Top 10 Tactics from Accurate

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Accurate is pleased to announce the release of Version 2 of our guide Are you Current? Relevant? Influential? Being “current, relevant, and influential” is not magic — it’s a recipe. Remaining current, relevant and influential is the life blood of your existence. If you can’t do this—there is no need for who you are, or what you do—it’s that simple. As all leaders know, it takes strategy and planning to make your organization a success. There is a laundry list of proven tactics to make this a reality for any business—it’s the Top 10 questions that you need to ask, then execute, to maintain a healthy business model.



How healthy

is your webs


Are you in




Need to breathe

life into yo


Are you claiming your territory

Could you offer a great app?

Do you have

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Are you moving people withvideo

Want to turn


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Are you th

eSEO top dog?

Do you test


10Tacticsto Keep You

Current, Relevant & Influential

Is your website mobile responsive? Are there business tools you wish your site had to help you grow revenues, streamline processes, or better serve your clients? A critical needs analysis will take the pulse of your website and recommend solutions that’ll give it a clean bill of health.

Questions a high-quality needs analysis will ask and answer:

What do your analytics reveal about how people find your website, which content is most popular, how long they stay, how often they return, or how much revenue it generates?

What direct services or features would you like to offer your clients from your website and how would these support your business goals?

How would you rate the user experience of your current website? Do you know what your clients’ opinions are? Is it helping or hurting your business?

How is internet traffic getting to your website? Social media, search, advertising, etc?

Is your website mobile responsive? If not, your mobile search ranking will suffer due to Google’s mobile search algorithm.

1How healthy is your website? Give it a check-up.


How healthy is your website? Give it a check-up.

There’s no secret language or trick to boosting your website’s ranking. If you treat it like a high-performance machine and maintain it, you’ll get optimal performance online (search engine rankings). That means focusing on a few simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) fundamentals.

SEO fundamentals:

Focus on content marketing: Integrate multiple media types into your website such as webinars, videos, blogs, white papers, e-books, etc. Each of these can be found through search online.

Create relevant content: You’ll rank higher if your content is relevant to what people are searching for in your space. Think of the terms, names, products, etc. your audience would use to find you. Content is king!

Make everything discoverable: Create descriptive page titles and meta descriptions. Make sure your file names for photos, videos and downloads are named intuitively too because people search for images and videos too.

Stay technologically current: Over 50% of web searches happen on mobile. Google penalizes non-mobile websites in these searches so you must have a mobile website.

2Are you the SEO top dog?

Optimize your website.


3Are you in the conversation? Use social media to your advantage.

A social media strategy asks and answers key questions:

Vision: Define your goals and how social media will work to your advantage.

Metrics: Assess the size of your audience and where they are most active. Are they engaged with your competitors or talking about you already and you just don’t know it?

Engage: What social media channels are best for your business? Define how you will creatively engage people on issues that matter to them.

Awareness: What are the risks to your organization on social media? Detail these, create a risk strategy and identify who will manage it.

Accountability: What is your budget for things like social media advertising? Do you have a staffing plan to monitor and feed your accounts? Identify tools you will use for reporting and analytics.


Do you have Facebook, Twitter and YouTube profiles? What about Pinterest, Instagram or Vine? Choosing where to be on social media—or not to be—is a challenge in itself. Whether you’re socially connecting with customers or stakeholders, your relevance, influence and competitive advantage will depend on how well you join in the online conversation.

4Are you moving people with video?

increase the visibility of your brand.

The value of video to your business:

People are visual: If a picture is worth a thousand words, think of what you could communicate with a two to three minute video.

Video is engaging: Try talking to someone with the TV on behind them and you’ll likely get caught looking over their shoulder. That’s the power of video to capture and hold attention.

People are busy: Your audience would rather watch a short video than read pages of text to get the same message.

Video is persuasive: A creative, well-scripted video with excellent production values is memorable and can move people to action.

Video is hugely popular: YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet and video is one of the top content marketing tactics used by marketers that want to improve their SEO.

Using video as a content marketing tactic will keep you current, relevant, and most of all, influential. Video has the power to capture the attention of your clients and prospects and move them to action.


Blogging is a key component to any content strategy. It makes your website more discoverable in search and boosts your website’s SEO. But, to be influential in this space you have to show your expertise and write about subjects that are current and relevant.

5Are you claiming your territory online? blog to elevate your profile.

Fundamental steps to blogging success:

Know what your audience finds interesting and relevant: Research your audience and look at competitor blogs. Define the topics your audience would value most.

Spin your content: Make your blogs discoverable with titles and content written in a way to make them searchable.

Authoring strategy: Train your senior executives or the internal marketing team to blog as frontline experts. Or, hire professional writers and consider inviting influential guest bloggers increase your sphere of influence.

Share, share, and share: Make sure your website includes share widgets so readers can share your blogs on social media.

Set goals, integrate and monitor: Align your blog topics with your business goals and publicize your posts on social media feeds. Watch your website analytics to learn which blogs are most read and shared so you can build on that success.


6Could you offer a great app?

Build it and they will come.

Ingredients found in great apps:

Daily personal time-of-use on apps has surpassed time on websites. Apps offer people useful, fun content or time saving functions on the go. An app is a great way for you to build brand loyalty if your

products, services or information are suited to the platform.

Make it recognizable: Give your app a self- explanatory name so it can be found easily

online or in app stores.

Do something your website can’t:

Offer people access to unique, useful and

fun calculations or processes only available

on your app.

Keep it simple: Apps should be based on a simple concept, fast and easy to use

with a great user interface design.

Make it personal: Your app should

allow users to customize it to suit their preferences.

Create brand loyalty: Your app should save

people time or improve their access to your content or services. If it does, they’ll love

you for it.


The best way for customers to really come to appreciate your brand is for them to experience it in person and see it at it’s best.

Create a Live Experience

Create a Live Experience

7Need to breathe life into your brand? Expose it.

Asses the strength of your brand: An audit of your brand can be very revealling and create strategic opportunites for improvement and growth that can enhance your relevance.

Give people a chance to experience your brand live: Consider how valuable social awareness of your brand can be to its success. Get your name and logo onto wearables and into the media. Sponsoring events can build your brand equity.

Dress for success: Make sure your brand is current and relevant to your target market. If you look outdated—or worse, your brand doesn’t reflect the quality of your products or services— you’re weakening it.


If you want prospects or clients who like you now to love you later, you need to align your brand with what they want and need. A creative strat-egy will identify the variables that will bring you closer to your audience and lay out a creative plan designed to capture their hearts and minds.

Creative strategy must-haves:

Define audience profiles: Who are you targeting and what are their interests, needs, pain points, style preferences, habits, etc.?

Survey the landscape: Who are your competitors? What creative are they all using to promote their brands? How will your’s stand out from theirs?

Less is more: Is your value proposition clearly stated? How will the creative reflect this?

Focus: Are your business goals clearly stated and are they aligned with the creative approach?

It’s inventive: Does the strategy describe influences, opinions, trends, and technologies that inspire fresh ideas?

8Want to turn ‘likes’ into ‘loves’?

Capture the hearts and minds of your audience.


Have you thought about your big picture marketing plan? Reaching your target audience and maximizing the growth of your brand won’t happen by chance or with the help of a fortune teller. But an intelligent, well defined strategy will offer clear direction, defining tactics designed to meet your goals and guide you through the competitive landscape.

9Do you have a marketing plan?Don’t leave your success to chance.

Keys to a solid marketing strategy:

Integration of your business plan: Define your marketing objectives based on your business goals and priorities.

Build on what you know: Identify your strengths and weaknesses, the pulse of the world around you and your clients’ needs.

Set achievable goals: Be bold but realistic in what you can achieve and afford. Identify the resources you need to execute your plan.

Clear and concise language: Plainly state what you’re doing and why—from your audience’s perspective, not yours.

Measurement mechanisms: A marketing plan is a living document. Plan to evaluate your strategy as you go to see where you’re doing best, where you need to improve and where to focus future efforts. Adjust accordingly and keep going.


Figuring out what’s working and doing more of it—and less of what’s not—seems like a no-brainer. Why is it, then, that so few take the time to test and measure their marketing investment along the way?

How market intelligence can perform for you:

Do more of what works: Are you keeping your finger on the pulse of what people think or know about you? Do you know what’s working so you can do more of it?

Consumer and stakeholder insights can surprise: Are you flexible enough to be able to zig when you thought you should zag? If your consumer insight suggests sending your campaign in a totally different direction, listen to it.

Draw stats from wherever you can: What tools do you use to monitor performance? What do the key indicators say you’re doing right and what needs improvement?

10Do you test and measure?

If you can’t measure it, don’t do it.


The key benefits of hiring Accurate as your support team:

A Senior MarComm Advisor committed to bringing together the creative team, budgets, schedules and you.

A Creative Director devoted exclusively to your project ensuring top-notch creative that speaks to your goals.

A full-time Production Manager dedicated to making sure your project runs smoothly and meets our high quality control standards.

We have the capacity. Our large, full-time, on-site staff comprised of creative and technology teams as well as our strategic and administrative personnel gives you the peace of mind that we have the capacity to handle any situation.

A state-of-the-art project management system that tracks and records infinite project details—doing what no human brain can. Nothing is left to chance!

Pulling it all together takes talent and experience. Accurate has been helping our clients stay current, relevant and influential for many years. We them execute steps 1 through 10 every day. Whether you need marketing, branding, technology, public affairs or communications solutions, we have a great team—with great ideas—waiting to help you.

?Need help to stay current, relevant and influential?Add an experienced team.