Top 9 Email Marketing Tips For Your Small Business

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Top 9 Email Marketing Tips For Your Small Business

Always Begin With A Specific Goal In Mind

1Ask yourself why you’re Emailing your customers and what you want them

to do, then make sure your subject line reflects that purpose.

Go ProIf you’re serious about building relationships with customers via Email,

professional companies are a BIG asset & great investment of time & money.



Targeting the right customers with the right message is critical to your long-term Email Marketing success.


Emails that begin “Dear Name, etc.) are much more effective than Emails that begin without a greeting or with just “Hello from fill in the blank€.


I recommend that most small businesses consistently Email their entire customer list on a monthly basis but rarely more than that.

6Content Matters

Providing exclusive content, tips, or offers is a great way to keep your list members engaged and looking forward to your next Email.

7Analytics Rule!

Advantage of using a professional Email tool is the analytic reporting.

8Cross Promotion

Always use your Emails to cross promote the other places where you connect with customers. Provide links to your Twitter, Facebook page or blog in all Email Messages.


9No Spam

It’s very important that you do NOT add people to your Email list who did not personally sign up .