Top healthy instant food for travellers-Cook food with hot water

Post on 23-Jan-2020

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It is not always easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle when travelling. This will help you solve your food dilemmas while travelling.


Top Healthy Instant

Foods For Travellers

Cook Food With Hot Water


Chapter 1

Foods To Pack When Travelling Abroad

There are some traits shared by all mothers. When you’re

traveling, your mother will probably pack a tiffin for you. It doesn’t

matter to a mother that today you can get food delivered to even

your berth on the train! Mom’s worry that their children will not

eat healthy food when they’re traveling and hence always advise

their children to carry some food with them.

Ready to eat food for travel

10 Foods To Pack When

Travelling Abroad

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Why you should listen to your mom?

Reason #1 : You could be stranded somewhere

Even the best-made plans can go awry. For example, the flight

you are traveling on may be cancelled or delayed, your train may

be rerouted, you may reach your destination after all the

restaurants have closed. In such cases, if you don’t have any food

with you, you will have to stay hungry.

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Carrying ready to eat meals in such instances can give you a

way to fill your tummy even if you have access to only hot

water in your hotel room.

Reason #2 : To avoid junk food

Carrying your own food reduces your risk of indulging in junk food

when you’re feeling hungry. For example, you will be less tempted

to order room service when you can make yourself a bowl of

khichdi or idlis in less than 5 minutes. This helps control your diet

and aids with weight management.

Reason #3 : Stick to your diet

If you’re on a strict diet, following this diet can be difficult when

you’re traveling. For example, you may be a strict vegetarian but in

some parts of Europe finding good vegetarian food is often

difficult. If you’re not carrying something with you, you may be

limited to eating green salads for every meal. Did you know that

DesiMealz is a pure vegetarian travel-friendly ready-to-eat food

provider? It’s the ideal food for all your travels.

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Some Ready to Eat Food for Travel that is Easy to Pack

1: Instant Vermicelli

Vermicelli is great for all your travels. This is a meal that can be

enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is easy to digest, light

and packed with fibre.

Desimealz lemon vermicelli is easy to carry and quick to make.

This instant meal can be enjoyed by children and adults of all ages.

When you’re in a hotel room with only a kettle at your disposal,

this is the meal you need. To ‘cook’ it all you need to do is pour hot

water into the bowl and leave aside for 3-4 minutes. That’s it! You

can now stir everything together and enjoy your meal.

Lemon Vermicelli Tomato Vermicelli

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2: Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are a handy snack for short or long travels. Munching

on a rice cake while you’re sightseeing is healthier than eating a

sandwich or burger. Why- because they have a lower calorific

value, lower sodium levels and contain varying levels of vitamins

and minerals. Many rice cakes are also made with gluten-free

ingredients. Rice cakes can be eaten on their own or paired with


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3: Popcorn

Who doesn’t like popcorn! Whether you’re watching a movie or

hiking through the hills, this is a great snack. It’s light, easy to

carry and delicious! Popcorn is easy to digest and rarely

associated with allergic reactions or stomach upsets. It’s a better

idea to munch on popcorn rather than eat at a shack.

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4: Sabudana Khichdi

Sabudana khichdi is easy to digest yet satiating. One bowl of this

delicious meal and you’re set for a day exploring the city.

DesiMealz sabudana khichdi is rich in carbs to give you an energy

boost and packed with proteins in the form of peanuts. All you

need to make this meal is hot water and a few minutes of

patience. Just add water, cover the dish, stir it all together and

have a bite!

Sabudana Khichdi

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5: Instant Upma

Upma may be a staple South Indian breakfast but this dish can be

enjoyed at any time of the day. Upma is made from semolina, a

good carbohydrates and a great source of energy. This can be a

filling snack and curb hunger pangs instantly. DesiMealz offers a

delicious masala upma in travel-friendly packaging. Apart from

semolina, it contains lentils, chopped vegetables, and spices that

offer the perfect balance of taste and nourishment. To make this

snack, pour 200ml of hot water into the bowl along with the

contents of the spice sachet. Cover and leave aside for 12 minutes.

Voila! Your snack is ready!

Plain Upma Masala Upma

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6: Banana Chips

Banana chips aren’t just tasty, they’re nutritious too! This south-

Indian delicacy is rich in fibre, potassium, and iron. This helps

control cholesterol, blood pressure and aids with weight

management. There’s a reason you can’t eat too many banana

chips in one go- the fibre in these chips fills your stomach and

makes you feel full. These chips won’t take up too much space in

your suitcase and won’t make a significant difference to the weight


7: Namkeen

You don’t always want a full meal when you’re feeling hungry. To

curb hunger pangs when you’re feeling puckish, always carry a

packet or two of your favourite namkeens. If you’re traveling

abroad, these namkeens can provide a welcome respite from the

foreign flavours of local restaurant food.

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8.Paneer Fried Rice

Rice is one of the easiest foods to digest. And fried rice is a dish

most of us love. DesiMealz has a travel-friendly instant schezwan

paneer fried rice that’s perfect for your next holiday. After a meal

like this, you’ll have all the energy you need to walk around

exploring the city you’re in and won’t feel the need to munch on

anything else until your next meal. It’s got the perfect balance of

protein-rich paneer, chopped vegetables packed with essential

vitamins and rice. To make this meal ready to dig into takes less

than 10 minutes. Just add 140ml of hot water, cover and leave

aside for 8 minutes. When you open the lid, the aroma of

delicious fried rice will make your mouth water.

Paneer Fried Rice

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9: Sev Murmura

When you want something light and quick, there’s nothing like a

handful of murmura. Sev murmura is a great snack for tea time or

when you’re picnicking in a park. It’s low in calories, high in fibre

and easy to carry along. You can even enjoy this snack while you’re

on the move.

10: Poha

Poha is a staple in every Maharashtrian home. This breakfast dish

is a great snack as well as a light lunch. Made from flattened rice,

poha is easy to digest and a great source of energy. DesiMealz

offers 2 delicious poha variants- masala poha and tamarind poha.

Masala poha is great for days when you want something spicy

while tamarind poha has a tangy undercurrent. To make either of

these pohas, all you need to do is add 150ml of hot water, cover

and leave aside for 6 minutes. That’s it- stir it up and take a bite!

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Traveling on a holiday can be great fun but if you don’t account for

emergencies, it can be daunting too. So, the next time you pack a

suitcase, remember to listen to your mother’s advice and carry a

few travel-friendly foods along.

Bon voyage and have a safe culinary adventure!

Masala Poha Tamarind Poha

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Top Ready to Eat Instant Food for


Chapter 2

For people who lie to travel, witnessing nature’s beauty and

exploring new places is a thrill that never ends. But, it doesn’t

come easy. Finding a place to stay is one concern, the other is

finding a way to enjoy delicious food on the go. After all, you can

stay in a tent on the top of a mountain but you can’t really survive

on grass and fresh air.

Instant food for Travellers

Top 5 Ready to Eat Instant Food for Travellers

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This is where it becomes important for all travellers to have travel

friendly foods. What you need is a dish that’s precooked and

packaged to be easy to carry along .Desimealz is a great option for

frequent travellers. These easy to make meals are packed in easy to

carry sealed bowls. Not just that, they’re made with nutritious

ingredients to help you live a healthy lifestyle. To enjoy a delicious

meal, all you need to do is add hot water to this bowl, cover and

leave aside for a few minutes.

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Some quick ready to eat food 1.Desimealz Mini Idli

Breakfast, lunch or dinner, Desimealz mini idlis are the ideal go-to

meal. These mini idlis are made in the same way you would make

idlis at home- rice and lentils fermented overnight and steamed in

idlis cases. These idlis are dunked in delicious sambhar. It’s a

complete meal in itself.

2.Desimealz Instant Khichdi

What better than comfort food when you’re sitting far from home.

Desimealz khichadi is made with a combination of rice and lentils.

Tempered with spices, this dish is easy to digest and packed with


Mini Idli

Dal khichdi

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3.Desimealz Masala Upma

Looking for breakfast on the go, how about a bowl of delicious

upma. This scrumptious dish is made with roasted rava, lentils

and a combination of spices. In addition, it has chopped onions,

tomatoes, carrots and beans for extra nutrition.

4.Desimealz Tomato Vermicelli

Vermicelli is a favourite with many people. This desimealz

delicacy makes a great breakfast as well as a midday snack on your

trek. It’s a great source of energy and can power you through the

day. The additional vegetables add to the nutrient value of this

dish making it a source of wholesome nutrition.

Masala Upma

Tomato Vermicelli

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5.Desimealz Sabudana Khichdi

Not too mushy, not too hard, this Desimealz Sabudana

khichdi has the perfect texture and flavour. Its packed with

carbohydrates to make it a source of energy as well as other

vitamins and minerals needed to stay healthy.

Sabudana Khichdi

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What makes Desimealz unique?

Desimealz was formulated to meet the nutritional needs of

travellers with a taste of dishes they love. It’s packed with

carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and all the other

essential nutrients. Desimealz has a number of differently

flavoured instant food for travellers that ensures you have

something new to enjoy every day of the week. These meals can be

made in two different ways- you can either add hot water and

leave aside or add water and microwave it for a few minutes.

These meals are made in hygienic kitchens to ensure high quality

standards are always maintained. There is no need for the

Desimealz to be refrigerated. As long as the bowl remains sealed

and stored in a cool, dry environment, it can last for up to 1 year

from the date of manufacturing.

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Travel Checklist








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Authentic Ready to Eat Indian culinary to tantalize your

taste buds with a range of delicacies from the treasure

trove of Indian cuisine. Packed with fresh hand-picked

ingredients, hygienically handled, no preservatives &

delicately seasoned in Desi style!

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