Top 3 Ways To Get Rid of A Sinus Infection

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Is Your Sinus Pain Sucking The Life Out of You? Discover How To Squeeze Every Last Drop of Infection Killing, Pain Stopping, Pressure Squashing Power From Your Neti Pot...Just By Watching this Presentation.


Hi, my name is Justin, and this…

Is a guy smashing a bottle of wine on his face…

I know this sounds strange…

But, if you’re struggling with sinus pain, pressure, and congestion…

You’re about to discover why this bottle of wine…

Might just hold the key you’ve been looking for…

In fact, when you watch this short presentation all the

way to the end…

You’ll discover how this bottle of wine…

Ended my struggle with sinus pressure,

congestion, and pain…

Largely by consistent use of the “weird” technique I’m

about to show you…

And the best part?

With the technique you’re about to discover…

You can avoid the doctor’s visits, antibiotics,

and sinus surgery…

Now, before we dive right in, just a bit of fair warning:

You see, because I’m about to reveal some information that could hurt

drug company’s sales…

And may be forced to take it down at any moment…

I don’t know how much longer this video

will be online…

So here’s what I recommend…

Before the video is taken down…

Watch this entire presentation now…

So you can see exactly how this “weird”

technique works…

And how YOU can startbenefiting from it yourself…

Okay, if you’re like most sinus sufferers…

Then you’ve probably heard of “natural” or “home” remedies

for sinus problems, right?

And you’ve probably heard that natural remedies can Be extremely hit and miss…

But did you know that there is an exact process to follow

when using natural remedies?

A process that takes the best natural remedies, combines them and produces shockingly

effective results...

It’s a process I stumbled on almost by accident…

Yet as I’ve discovered…

This process can be3x more effective than most

“western medicine” treatments…

And once you seehow it works…

(And why it’s so effective…)

You’ll find that you canactually use this process…

On a daily, weekly, or monthly basis….

And the best part?

With this process…

You’ll see how I’ve been able to eliminate sinus pain, congestion,

and pressure…

And even saved almost six hundred dollars a month…

Without stepping foot in a doctor’s office, taking any drugs, or even one single antibiotic…

Now, you may be temptedto think you know what the

process is…

And how the “weird”technique I’m talking

about works…

Yet I can guarantee you’venever seen or heard what

I’m about to reveal…

Before we dive right in…

I first need totell you a story…

It’s a story I’m actuallyembarrassed to share…

Yet it’s importantfor you to hear…

Because it explains how I first stumbled upon this process…

And the technique you’re about to discover…


Okay, to be fair…

I wasn’t always the energized, happy, healthy

person I am now…

Waking up every morning with energy and vigor…

Enjoying every day without sinus pain or congestion…

And never missing out on life because of “medicine head”…

Which, taken on the whole, has created a more radiant,

healthy, engaged life…

Than I ever experienced before I discovered this process…

In Fact: For a long time,as embarrassing as

it may be…

I constantly struggled to get my sinus pain and

congestion under control…

I had a wife…a successful clinic to run, and a baby

girl on the way…

Yet I was just going through the motions…

Disengaged from my own life and absorbed by my own misery...

Mainly focused on my own pain and discomfort…

Or feeling like a zombie after taking some new medication…

There was a time when I almost gave up and believed that the failed

“western medicine” treatments…

Were the best solution…and I just had to deal with the side effects…

And I’m going to share this story with you now…

Even though it’s a little embarrassing….

Because it’s important foryou to know how close

I was to giving up…

Before stumbling on the process I’m going to share

with you today…

In fact, I remember the night everything changed:

It was late on a Wednesday night…almost 3:00 o’clock in the


My daughter had just been born and it was one of the greatest days of my life….

She was pink and perfect…10 fingers and 10 toes…

Yet at less than 15 minutes old, the doctor’s decided she

needed antibiotics.

At first, I went along with the idea…these were doctors, after all…

But then, as I looked at my perfectly healthy newborn

daughter…something snapped:

You see, I had spent my entire life getting round after round of antibiotics for ear and sinus


As a kid, I suffered almost constant ear infections…

Enduring several surgeries to put tubes in my ears (which has

resulted in partial hearing loss)…

And as an adult, I had to grind through six to eight sinus

infections per year…

Each time becoming more and more antibiotic resistant…

Requiring stronger and stronger antibiotics…with

worse and worse side effects…

Despite the bestefforts of all my doctorsI continued to suffer….

Until that night when I realized that my pink and

perfect new daughter…

Was likely destined for the same life of suffering and medicated

“half-life” that I was living…

That realization felt like a sucker punch to the gut…

And you know what?

I’d had enough!

Years of digestive issues (to put it politely) from almost constant antibiotic use…

Partial hearing loss from ear infections as a kid…

Missing out on the joys of life and just “existing” due to medication…

And there was no end in sight.

So that night, I decided to stand up for my daughter and myself…

And I (politely) told them exactly where they could shove

their antibiotics….

Now, mind you, they were “preventative” and my daughter

was in no danger at all.

Later that night, as I tried to get a little sleep, I began to wonder…

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I did the only thing I could think of…I began reaching out to

anyone and everyone knew…

Friends, family, people I’d met in chiropractic school at

<School Name>…

Even searching the internet for something that could

break the cycle…

Of sinus infection, followed by medication, followed

by antibiotics…

And slowly….painfully… (since I had stopped taking ANY

medication or antibiotics)…

I began to discover alternatives…

Some of these natural remedies were absolutely worthless…

For every remedy that worked, I tried several that didn’t…

(I don’t recommend “Ear Candling”)

I kept what did work and threw out what didn’t…

But as I learned more through this research over the

course of months…

Trying to find a better path for my daughter than I had been given…

I began to uncover aPROCESS

I uncovered a technique with it’s roots based in Chinese acupressure…

I discovered a traditional Hindu Ayurvedic practice used by

ancient (and present day) Yogis…

And the deeper I dug, the more I recognized the link between food allergies and sinus inflammation…

And after much research, I created my own remedy that tied

all these things together…

And I realized I was beginning to feel better…

In fact, the process had completely eliminated my sinus symptoms…

And had discovered a whole host of natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial

agents that actually worked…

In fact, the reason why I introduced this story…

With that image of a guy smashing a bottle of

wine on his face…

Is because one of these powerful agents…

Is the oil extracted from grape seeds.

And in a moment, I’m going to reveal exactly how that oil, used in

conjunction with the other pieces of the process…

Was the key to smashing through the “sinus cycle” I had

experienced my whole life…

Listen:If a half-deaf, antibiotic resistant,

medicine-headed chiropractor can use these simple techniques to resurrect his health

and enjoy life again…

Believe me…ANYONE can do it

Now, I know for some people out there, relieving sinus problems seems trivial…

Because, let’s be honest, it’s not like curing cancer…

Solving the mystery of Lou Gehrig’s Disease…

Or unraveling autism…

Yet for most regular people like you and me,

I’ll tell you this:

When you get to actually enjoy the time spent

with your loved ones…

And actually be fully engaged at your kid’s soccer game…

Or even just relax outside in a hammock on a lazy

spring afternoon…

It’s important enough to help you enjoy the type of life sinus

sufferers only dream of…

Now, you might be wondering:

Why the heck amI telling you all this?

Well, two reasons…

First, I wanted you toSee you and I are probably

very much alike:

Because up until recently, I was just an average person,

with sinus problems…

Struggling to find a better way…UNTIL I happened to stumble upon a PROCESS…

A PROCESS which was the breakthrough I needed…

And a PROCESS I’m about to share with you today…

Before I reveal the specifics of that process…

First, you need to know theTRUTH about something…

It’s something that tookme awhile to figure out…


Because it’s the real problem we face when

dealing with our sinus health…

And the REAL reason why people like you and me struggle

with sinus misery…

In fact, it might surprise you when I tell you what it is…

Because if you’re like most of us who eventually figure out

this dirty little secret…

It’s usually the biggest thing that’s been keeping you sick…

You see, the real problem isthat you’ve been lied to for years and

these lies are keeping you from winning the battle against sinus pain…

You have been told, or perhaps believed, that antibiotics, nasal steroids,

decongestants are the best way to treat a sinus infection…


That’s absolute nonsense…

If you’re one of the many chronic sinus sufferers that have actually believed

this and accepted it as truth…

Then you need to decide now to pay attention to what I’m sharing with you…

Because if you don’t, you’ll continue to struggle or worse…

You’ll squash any hope of a life without sinus pain and you’ll never, ever live up to your full potential…

And this is NOT what I desire for you…

And that’s the reason why your struggle with sinus pressure,

congestion and pain…

Is not your fault.

If you want someone to blame, don’t blame yourself…

Blame the drug companies who have sold you on bullsh*t drugs and

pills that can actually make your symptoms worse…

Drugs and pills that can eat holes in your nose, make you lose control of your bowels,

and question your own sanity…

The TRUTH is, drug companies are NOT smarter

than Mother Nature…

And you should never use a “treatment” that can cause

additional harm…

Since Mother Nature created the solution you desire…

It’s just a matter of applying that solution in your daily


In fact, now that you know the problem…

That your sinus health has been taken hostage by drug

companies demanding profit…

Let’s dive into the specific tips I have for

you today…

Because in a minute I want to share with you the actual sinus

health process…

That’s helped me avoid antibiotics, doctors, and drugs

for over 4 years now…

The same process my 5 year old daughter uses…

And the same process I’ve taught to people literally all

over the country…

To finally eradicate their sinus problems…

So without further delay…

Let’s dive into the three-step “Sinus Health” process:

The first thing I have to do is to warn you to avoid aggravating any food

allergies you may have…

Food allergies, (gluten and diary are the most common) can cause an inflammatory response from the

auto-immune system…

This can express itself in many subtle ways like skin rashes,

irritable bowels…

But it can also cause inflammation in the

sinus cavities…

Which swells the tissue, creating blockage and eventually a

miserable sinus infection…

Or at the very least a persistent runny nose…

Yet food allergies are very difficult to recognize due to the delayed

nature of any symptoms…

So, if you have recurrent sinus problems and have not been checked for food allergies…

Do yourself a favor and get tested with the ELISA

Food Allergy Panel…

Or by finding a qualified naturopath who can perform a non-invasive “muscle test” for food allergies…

And then, of course….DON’T EAT IT!

The second piece of the Sinus Health process are two very

simple acupressure techniques…

The first is to apply gentle circular pressure to the points noted in the picture above…

These points can help relieve the sinus pressure and release

built up congestion…

To combat sinus pressure and headaches and also induce draining of the sinus cavities…

There are points on each side of the spine under the skull that give

immediate relief to most people…

With the use of a gentle to moderate pressure and circular

rubbing motion…

Along these same lines, professional Chiropractic adjustments can be

extremely beneficial…

As Chiropractic has been shown to boost the immune system and help fight bacteria and viruses…

By empowering the nervous system to function optimally which

supercharges the immune system…

Get a recommendation on a Chiro Doc who focuses on Upper Cervical and Tonal based adjustment protocols...

And that brings us to the most important step in the entire sinus health process:

Step 3...

Without step 3you can forget about

anything else...

Because it's the most critical step in the whole process, and

the secret to it all...

Now before I revealWhat step three is...

(And the reason whyIt's so important...)

First, I need to finish ourstory from before...

Because it will showyou exactly how step three

works in action...

You see, there wasone critical detail I left

out in my story...

Because everythingthat happened up until

that point...

All the successI'd experienced came this

close to falling apart...

When I got a call from none other than...

Dr. Hana R. Solomon, M.D, noted sinus expert and creator of the

Nasopure nasal irrigation system...

You see, you can onlyfly under the radar so longbefore you start attracting


And as word spread aboutThe type of success I was

having treating sinus problems with 100% natural remedies...

SHE wanted to talk...

I was nervous...

I figured she would have the same negative attitude towards natural remedies as most MD's...

And part of me wondered if she just wanted to berate

and beat me down...

For going against all the drug company dogma and

“best practices”...

Yet when we got on thephone I was SHOCKED...

Because Hana is a really open minded doctor...

And reason why shecalled was to tell me she

was impressed...

(Which caught me off guard)

I went on to tell her how much I respected her work...

And told her the story of how the sinus health process I had

discovered had changed my life...

How I had been a disengaged husband, a medicated zombie, and resigned to believe that sinus pain

was just part of life...

We wrapped up the call with her mentioning how excited she was

about step 3 of the process...

In particular the key element that I had added through my


That acts as a superchargerand ties all three pieces of the

process together...

And gives almost immediate relief, as well as ongoing prevention of

sinus inflammation and infection...

Yet costs a fraction of what a typical sinus sufferer might pay using “normal”

doctor recommended treatments...

Treatments which could cost almost six hundred dollars per


(That's over seven thousand dollars per year!)

And this brings us to the final step in the Sinus Health


“Supercharge your Neti Pot”

We'll get to the supercharger part in a minute...

First, let me show you what a Neti Pot is:

THAT is a neti pot...

And it is used for nasal irrigation…

The process of passing warm saline solution through

the sinus passages…

To rinse and flush any contaminants, bacteria, or viruses that are present…

The saline solution itself isan effective soothing and

healing agent…

Yet it makes sense to apply a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, or

antihistamine agent directly to the tissue in the sinus cavities…

To battle existing bacteria, viruses, and other


And also to help prevent any new infections from

cropping up…

This is where my research into natural oils and extracts has

really paid off…

The 100% natural agents I’ve discovered (including grape seed

extract) do exactly this…

These oils and extracts are the supercharger that makes this process 3X more effective

than saline alone…

Now that you know the three main steps of the Sinus Health

process, you’re faced withtwo choices:

Choice # 1:

You can take all the information from this presentation and go it

all alone…

You can go out and try each and every natural sinus remedy out


Decide whether they work or are a load of crap…

And try to figure out the best natural ingredients to use for your neti pot supercharger…

To maximize effectiveness, while making sure it’s still

soothing to use…

Source a supplier who will hand craft your supercharger in

small batches…

And who knows, youmay see some success if you

spend months and take careful notes…

Or, there’s choice #2:The Savvy Choice

This is the smartestpath to take…

After all: Why startfrom scratch and try toreinvent the wheel…

When the exact step-by-step blueprint has already been

laid out for you…

In fact, this is exactly what thevast majority of my successfulclients decide to do, it’s called:

The Sinus Health Fast Track

Hi, my name is Dr. Justin Potts…

And SH Fast Track is the only system in existence that gives you the exact tools you need…

To battle your sinus problems using the safest, most effective,

100% natural remedies…

Even if:

You’ve never used a natural remedy in your life…

You’ve never thought about using a neti pot…

You have no idea if you have food allergies…


Even if you’ve struggled with natural remedies that just haven’t been effective…

And you think you’ve tried everything…

Now, let me tell you what SH Fast Track is NOT…

Just so you knowexactly what you’re about

to experience:

SH Fast Track is NOT some“magic quack remedy”

with a ridiculous promise…

Like getting forever, instant, perfect sinus health…or some

other outrageous claim…

Listen: You’ve beenlied to enough…

It’s time for a proven formula you can use to get your sinus

problems under control…

And begin enjoying your life…

SH Fast Track is the result of years of studying and researching

the most effective natural sinus remedies ever…

And giving you the exact, step-by-step


Which has transformed countless lives into a radiant,

healthy, energized, and engaged experience…

Not only will you be handed that same blueprint

on a silver platter…

We’ll also take you by the hand, and show you how you

can start getting results from it right away…

No matter what state your sinuses are in…

We’ll show you how to quickly start relieving your symptoms

and how to get to the root cause using this exact process…

Now…before we go any further, it’s only fair I’m 100% honest with you:

Because if you’re lookingFor some “magic pill” to be

miraculously healed in the next 15 minutes…

Or some promise of“instant relief” where your

sinuses improve with no effort…


This system is for people who are ready to put down the

“miracle answers”…

And who are willing to put in a little effort to get results…

In short, there are no easy answers…

Yet we’ve made it aseasy as possible for you

To be successful…

So if you’d like a step-by-step, 100% natural,

sinus relief process…

A universal process that can help virtually any person

with sinus issues…

Then SH Fast Track isn’t just“A” system for you…

It’s the only system for you…

In fact, here’s what this process has done for othersinus sufferers just like you:

<add lots of testimonials here>

Now, let’s take a look at what you’ll receive as soon as you

sign up for the system:

Sinus Health Fast Track

1. Neti Pot Supercharger2. The SH Fast Track Blueprint3. The SH Fast Track Video Tutorials

Sinus Health Fast Track

Let’s break each of those down in detail:

Sinus Health Fast Track

1. Neti Pot Supercharger is the very blend of essential oils that I have used to combat my

sinus issues…

Sinus Health Fast Track

And comes in a XX oz spray bottle that makes it easy to use with your neti pot of choice…

Sinus Health Fast Track

We call it the All Stuffy Neti Pot Supercharger…

Sinus Health Fast Track

You’ll get access to our “Surprise Uses” sheet to introduce you to

other ways you can benefit by using the All Stuffy neti pot supercharger…

Sinus Health Fast Track

(Bonus Tip: All Stuffy is awesome for ear infections…)

Sinus Health Fast Track

2. The SH Fast Track Blueprint will break down in step-by-

step detail…

Sinus Health Fast Track

Each of the three steps I’ve outlined in this presentation…

Sinus Health Fast Track

<Add stuff here>

Sinus Health Fast Track

3. The SH Fast Track Video Tutorials gives you video demonstrations of

each technique…

Sinus Health Fast Track

For example, in the Neti Pot Video Tutorial, we detail…

Sinus Health Fast Track

• How to properly prepare your water for the most comfortable nasal irrigation experience

• How to mix the perfect saline concentration• The one kind of salt you should NOT use• One dangerous practice to avoid

Sinus Health Fast Track

(You’ll even get a demonstration by my 5 year old daughter…)

Sinus Health Fast Track