Top 10 Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes

Post on 17-Nov-2014

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Electronic Cigarettes have taken the market by storm and are becoming increasingly more popular – and for good reason. Switching from conventional cigarettes to E-cigarettes offers a ton of health and lifestyle benefits. We picked the 10 best advantages of e-cigarettes to highlight a safer way to smoke.


Top 10 Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes

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Electronic Cigarettes have taken the market by storm and are becoming increasingly more

popular – and for good reason. Switching from conventional

cigarettes to E-cigarettes offers a ton of health and lifestyle benefits. We picked the 10 best advantages of e-cigarettes to highlight a safer

way to smoke.

1. Completely Eliminates Tar

There is no combustion in electronic cigarettes, which eliminates tar. Tar is

found in smoke and is what turns lungs black after years of smoking. E-

cigs produce water vapor, which is less dense and dissipates quickly. You’ll be able to smoke without

worrying about thick heavy cigarette smoke.

2. No Ash or Trash!

E-cigarettes don’t produce any ash or leave behind filters. Most e-cigarettes are reusable too, so that prevents even more trash from being left around. You’re saving the planet one puff at a


 3. No Smoke, Only Vapor

E-cigarettes heat up the liquid into a vapor that is inhaled like smoke. The vapor is better for you than

regular smoke and it disappears in seconds. There are also not harsh

chemicals in the vapor like the ones found in cigarettes.

4. Eliminates Second Hand Smoke

Since there is no smoke produced by e-cigarettes, there is no risk of second hand smoke either. The

vapor disappears quickly and does not linger and pollute the air like a normal cigarette would. E-cigs are

not only safer for you, but for those around you as well.

5. No Gross Smell

E-cigarette vapor does has a smell to it, but it’s a pleasant smell that is only present for as long as the

vapor is. Cigarette smoke will linger and smell for quite a while, but you don’t have to worry about

that anymore!

6. Avoid Accidental Burns

Once you switch to an e-cigarette, you will no longer accidently burn hole in

seat of your car, clothing, or even your skin. The heating element in an e-cigarette is enclosed and nearly

impossible to burn yourself with. You can set your e-cigarette down after

using it without worrying about scorching holes into anything.

7. Cost Effective

E-cigarettes cost a little more at startup than a regular pack of

cigarettes, but they pay for themselves in the long run. Refills and new coils are inexpensive and are not needed as regularly as you would go through a normal pack of


8. No More Yellow Fingers or Teeth

Since there is no smoke or tar, you can say goodbye to yellow

fingertips and teeth. The vapor is colorless, almost odorless, and doesn’t leave behind disgusting marks on our skin. If you haven’t switched already, what are you

waiting for?

 9. No Need for Lighters, So There is No Butane


This is a big one. When lighting a cigarette you end up inhaling a bit of

lighter fluid. This just adds to the hundreds of already harmful

chemicals found in cigarettes. When you switch to e-cigarettes, there is a

heating coil that is made hot by a battery. No lighter fluid needed.

10. Smoke Almost Anywhere

With an e-cig, you can smoke practically anywhere. There have been some bans in restaurants

and offices, but this is still at the discretion of the owner of the establishment. The e-cigarette

vapor will not damage or stink up your car, bedroom, or office at all.