Top 10 things to experience on a visit to Beijing

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Jam-packed with history and culture, Beijing is a city of extremes. Its dazzling skyscrapers push toward the sky as the ancient gates of the Forbidden City are opened to visitors.


Top 10 things to experience on a visit to Beijing

Jam-packed with history and culture, Beijing is a city of extremes. Its dazzling skyscrapers push toward the sky as the ancient gates of the Forbidden City are opened to visitors. The Great Wall snakes through the city, raising its historic head unexpectedly in the middle of urbanization. Exploring this complex ancient city is a pursuit that could take days, so here are my top 10 must dos while visiting Beijing.

One of the greatest museums in the world today is Beijing’s Forbidden City, the expansive palace complex of erstwhile emperors. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this walled city is the physical and metaphorical centre of Beijing. Opened to the public after 500 years, a trip inside is quite the eye opener. Though most of the site is still off limits and the remaining buildings look alike, a look-see of the former grand imperial palace is not to be missed. Another way of enjoying the Forbidden City is by climbing a nearby hilltop or building to get sweeping views of the magnificent complex.

Must See

The Great Wall of China winds its way through the city, throwing up a number of choices for the visitor. Choose a less trodden section in a not so touristy area so that you can have the Wall to yourself. There’s the hectic section of Badaling, for a picturesque experience head to Mutianyu and for a nice hike choose Simatai. You can walk the wall on your own or hire a Beijing city travel guide for an organized tour.

The next must see is the soon to disappear Hutong area. Hutongs are narrow alleys formed by lines of traditional courtyard houses to be found mostly in Beijing. A majority of these have been leveled to make way for urbanization but those that remain must be explored, preferably on a rented rickshaw for an authentic experience.

And finally, Tiananmen Square. One of the largest squares in the world, and possibly the most notorious, visiting Beijing’s iconic revolutionary space is an experience in itself. Chairman Mao’s famous portrait stares down across the Square that is home to his mausoleum, a museum and a number of impressive government buildings. Hundreds of people can be found strolling around on any given day, mostly locals clicking family pictures with the Chairman in the background.

What’s a trip to Beijing without having savored the famous Peking duck? Avoid falling into the touristy trap and head straight to Da Dong Roast Duck Restaurant at Nanxincang. Crispier with considerably less fat, these are the best ducks you can get your teeth around.

Must Eat

Get a taste of authentic cuisine from the southern province of Yunnan at Dali Courtyard Restaurant. Food from this region is heavily influenced by the neighboring Vietnam and Burmese cuisine, so what you get is a light and sophisticated mix of unusual herbs and flavors. Hot tip – the place functions without a menu, customers are served combinations of the freshest stuff the chef managed to procure that morning!

The Emperor Hotel is located near the east gate of the Forbidden City. The rooftop bar of this boutique hotel is quite the viewpoint for the city of Beijing and especially for the neighboring Forbidden City complex. Catch a drink here and admire the nighttime view, sloping roofs et al.

If its retail therapy that gets you going, then a must go place is the Nanluoguxiang hutong in the Gulou district, endless rows of shops, eateries and galleries. If your trip includes a weekend in Beijing, then get up early on Saturday or Sunday and head to the Panjiayuan flea market. This is where you will come across merchants selling everything from curios to antiques and paintings, in short the perfect place to pick up souvenirs.

Must Shop

Sanlitun offers bargains in electronics, beauty treatments and clothes during the day. By night, this chaotic market transforms into tourist heaven with food stalls and vendors jamming the streets. Hawkers persuade you to part with your money and buy random knick-knacks before you enter the many bars brimming with expats.