topics 1,2,3,4,5,6

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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1. What is a main author of Generativism?

a) Chomsky

b) Paulov

c) Bruner

2. The audio-lingual method derived from…

a) Generativism

b) Constructivism

c) Behaviourism

3. What theory is based on Paulov’s experiments?

a) Behaviourism

b) Constructivism

c) Cognitivism


4. A child constructs understanding through a variety of channels:

a) Speaking, listening and writing

b) Exploration, experimentation, reading or listening

c) Exploration and experimentation

5. The Stages of Cognitive Development are:

a) Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations

b) Sensorimotor, operational and formal operations

c) Preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations.

6. Who said than the language is perceived as an innate ability?

a) Chomsky

b) Vigostky

c) Piaget

7. The multiples intelligences are:

a) Method

b) Theory

c) Procedure

8. According to Piaget “Infants use sensory and motor capabilities to

explore and gain understanding of their environments” in the stage of:

a) Sensorimotor

b) Preoperational

c) Concrete operations

9. “People construct their own learning applying their previous knowledge

to new situations”. It is based in:

a) Constructivism

b) Generativism

c) Behaviourism


10.- The centre of the class in the method Grammar-Translation are:

a) Speaking and listening

b) Writing and reading

c) Speaking and reading

11. The content- based approach is the same that:

a) CLL

b) CLT

c) CLL

12. The focus of Communicative Language Learning is on:

a) Communication

b) Mastery of structure

c) Grammatical

13. Who developed Total Physical Response?

a) Chomsky

b) Piaget

c) James Asher

14. TPR uses:

a) Games

b) Psycomotor associations

c) Both can be used


15. TPR’s instructor uses:

a) imperative form

b) present form

c) past form

16. Who developed Silent way?

a) Bruner

b) Vigotsky

c) Caleb Gattegno

17. What method has the music as a principal element?

a) Suggestopedia

b) Silent way

c) Grammar translation

18. The CLL is based by:

a) Interpersonal relationships

b) Individual activities

c) Writing activities


19. The audiolingual method is based on:

a) Structural linguistics

b) Reading and writing

c) Psycomotor association

20. The Grammar translation method:

a) Vocabulary is learnt by memorizing long lists

b) Use of the second language in the class

c) The focus is listening and speaking



1.- The age is referred as the Primary School stage or the concrete

operational stage is:

a) The age between 8 and 10 years old.

b) The age between 6 and 12 years old.

c) The age between 5 and 12 years old.

2.- The sensitive period:

a) refers to the issue whether the human brain is particularly adapted for

language acquisition during an early period of life.

b) considers language learning would be more difficult but not impossible.

c) include lateralization and loss of brain flexibility.

3.- Where is included lateralization and loss of brain flexibility?

a) Critical period.

b) Sensitive period.

c) Neurobiological phenomena.

4.- Which of this areas are not affected by maturational constraints?

a) Internal factors.

b) Social factors.

c) External factors.


5.- Who tend to learn the mother tongue faster?

a) Girls.

b) Boys.

c) Both.

6.- In general, children are better learners if teachers …

a) focus on their explicit acquisition processes

b) emphasize their memory traits.

c) not foster holistic processing of meaning providing massive amounts of input.

7.- Which are not a direct strategy?

a) Social strategies.

b) Cognitive.

c) Memory.

8.- Extrovert people are…

a) people who are usually quiet and prefer individual –non-social- activities.

b) people who feel tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry associated

with an arousal of the autonomic nervous system.

c) people who tend to be sociable, like to take risks, they are lively and active.


9.- The ability to put oneself in another’s place in order to understand that

person better is:

a) Self-efficacy.

b) Empathy.

c) Risk-taking.

10.- Who is the author of the multiple intelligences theory:

a) Gardner.

b) Bruner.

c) Ausubel.

11.- Memory is used for the very storage of information through:

a) Creating mental linkages.

b) Guessing intelligently

c) Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing

12.- Which intelligence is related to social communication?

a) Musical intelligence.

b) Logical/mathematical intelligence.

c) Interpersonal intelligence.


13.- Who talks about the Self-efficacy:

a) Bandura.

b) Weiner.

c) Gardner.

14.- Kinaesthetic intelligence is referred to:

a) need to move in order to learn.

b) the capacity to understand one’s feelings and emotions.

c) deals with caring about nature.

15.- Howard Gardner devised the intelligences in:

a) six.

b) nine.

c) eleven.

16.- How many facts stated Rubin in 1975?

a) four facts.

b) seven facts.

c) ten facts.


17.- Who talks about the seven facts about good language learners?

a) Rubin.

b) Bandura.

c) Weiner.

18.- Which one of this characteristics are not of extroverted learners:

a) Are better at developing basic interpersonal skills.

b) Look for more opportunities for interaction and develop their communication


c) Are usually quiet and prefer individual –non-social- activities.

19.- Which of this reason is internal to the learner?

a) Neuro-biological.

b) Input.

c) Instruction.

20.- Who talks about attributions:

a) Bandura.

b) Weiner.

c) Gardner.



1. Which theory is consistent with the use of music as a vehicle for L2


a) Multiple Intelillence.

b) Behaviorism.

c) Generativism.

2. Who found that the combination of music and illustrations has a

decidedly beneficial effect on vocabulary acquisition?

a) Vygotsky.

b) Medina.

c) Bruner.

3. Which of these is not a pedagogical recommendation for the

exploitation of songs?

a) Gapped version.

b) Not sing the song.

c) Scrambled word.

4. Can pupils express meanings with drawings?

a) Pupils express meanings only in words.

b) Yes, they can create meanings with drawings.

c) No, they can´t create meanings with drawings.

5. To obtain more advantages from the symbol dictation:

a) A second repetition to check complete comprehension isn’t recommended.

b) Before the command is given, the topic mustn’t be clear.

c) Symbols must be easy to draw and familiar to the listener.


6. Commands and questions are useful for:

a) The combination of commands and questions are useful only to play.

b) The combination of commands and questions with their respective actions

and short verbal responses permits the recording of stories.

c) The combination of commands and questions are useful for fostering


7. The dual-route model to spelling acquisition it postulates in two

separate neural pathways:

a) The phonological or assembling module or route and the visual orthographic

or assembling strategy or procedure.

b) Explicit instruction and Eclectic approach.

c) The phonological and assembling module.

8. The initial interactive verbal tools for FL acquisition are:

a) Total Physical Response –TPR techniques- and questions and easy


b) A simple greeting.

c) All are correct.

9. A silent period is recommended for:

a) Silent Way Method.

b) Beginners together with a great deal of listening activities.

c) None of the above is correct.


10. The use of audiotape and video recordings:

a) Will complete the comprehensible input provided by the teacher.

b) Will be the only resource used by the teacher.

c) It is a resource to develop the four skills.

11. Why is listening important?

a) It provides comprehensible input

b) It is needed in real life

c) Both are correct

12. Listening is completed by a series of strategies. Which one is NOT a

strategy of that?

a) To recognise that some gaps in information are not relevant and can be


b) The listener cannot anticipate what is coming and remember what has been

said before.

c) To cut up complete messages to decipher and interpret some meaning.

13. Early descriptions may arise from the use of some commands as a

simple answer to the questions:

a) Where

b) Why or what for

c) When


14. The phonological or assembling module or route is responsible for:

a) The generation of familiar words.

b) The production of unfamiliar or pseudo–words.

c) Multiple intelligences.

15. The visual-ortographic or assembling strategy or procedure is

responsible for:

a) The spelling of consistent or regular words.

b) The production of unfamiliar or pseudowords.

c) The generation of familiar words.

16. Eclectic approach is:

a) The use of explicit instructional method

b) The use of implicit instructional method

a) The combination of both explicit and implicit instructional methods

17. The rules about spelling instruction should have:

a) Rules should have an appropriate level of difficulty for the pupils.

b) Rules should have very difficult for the pupils.

c) Rules should have very easy for the pupils.


18.- What is recommended to create an encouraging atmosphere in the


a) The use of gestures.

b) The use of gestures and drawings.

c) The use of gestures, drawings and body language.

19.- What could motivate students?.

a) Coloring and acting.

b) Coloring, drawing and acting.

c) Coloring, drawing, acting, mine and music.

20.- What are the topics closest to their own interests?.

a) Name and age.

b) Name, family name, address, likes, possessions, phone number and


c) Name and phone number.

21. One of the basic points of listening with comprehension:

a) The insistence that the pupils do not (usually) have to force themselves

to understand enery single word.

b) Pupils should understand every word.

c) Listening tasks should be difficult, forcing the students to understand.

22. The most efficient technique to make pupils participate in class are:

a) Silent way method.

b) The grammar-translation method.

c) Total Physical Response.


23. While teaching listening with comprehension is necessary:

a) That the tasks are well explained before doing the exercise.

b) Not to teach the tasks to catch the pupils.

c) Not to do tasks.



1. It is a written receptive skill which activates a chain of cognitive

processes in making sense of the text.

a. Reading.

b. Listening.

c. Speaking.

2. For text selection, the Primary teacher should bear in mind the

following principles:

a. Adapted, the same topic, motivation and cultural references.

b. Adapted, variety of topics, motivation and cultural references.

c. Adapted, variety of topics and cultural references.

3. What is the order of the Bottom-up process?

a. The reader first recognises individual letters, forms words, make

up phrases, clauses, sentences, texts

b. The reader first make up phrases, clauses, sentences, texts,

forms words, recognises letters.

c. The reader first make up texts, sentences, clauses, phrases, form

words and recognises individual letters.

4. Top-down process…

a. starts from the lower levels of processing

b. starts from the medium levels of processing

c. Starts from the higher levels of processing

5. Top-down process…

a. Proceeds to use the lower levels selectively.

b. Proceeds to use the higher levels selectively.

c. Proceeds to use the medium levels selectively.


6. In the top-down process…

a. Sociocultural knowledge plays a key role since the reader

combines what he/she already knows with the new information

from the text to achieve a personal interpretation

b. Background knowledge plays a key role since the reader

combines what he/she already knows with the new information

from the text to achieve a personal interpretation

c. Topic knowledge plays a key role since the reader combines what

he/she already knows with the new information from the text to

achieve a personal interpretation

7. The position of the articles is an example of…

a. Topic knowledge.

b. Sociocultural knowledge.

c. Syntactic knowledge.

8. Interactive process is a more eclectic approach where the reader.....

a. depending on his/her purposes, the type of text, etc., activates

different strategies which shift from top-down to bottom-up.

b. depending on his/her purposes, the type of text, etc., activates

different strategies which shift from bottom-up to top-down and


c. depending on his/her purposes, the type of text, etc., activates

different strategies which shift from bottom-up to top-down.

9. Which is the classification of levels in reading skill according to the

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages?

a. Proficient user (C1, C2), Independent user(B1, B2) and Basic

user(A1, A2).

b. Proficient user (A1, A2), Independent user(B1, B2) and Basic user

(C1, C2),

c. Proficient user (C1, C2), Dependent user (B1,B2) and Basic

user(A1, A2).


10. Reading aloud is a style of reading that:

a. It is not a very authentic activity.

b. It is a fun activity.

c. It is an interactive activity.

11. Silent Reading:

a. It isn’t a common type of reading.

b. It is the most difficult type of reading.

c. It is the most common and natural type of reading.

12. Skimming is a style of reading that:

a. It is used to get specific information of the content of a text.

b. It is very common in everyday life and is used to get a global

impression of the content of a text.

c. It isn’t very common in everyday life.

13. Intensive reading:

a. Texts used for intensive reading are usually long and they aren’t

studied in depth.

b. Focuses on linguistic and content accuracy.

c. Focuses on the text meaning.

14. Extensive reading:

a. Texts used for extensive reading are usually short texts.

b. It is used to get specific information of the content of a text.

c. It is more oriented towards grasping a general understanding of

the text for the purpose of enjoyment or learning.


15. Some principles for the teaching of extensive reading are:

a. Reading is individual and silent

b. Students doesn´t select what they want to read

c. Reading is in groups

16. Goals for an extensive reading programme:

a. Is more concerned with the search of specific information within a


b. Select appropriate text materials and supporting resources

according to levels of difficulty.

c. Is materialised through graphemes. These are accompanied by

punctuation marks, pictures or charts.

17. Types of texts are:

a. Authentic, Pedagogic and Adapted

b. Pedagogic and Adapted

c. Invented and Pedagogic

18. Pre-reading tasks:

a. Reading in word-groups

b. Understanding headings, numbers, different font/print types.

c. Exploring key vocabulary


19. While reading tasks:

a. Deducing the meaning and use of unfamiliar lexical items

b. Anticipating and predicting possible information to be included

c. Relating the content to other reading (intertextuality)

20. Tasks after reading:

a. They guide the reader through the text and are normally related to

bottom-up processes.

b. They focus on ensuring that the main ideas have been perfectly

grasped and understood

c. Identifying the topic of the text


QUESTIONS TOPIC 5: Writing in a foreign


1. From a communicative perspective, we could understand writing as:

a) The ability to communicate with each other and express our own ideas in

written form.

b) The only communication skill.

c) The ability to communicate with each other and express our own ideas

listen form.

2. Graphic or visual skills include:

a) Spelling.

b) Punctuation

c) Both answers are correct.

3. The order in which the skills are presented as established The

Audiolingual method and the Structuralists:

a) Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

b) Speaking, reading, listening and writing.

c) Reading, listening, writing and speaking.

4. Any practice in writing should be based on a previous:

a) Listening activity.

b) Speaking activity.

c) Both answers are correct.

5. The dictation is an activity which integrates the following skills:

a) Reading and writing.

b) Listening and reading.

c) Listening and writing.


6. In a written language:

a) The language is formal and polished.

b) The situational context helps understanding.

c) We express ourselves with incomplete sentences, contractions and


7. In a spoken language:

a) The natural unit of expression is the sentence.

b) The natural unit of expression is the paragraph.

c) There are no expressive resources although this is partially remedied by

the use of punctuation

8. In public or institutional writing we use…

a) Memory aids and entertainment

b) Study and creative writing

c) Public, social and professional writing

9. Poems, songs, stories, rhymes, autobiographies, tales, drama and

chants are:

a) Creative writing

b) Study writing

c) Public writing

10. The approach to the teaching of writing that places the emphasis on

accuracy, paying particular attention to grammar, syntax and mechanics


a) The free-writing approach

b) The controlled-to-free approach

c) The paragraph-pattern approach


11. In the free-writing approach:

a) With time, errors in grammar and syntax will gradually be corrected.

b) With time, errors in grammar and syntax won’t be corrected

c) Errors in grammar and syntax are immediately corrected.

12. In the grammar-syntax-organisation approach the attention is paid to:

a) Grammar

b) Syntax

c) Grammar and syntax

13. In the communicative approach:

a) It is necessary for the student to select appropriate content, language

and level of formality.

b) It is not necessary for the student to select appropriate content, language

and level of formality.

c) It is optional for the student to select appropriate content, language and

level of formality.

14. Pincas (1982) establishes the following stages:

a) Familiarisation and controlled writing

b) Familiarisation, controlled writing, guided writing and free writing.

c) Controlled writing and free writing.

15. How can we support children?

a) Provide resources an opportunities.

b) Not writing with them.

c) Not practicing with them.


16. We must create an environment:

a) With few books.

b) Literate environment.

c) Any environment.

17. When we speak of teaching writing in L2 at beginner level we are

working within the following guidelines:

a) Learning to write isn´t a gradual process.

b) We cannot use listening, speaking an reading activities.

c) Learning to write is a gradual process.

18. The rhythm of work should be adapted:

a) To the individual rhythm of every child.

b) All the children must take the same rhythm.

c) The teacher marks the rhythm.

19. In order that the writing does not cause distress:

a) We can introduce motivating activities.

b) Not to do activities in group.

c) To be a negative. Not to admit mistakes.


20. Self correction. This type of correction can be done:

a) when the teacher provides the correct answers.

b) When the teacher don´t provides the correct answers.

c) The teacher’s marking load is lightened.


1. “They measure what the students have learned after a specific period of

instruction”. This sentence belongs to:

a. Aptitude tests

b. Achievement and progress tests

c. Diagnostic and placement tests

2. This is the type of test typically administered at the outset of the school year

and maintained as a reference point for course planning.

d. Aptitude tests

e. Achievement and progress tests

f. Diagnostic and placement tests.

3. In the Summative or achievement evaluation:

a) Testing is carried out at the end of a specific period of instruction.

b) Evaluation monitors performance throughout the course of the

development of teaching-learning programmes.

c) Includes contents covered in previous courses and is applied at the

outset of the school year with a diagnostic purpose.


4. To carry out this type of evaluation, a variety of techniques are


a) Creation of situations which foster the deployment of the students’

knowledge, originality, and creativity.

b) Comprehension and expression quizzes and tests (listening, speaking,

reading and writing)

c) Both answers are correct.

5. The internal evaluation:

a) Is carried out by external assessors.

b) Is carried out by the people involved in it

c) None of these answers is correct.

6. The self-evaluation of learning tasks:

a) May help students to understand their achievement better and

accept the grades they are given by the teacher.

b) May not satisfy the low ability students, who often have to admit their lack

of interest and dedication.

c) May often need guidance in the correct interpretation of some criteria.

7. Listening comprehension is a receptive skill and depends on our ability in:

a) Overall comprehension.

b) Understanding of specific elements and overall comprehension.

c) Discrimination of sounds and other phonetic elements,

understanding of specific elements and overall comprehension.


8. Profiling is an example of qualitative evaluation:

a) Qualitative.

b) Quantitative

c) Formative.

9. This type of assessment describes:

a) A wide range of pupils’ qualities, attitudes and behaviour, so that a more

complete picture of each student may be given.

b) Continuous or ongoing evaluation monitors performance throughout the

course of the development of teaching-learning programmes.

c) Includes contents covered in previous courses and is applied at the

outset of the school year with a diagnostic purpose

10 .Language proficiency is a term that refers:

a) To our competence or ability to use a language for a specific purpose;

the degree of skill with which we understand and use it.

b) Background information about the student’s writing.

c) Student’s response to reading

11. The pluridimensional syllabus involves the development of strategies and

positive attitudes related to:

a) Linguistic competence, sociolinguistic and pragmatic competence,

sociocultural competence and procedural/strategic competence.

b) Sociocultural competence and linguistic competence

c) With no competence.

12. Which test used to measure the students’ competence only in relation to the

linguistic elements learned in class?

a) Aptitude tests.

b) Progress tests.


c) Discrete-point tests.

13. The application of a test is conditioned by a set of circumstances which

make it...

a) Practical.

b) Possible, viable and practical.

c) Possible and unviable.

14. What does show us how easy or difficult the item has proved to be in the


a) An item difficulty index.

b) Range.

c) Mode.

15. This indicates the extent to which the item separates the more able tests

from the less able:

a) Item discrimination.

b) Motivation.

c) Ability to learn.

16. What testing requirement is referred to a “washback”?

a) Social and educational impact


c) Authenticity


17. Which of this is not a Communicative item?

a) Learning context and situations

b) Syntactic aspects.

c) The roles adopted by the participants in interaction

18. When evaluating the student’s written production, we can apply as criteria:

a) Spelling

b) Listening

c) Both

19. The median is:

a) The most frequently occurring score in a sample

b)It is the value of the middle item or score in a sample arranged in order from

lowest to highest

c) It is a measure of the spread of the scores on a test.

20. Some types of test classified according to their aims are:

a) Aptitude tests, achievement and progress tests, diagnostic and placement

tests and Standardised tests.

b) General tests, initial tests, and social tests.

c) Both answers are true.


21. Some important criteria used to judge the students’ oral performance are

their …

a) Memorization, fluency, pronunciation.

b) Use of grammar, vocabulary, communicative ability, fluency and


c) Use of grammar, simple vocabulary, communicative ability, fluency and
