Top 10 tips for maximising accessibility - breakfast briefing March 2016

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Top 10 tips to improve the accessibility of your website

Gayle Whittaker – UX Consultant 9th March 2016

What we will cover…

What is Web Accessibility

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0)

Testing Process

10 Accessibility Tips

Web Accessibility… making your digital products and services accessible and usable for all your customers:

Visual Blindness, low vision, colour blindness

Hearing Deaf and hard of hearing

Motor Inability to use a mouse, limited motor control

Cognitive Learning disability, distractibility, dyslexia

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

WCAG v2.0 provides the foundation for web accessibility standards

61 checkpoints divided into 3 conformance levels - A, AA and AAA

Level A represents the minimum requirements for accessibility, 25 checkpoints

Only test the appropriate checkpoints

For level A conformance you must satisfy all Level A success criteria

If any fail, users with disabilities will not be able to use the web

Testing Process

1 2 3

Assistive technology


Colour Contrast Manual Automated contrastanalyser

Tip #1: Page Titles

Type all of your page titles into a spreadsheet and review them. If they make sense out of context, they will work on your website.

In many cases, it makes sense to repeat the page title or a variation of it as the main heading <h1> on your page.

Pages must have a page <title> that identifies the main content

Format suggestion: ‘Page name | Page description | Website name’

Should be descriptive and unique to each page on your site

Tip #2: Page structure

<header> <nav>

<main> <aside>


<article> <article> <article> Assistive technologies use this information as alternate way of viewing, understanding and navigating a page

Test Procedure

Use NVDA to show elements list

Using WAVE to linearize page

Provide semantic elements to markup page sections

Represents logical sections of a web page

HTML5 section elements

ARIA landmarks

Tip #3: Page Headings





<h5> <h6>

Heading structure benefits screen readers to help navigate content

Test Procedure

Use Web Developer Toolbar to View Document Outline

Start with <h1>

Headings must be sequential and must not skip headings

Headings should separate content into meaningful sections

If it looks like a heading check that it is an actual HTML heading

Don’t use bold, italicise or underline to define sections

Tip #4: Skip navigation links

Add a link a the top of each page that does directly to the main content

Must be one of the first items on the page

Link must be visible on focus

Benefits keyboard-only and screen reader users to navigate to content quickly

Tip #5: Support keyboard interaction

Test Procedure

Stop using your mouse

Use the TAB key to move forwards through the page

Shift + TAB to go backwards


2 3

7 6 5 4


Test using just your keyboard

All active elements can be activated using spacebar or enter key

Tab order is logical, meaningful sequence

Keyboard focus does not get trapped

Interactive content needs to show keyboard focus

Tip #6: Make it focusable

Best practice is to include "a:focus" and "a:active" in the CSS as well as "a:hover" to make focus highlight effects work when tabbing to links as well as when using a mouse over them.

Clearly indicate which element currently has focus

Don’t rely on the browser default focus indicator

Tip #7: Alternative text for images

Appropriate alt text • The text needs to convey the same meaning as the image.

• Images that are functional — for example, images that initiate actions (like submit buttons) and linked images (like in navigation) — need alt text that is the functional equivalent.

• If there is text in the image that text needs to be included in the alt text.

What is not needed in the alt text • If the image is not important for understanding the content – should have a null attribute

• If the image is sufficiently described in the text – should have a null attribute

• The alternative text does not need to include the words ‘image of’, ‘graphic of’ or ‘link’

<img src=“image.gif” alt=“ ”>

All HTML images must have an alt attribute

Provides effective SEO

When to use null alt, ask yourself: if the image was removed, would the user still get all the information from the page?

Tip #7: Alternative text for images

Test Procedure

Use WAVE to display alt attribute


Use Web Developer Toolbar to

Display Alt Attributes


Use Code Inspector such as

Firebug in Firefox

Tip #7: Alternative text for images

Test Procedure

Use WAVE to display your page with no styles

Check for an alternative to reflect the purpose of the icon

Images display through CSS are ignored by assistive technologies <span title=“” class=“tick”></span>

Ensure there is an alternative to images displayed through a CSS file Add text that can be visually hidden, displaying if off screen through CSS

<span title=“” class=“tick visuallyHidden”>Cover includes online discount</span>

Tip #8: Use of colour

Instructions must not rely on colour alone

Ensure sufficient contrast between foreground and background colours

Too little contrast reduces legibility

Make font large enough

Use more contrast for text in a smaller font

Test Procedure

Check instructions don’t rely on visual cues, “click on the green button”

View presentation of page in grayscale when printing

Use Colour Contrast Analyser to verify colour combinations

Tip #9: Write helpful links

<a href="link.shtml“ aria-label=“Concise information ">Find out more</a>

Links should be meaningful and describe destination

Include the file type and size of downloadable files e.g. (PDF, 10MB)

Warn users of links opening in new window

Underline links and make colour contrast stand out from surrounding text

Test Procedure

Manually check links on your pages, look out for links that repeat same words

Use NVDA element list to provide list of links

Tip #10: Associate form labels with controls

Labels should clearly describe input required from the user

Labels should identify whether field is required or optional

Instructions should be positioned before they are needed

Place labels adjacent to the form field

Left for textboxes, right for radio buttons and checkboxes

Every form element must have an associated <label>

Associate labels with form fields via “for” and “id” attributes

Test Procedure

Use WAVE to identify form association

Combo box collapsed

Combo box collapsed

Combo box collapsed

Edit blank

Property type combo box collapsed

Tip #10: Associate form labels with controls

Tip #10: Form feedback

Errors should be clear and findable

Form fields in error should still have users data in them

Test Procedure

Submit the form uncompleted

Check how errors are presented

Check where page focus moves to – not still on the submit button

Tip #11: Resize Text

Text can be resized up to 200% without loss of content or functionality

Text doesn’t disappear under objects on page

Forms are still usable

Horizontal scroll is at a minimum

Users with low vision often use browser zoom

Benefits users with small screens – mobile

Test Procedure

Zoom page content using Chrome – Ctrl +

Tip #12: Data Tables





To present tabular information

Must be marked up correctly to enable assistive technology to identify content

Table captions indicates the content of the table

Identify row and column headers, <th> element is used for table header cells

Associate the data cells with appropriate headers using scope attribute

55 North Castle Street



United Kingdom

Tel: 0131 225 0850 @UserVision

Thank You

Gayle Whittaker

UX Consultant