Tony Jeary Presskit

Post on 10-Apr-2015

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Tony Jeary - Heinlein Group


Tony Jeary, conference speaker, strategic facilitator, and success coach, is known as Mr. Presentation™. He is the author of over 30 titles and has spent over 20 years helping others operate at Mastery. Tony personally coaches the very top tier of today’s most influential people, including Senator Bob Dole, General Norman Schwarzkopf, and many CEOs and presidents from the world’s largest companies: Walmart, Sam’s, QualComm, Samsung, Firestone.

Tony is the founder of Tony Jeary High Performance Resources (TJHPR) and Tony Jeary International (TJI), which offer special sessions (success coaching, conference speaking, and strategic facilitation) as well as unique resources based on clarity, focus, and execution. His methodology focuses on Strategic Acceleration through Communication Mastery™.

Tony consistently provides best practices, benchmarking ideas, and business resources to his clients from nearly 20,000 personal connections. A high-energy style, combined with unparalleled op-timism, captures the attention of his audiences. His personal com-mitment is to equip his listeners in a matter of days – or even hours – with skills that would normally take years to master. Tony lives by his motto: “Give Value; Do More Than Is Expected.”

Conference Speaker

Tony’s keynotes, seminars and speeches are highly energiz-ing, entertaining, and educational. In his bestselling book, Life Is A Series Of Presentations, Tony teaches the 8 Pre-sentation Essentials that will accelerate success through increasing sales, driving brands, being more persuasive, and saving time through the use of proven processes.

People present dozens of times daily, in person, on the phone (or by voicemail), through email, and of course, to groups. Tony knows that presentation effectiveness is critical to success. He can facilitate in a few hours what often takes people days and weeks to do.

Topics include: Success Acceleration Ten Essentials For Driving Execution Finding 100 Extra Minutes A Day Life Is A Series Of Presentations

Success Coach

Many of Tony’s clients prefer one-on-one personal time to advance their level of expertise to gain clarity, strategic focus and to execute with mas-tery, whether crafting a message or improving overall presentation effective-ness. He will custom-design a half or full-day session around your objectives and goals and use his vast array of business acumen and resources to show you best practices, proven processes, and simple systems, all of which will accelerate your success in his unique Success Acceleration Studio.

Strategic Facilitator

Either at your location, or Tony’s unique Success Acceleration Studio, Tony and his team can help you or your group focus more effectively on strategic goals and objectives, develop and deepen a resonant brand or market presence, clarify and understand your value proposition, and design your core messages.

There’s a reason why many CEOs of the world’s top companies fly their cor-porate jets to Tony’s studio: He delivers proven results, quickly. His secret? Facilitating Collective Intelligence with unmatched speed!

What Tony Jeary can do for you

You and your staff are truly a team of life-changing individuals. I was blown away by your efficiency, organization and expertise! In my 18 years I have invested in sales and marketing, I have never been exposed to a more results-oriented day.

Chris Roberts,VP Marketing, MASTERGUARD, L.P.

… Tony brings

clarity and strategic

focus to accelerate

execution and

bottom line results,





About Tony…Tony Jeary developed a powerful Success Acceleration Process that has transformed individuals and organizations across the globe. For more than two decades, he has helped others discover new clarity for their vision, develop focus on their direction, and create powerful execution strategies that impact achievement and results.

Tony Jeary is a bestselling author, Strategic Acceleratorand coach to the world’s top CEO’s.

Tony was raised by entrepreneurial parents who thrived on identifying and pursuing new opportuni-ties to serve others. Tony’s father taught him the powerful principle that has driven Tony’s profes-sional and personal life: “Always give more than expected”. Exceeding expectations is the com-mon thread that every Tony Jeary client experiences first-hand. During his work coaching the world’s top CEO’s, executives, and high-achievers, Tony has been able to study, observe and categorize the traits, best practices, and distinctions that lead to individual and organizational success.

Tony identified the distinctions that characterize and set apart high achieving individuals and com-panies, and developed his Success Acceleration process from those, proving that the foundational characteristic of great performers is the mastery of their ability to communicate where people take action. Tony labels this ability to present Communication Mastery™ and it is the basis for the Suc-cess Acceleration process. Communication Mastery™ is rooted in the concept that every form of communication with clients, colleagues, and others in your universe is critical to success. He evangelizes the power of presentations related to achievement.

His best selling book, Life is a Series of Presentations (Simon and Schuster) has not only been read by people all over the world, but studied, endorsed and transformed into courses, videos, and CD programs. Tony Jeary has been described as a ‘gifted encourager’ who facilitates positive out-come for others. His list of personal and professional relationships approaches 20,000. For two de-cades Tony has personally coached literally the worlds top CEO’s advising them and their organiza-tions; companies such as Samsung, Firestone, Ford, Wal-Mart, Sam’s, New York Life, QualComm, and Daimler Chrysler.

If anyone ever asks me who I know to help them get a strategic handle on their situation and find solutions fast, I will simply say, “Tony Jeary.”

Joel A. Barker, Futurist author, “Business of Paridigms”

Tony Jeary, is a real guy, with real history and has personal experience with both success and failure. Tony made and lost several million dollars before he was 26. Today, as he personally practices the distinctions that characterize Strategic Acceleration through Communication Mastery™, failure is rare-both for Tony and his clients!

Today he is blessed to raise his family on his estate near Dallas where he spends the majority of his professional time working with selected clients in his Success Acceleration Studio or authoring his newest titles on mastery.


For 20 years, Tony Jeary has supported some of the most respected companies, unique high achievers and effective organizations all over the world. With dozens of published works, Tony is considered an authority on Success Acceleration™.

Because of his extensive experience, Tony has realized that busy executives and their teams often need to go offsite to synergize their team and crystallize their direction.

To meet this need, Tony Jeary has created a unique facility, featuring the Success Accel-eration Studio, on his park-like estate in the DFW Metroplex (conveniently located just min-utes away from Dallas’s public and private airports). Compa-nies such as Ford, Dr. Pep-per/Seven-Up, Wal-Mart, EDS,

SAM’S Club, and New York Life repeatedly come to Tony’s facility.

The Success Acceleration Studio, in its stimulating, unique set-ting, combines the latest media technology with a library contain-ing a lifetime’s worth of systems, processes, and best practices. The studio has the best equipment, arrangement, organization, and team available for a unique meeting experience as well as customized coaching sessions.

Communication Mastery

Tony says, “Life Is a Series of Presentations™” and that elevating existing presentation expertise should be a priority. Utilizing the Studio’s mock stage (complete with teleprompting equipment, simultaneous multiscreen projection, stadium lighting, etc.), Tony can help you and your team reach Communication Mastery™. He can create a mock environment (meeting, board room, etc.) tailored to your personal needs and preferences, and provide unparalleled 1:1 focus and presentation coaching. Often though groups of up to 6 gather for a customized session with Tony to polish team synergies and strategize on Communication Mastery™.

Strategic Acceleration

Tony and his talented team can help you fine-tune your planning, launch an initiative, or simply refocus…all resulting in Maximum Impact. Tony has spent his entire life building an exhaustive arsenal of processes, systems, and best practices to help you quickly realize your achievement potential. His processes and systems can cut your planning sessions by 70% which means a three to five-day meeting can often be conducted in only one day. Tony’s unique library allows him to “cross-pollinate”

best ideas from other industries to accelerate the successful achievement of his clients’ business goals and objectives.

Tony Jeary and his SuccessAcceleration Studio canhelp YOU reach clarity, strategic focus, and execute with unparallel speed.

Book a day at …The Success Acceleration Studio

… a stimulating setting for breaks

Private, unique, motivating…

Top CEOs experience the studio, like Mr. Jeong Han KimPresident of Samsung

Inspired,focused and Synergized

Go to and take the free CommuniCation assesment!

We accomplished more in one

day at your studio that normally

would take us three months to do.

Thanks, Tony!

Admittedly, Return on Investment for an outside resource that providing strategic consulting and facilitation services can be difficult to forecast.

However, the return on investment for hiring Tony Jeary can be quickly determined by understanding and applying another term: Return on Effort.

Characteristics of Return on Effort:

n When significant reductions in time can be achieved relative to the actual results produced.

n The financial force multiplier effect of dollars invested that significantly reduce time invest-ment. (A force multiplier is a military term re-ferring to a factor that dramatically increases

– hence “multiplies” – the combat effec-tiveness of a military force.)

Some of the greatest executive costs for strategic advancement are unrecognized because they come in the form of time investment by leadership. These costs are absorbed and buried in monthly payroll expenses. The foundational value of Tony Jeary’s

S u c c e s s

Acceleration™ process is rooted in speed and dramatic strategic accomplishment within time frames not traditionally considered possible. Hence, the investment in Tony Jeary’s Success Acceleration™ process becomes a force multiplier with profound results.

Tony Jeary’s Success Acceleration™ process often requires only ONE day. The clarity, focus and execution achieved in that one day can be the equivalent of multiple executives investing hours per month for two, three, even six months on strategic issues. The hidden costs for that type of investment can easily be hundreds of thousands of dollars. The investment for one day with Tony Jeary translates into clarity, faster times to market and rapid transitions from planning to actual revenue generation.

Formula Entries:

Total Executives in process (TE) Sample: 5

Avg. Hourly rate of Executive (AH) Sample: $150

Planning Hours (PH) Sample: 750 (25 hrs. per mo., per executive)

Success Acceleration™ Time investment:(SA)TE x 8

(TE x AH x PH) minus (TE x AH x SA) = ROE / Force Multiplier

(5 x $150 x 750 = $562,500) - (5 x $$150 x 40 = 30,000) = $532,000

$562,500 -30,000 = $532,000

Return on Investment/Return on Effort

The investment for one day with Tony

Jeary translates into clarity, faster times to

market and rapid transitions from planning

to actual revenue generation.

The synergy and energy of Tony Jeary’s life work is captured in one word: Results! Every concept, principle, tool and technique taught or facilitated by Tony is focused to produce results and produce them faster than people believe possible. To help his clients achieve results faster, Tony personally developed a concept and a process called Success Acceleration. Success Acceleration transformsordinary effort into extraordinary achievement.

Tony believes every business activity is measured by the results achieved and the impact those results have on the execution of leadership’s vision. After all, until a vision is executed it is merely an unfulfilled hope or dream. Success Acceleration pursues strategies and achievement that produce high impact results and transform vision into reality.

The development of Tony’s Success Acceleration Process resulted from his obsession with studying distinctions that characterize top-performing high achievers and organizations. From his study Tony discovered and proved that the foundational characteristic of great performers was mastery of their ability to communicate their vision and translate their vision into action. Tony labels this distinction Communication Mastery and it is the basis for his Success Acceleration Process. Communication Mastery is rooted in the concept that every form of communication is in fact a presentation,

and to have impact it should not be left to chance. High achievers are able to communicate

their vision clearly and translate that communication into definitive action that produces results. The capability of creating high-impact results escalates as Communication Mastery is achieved within three powerful Success

Acceleration factors:

ClarityThe principle of clarity requires a specific clearness of mind that is unmistakable and evident to all. The requirement for clarity is specific with respect to three issues: Purpose Value Identifying Strategic Objectives

FoCusAt the heart of focus are core issues of direction and the marshalling of resources in a laser-focused way to insure that effort is expended on the things that really matter. Tony Jeary’s facilitation strategy to create the proper focus zeros in on three issues; Mandating the correct action items Creating the appropriate amount of detail to support action mandates Creating benchmarks that can measure results.

ExECutionExecution powerfully transitions clarity and focus in action to insure expected re-sults become reality. There are three elements that proper execution requires: Communication Mastery Performance Systems and Standards Measurement of ImpactWhen Communication Mastery is realized and the Success Acceleration Process is deployed, results escalate in the form of real impact. This concept can be graphically depicted along an Impact Curve:








level 1 level 2 level 3

Once the climb to mastery begins, incremental results are seen frombasic skills to advanced. Once you begin entering the realm of Mastery

however, the benefits begin to accrue exponentially.





Success Acceleration and The Impact Curve

Alternative to a Keynote

Instead of a traditional keynote, have Tony and his team deliver an experience that will live on, positively affect your culture and deliver more value than perhaps you have even thought about.

In a one to four-hour presentation, Tony can launch a movement inside your department, division or organization, carefully crafted based on pre-surveys, selected phone interviews and aligned with your culture.

Think about what PRESENTATION MASTERY™ can mean to you:

Increased morale from more effective communication and meetings

Less wasted time in all meetings

More business through better sales effectiveness and higher closing ratios

Greater team synergy

Fostering improved leadership

Greater e-presentations (email) – think of the waste and inefficien-cies in this area

Better Bottom-line Results!

Each attendee not only gets Tony’s message of awareness which moves them up the impact curve towards Presentation Mastery™, they get proven practical practices that can be used immediately both for preparation and delivery.

We share processes that are developed from 20 years of Tony’s focus in this area. We provide a 3-D Outline Builder™ for each person that insures focus and can save 30 minutes to 2 hours a week per person on presentation preparation…week after week.

Each attendee gets an entire arsenal developed by Tony and partners - including:

a personally autographed “Life is a Series of Presentations” book

“Meeting Magic” “Too Many E-mails” “Speaking Spice” Mr. Presentation™ Manager CD

with many tools and techniques from Tony’s library!

Optionally, we can include the Communication Mastery CD program from Nightingale Conant

The Presentation Mastery™


I am convinced that with your help and support, my team and I

are now better to communicate the value of our business with

our associates, stock holders and analysts.


“I am not only impressed with your coaching skills, but more importantly, with your genuine commitment to supporting your clients and building a true partnership.”

Multiple times, execs from SAMs and Wal-Mart literally get into their corporate jets and fly to Tony’s back yard to strategize in his Success Acceleration Studio. For years, Tony has contributed to the growth of this $30b+ organization and its millions of members across the globe.


“Inspiration is no small matter when communicating important initiatives to large, independent minded audiences like Ford dealers. I have found Tony Jeary’s insights on inspiring audiences to be both helpful and practical.”

Tony has been paid as much as $1m for the single assignment of bringing team synergy to Ford. He has impacted Ford across the globe, working to impact all levels, including dealership, marketing, manufacturing, and even coaching the president and supporting the entire executive management.

Mr. Kim is an incredible man committed to excellence. He commissioned his PR company to comb the landscape to find the very best coach to support him. Tony was the chosen candidate. They instantly built a mutual respect and trusted relationship. Mr. Kim has worked with Tony on many occasions to continue to drive his excellence.

MIKE GOREY President

“It’s great to see our group back together. There was energy we haven’t seen in a long time.”

Tony has worked with the top executive management for virtually all of the Firestone Companies. They have adopted Tony’s Communication Mastery methodology as a strategic high-growth catalyst, even to the point that Communication Mastery is now an HR performance review item at every level.

TEd CUNNINGhAM Executive Vice President

“The momentum of the knowledge and skills you imparted spreads throughout Chrysler; our satisfied customers and our very future are truly enhanced because of your fine efforts.”

Spent 5+ years being paid over $2m a year to work with Chrysler’s presidents around the globe and was able to reach a goal in 1997 when Chrysler was on the front of Forbes magazine as the best company in America. When Tony started in 1991, the LH vehicles were code named “last hope”.

BRIAN GAREAUhuman Resources

“Thank you for your commitment, flexibility and passion for customer delight. You’ve set a new standard that other service providers must now try to achieve. We truly had a great return on our investment.”

Caterpillar consists of over 80k personnel divided into 25+ business units. Tony has been commissioned to work with and support HR across all business units, helping them with his PM methodology.

FREd SIEVERTVice Chairman

“Tony provides a tremendous amount of help in a short period of time.”

Stephen RaySenior Vice President

It all started with a single request for Tony’s book, Inspire Any Audience.What turned out was over a decade of synergistic partnership of helping over 8k agents, 134 managing partners, all the way up to the chairman of NYL personally. Tony has implemented his laser focus thinking in conjunction with NYL VP to support continued growth and best use of time, money, and resources. He’s been commissioned to study and organize every single compliance approved seminar and his books, cds, videos have been major part of entire library of learning.

“I’ve been around Wal-Mart since 1977 and you made a hit!”

paUL CaRteRBoard Member

Tony began his relationship working with the President of SAMs and because his methodolgies were so effective to the largest company in the world, because of their need to cascade messages effectively and consistently around the globe to, in some cases, over 1m people, he has been commissioned and retained to work with over 100 of their top executives, personally shaping their brands, messages and processes, including the Vice Chairman, Mike Duke, and Wal-Mart’s President, Eduardo Castro.

dAVE WENTZ President

“You’re the most proactive advisor with whom I’ve ever worked.…I have found you to be a results-focused partner and always looking for ways to add more value.”

Tony enjoys a special relationship with the President and exec mgmt of one of the best, well-run health-focused companies in America.

MIKE BERRY President

“You have a style that instills energy and confidence into our associates while allowing them to understand the importance of self-improvement. … We are a better organization today as a result of our relationship with you over the years.”

Hillwood Properties is Ross Perot’s real estate organization, run by some of the most effective superior focused executives in the world. Their attention to detail, their award-winning company, never stops short of continuing to improve and for years Tony has helped them shape their strategic direction and communicate more effectively.

Proven Results!Working With the Best Organizations

Jim O’ConnorPresident, Ford Motor Corporation

Mr. Jeong Han KimPresident, Samsung Telecommunications, America

Chip McAllister of Chip and Kim,Winners of CBS’s AMAZING RACE

Rick SearfossAstronaut

Tom GrimmFormer President, SAMs Club

Jim MurphyFounder, Afterburners

Jim Striegel#1 Reator with Keller Willliams

Mike BerryPresident, Hillwood Properties, A Ross Perot Company

Bob DoleSenator andFormer Presidential Candidate

Mark MagnaccaAuthor, “The Product Is You”

Jim TaguePresident, Chrysler Taiwan

Tony Casillas2 Time World NFL Superbowl Champion

Tony BinghamPresident, ASTD

Peter LoweSuccess Seminars

Fred SeivertPresidentNew York Life

Zig ZiglarFather of Motivational Speaking

Robert A Rohn, Ph.D.World-Class Communicator, Personality Insights

Tad SimonsEditor-in-Chief, PresentationMagazine

Izumida-SanPresidentCaliper, Japan

Kyle WilsonPresident, Jim Rohn International

Mike GoreyPresident, Firestone

Morgan MatlockMiss Texas, 2005

Paul JacobsPresident,Qualcomm

Brian TracyCreator of The Psychology of Achievement

Dan TaylorCoach, Dan Sullivan’s “The Strategic Coach”

Ross LightleSpeaker, Russ Whitney Education Group, Canada

Charlotte StallingsSpokesperson for American Express Financial

Lee CauseyFounder, First FitnessInventor of First Health Shake

Mark Victor HansenAuthor, “Chicken Soup For The Soul”

Coleman PetersonFormer Executive VPWalmartHuman Resources

Eduardo CastroPresident, Wal-Mart Mexico

Jerry HeffelPresident, The Southwestern Company

Mike DukePresident, Wal-Mart, U. S. A.

Kiuchi-SanPresident, Seiyu Corporation, Japan

Celia SwansonFormer EVP SAMs ClubMembership & Marketing

Lysander ChenConsultant Guru, Taipei, Taiwan

Chad ChaneyActor, E!® Reality Show Winner

Tony The TigerKelloggs Executives

Brinnon and MarksMusical Comedians

Ed BowmanPresident, CEOSourcecorp

Joel BarkerFuturist, author of Paradigms

David WentzPresidentUSANA Corporation Health Services

Proven Results!Working With the Best People