Top 10 foods that burn fat

Post on 07-May-2015

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Top 10 Foods that Burn Fat

Green SaladsAlways good for your health; sumptuous, filling, and healthy! Green salads are a yes-yes to have a slim-trim body! These are rich in essential nutrients, including all vital vitamins and minerals.

Brown RiceBrown rice is rich in fiber and high source of energy. Because of its high fiber content, it lets in more water into your body and keeps your digestive system perfect; as a result, it helps in losing weight.

BerriesAll the members of berries family are great source of vitamin C and can help a great deal to burn excessive fat from different parts of your body!

BroccoliThis super-food has high nutritive value. It has all the important nutrients, like vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and most importantly fiber! Consume broccoli regularly and see yourself change within a few days!

SalmonSalmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and aids in weight loss. If possible, include it in your regular diet and see the wonders!

AvocadoThis is a wonder-fruit! They say it is full of good fat that burns the bad one from your tummy. Actually, it is rich in MUFA, i.e., monounsaturated fats and aids in weight loss.

Whole Grain BreadIt is rich in fiber, proteins, and other vital nutrients. More importantly, it is low in saturated fat and rich in complex carbohydrates. These are the reasons it aids in weight loss!

OatsEveryone would suggest you to be on oatmeal if you want to lose weight; of course, we are not any exception! Add oats in your breakfast and see yourself reduce!

Green TeaEverybody knows the benefits of green tea. It is rich in antioxidants that help remove free radicals from the body, and aid in weight loss. Consume it on a regular basis to expedite your weight loss process!

Citrus FruitsCitrus fruits are the ones that are high in vitamin C; these largely include oranges, lemons, berries, peach, grapes, etc. These foods help break down fatty acids by producing Carnitine, which oxidizes fat. Take these raw or as juices!

Thank You Very MuchMohsin Shaikh

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