Too Much Noise (Remixed By

Post on 29-May-2015

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Too Much Noise An eBook Published by Pratham Books, Remixed by Story: Noni Illustrations: Angie & Upesh Poem: Nangai


Story: Noni

Poem: Nangai

Illustrations: Angie & Upesh

Remix Version by ☺

Poem by: Nangai

Sringeri Srinivas took his cows to the fair,He couldn't control his ears, only could he glare!

The buses went honk honk honk,The vans went ponk ponk ponk!

Shringeri Shrinivas returned home,Partly covered with smoke and foam!

His cows could think of nothing but hay,But Sringeri Srinivas couldn't forget the noise on his way!

He shouted at everyone who made a bit noise,He hated the black koyal and her voice!

His wife stopped shouting,His children stopped playing!

Everyone in the farm,Tried to make him calm!

One day he left his house with an angry face,And bound himself in a place with a smoky gaze!

In this place with trucks and bikes,He found a man with a headphone and boots with spikes!

The man was wearing a red and blue head phone,From which came a soothing and a good tone!

Sringeri Srinivas bought the largest head phone,and became the most peaceful man I have ever known!