel sermaye ve ekonomik kalkınma arasındaki ilişkinin girdi çıktı analizi ve fayda maliyet analizi yöntemleri ile Türkiye için değerlendirilmesi. (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Kadir Has Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.28. The My Son Temple, Vietnam,,_Vietnam.jpg, Photo: Bernard Gagnon, 1992, CC-BY_SA Some rights reserved29. The Godella Pirate Tower (1958), Valencia, İspanya, Salazar, S.D.S. and Marques, J.M. (2005). Valuing cultural heritage: the social benefits of restoring an old Arab tower. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 6, 69–77.30. Stonehenge, England, Foto: garethwiscombe, CC-BY Some rights reserved36. 45. Güvenç, B. (1995). Kültür ve eğitim (Derlemeler). Ankara: Gündoğan Yayınları

The Future of Cultural Heritage

Yaşar TontaHacettepe University

Department of Information ManagementAnkara, Turkey


1st International Conference DIM 2015, Valletta, Malta

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