Tooraweenah Public School newSleTTer 14.8 · 2019. 10. 27. · Save the Date- Public Speaking...

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Tooraweenah Public School newSleTTer - 14.8.2019

School News Week 4 Term 3

Small Schools’ Athletics Carnival

On a day of bleak weather, students found the fortitude to participate in the Small Schools’ Athletics Carnival in Dubbo where they competed against Eumungerie, Wongarbon, Geurie, Ballimore, Mumbil, Stuart Town, Dubbo Distance Education. Congratulations to the students who participated to the best of their ability and earned points for Tooraweenah Public School. Our Relay Team, consisting of Darcy Holland, Brock Trickey, Taylor McDonell and Lexi Trickey placed first against the other P6 Small Schools (Ballimore, Stuart Town, Mumbil and Eumungerie) and we look forward to hearing confirmation that they will progress through to the Western PSSA Athletics Trials in Dubbo on 13th September. The Tooraweenah P&C Assoc. operated the canteen on the day and raised a substantial amount of money for the P&C. Thank you to all parents and grandparents who helped out on the day. It was certainly a hive of activity in the canteen. Thank you to Cherie McWhirter for coordinating the band of helpers and supplies for the day.

Safe, Respectful Achievers

CWA International Day

On Thursday 15th August, Tooraweenah Public School will be attending the CWA International Day at the CWA rooms. Students will have an early lunch and walk to the CWA Hall at 1:00pm to arrive by 1:15pm. We look forward to hearing more about the CWA Country of Study, Papua New Guinea from the guest speaker. Students have worked very hard on their competition submissions. The winners in each category from our school will be announced at International Day on Thursday.

Western Plains Principal’s Conference – Term 3

Mrs Smith will be attending the Western Plains Principal’s Conference in Dubbo on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th August.

Reptile Show

The School students and Preschoolers will be attending a Reptile Show here at school on Wednesday 21st August. There will be no cost to parents for this incursion. This hands on opportunity is linked to the syllabus outcomes in Science, Geography and PDHealth as well as English.

Save the Date- Public Speaking Competition

The Inter-school Public Speaking Competition will be on Friday 20th September at St Johns Baradine. This year students will be presenting poems. If you have a favourite poem at home that your child would like to present, please send it in to school. Teachers can help source poems for students too. Karen Smith Relieving Principal

Small Schools Athletics Carnival

Term 3 2019


4 12 13 14

CWA International Day

Mrs Smith Western

Plains Principal’s Conf


Mrs Smith Western

Plains Principal’s Conf 16 17 18

August 5 PBL Meeting

19 20

Reptile Show at school 11am

21 22 23 24 25


6 26 27 28

Coonabarabran Horse Sports

Mrs Smith PPA Conf.


Coonabarabran Horse Sports

Dubbo District


Mrs Smith PPA Conf.

30 31 1



PBL Meeting 2

‘Online Friends and Strangers’

session Years 4-6


Teachers attend

FilmPond PL Gilgandra 3:30-

4:30pm 4 5

Gilgandra High School Careers

Expo for Years 5-6


Rugby Union Gala Day

6 7 8



PBL Foundations

Training Mrs Zell and

Mrs Jenkin PBL Meeting

9 10 11 12

Western Athletics

13 14 15



PBL Meeting 16 17

PBL Coach Network

Training and PBL Showcase

18 19

Inter-school Public

Speaking Competition-

Baradine 20 21 22

Sept 10

23 24 25 26

Footy Colours Day- Charity

Fundraiser 27

28 29

Fanny Lumsden
