Top ten things to know about elaboration likelihood

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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There are two ways to form an opinion or make a decision about something:

The Central Route and The Peripheral Route


The central route involves message elaboration, defined as the extent to which a person carefully thinks about issue-relevant arguments contained in a persuasive communication.

2.THE PERIPHERAL ROUTEThe peripheral route processes the messagewithout any active thinking about theattributes of the issue or the object ofconsideration.

3. It takes a stronger cognitive skill set to process something centrally.

This is because you have to do research and sift through the information that you find before being able to make a decision.

4. Central decisions last

If you process something through the central route you are more likely to stick by that opinion or decision.

5.Advertising is Peripheral

Advertising relies on people processing information peripherally. They give out just enough good information and say the "right" things so that you will think, "I do want a hamburger."

6.Smart People Think Logically

It takes a higher skill set to think through something "logically" (or taking the central route)

7.It’s Natural

People use ELM everyday without even knowing it. But every time we make a decision or form an opinion we are elaborating our thoughts on whatever idea, concept, or product we are thinking about. When we research and take time to figure things out we are thinking centrally. When we hear something that we think sounds good and just go with it, we are thinking peripherally. This can also be used in the negative sense as well.

8.Politicains Use It

Political figures rely on the fact that their commercials will catch the attention of the audience. They don’t want voters to look into the campaign, they just want them to hear and see something they like and then vote.

9.Dating Is Tricky

We use this when thinking about the people we date. It is used to decide “Am I dating this person because I like them or because they are good for me.

10.Pictures Matter

The things we see heavily influence our decision. If something is attractive then we are more likely to go with it.