Top dog training presentation final

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Top Dog Training

St. Mark Comfort Dog Ministry

What the dogs taught me

Martin Comfort Dog and Luther Comfort Dog are shown here teaching me how to lay very still and pay attention (without falling asleep).

What the dogs taught me

Isaiah Comfort Dog waits patiently as his Handler eats breakfast.

Isaiah didnt have to wait patiently the whole time though

What the dogs taught me

Many hotel patrons took time from their busy morning schedules to stop and meet the dogs every morning while we ate breakfast.

One lady even wept with joy as she greeted each dog. She was a HUGE fan (and Facebook follower) and knew each dog by name.

What the dogs taught me

Meet the Trainer (and her Helpers)

Anastasia, LCCs lead dog trainer.

Along with (left to right) Ruthie, Samuel, Martin, Luther, Lily, Hannah, and Isaiah.

What the dogs taught me

OH NO Anastasia has a ball! Is it playtime???

What the dogs taught me

Nope. Not yet.

Good dogs!!!

What the dogs taught me

My first assigned partner Samuel Comfort Dog.

Samuel spends part of his time at the Lockport Township Fire Station AND is currently undergoing training to possibly be certified as a Search & Rescue dog!

How neat is that?!?!

Samuel can FIND you and then COMFORT you!

What the dogs taught me

Samuel and I at a meet-and-greet event with over 200 people at a Senior Center.

Samuel handled all of the pettings and rubbings while I fielded all of the questions.

What the dogs taught me

Samuel and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit! We met lots of nice people.

What the dogs taught me

As you can see, we didnt really like each other Too much.

I think Samuel knew I missed my family!

What the dogs taught me

Ruthie Comfort Dog making a new friend. Later we debated who had the bigger smile on their face

Ruthie or the little girl.

What the dogs taught me

Here is Lily Comfort Dog showing us how to do the lap command.

What the dogs taught me

Samuel on his mat. This is where Samuel slept in the hotel. Comfort Dogs are not allowed on furniture, so this is Samuels bed.

Once Samuel was given the mat command he stayed/slept there the entire night and didnt leave his mat.

What the dogs taught me

Is it playtime yet?

What the dogs taught me


What the dogs taught me

My second assigned partner

Lily Comfort Dog in Training!

Lily is one of the 9 pups from the Class of 2014 and will be placed in a church this summer.

What the dogs taught me

Lily is only 9 months old now and still has 3 months of training left. BUT she was very well along already. She did great!

Here is Lilys imitation of a frog.

What the dogs taught me

What the dogs taught me

Lily was a doll.

Lily was my date for some Chicago style pizza one night. Because of Lily I got to meet a little boy, his wheelchair bound grandmother, and his family.

She did incredible! (Even with all of the sights, sounds and pizza smells all around her).

What the dogs taught me

More training

Notice the scary man with the walker? The dogs didnt budge. The trainers routinely throw situations like these at the dogs throughout their training.

What the dogs taught me

Did you know that each Comfort Dog knows and obeys 46 different individual commands?

They even have a command for go potty! The command hurry up tells the dog the time and place to potty.