Top 10 most founded cultures that practiced human sacrifice

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Top 10 Most Founded Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

The Incas (10)

As an Inca, it will be a great honor to be sacrificed. You must say that this ancient culture is the most merciful culture in human sacrifice; as their rituals were done with more humanity than in other civilizations. 

 The Egyptians (9)

What is the meaning of human sacrifice according to the ancient Egyptians? It means the ritual killing of human beings on certain occasion and the killing of domestic servants to bury them along with their master .

The Aztecs (8)

You can say that the Aztec empire really took the ritual of human sacrifice to new heights and you will be shocked to know that the number of people that were sacrificed could be more than 20,000 per a year .

 The Hawaiians (6)It was also a very harsh way of sacrifice. According to their beliefs, there was a method of showing indignity to dead chiefs to insure victory in war, when the chiefs captured in battle, they should be hung upside down on

wooden racks and pounded his bones and flesh to soften the meat .

 The Celts (5)The Celts also performed human sacrifice as part of their religious rituals. According to Strabo in his Geography “they would strike a man who had been consecrated for sacrifice in the back with a sword… some men would shoot dead with arrows and impale in the temples”

The Chinese (4)There were a lot of Chinese human sacrifice ways. For example, Beheading which means to cut off a human sacrifice’s head and then offer it to the spirits. Also, splitting the body into halves which refers to killing human sacrifice by splitting it into halves for worshipping spirits .

 The Etruscans (3)Romans practiced various forms of human sacrifice; such as The Etruscans. For example they give criminals as a sacrifice to their gods such as The Rex Nemorensis who killed his predecessor and became priest of the goddess Diana at Nemi .

The Israelites (2)It is known for child sacrifice which is called “burnt offering of children”. But not all ancient Israel practiced this ritual. The only people who practiced this sacrifice were the worshipers of Moloch; who sacrificed their lives to please the god .

The Carthaginians (1)

Can you kill your child?!! This is what was done by the Carthaginians who killed their own children by burning them with sacrificed animals and ritual inscriptions to please the gods

. Of course, it is the most harmful way as imagine how could anyone kill his own son ?

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