Topic 4 The Mechanics Of Accounting

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The Mechanics ofAccountingThe Mechanics ofAccounting

Topic 4

Learning Objective 1

Understand the process of transforming transaction data into useful accounting information.

What Are the Different Exchange Transactions?


Business Documents

Examples: Sales invoice, purchase order, check stub.

Business documents are usedto confirm that an arm’s-length transaction has establish the amounts to be facilitate the analysis of business events.

These documents must be analyzed.

What is the Sequence of the Accounting Cycle?

Step 1Step 2Step 3

Step 4

Learning Objective 2

Analyze transactions and determine how those transactions affect the accounting equation (step one of the accounting cycle).

Step 1: Analyze Transactions

• What accounts are involved?

• Did each account increase or decrease?

• By how much?

Transaction analysis framework

• Transaction analysis:

• breaks down complex transactions into manageable pieces.

• provides a self-checking mechanism.

What Is the Accounting Equation?

A = L + OE

Describe Effect of the Following Transactions on a Company

Borrow money

Invest in company

Pay off a note

Purchase equipment

Borrow funds to settle a debt

What Is the Rule of Double-Entry Accounting?

Accounts provide an efficient method to categorize transactions.

A T-account is a simplified depiction of an account.

Name of Account

Debit Credit

Using Accounts

Using a T-Account

35 12

The cash account has a beginning balance of $35. A check for $12 is written to pay for supplies. Using a T-account, what is the ending balance of the cash account?



Debits and Credits

Debits are simply entries

on the left.

Credits are simply entries on the right.


Explain How Debits and Credits Work

Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity


Increases in a company’s resources from the sale of goods or the performance of services.


Decreases in a company’s resources incurred in the normal course of business to generate revenues.


Distributions to owners, which reduce Owners’ Equity.

Expanding the Equation

Draw the Expanded Accounting Equation

Learning Objective 3

Record the effects of transactions using journal entries (step two of the accounting cycle).

Step 2: Record Transactions

Record the results of the transactions in a journal.

Journalizing provides a chronological record of all business activities.

What is another name for the journal?

Step 2: Record Transactions

Record the results of the transactions in a journal.

Journalizing provides a chronological record of all business activities.

General Journal Entry Format:

Date Debit Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx

Credit Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . xx


Journal Entries

What is the three-step process?



Supplies purchased for $25 are purchased “on account.”

Prepare the correct journal entry. What do we mean by purchased “on account?”

Example 1: Journal Entry

Example 2: Journal Entry

A check for $100 is received in payment for services rendered.

Make the correct journal entry.

Example 3: Journal EntryMerchandise is sold to a customer on account for $75. The cost of the product was $60.

Make the journal entries.

DateDate TransactionTransaction Ref.Ref. DebitsDebits CreditsCredits

Jan. 1 Supplies 25

Accounts Payable 25 Purchased supplies on account.

Feb. 1 Cash 101 100

Revenue 100 Received cash for services.

Mar. 1 Accounts Receivable 75

Sales Revenue 75 Sold merchandise on account.

Journal 1 Page 1

Entered when posted to ledger.

Learning Objective 4

Summarize the resulting journal entries through posting and prepare a trial balance (step three of the accounting cycle).

Step 3: Posting Journal Entries and Preparing a Trial Balance

Define the Following Terms



Posting reference

Chart of accounts

General Ledger

Date Explanation Ref. Debits Credits Balance

Jan. 1 Balance 100

2 Issued 100 shares of capitalstock at $10 per share GJ1 1,000 1,100

3 Purchased equipment GJ1 300 800

4 Sold inventory GJ1 60 860

5 Monthly payment on loan GJ1 230 630

6 Revenue GJ1 2,500 3,130

ACCOUNT: Cash Account No. 101

ASSETS (100-199):Current Assets (100-150):101 Cash105 Accounts Receivable107 Inventory

Long-Term Assets (151-199):151 Land152 Buildings

LIABILITIES (200-299):Current Liabilities (200-219):201 Notes Payable202 Accounts Payable

Long-Term Liabilities (220-239):222 Mortgage Payable

OWNERS’ EQUITY (300-399):301 Capital Stock330 Retained Earnings

SALES (400-499):400 Sales Revenue

EXPENSES (500-599):500 Cost of Goods Sold501 Sales Salaries and Commis

sions523 Rent Expense528 Advertising Expense573 Utilities Expense579 Accounting and Legal Fees

Chart of Accounts

Determining Account Balances

Name of Account

Debit Credit

Accounts with typical debit balance

s are?

Accounts with typical credit balanc

es are?



Owners’ EquityRevenues or Inc


An account’s

balance is usually

on the side that

increases the

account. It is

referred to as the

“Normal Balance.”

Do you see the mnemonic memory device, DEAD COIL?

Define The Trial Balance

What is the Trial Balance used for?

The Example Company Trial Balance December 31, 2006

Debits Credits Cash $ 21Accounts Receivable 15Inventory 12Land 200Accounts Payable $ 30Capital Stock 150Retained Earnings 24Sales Revenue 919Cost of Goods Sold 850Advertising Expense 10Miscellaneous Expenses 15 ______

Total $ 1,123 $ 1,123

Sample Trial Balance

Learning Objective 5

Describe how technology has affected the first three steps of the accounting cycle.

List Advantages of Computers

List Disadvantages of Computers

End Chapter 3