TOP 10 TIPS ON AUGMENTED REALITY - Mooch · Augmented reality is the integration of digital...

Post on 20-Jul-2020

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Augmented reality is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays

new information on top of it.

Although AR is a form of VR, it is distinctly different in that unlike virtual reality where the entire experience is simulated, AR only uses some virtual aspects that are mixed

with reality to form something different.

Here at mooch we’ve got great experience in delivering AR experiences for our clients.Talk to us today about AR and we’ll be happy to help.

Augmented reality is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time.

Client, ABB |


AR can work in several different ways and is used for many different reasons, but in most cases, AR involves a scenario where virtual objects are overlaid and tracked atop real, physical objects to create the illusion that they’re in the same


AR devices have a display, input device, sensor, and processor. This can be accomplished through smartphones, monitors, head-mounted displays, eyeglasses,

contact lenses, gaming consoles, and more.

With our experience in AR, we have had so much fun in seeing what’s possible with AR and we feel we haven’t even scratched the surface yet.

AR involves a scenario where virtual objects are overlaid and tracked atop real, physical objects to create the illusion that they’re in the same space.

Client, ABB |


Most augmented reality applications rely on superimposing either 3D-generated computer imagery or some form of descriptive knowledge over the real-time images obtained through a camera, webcam or phone.

Computer-generated imagery has to look realistic and be properly aligned with the real environment in order to create an authentic impression. Most of the applications

are designed for the general public so a good understanding of intuitive user interfaces is also required to provide a seamless experience.

With our past experience in working on AR apps, we have the experience in developing an AR experience that is first class for our clients. Whilst we have

past AR experience, we are always looking to expand our knowledge and make better AR apps on every project we embark on.

Our past experience in working on AR apps, allows us to develop an AR experience that is first class for our clients.


The benefits of using AR come in the form of a long, long list, from boosting profits to seeing more engagement, augmented reality will become a must.

Other benefits of using AR firstly allow businesses to have access to detailed analytics enabling them to truly understand their audience. AR is an inexpensive

alternative to other media platforms as no specific media needs to be purchased and finally, AR has a number of practical applications for organisations across different

industry sectors.

Here at mooch, we feel there are many exciting benefits that AR can bring to our clients. In our recent AR projects, our previous clients have stated AR

brought more entanglement and boosted profits/figures.

AR is an inexpensive alternative to other media platforms as no specific media needs to be purchased.

Client, ABB |


Where AR enhances the real world environment with digital information, VR or Virtual Reality brings you out of the real world into a fully virtual one.

This results in differing levels of immersion.

For example, in Augmented Reality, we can interact with an object via our computers or mobile devices yet always remain very much aware of our own environment.

In Virtual Reality, we experience a total immersion into the virtual world and would be ignorant to our physical surroundings.

Along with AR, VR is also very exciting, but for us at mooch AR is where our experience and passion lies.

AR enhances the real world environment with digital information, VR brings you out of the real world into a fully virtual one.


Augmented reality can be used in many different sectors, with many industries already embracing AR. From the entertainment industry to healthcare, Augmented reality is already making its presence felt industry wide.

Experts state the many benefits that AR can bring to all industries, such as; AR increases engagement and interaction and provides a richer user experience and AR is mobile and personal and, therefore, hugely accessible to a rapidly growing

smartphone market.

Here at mooch, we have had the pleasure to develop great AR experiences for clients such as, ABB, Solus Ceramics, Lovell’s, Birmingham City University, Black

Country Skills Factory and WM Housing Group.

Here at mooch, we have the pleasure to develop great AR experiences for clients such as, ABB

Client, ABB |


Almost anyone can use augmented reality on their desired phone. All you need is an app that offers augmented reality. Some apps may require other features,

such as GPS or Wi-Fi, but if you’ve got a phone that can run apps, you’ve got those features already.

Once finding an app that incorporates the use of AR, using it can be dependant on the app itself. Most of the time you’ll have the ability to place objects in your

environment and be able to move around them and zoom in.

Here at mooch, our first objective is to make sure any AR project we work on delivers a first class experience, so we work hard to develop any app with a

great user experience in mind.

AR enhances the real world environment with digital information, VR brings you out of the real world into a fully virtual one.

Client, Lovell Housing |


Trigger Images are the real world images or objects that are able to be recognised in order to deliver an AR experience on your mobile device.

Trigger images can appear in many forms (e.g. printed documents). Trigger images are not always required to achieve AR.

Producing and using a good Trigger is the most crucial step in creating a great AR experience. You can have amazing content to showcase, but without a dependable

Trigger Image, the AR experience will be affected.

When working with our clients, we have created many AR experiences, which have made use of trigger images. From printed trigger images, to ones printed

inside of a brochure, the same AR experience is always achieved.

Trigger images can appear in many forms (e.g. printed documents). Trigger images are not always required to achieve AR.

Client, ABB |


Augmented reality has quickly become one of the hottest trends in multiple industries, recognized as an innovative and creative way of connecting with

customers and increasing engagement.

Creative uses of AR come in the form of 3D virtual tours, this could become very useful for many different industries, allowing the user to experience something that is

yet to be a reality. Overall, the creative uses of AR are endless and exciting.

From our research, we have seen many creative uses of AR, which we feel could be really exciting for our clients. Along with research, the team at Mooch are

always looking to come up with new and unique uses of AR.

AR has quickly become one of the hottest trends in multiple industries, recognized as an innovative and creative way of increasing engagement.

WHAT’S THE FUTURE OF AUGMENTED REALITY? The future of augmented reality is really bright, with tech giants such as

Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft pitching for victory in the battle of AR implementation on their platform.

With Apple launching their ‘AR Kit’, this will allow for a more widespread adoption of AR within developers apps. Along with the mentioned tech giants, having more respected and well known companies adopting AR means the future will see many

more apps pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with augmented reality.

Here at mooch, we are so excited by the future of AR and what it has to offer. We feel AR can bring many benefits to our clients and set them apart from the


Here at mooch, we are so excited by the future of AR and what it has to offer. We feel AR can bring many benefits to our clients

Client, ABB |


Thank you for taking the time to learn about AR, we hope you’re as excited about the possibilities of AR as we are. The whole team at mooch are really

excited about what can be achieved with such exciting technology.

Get in touch and let’s create an immersive expereince together!

T: 01527 592 738



Here at mooch, we are so excited by AR and what it has to offer. Get in touch with us today and let’s create an immersive experience.

T: 01527 592 738



Copyright 2018 Mooch Creative Ltd

We’re really excited about the potential of Augmented Reality. If you are to, we’d love to help and be a part of it! Why not drop us a line or chat

with us online? We’re a friendly bunch always willing to help.