Top 10 Free Advertising Tips

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Intended for start-ups, Home businesses, Entrepreneurs and Australian marketers.



Top 10 Free Advertising Tips.Low Cost Marketing Solutions.

Intended audience: Start-up, Home business, Entrepreneurs, Australians

Presented by: Damus Chu

Presented on: 10th June 2014

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So you have an amazing product, an amazing idea. You’ve just quit your day job and have $2,500 dollars in your bank account for this risky venture.

A common pain point to any start-up would be your advertising outlays on marketing “money keeps pouring out like water but nothing comes back in”.

Before you open up your wallet and cringe upon the effectiveness your marketing dollars spent on “paid media”, here are a few “free advertising” tips to get you started.



1. Find directories.

Find directories where you can post your services for free. It also

helps with boosting up your website rankings in Google.

For me it would be mUmBRELLA.


2. Create a list of x100 partners.

Create a list of x100 partners you would like to work with and spend about

1-2 weeks customising emails to send to them

about what you can bring to the table.


3. Issue a Press Release.

Issue a press release to editors of relevant media owners / trade


(it won't hurt)


4. Build partnerships.

Build partnerships where you can cross promote each other's

products. Could be an old friend or an ex-work



5. Networking sessions.

Sign-up to networking sessions to meet likeminded

people to bounce ideas & build partnerships. Meetup is great - there's an interest for nearly anything, you name it.


6. Write a Book.

Write a book to build your profile. Share knowledge on

SlideShare. Share knowledge on YouTube

("How to" heading). It's good PR for yourself.


7. Key Note Speaking.

Be a key note speaker at a conference / interest group

whether paid or volunteering - this is great PR for your business and cements all

your foundations as well as potential for creating



8. Social Pages.

Set-up all the free social pages; Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,

Google+, Pinterest, etc - and communicate your offering. Invite

your friends for free (be a good friend and try not to pester too much). Friends are usually the people who are the strongest

brand advocates.


9. Power of Giving.

Offer free advice & engage in philanthropy.

Power of giving is good karma.


10. Word of Mouth.

Word of Mouth via using a spotter fee for anyone who brings you new business. Ask for a

deposit to cover the spotter fee, and

commence work!