Touchdevelop api api: location & maps show geo locations Disclaimer: This document is provided...

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touchdevelop api

api: location &mapsshow geo locations

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touchdevelop api

locationo many location sources

• Wi-Fi

• cellular radio

• GPS (high accuracy, high power consumption)

o plan for unavailability of location data

touchdevelop api

mapso many map providers

• we use Bing maps

o many provided services• show location

• annotate maps (pictures, lines, …)

• compute directions

touchdevelop api

apiso Senses→current location

Gets the current phone location.o Senses→current

location accurateGets the current phone location with the most accuracy. This includes using services that might charge money, or consuming higher levels of battery power or connection bandwidth.

o Locations→create locationCreates a new geo coordinate location

o Locations→search locationLooks for the coordinate of an address using Bing.

o Picture→locationGets the location where the picture was taken; if any.

o Link→locationGets the location if any

o Place→locationGets the location of the place

o Appointment→locationGets the location

o Message→locationGets the geo coordinates

o String→to locationParses the string as a geo coordinate. returns 'unknown' if parsing fails.

touchdevelop api

apiso Senses→current location

Gets the current phone location.o Senses→current location

accurateGets the current phone location with the most accuracy. This includes using services that might charge money, or consuming higher levels of battery power or connection bandwidth.

o Locations→create locationCreates a new geo coordinate location

o Locations→search locationLooks for the coordinate of an address using Bing.

o Picture→locationGets the location where the picture was taken; if any.

o Link→locationGets the location if any

o Place→locationGets the location of the place

o Appointment→locationGets the location

o Message→locationGets the geo coordinates

o String→to locationParses the string as a geo coordinate. returns 'unknown' if parsing fails.

touchdevelop api

apiso Location→latitude

Gets the latitude of the coordinateo Location→longitude

Gets the longitude of the coordinateo Location→distance

Calculates the distance in meterso Location→speed

Gets the speed of the coordinateo Location→share

Shares the location (email, sms, facebook, social or “” to pick from a list)

o Location→altitudeGets the altitude of the coordinate

o Location→hor accuracyGets the horizontal accuracy of the coordinate

o Location→vert accuracyGets the vertical accuracy of the coordinate

o Location→courseGets the course of the coordinate

o Location→to stringConverts to a string lat,long

o Location→post to wallDisplays the location in a map using Bing.

o Locations→describe locationLooks for an address near a location using Bing. 

touchdevelop api

apiso Maps→create map

Creates a Bing map. Use 'post to wall' to display it.o Maps→directions

Calculates the directions between two coordinates using Bing.o Maps→open directions

Shows the directions in the Bing map application. If search term is provided, location is ignored. Provide search term or location for start and end.

o Maps→open mapOpens the Bing map application. zoom between 0 (close) and 1 (far).

o Maps→create full mapCreates a full screen Bing map. Use 'post to wall' to display it.

touchdevelop api

apiso Map→add text

Adds a text pushpin on the mapo Map→add line

Adds a polyline that passes through various geocoordinates

o Map→add pictureAdds a picture pushpin on the map

o Map→add placeAdds a place pushpin on the map (ignored if the location is not set)

o Map→add linkAdds a link pushpin on the map (ignored if the location if not set)

o Map→add messageAdds a message pushpin on the map (ignored if the location is not set)

o Map→set centerSets the map center location

o Map→set zoomSets the zoom level from 1 to 21

o Map→centerGets the map center location

o Map→clearClears the lines, regions and pushpins

o Map→view pushpinsChanges the current zoom and center so that all the pushpins are visible.

o Map→zoomGets the zoom level

o Map→fill regionFills a region with a color

o Map→post to wallDisplays the map in the wall using Bing. 

touchdevelop api

exampleso go to picture

☁ o location and maps

☁ o park and find


touchdevelop api

exercises►write a script with three executable actions:

• init: sets a global variable to an empty location collection

• record: adds current location to collection (can be called multiple times)

• show: show map where all a line connects all recorded locations

touchdevelop api

homework►finish exercise if not yet finished