Top 6 Requirements for any New Marijuana Business Dispensary

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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Top 6 Requirements for any New Marijuana Business Dispensary

There is no doubt that marijuana business is today one of the most lucrative businesses in the USA. Many daring business owners and entrepreneurs are opting for the marijuana industry every time they want a new place to invest in. And while it looks really simple to start, it is not. Every state has its requirements before you set up a marijuana business – however, here are some top requirements that cut across the board.

There is no doubt that marijuana business is today one of the most lucrative businesses in the USA. Many daring business owners and entrepreneurs are opting for the marijuana industry every time they want a new place to invest in.

And while it looks really simple to start, it is not. Every state has its requirements before you set up a marijuana business – however, here are some top requirements that cut across the board.

You Must be an Adult by Law

The business owner or the person starting the business must be an adult. The definition of an adult is anyone who has attained the age of 18 as stipulated in the law. Laws don’t allow any association of minors with drugs. So make sure you are 18 years or over before applying for a permit for your pot startup.

Have no Records for Felony In many states you must be free from

any forms of felony. A convicted felon isn’t allowed to trade in marijuana business. Doing so could lead to maximum penalties, fines, and jail sentences. Make sure you are free from such charges before looking at marijuana business as your next place to invest your money.

You Must be a State Resident The US states where marijuana is legalized stress on giving permits to

their own residents. This is because every state has rules of its own independent form the next state. Residents are usually people living permanently and acquired ID cards, anyone brought in via marriage, and anyone who lives and was born there.

Prepare a Great Business Plan

This was never a requirement until later. Today states will require you to prepare a cannabis business plan. The plan is usually looked through by the concerned departments. If found unfit your marijuana business will not be permitted or licensed to operate; marijuana business plan is one of the vital documents.

No Outstanding Personal Taxes If you want a smooth sail your taxes must be up to date. Any criminal charges including tax

evasions will prevent you from getting an operational license in many states. Delayed payment of taxes can also lead to such results. It is therefore very important that you punch in on time and clear your taxes always.

Have a Location for the Shop

One of the main areas that are looked at is the availability of an ideal location for your business. Every state will easily approve a location that’s far enough from recreational centers, schools, churches, daycare centers, and any other organizations that sensitize citizens against the use of marijuana and more.

The process of getting a marijuana business operation license is tricky. However with the right help from experienced experts, you could nail it in a bit. All you require is to follow these top tips that I have given you and above all prepare a great cannabis business plan. Always choose the services of cannabis lawyers and consultants just to be sure you are safe.