Tour to Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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Welcome to Uzbekistan - an oasis of peace, a land where ancient history and modern culture converge, a country located at the mid-point of the Great Silk Road! It's the oldest land in Central Asia, maintaining a twenty-five century long history, a country with a specific historical and cultural community different from that of other regions. Recently, tourist interest in Uzbekistan has markedly increased and accordingly, the range of travel facilities and the services of local tour operators are being expanded year by year in order to draw more travelers to explore this wonderful place.

On the territory of Uzbekistan there are many cities where hundreds of architectural monuments from different ages are located. Among them are Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrizabs, Termez and Kokand. These cities were centers of science and art. Great architects created palaces, mosques and mausoleums, world famous monuments of ancient architecture memorializing Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan. Many of those masterpieces have not survived to the present; however, from those which have been preserved, it is possible to restore the pages of the distant past. The Great Silk Road, one of the most significant achievements in history of World civilization, also passed through these cities. To enjoy your stay in these historical sites imbued with the atmosphere of ancient times, great efforts have been made to ensure that modern travelers feel comfortable and secure. Therefore, a great number of new hotels and guest houses have appeared, new restaurants and cafes have reached international standards, and modern means of transportation, from cars to tour buses, are available to transport more and more travelers.

Traveling around Uzbekistan is an adventure filled with fascinating cultural discoveries, history and breathtaking natural beauty. Travelers have the opportunity to travel through living history, not just among remnants kept in the confines of a museum, but also experience the silence of the distant past among the sites of ancient settlements, temples and tombs - a great place to escape from busy civilization. They still serve as places for religious pilgrimage, as they have for a thousand years. You will always remember the tall minarets, grandiose madrassahs and mosques, palaces and mausoleums decorated with incredible ceramic ornamentation, noisy and colorful oriental bazaars, interesting legends, and the warm hospitality and ancient traditions of the local people.

This is a land full of oriental romance, for anyone in search of a view into the past. A land of cotton and orchards, entertaining bazaars, and artisans practicing their trades in the same manner as has been done for thousands of years.

Deserts which were the center of the ancient creation of countless nations, caravan paths that crossed the vast, scorching land, all this was once a part of the Great Silk Road connecting ancient China and Europe. These days the modern tourism infrastructure allows for easy travel in the desert and steppe areas of this region, where you can experience adventurous camel riding, sleep in yurts - the only dwellings in the boundless desert, equipped with all necessary facilities, and spend an evening next to the fire listening to a folklore performance.

The mountainous regions of Uzbekistan can also be considered some of the most beautiful landscapes in Central Asia. These picturesque places are worth seeing for those who want to connect with nature, to withdraw from reality and consider their own place in the world. Forests intermingle with alpine meadows, which in turn give way to snow capped summits with mighty tongues of glaciers. The western Tian-Shan mountaintops glitter under the blue sky, and below them lie alpine pastures, savage gorges and river rapids that are difficult to access and have for years have been an attraction for adventure seekers. Summer tourism activities include mountain biking, hiking, trekking, rafting, canoeing, mountaineering, horse riding and leisure accommodations in newly built mountain resorts. Winter in the mountains is likewise full of opportunities for heli-boarding, heli-skiing, snowboarding and paragliding. Professional instructors provide high quality services for the achievement of your adventure dreams.

In addition to the famous traditions of Uzbek hospitality, which are so deeply rooted within its people, the unique local customs and tasty national cuisine of Uzbekistan make it a very attractive tourism destination for travelers from all over the world.

Yet Uzbekistan is not only about white-haired old men, the unique cultural heritage of its people, oriental hospitality and famous Uzbek cuisine. Uzbekistan is also modern, a perfect place for rest, amusement and even. filmmaking! Interesting, inexpensive, clean, safe - these are the pillars that support what many call an exciting trip to Uzbekistan.

Now, let's take a closer look at these main advantages:

Exciting. The rich history of the region, world famous monuments of architecture and applied art, tours in the ancient cities of Uzbekistan, stories related by professional guides which one could listen to eternally - all of which you might expect.

Inexpensive. All travelers coming to Uzbekistan note one established fact: prices here are very modest to extremely low. This is the main reason why spending money here is nothing but a pleasure. Shopping in the souvenir stores and arts and crafts boutiques, entertainment centers, wonderful restaurants offering a rich diversity of cuisine, beautiful ski resorts, and the unique night life of the capital- are among the number of tourist attractions.

Clean. In the streets of Tashkent and other large cities of Uzbekistan, you can walk without stumbling upon empty bottles of beer, stepping over cigarette packs or having to

find your way around garbage heaps. Unusually clean, wide and shady streets, green parks and clear fountains are among its charming elements.

Safe. Many cannot help but wonder about Uzbekistan's stability, with no wars or revolutions, and a very low rate of petty crime. The local population is known for its peaceful disposition - something that will stand out among your good memories of Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan tourism: information, attractions, hotels, Tashkent, Bukhara, Khiva, Samarkand


Uzbekistan is one of five republics in Central Asia, which used to be part of the Soviet Union. It is bordered on the west and north by Kazakhstan, on the east by Kyrgyzstan, on the southeast by Tajikistan, and on the south by Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. Uzbekistan includes the Karakalpak Autonomous Republic, which occupies about 37 percent of Uzbekistan's territory. Uzbekistan's land area totals about 447,400 sq km (about 172,750 sq mi). Tashkent is the capital and chief industrial and cultural center. Slightly more than 36 percent of the total population live in urban areas.

 Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, is the largest city in Central Asia and the fourth largest in the former USSR (after Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Kyiv). Other major cities include Samarkand, Namangan, Andijon, and Bukhara.

Climate and the nature conditions of Uzbekistan

The climate and the nature conditions of Uzbekistan are among the most favorable in Central Asia. For example, in the former capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty, which is 502 mi northeast of Tashkent, the average annual temperature is 5-8 degrees lower. At the same time, 804 mi southwest of Tashkent in Ashgabat, the average annual temperature is 8-10 degrees higher. 

The relatively temperate climate, plus the presence of irrigation water, enrich the land of Uzbekistan, which yields many fruit crops. The melons, grapes, apples, quinces, and pears of Uzbekistan have an incredibly delicious taste. More than 60 species of orchards grow in Uzbekistan many of which started traveling around the world from their geographical centre of origin.

Zaamin mountain archa state reserve area of more than 26 thousand hectares is situated in heights from 1760 up to 3500 meters above sea level. Juniper forests make up a special value and beauty of the reserve. The local type of this surprising and having become rare plant is accepted to be called archa in Central Asia. It is relative to the well known cypress. Yet not so long ago the main tree of mountain forests of Uzbekistan was called a plant of not our epoch. Archa was related to extinct breed unmanageable for artificial reproduction. As scientists found out it were not so easy to reproduce it in natural way, besides, it grows very slowly. Only 700-800 aged trees reach 8-10 meters height. Trees which age exceeds a thousand and even three thousands years are met in secluded mountain regions which are difficult of access.

The nature of the Chatkal state biospheric reserve in the west Tyan-Shan spurs locating on the heights from 1 100 up to 4 000 meters above the sea level and taking a square of more than 35 thousand hectares is inimitable and diverse. Mountain landscapes are distinguished here by their variety, wildness and beauty. The climate advantages of Uzbekistan attract mountain-skiers to the Chimgan-Beldersay area near Tashkent, which belongs to Chatkal state biospheric reserve. The combination of snow and

mostly warm, sunny weather makes the Chimgan and Beldersay ski slopes extremely popular.

More than 27 thousand biological types are counted in ecosystems of Uzbekistan. The fauna is represented by 424 species of birds, 97 species of mammals, 58 species of reptiles and 83 species of fish. Plants, mushrooms and algae are represented by 11 thousand of species. Many animals and plants are endemic and are not met anywhere in the globe.

PageTour - Uzbekistan tourist attractions

According to definition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia a tourist attraction is a place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or exhibited cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, or amusement opportunities.

So, what attracts tourist in Uzbekistan after all. According to the Statistical Internet Survey, carried out in May 7-August 27, 2008 by Pagetour jointly with Walter Kafer

Fremdenverkehrdienstleistungen, the majority of those surveyed - 39%, visit the country because of their interest to architectural and historical sights of Uzbekistan. Another largest group - 24% visit Uzbekistan for the sake of acquaintance with culture, way of life and local customs. Thereby most of the tourists (63%) visiting Uzbekistan, consider as an attractions the following: historical places, monuments, museums and art galleries, ancient buildings and structures (e.g., ancient fortresses, mosques, madrasahs, libraries, former prisons, wells), national parks, national festivals and other cultural events.

This site, worked out as an information collection of Uzbekistan tourist attractions, advertises tourist attractions in very simple form with plenty of visual information. At this site you will find only those tourist attractions of Uzbekistan, which provide visitors a memorable experience for a reasonable admission charge or even for free. There aren't such places that are commonly known as tour is traps among attractions, presented by Pagetour.

23 Essential facts about Tourism in Uzbekistan    1. Uzbekistan is a country of ancient high culture with its

exceptional architectural patterns.

    2. Many prominent people lived in Bukhara in the past.    3. Bukhara is the centre for trade and handicraft since times of antiquity.    4. Bukhara has been the main spiritual, cultural and economic center of Central Asia from ancient time.    5. The Architecture of Uzbekistan has been influenced by a diverse array of architectural traditions such as Islamic architecture, Persian architecture, and Russian architecture.  6.Khiva is a museum under the blue sky. 

7. Ancient cities of Uzbekistan were located on the ancient Silk Road, the trading route between China and the West.

8. Uzbekistan is a country with vast underused capabilities in tourism. 9. Uzbekistan Mountains are an attractive place for those who love active forms of tourism such as mountaineering, rock climbing skiing and so on. 10. Samarkand is one of pearls of East. 11. Ancient Khiva is one of three most important tourism centers of Uzbekistan with great historical cultural and ethnographic potential. 12. A large number of tourists have been visiting Uzbekistan because of their religious-based interest. 13. Uzbekistan cities including Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz and Tashkent live on in the imagination of the West as symbols of oriental beauty and mystery. 14. The applied arts of Uzbekistan embrace a wide range of materials used and methods of ornamentation. 15. There are more than 160 Muslim relics located in Uzbekistan. 16. Bukhara carpets are very famous. 17. Bread is holy for Uzbek people. 18. Traditionally Uzbek breads are baked inside the stoves made of clay called “Tandyr”.19. Uzbekistan is well known for its chaikhanas (teahouses), where men get together and spend time chatting and joking over a cup of tea.  20. Uzbekistan is the most historically fascinating of the Central Asian republics.  21. Today's Uzbekistan is one of the safest countries to go to for tourism and cooperation. 22. People in Uzbekistan are very hospitable, generous and kind.  23. Uzbekistan is different from both Asian and European countries - it is unique.

Tourism in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan tourism is regulated by laws and development programs. The appropriate

normative-legal base which impacts the status of tourism was being formulated during almost 20 years in Uzbekistan.

The development of tourism in Uzbekistan has several stages. The first stage is the organization of tourism as one branch of economy on the basis of enterprises being of different ownership type - the State Committee of the USSR on Foreign Tourism, the Bureau of Youth Tourism Sputnik within the Komsomol, the trade-union organizations, etc. This period covers 1992-1995. Since this moment there started privatization of tourist objects, construction of small private hotels and it was a beginning of international tourist fair in Tashkent. 

The second stage covers 1995-2000. This stage is characterized as a time of development of tourism infrastructure, creation of nongovernmental corporate tourist associations. Within this period there were programmatic goals set such as the Program of Tourism Development till 2005. There is a process of large investments into hotel networks, expanding of small hotels network, providing privileges to small and medium businesses.

The third period covers the years since 2001 to the present. There is an on-going privatization process of enterprises from the National Uzbektourism Company. The interdepartmental agreements are concluded to facilitate tourist procedures. The government attracts foreign investments and management companies into tourism and hotel businesses. National tourist administration has been instructed to develop draft Program of Tourism Development till 2010.

The national legislation related to tourism provides favorable climate for this sector of economy. There are privileges for tourist companies made in form of joint venture. There are also some privileges for foreign investors to the sphere of tourism. Besides that there are norms to support private tourism business.

The existing legislation includes a following list of most important documents.

The Law "On tourism" was approved, by Oliy Majlis on 20 August 1999. It regulates state policy in the sphere of tourism, defines legislative norms for this sector of economy, including norms of relations between subjects and objects of tourism.

The Regulations "On the order of departure and entrance of tourists to the Republic of Uzbekistan". The appropriate provision has been approved in order to regulate the entrance of foreign tourists into the Republic of Uzbekistan and departure of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad as tourists, and to secure their safety. It was issued according to the Law of Republic Uzbekistan "On tourism", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 28 July 2004 No.360 "On further improvement of Uzbektourism national company activities".

Regulations "On licensing of tourist activity". The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers

dated 11 November 2003 No.497 stipulates the procedure and rules for receiving the license for tourist activities various subjects of managing. The Order of certification of tourist services. It was registered within the Ministry of Justice on 18 March 2000 No.911. It contains general provisions, rules and procedures of carrying out obligatory certification of tourist services rendered by subjects of tourist activities and can be also used in carrying out voluntary certification.

The Resolution "On simplification of visa procedures for Italian citizens" of the Cabinet Of Ministers dated 19 February 2003 No.85. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan was entrusted to issue multi-entry visas for one month to citizens of Italian Republic visiting Uzbekistan as tourists within two working days with a waver of presenting tourist vouchers of Uzbektourism or other tourist organizations. Note: the same procedure covers citizens of France. Latvia, Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Germany and Belgium.

"On granting exemption from customs duties to some tourist organizations". The Ministry of Finance (No.04-02-04/11) and the State Tax Committee (No.09-386 dated 12 January 1996) in order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 2 July 1995 "On measures to facilitate participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the revival of the Great Silk Road and to develop international tourism in the republic" consider it possible to support the proposal of Uzbektourism regarding exemption of tourist agencies in Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Tashkent cities from paying customs duties for importing vehicles for their own use.

The Decree "On measures to facilitate participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the revival of the Great Silk Road and to develop international tourism in the republic". The decree of the President of Republic Uzbekistan dated 2 June 1995. The document stipulates the following:- To organize special open economic zones on international tourism in the cities of the Great Silk Route - Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, and Tashkent;- At the airports and the railway stations of the specified cities introduce simplified order of customs clearance for foreign tourists, which corresponds to international norms, and also special customs areas for transit tourists;- To exempt from all kinds of taxes newly formed tourist agencies and the enterprises of these cities for the period from the data of their establishment till the date of receiving the first profit, but no more than three years from the date of registration;- The specified organizations and enterprises in the first year of receiving the profit shall pay 50% of the profit tax, in the second year - 75%, starting from the third year - 100%;- To exempt foreign investors which set up joint ventures in the sphere of tourism in Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Tashkent from the payment of exported profit tax for the period of 5 years in addition to the privileges granted.- To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in two months term to identify common visa to foreign tourists, which is valid for the whole territory of the Republic, except for the objects defined by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.- To recommend commercial banks to provide credits to businessmen for construction of private hotels and hotel infrastructure with the term of repayment not less than five years;

- To establish Interdepartmental Tourism Council within the Cabinet of Ministers, having defined its primary goals as: deepening of economic reforms in the sphere of tourism; coordination of the development of the network of small and medium hotels, motel and camping at a level of world standards; assistance to the development of modern entertainment business, cultural and fitness centers; organization of wide publicity and preservation of unique tourist potential and historical and cultural heritage; carrying out coordinated scientific, technical and investment policy in tourism; providing training and retraining of tourism personnel.

"The Order on entrance to and departure from the Republic of Uzbekistan of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship". The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated 21 November 1996, No.408. Foreign citizens, including citizens from CIS countries and without citizenship can enter Uzbekistan and leave on the reasons of private and business affairs, as tourists, for rest, study, work, treatment and on a permanent residence. Entry, entry-exit and transit visas are issued by the consular officers. Multi-entry visas for the period of one year are issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Overview

Location: Tashkent is the capital city of Uzbekistan and is located on the western part of the Altai Mountains. Tashkent is situated on the way from Shymkent to Samarkand. Tashkent lies at the meeting point of Chirchik River. Kashkent is also a lively tectonic region and it has suffered many earthquakes in the past. Tashkent is also the largest city in Uzbekistan and it has advanced amenities.

Population: According to a demographical study in 2006, the total population of Tashkent was 2.1 million. However, according to an unofficial data, Tashkent was inhabited by more than three million people. Tashkent is populated by many ethnic groups and the majority of the inhabitants were the Uzbeks. Other minority groups in Tashkent include Russians, Kazaks, Tatars, Tajiks and Karakalpaks.

Economy: Tashkent has a stable economy and it relies mostly on the commodity production. Some of the commodity products produced in Tashkent include cotton, gold, natural gas and uranium. Uzbekistan demonstrates rigid economic control and they often resist foreign investors. Effective policy and controlled transition to scientific means of production have greatly increased the rate of production thereby improving the national economy. Today, Tashkent has emerged as a major economic centre through central Asia.

Transportation: Tashkent has effective and efficient public transportation system operating inside the city. Public transportations in Tashkent include trams, trolley buses and mini buses operated by the government throughout the city. There are also infinite numbers of registered as well as unregistered taxis operating across the city. Air transportation in Tashkent is operated by the Turkish Airlines and regular flights between Tashkent to Istanbul are available five days a week. Tashkent also has a metro system operating currently on three routes.

Culture and festival: As Tashkent is inhabited by many ethnic groups, there is a mixed culture. Traditional pottery and traditional clothes of Tashkent are very famous and the citizen prefer them. A wide range of yearly festivals is being celebrated in Tashkent and many other international festivals and exhibitions are also held in Tashkent. One of the most famous festivals in Tashkent is the Navruz which is similar to the spring feast and the new year of Central Asia. Bukhara Silk and Spice Festival is another festival widely celebrated in Tashkent.

People: The people of Tashkent are highly religious and they are known for their hospitality. Moreover, the literacy rate of the citizen of Tashkent is very high. More than 90% of the total adults who are above 15 are able to read or write.

Weather: Weather in Tashkent is very cold in winter and the minimum temperature may reach– 15 degrees Celsius on a cold windy day. The summer is not so hot and the average temperature is around 18- 25 degrees Celsius.


Although Uzbek is now the official language, Russian is still the primary language used by the majority of the population in Tashkent. Most businesses use Russian in their signs, menus and other printed material. Only government institutions use Uzbek as the first language, and even then, many government forms and reports are in Russian, rather than Uzbek. Currently, Uzbek uses the Latin alphabet rather than the Cyrillic that was used during the Soviet Union. This is a source of some confusion for many Uzbeks, especially those of the older generation. Shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union, and Uzbekistan declared independence in 1991, the written Uzbek language was converted back into Latin characters. Many older Uzbeks have difficulty reading the Latin characters. Uzbek is a Turkic-based language, and while Uzbeks and Turks cannot completely communicate directly, the better educated on both sides can usually find some common understanding.

Many of the signs in Tashkent are in Cyrillic. A significant number of Russian words are similar to their English counterparts. Learning the Cyrillic alphabet - which is not as difficult as one might think (however, learning the Russian language is extremely difficult) - will help a traveller to read signs and in restaurants. It is very useful for the casual visitor to Tashkent to learn a few basic Russian words and phrases.

Get in

By plane

Tashkent airport is just a few km from the city centre. Airlines serving Tashkent are Aeroflot, Asiana, Uzbekistan Airways, Turkish Airways. A short and inexpensive ($2-3) taxi journey is the easiest way to get to the center. One should bear in mind, however, that upon exiting the international terminal, a large number of men will be crowded at the (sole) exit door offering "taxi" services. For the most part, these are not "official" taxis, often old, beat-up Ladas. "Taxi" drivers will attempt to charge whatever they believe the market will bear. For those without Russian or Uzbek language skills, it is best to arrange to have someone meet you at the airport.

$2-3 fares are usually only obtainable by those who understand the system and speak at least some Russian or Uzbek. Taxi drivers will rarely accept small bills (dollars, euros or pounds), and cannot be counted upon to give change (in any currency). Baggage reclaim and customs formalities can take 2 hours. Make sure and retain the customs declaration form you will be given as you pass through customs. You will need it when you leave the country and may find it difficult to leave without the form.

The departures area is on the upper floor. The access road has been closed, so you have to walk around the left hand side of the arrivals level and up some stairs. Allow plenty of time when leaving the country via Tashkent airport. Check-in, customs and passport control can be very time consuming, especially if there are large numbers of passengers. Make sure and have the customs form you were given when you entered the country.

By train

Tashkent is a key stopping point for rail services from Central Asia. It is possible to travel from or to Turkmenistan, Dushanbe inTajikistan, Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan, Almaty in Kazakhstan and Moscow. It is possible to travel to China through Almaty and to Iran and via Turkmenistan. Ticket prices are cheap by western standards, but will need to be paid for in cash, preferably US$. There are many warnings about thefts of personal belongings on the trains.

By car

There are road routes from surrounding countries but the borders may not be open and there have been security problems. The border from Afghanistan is frequently closed or not open to non Uzbek/Afghan nationals. There is a risk from land mines in some border areas. The crossing from Kazakhstan near Saryagash is open and safe. Allow one or two hours to get through, especially from the Uzbek side.

By bus

Get around

The city has a good public transport system system which is cheap. The metro/underground system is typical of the old Soviet style with large and impressive stations and is actually quite modern. There are also trams and modern busses. Tickets (which on the metro are small blue coin size tokens) cost 250 SUM for any single journey. It is not permitted to take photographs in the metro stations. Police will usually be present on all platforms.

Taxis can be cheap after some negotiation, however some of the vehicles are very old. While there are official, authorized taxis (with the appropriate sign on the roof of the car), in reality almost any driver in Tashkent can double as a taxi driver. The local custom is to simply stand by the side of the road with your arm extended downward and slightly away from the body. A driver will pull over and you then state your destination and negotiate the fare in advance. At least some Russian or Uzbek language skill is needed to accomplish this without difficulty. It is usually safe to use this procedure, although virtually every foreign embassy recommends against it. Directions are rarely given here using an address. Most often, a landmark is used, "near the hotel Russia," for instance. Moreover, many streets and hotels have been renamed in the past few years but often drivers will not recognize the current name of the street or hotel, still knowing them by their old names. Asking to be taken to the Grand Mir hotel, for instance, will often result in a blank look. Tell the driver you want to go to the Gastinitsa Rossiya (Hotel Russia), however,

and they will know exactly where you want to go. For non-Russian-Uzbek speakers, it is helpful to have someone draw a rudimentary map or write out directions in Russian. Few drivers will know English.

Do not expect western-style taxi services. Traffic in Tashkent is crazed and unpredictable. Taxi drivers will often smoke while you are in the car and asking them not to will most often result in nothing more than a look of disapproval. You may be paying, but you are in their car.

None of the major international car hire companies operate in Tashkent. Where car hire is available, it will include a driver.


A typical monthly wage in Tashkent can be as low as $20 USD. It is possible to live very cheaply if you do not visit any restaurants or other attractions. Most people rely on support from their family and friends.



Local produce - fruit, nuts, vegetables can be very good, especially when in season. In the late summer, local melons appear on the streets and in the bazaars and are rich in flavor and very cheap.

Most local residents do their primary shopping in bazaars. There are many of them in Tashkent, the largest of which is the Chorsu Bazaar. It is huge, colorful, teaming with humanity and offers just about anything that can be purchased locally, from produce to locally-made furniture and hardware. Hand-crafted items, including crockery, rugs, traditional dress, etc., are also available and far less expensive than in the shops frequented by tourists. Have a local go with you to the bazaars if at all possible. Foreigners are inevitably charged higher prices. Bargaining is common, but requires some language skills.

Saligokh Street, known locally as 'Broadway', has some street artists, etc. The street is easy to find from the Amir Temur monument, just head away from the Uzbekistan Hotel. The 'mirstore' just off of Saligokh Street has a modern supermarket, coffee bar and hugely overpriced fashion stores. This area, known locally as "Demir," also has MirBurger, which has burgers, pizza and local dishes at generally reasonable prices. There is also a Georgian restaurant ("Tblisi") and a chinese restaurant. There is a heavy police (militsiya) presence here and foreigners are not often, but occasionally asked for their documents. It is advisable to keep a photocopy of your passport and visa with you, but leave the originals in your hotel safe.

Recently, modern designer fashion and luxury goods shops from the famous international brands have started to appear in Tashkent. Catering for the wealthy, these can be found in the Broadway area, Amir Temur street and Pushkin street.

There is a shop on Shota Rustavelli street, not far from the Grand Mir hotel called Human House . It features hand made crafts and clothing of all sorts, ranging from full outfits to purses, beautiful hand-painted tea sets, ceramics, etc., at very reasonable prices. It is operated by a non-profit and is meant to help provide income to the craftspersons, who are often from remote, very poor villages.

Note: From the start of September 2006, all of the outdoor shops, private sellers and restaurants have been cleared from Saligokh Street and other city parks. This could be becasue they were unlicensed. However, this has largely killed the atmosphere of the Broadway area and in many of the parks. As of August 2007, a few of the painting sellers have returned, but are confined to a small area.


Uzbek national dishes are similar to those of other Central Asian countries. The national dish is Plov (also called Osh, "Pulau" in Hindi). It is a mixture of rice, mild spices, carrots, mutton, meat, and, according to individualized recipes, ocassionally other ingredients. Shashlik - meat (usually mutton, beef or chicken) and chunks of fat roasted kebab style over charcoal. Samsa ("Samosa" in Hindi) are similar to South American empanadas - meat (beef or mutton) and onion encased in pastry and baked in wood-fired, clay ovens shaped like inverted beehives called tandories. The local bread, round and flat, is also baked in tandories. It is called Non (or in Russian, "lepioshki,", "Naan" in Hindi) and is usually delicious. Non from Samarkand is especially well regarded by many.

There are hundreds of small cafes in Tashkent (and other Uzbek cities and villages) offering these and other local dishes at very inexpensive prices. A meal of salad, bread, tea, soup and shashlik at around 2-3 USD isn't difficult to find. Bear in mind that sanitation standards leave a lot to be desired in many of these cafes. Especially on warm days, look to see if the meat is kept refrigerated before it is cooked. Often, it is not.


There are many small restaurants serving simple meals at good prices. Burgers and kebabs are common. Russian Borsch soup is tasty and perfect on a cold day.

Bravissimo at junction of Shahrisabz Street and Movarounnakhr Street serves cakes and good local food. Russian language only.


Polyanka Cafe. Not far from Boghi Eram Recreation Park. Excellent food and cabaret entertainment (suitable for families).

Nam Dae Mun,  : +998 71 1320105. 24 Buhara Street, near Alisher navoi Theatre and Broadway. Fine Korean and Japanese restaurant. Reasonably priced too.

Tang Cheng Chinese Restaurant,  : 60A Amir Temur St,  : +998 71 1358916. Good Chinese restaurant.

Al Delfin. Excellent Arabic food. Ariston. Sabir Rahimov, st.Lashkarbegi, 2 (Off of Pushkin street). Like Polyanka, excellent

food and cabaret entertainment (suitable for families). Ariston Park. One of a few good places to eat in Boghi Eram Recreation Park Amfora Greek Rastaurant. (АМфОРА in Russian). Near junction of Shahrisabz Street and

Movarounnakhr Street. New Greek themed restaurant.Splurge


In common with other countries in central Asia, tea is drunk by most people. Coffee, where available will usually be Nescafe. A better cup of coffee can be found in Cafe Amore at the MIR store just off of Broadway.

Alcoholic drinks are sold freely in shops or street stalls. Outdoor bars are popular in good weather. Uzbek wine, vodka (very strong) and many different beers are available.The Russian Baltika beer is popular. Baltika 3 is good and similar to other international beers. Baltika 0 has no alcohol, Baltika 5 and 7 are also good and Baltika 9 is very strong. A new local beer, Sarbast, has been launched and should be about half the price of imported beers. It quite good and at 4.2%, not too strong.

Nightclubs, as everywhere offer expensive drinks and typically play a mix of Russian and Western music. Strip shows are common.

Rich night club is part of Dedeman hotel. Club Diplomat S, Navoy Street. 200m from Dedeman hotel. Has billiard tables. Entrance

3000 Sum (free for ladies). It can be very busy and getting in may be difficult if your face does not fit.

Studio Cafe, S.Azimova Street. Very modern cafe/bar with good food and drink. Fashion Bar, 25 Kunaev Street. At the junction with Shahrisabz Street. Another modern

bar/cafe, showing Fashion TV on large screens with music until late at night. Diamond Club nightclub, below Arkada center on the Broadway. New and modern nightclub

with a sci-fi theme. Check out the 'Predator' look-alikes.

The Chelsea Arms in Kakhara Street is a 'traditional' themed English pub. It looks like it has been transplanted from the East End of London. It also offers Wifi! Tashkent also has at least two Irish theme bars - the new Irish Pub and Patrick's Irish pub, Akhunbabaev street.


Tashkent Intercontinental Hotel

Tashkent has many good hotels, most of which are empty. The exception is the Dedeman which has become the hotel of choice for most international visitors. The image of the Intercontinental Hotel (right) is typical of the new buildings in Tashkent.


Gulnara's B&B Tel: 402816/1447766 email: Very friendly, clean, and comfortable. Short walk to Chorsu Bazaar and Metro Station. Rooms approx $12-15.00 per person. Rides from the airport can be arranged for a reasonable price.


Malika Hotel -, tel: +998 71 1730203. Probably the best bang-for-the-buck in Tashkent. Well-equipped and nicely outfitted. Ownership includes an American partner. Room rates from 35-45 USD including breakfast. Also in Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.

Expo Tashkent Hotel - Located just next to the Expo Center. Rovshan HotelSplurge

Grand Mir Hotel , 2 Kunaeva Street, Tashkent , Tel: +998 71 140 20 00, fax +998 71 140 20 40 -Luxury hotel for business travellers. Wireless internet connection is available. Rates include fitness centre services and healthy breakfast.

Dedeman Silk Road Hotel , Amir Temur St,+998 71 1340101. Excellent and new hotel in city centre. Drinks are over priced. Free Internet connection in rooms. Rack rates from $160/night but booking through an agent will get a double for $105 with breakfast. The deluxe double rooms are best and will cost $130 with breakfast.

Tashkent Hotel and towers (used to be Sheraton). Opposite Dedeman Silk Road Hotel. Tashkent Palace Hotel (used to be Le Meridien) 56, Buyuk Turon Street. Traditionally styled

and visually impressive hotel. Le Grande Plaza Hotel (formerly BUMI) 2, Uzbekiston Ovozi Street Radisson SAS, Amir Temur St. About 2km from the city centre. InterContinental Hotel, Amir Temur St. Opposite Radisson SAS Hotel.Stay safe

Visits to Tashkent should be trouble free. However, visitors should refrain from political activity or doing anything that could be regarded as undermining the state. Petty crime is fairly common, so watching personal belongings is important.

There have been incidents of robbery, including some violent assaults reported recently (spring 2006) in Tashkent, but such incidents are generally rare. Travelers should use the same caution they would use in any large city, especially at night. It is not advisable for foreigners to walk around alone at night, especially in areas where few people are about and/or lighting is poor.

In addition, there were isolated cases of suicide bombings and related terror-style attacks a few years ago. Primarily, these were aimed at local police and government forces, although there were bombings outside the U.S. and Israeli embassies in 2004. Avoid confrontations of any kind. If you witness a confrontation, especially in a crowded area such as a bazaar, move away quickly.


The local currency is SUM. Exchange offices should be used since the black market is illegal and rates are poor. US dollars, Euros, British pounds or Japanese Yen are the only currencies that can be readily exchanged, but notes must be in perfect condition with no marks or damage. Money from surrounding countries, including Russia and Kazakhstan is very difficult to find or exchange. The exchange rate is about 1200SUM to 1$ or 2600SUM to £1. Local ATM's (known as Bankomat's) do not work with foreign cards. US dollars are available inside banks using international credit cards with commission of about 4%. The dollars can then be changed for local currency with another commission charge. Newer shops and hotels are accepting credit cards and Maestro.

Toshkent or Tashkent, city, eastern Uzbekistan, capital of the country and of Toshkent Wiloyat (Toshkent Oblast). Located in an oasis near the Chirchik River in a cotton- and fruit-growing region, Toshkent is a major industrial and transportation center and was the largest city of the former Soviet Central Asia. It has industries producing machinery, cotton and silk textiles, chemicals, tobacco products, and furniture. A center of Uzbek culture, Toshkent has several large libraries and is the seat of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences and numerous other institutions of higher learning. A subway system was opened here in 1977. The first mention of Toshkent dates from the 7th century AD, although it was probably founded by the 1st century BC. The city was conquered, successively, by the Arabs in the 8th century, by Genghis Khan in the early 13th century, and by Tamerlane in the 14th century. It was annexed by Russia in 1865, and a new Russian city was built around the older town. This city, whose name means "Stone Fortress" - a title adopted in the 11th century, though Tashkent's roots date back to the dawn of the first millennia A.D. - has the look of a modern metropolis. Little remains of the old city, thanks to a leveling April, 1966, earthquake and the subsequent Soviet rebuilding In 1966. Toshkent became the capital of independent Uzbekistan in 1991. Population is about 2,400,000.

History of Tashkent

Tashkent-the capital of Uzbekistan republic-is one of the ancient city appeared on the cross of the Great Silk Road from China to Europe.First information about Tashkent as city settling is in the ancient east sources of the second century before A.D. In China sources it was called Yuni; in the inscription of the year 262 before A.D. of Persian king Shampur the First on the “ Caaba of Zoroastrian” Tashkent oasis was called Chach; in the transcriptions of some china sources the city also was called Shi, and in the Arabian-Shash. By the sayings of Biruniy and Mahmud Kashgariy, the name Tashkent was appeared from the Turkic sources of 9-12 centuries. In Russia in 15th century it was famous as Tashkura.Already in the ancient times advantageous geographical location and favorable climate make Tashkent one of the main points at the trade road of “ the Great Silk Road”. In support of this suggestion by archeologists of Uzbekistan in the south part of modern Tashkent, irrigated by the

Jun River, were found remains of the settling of city type-Shashtepa. Ruins of defensive armed wall, round citadel with building from the moisture bricks and pahsa inside it were discovered. Outside defensive wall of citadel included inside vaulted corridor and was designed outside with tower shape ledges, which means it was built taking into consideration fortification motion of its time. The main square of the old city market-Chorsu Square-appeared in 9th century. Trade Roads came to Chorsu from all gates, transforming to market streets. This square was transport flyover and trade place. In the 6th century Kukildosh Madrasah was built here.Chorsu mahallya, Tikanli mazar, Chukur village were situated on the modern part of Chorsu Square. In the modern period Chorsu was reconstructed. GUM, Central City Drugstore, Chorsu Hotel and other constructions of modern architecture were built. Mahallya appeared around old squares and market streets, which in most cases were called by the activities of craftspeople.For example, Padarkush Mahallya in Shayhantaur was called earlier “Buzchi Mahallya”, which means “block of weavers” (now it is microrayon C-13). There were others mahallyas near: on the north-Arka-Kucha, on the south-Dukchi, Zandjirlik, on the west-Pushtibag, on the east-Kudukbashi. Deroz Mahallya or Degroz in Shayhantaur got its name from “Degroz”-“founder of boilers”. Here were 20 cast-iron workshops. There was Ahunguzar mahallya in Sibzar daha, which means “block of farriers”, here were situated in big amount farrier’s workshops. And Tokli Jallob mahallya got its name because people there were trading cattle. Since Tashkent was city of rich merchants and craftspeople big architectural buildings were mainly tied-up with constructions and design of caravanserais, mosques, and mausoleums. The earliest buildings that reached our time are mausoleums, appeared along the caravan roads, they were devoted to saint sheikhs, and they were not only the places of worship, begging luck in life and trade work, but also original landscape, decorating long boring way on the desert roads. In Tashkent City and along the routes to it remained some ten of such mausoleums

Architecture. Old City

Much of the city is relatively new and is a showpiece of Soviet and post-Soviet architecture. In 1966 an earthquake levelled most old structures and in the following years workers streamed in from around the Soviet Union to rebuild this paradise of communism in the middle of Asia. The "Old City," centered around Chorsu, still contains some of the old Tashkent.

For the traveller much remains to be seen though Tashkent is often overlooked in the search for the Silk Road oasis towns of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. Today one can visit such striking sights as Mausoleum of Sheikh Zaynudin Bobo, Sheihantaur or Mausoleum of Zangiata. It is only Tashkent that melds Sufism, Marxism and Capitalism, the East, West and Russia, as well as tradition and modernism. Other Central Asian capitals lack the complexity and overall cultural mix of Tashkent.

The Story of the Twelve Keys

On June 30, 1865 the representatives of the Tashkent nobility brought 12 gold keys from the gates of Tashkent to the Russian camp near Chimgan, a military village in the hills about 56 miles to the northeast from Tashkent. It was a sign of recognition of the victory of the Russian army.

After 1867 the army camp at Chimgan became an acclimatization station for military newcomers from Russia. During the Soviet period it was rebuilt to adapt its premises for use as a summer camp for children (now a recreation camp where campers still live at former military casernes). The surrounding area is still referred to as the "Twelve-Keys".

The keys were delivered to St. Petersburg, where they were kept at the Suvorov Military Museum. In 1933 they were returned to Tashkent. One can see one of the keys at the History museum. Others are stored at the National bank. Each of the keys has an inscription engraved with the name of a particular gate and the date when a key was made.


Tashkent has a Mediterranean climate (Köppen: Csa) with long, hot and dry summers from June to September and short but cold winters from December to February. The climate has continental influences, and nearly falls under the Continental Mediterranean climate category, however it is prevented from being classified as such because its two peaks of precipitation are observed in the early winter and spring. Continental Mediterranean climates feature precipitation peaks in the fall and spring. The temperatures in Tashkent can be extremely hot during July and August. Most precipitation occurs in the months of winter and spring, while the period between July and September is dry.

Major Tourist Attractions In Tashkent

Tashkent is at its architectural best in the old part of the city that survived both the earthquake and the subsequent Soviet rebuilding. 

In eski shakhar, there is the atmospheric Chorsu bazaar where one must go to see or buy the wares of Uzbekistan, plump raisins, rotund watermelons and juicy apricots (in season), carpets, ceramics, choy (for tea is the beverage of choice beating by a whisker, vodka), flavourful spices and herbs, the pulse of the city. Take your camera.

Near the domed Chorsu bazaar, called so for it is at a crossroad, is one of the old Islamic monuments that survived the seismic upheaval. The Kukeldash Madarsa was built in the 16th century overlooking the square where many a public execution was effected. The square no longer stands and well, nor does the tradition, the monument itself is being turned into a museum. The Barak Khan Madarsa on Khasty Imam Sq. is now the residence of the Mufti of the entire Central Asian region. The Tellya Sheikh mosque stands opposite the madarsa and is the main centre for Friday prayers in Tashkent. The Kaffal Shashi Mausoleum, the tomb of the

great Uzbek physic, philosopher and poet who lived in the 10th century AD, Abu Bakr Muhammad Kafal Shashi Sheikh dates back to the 15th century.  

Before 1917 Tashkent was divided into distinctly different old and new quarters – the new one peopled by the more westernised and mostly Christian Russians, the old one by native Uzbeks, mostly Islamic and fairly orthodox. The two quarters were divided by the Ankhor canal. The main street that ran through the old quarter is the main street in Tashkent today; the Navoi Prospekt, named so as a tribute to the Turkish poet Ali Shir Nava’i passes some of Tashkent’s chief attractions. The political focus of the city is on Mustakillik Square off which runs the Alleya Paradov (i.e. Boulevard of Parades) where most government buildings are situated, and the Revolution Garden. Mustakillik or Independence Square has been the Catholic Square owing to the preponderance of the nearby cathedral, and in Soviet times, the city’s Red Square. The cultural focus is on Theatre Square off which stand the monument to Ali Sher and the Navoi Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet. One of the many outdoor attractions is the monument of courage that is dedicated to the Soviet people who came in droves from many of the socialist republics to help rebuild Tashkent after the massive 1966 earthquake.  

Tashkent has museums in plenty, theatre, the opera and ballet flourish, it’s emporia stock ware from various regions of Uzbekistan. Don’t miss the Museum of Applied Arts where crafts from all over Uzbekistan are displayed in quiet rooms with muted lighting. The Museum of Fine Arts, one of the oldest in Uzbekistan, and has one of the richest collections of art in all of Central Asia. The Uzbek Puppet Theatre, the opera and ballet at the Navoi Theatre add drama and colour to the city’s life. The Amir Temur Museum celebrates the life of Uzbekistan’s most famous hero, Timur the Lame, captain courageous, ruthless ruler and great patron of the arts. 


Independence Square (Mustakillik Square)

Mustakillik (Independence) Squareis the main and most beautiful square of the Tashkent.  The entrance to the square  opens with Arch of  «good and noble aspirations». This light and elegant construction is based on the columns, which are made of white marble. Colonnade crowned by birds: 4 storks - a bird of happiness and prosperity. To the the Monument of the Republic the white road - Ok yul (means happy path) leads. The solemnity and grandeur gives to  Independence Square the monument of «Independence and Humanism». On the pedestal of red granite installed globe with the outline of the republic of Uzbekistan. It symbolizes the recognition of Uzbekistan in the world.

At the foot of the monument there`s a monument of Happy Mother holding a baby. Simple Uzbek woman holding a bab is a symbol of Motherland, life and wisdom. This monument symbolizes the hope for a great future for Uzbekistan. 


Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre is the only theater of such a high level all over Central and South-East Asia. The building was constructed in 1947. It is unique, because it was the first building planned on the territory of Tashkent. The contest for project of the building’s construction was announced in the 30-ies. Architects from almost all the republics of the Soviet Union took part in this contest. Forty seven best projects were submitted to the Government and selection lasted the whole month. As a result, there was selected the project of academic

Schusev. This well-known Soviet architect designed Lenin Mausoleum, Kazan railway station, many stations of the Moscow underground.

According to his project the appearance of the building should be national, but in compliance with the European standard of quality. Schusev turned to the folk artists, and it was agreed that in the design of the building should be a lot of wall paintings, carvings, ganch. Later the inner space of the theater was divided into 6 lobbies and was decorated in the traditional style of the different areas - Bukhara, Samarkand, Khorezm, Termez.

Large hall with 1400 seats represents semi-oval rows with purple velvet seats and with heavy mounted balconies. In the hall was used non-traditional for Central Asia Russian stucco, and also in design of the hall was used a lot of gilding. Chandelier of the hall is made in the form of grapes.

On the left side of the theater is a plaque, where in three languages Russian, English and Japanese is written, that during  the construction of the building was used the labour of Japanese prisoners of the war. A little further on, in the green zone we can see a pillar of the peace where it`s written in Japanese and Uzbek languages In the name of peace on the earth.

There is a large marble fountain or a house at Theater Square, its center is decorated with a half-open cotton, which is a symbol of Uzbekistan as one of the world`s cotton exporters. When the fountain is turned on, jets of water has a whitish color and symbolize the flow of cotton. Fountain has a backlighting along the perimeter and in the center, thanks to which in the evening, it looks magnificient.

In the following season Navoi Theater celebrates 75 - unniversary. Theater successfully tours abroad, his soloists are winning in international festivals and competitions, performing a number of interesting international projects. Over the past three years, the theater took on its stage world-class conductors: Saim Akchilya, Istanbul University professor of music, Pierre Dominic Panella from Germany, Lawrence Golan of the United States, Paolo Longo of France, Giovanni Gverreri from Italy. Famous opera singers  from Korea and Japan, ballet dancers from Russia, Ukraine, France and Britain had perfomances here. 


The monument of Alisher Novoi is located in the centre of a big same-name park behind the Palace of the Friendship of Peoples.

After scaling the wide steps you will get to an observation site in the centre of which there is a rotunda and a monument to Alisher Navoi - the great Uzbek poet of IV century.

The rotunda dome is decorated in oriental style. The lines of the verses at the pedestal say: “Just see the people of the world the enmity is the worst thing in the world, leave in peace and know that nothing can be better”. Even Alisher Navoi who lived 500 years ago knew that peace is the most worthful thing in a man’s life, and a woman which is not only a maid and a housekeeper is the most worthful thing for a family. The woman is a friend of soul for a man. He said: “The house with a wife who is a householder and a friend is a wonderful place, but the house without a woman, a housekeeper and a friend is the place without a light”.

Alisher Navoi left about 30 works in prose and verses. The opus magnum of Alisher Navoi is named Khamsa and includes following masterpieces: “The Whirl of Righteous Men”, “Farkhad & Shirin”, “Leili & Mejnun”, “The 7 planets” (“The 7 pilgrims”), “The wall of Iskander”.

The literature before Alisher Navoi had been writing in Farsi. Even in modern era Farsi is used to be the most euphonious language for conveying of literature ideas. But Alisher Navoi made people understand that Uzbek language is not less beautiful and lyrical. He led Uzbek literature language to the highest level and became an originator of Uzbek literature. His beautiful works had been translated to many languages.


Madrassah erected in XVI century is situated on a hill near Chorsu square. It was built by order of Dervish Khan, who was the vizier of Tashkent khans, and had a nickname Kukeldash (foster-brother of Khan). There is accommodation for students and a mosque on the territory of the madrassah.

In the XVIII century madrasah was turned into a caravanserai. In XIX century Kokand khans used it as a defensive fortress, from the portal of the building was carried out gun attacks on rebels fighting for independence from the Khan`s power. Also madrassah served as a place of penalty. Wives found guilty of infidelity were thrown down from the high parapet of the

madrassah. The building was severely damaged by earthquakes in the late XIX century but was fully restored by Soviet restorers in 30-60 years of the XX century.

In Soviet times the building was used as a museum of atheistic propaganda and then there was located an exhibition of folk musical instruments, and only in 90-ies of the XX century it was returned its original meaning madrassah.


Tashkent TV Tower (375 m) - the highest in Central Asia - the main monument of modern architecture in Tashkent and the whole of Uzbekistan. In the world ranking, it takes 8 line - taller than the Eiffel. TV tower began to build in 1978 and put into operation on Jan. 15, 1985 

Tashkent TV Tower is located on the highest point of the city - 480 m above sea level. There are observation platforms and two restaurants - pink and blue room, at a height of 100 and 110m.

With rotating platforms restaurants can survey the city from a bird`s flight, and in good weather you can even see the outskirts of the city. Hence, from the observation deck offers a magnificent

view over the green and furnished the city and its attractions - Aquapark, Tashkent Land, Japanese garden, business center and hotel InterContinental. 


The old Tashkent is that part of Tashkent which gives the memories of old Tashkent which had been destroyed after the earthquakes happened in Tashkent.



Chimgan or Chimgon (Uzbek: Chimgon; Russian: Чимган) is a ski resort located in a mountain range named Tian Shan, near Chirchiq,Uzbekistan.


The tourist skiing complex Chimgan is located 85 km (52.8 mi) away from Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, in the spurs of Chatkal Range on the height of 1,600 metres (5,249 ft), in the Western Tien Shan mountains, surrounding Tashkent from the East. There are hotel complexes and cottages in this ski center.

The main peak of the entire mountain area - Greater Chimgan (3,309 m - 10,856 ft) - looks like a peak of giant star from which, the rays of slopes, adorned by cliffy peaks disperse in all directions.

Rising higher than to 3,000 metres (9,842 ft) above the sea level, the Tien Shan mountains have the eternal blanket of snow that comes down to the mountain foot in winter.

The mountain skiing season starts in December and lasts until mid of March.


In Khast Imam Complex, there is a madrasah, which is called Mui Mooborak, which means ‘Holy Hair’.  There is one interesting fact about Mui Mubarak, which is that the oldest fully written Koran lays there.

The construction of the main mosque was finished in 2007. The people of Uzbekistan want to make new mosques and madrasahs to preserve religion of Islam and its traditions in Uzbekistan. This mosque is the latest addition to the ensenble of the square. So this mosque is brand new, but it was built in the traditional architectural style developed in Central Asia for centuries. It was named Khast Imam.

The 2 minarets on both sides of the mosque, have a height of 50m each, the tallest in Tashkent. The purpose of the minarets was to call people for the prayers, and to work as a light house and the watch tower during the night. Currently, they are used just to call people for the prayers. Nowadays, a lot of people come to this mosque to pray at ceremonies such as, birth of a child, wedding and funerals, to read Namaz.

The Holy Koran

One of the oldest fully written Korans in the world, which has the name ‘Osman Koran’, that comes from the Osman, the 3rd Kalif (Islamic Leaders). The Koran is now located in Tashkent.  After prophet Mohammad’s death, there wasn’t a Koran which was fully written.  So Osman decided to create a full-version of Koran, and he asked Abu Bakat, the 1st Kalif, to create a fully-written Koran.  After he got approval from Abu Bakat, he began to collect different types of Holy book, written in different forms.  Then, he edited parts of them, and at last, he made the Koran, which was fully written.  The book was written in 651 AD, which was only 19 years after Mohammad’s death.

The Holy Koran has been originally in Baghdad, and later on, in around 11th century, it was brought to Samarkand and stayed there for several centuries.  However in the 19th century, the Russian government relocated the Koran in St. Petersburg.  In 1924, the Koran was returned to Tashkent, and is now in Tashkent.

The cover of Koran is made out of skin of Gazelle, text is written in classic Arabic letters, and is 250 pages long, but in nowdays, only one-third of the Koran remains. 

There is also blood spread on the Koran, and it is the blood of Osman.  While Osman was reading the Koran, he was attacked by the non-Muslims, and his blood spilled on the book. 

This Koran is not only important to the local community, but is important to other Muslims too, because this book is part of history of Islam, and the Osman Koran will be a big help to the future of Islam as well, for it is the one of the only remaining Koran with such a long history.


Amir Temur Square is in the heart of the city. It is situated in a picturesque place of rest of the Tashkent people and the guests of the city. A number of perennial trees, such as plane, oak,

chestnut, acacia, sakura and Japanese quince, create here a special atmosphere of comfort and coolness.

In the centre of the park there is a monument of Amir Temur (Tamerlan) who was the prominent political figure and military leader of the Middle Ages. He created a huge united empire which had been stretching from Caucasus till China and from Siberia till India. This empire had a long existence for 200 years (XIV-XVcc.). The horseman mighty attitude and his outstretched hand symbolize protection, promise of peace and prosperity. The inscription on the monument says: “The power is in justice”.

The plan of the park represents a ring system of planning. The 8 paths of the park start 8 streets of the city which are oriented on cardinal points and stretched from the Amir Temur monument. The main roads to all parts of our country and to neighbor countries take their start here.

The park is surrounded by a number of buildings such as Uzbekistan Hotel, The State Museum of the History of Temurids, two buildings of Tashkent Juridical University and the famous Tashkent chiming clock. 


It is known that the market at the Chorsu Square has been working since XVI c. The time of its appearance and its name are still unknown. Later it was named as “Kosh Bozor” (Double Market). By Eastern tradition market is the place of trade, handicrafts and the news center. The bazar of the old city had a large number of caravan-sarays, workshops and artisan quarters. One of the biggest caravan-sarays was located in the close quarters of the market and took in the merchants from India. Russian merchants also had their caravan-sarays. One of them was near the Salar River, which was running within the city.

In XX c. the territory of bazar was completely reconstructed and got more modern forms. Nevertheless it let the market to fit well into the group of landmarks of XVI-XVIII cc. Among them are: Kukeldash madrasah, Jami mosque and Khoji Akhrar madrasah.

The modern Chorsu market is a pleasant addition to a wonderful architecture of the old city. You can spend here even more than an hour having come into the flavor of spices, fruits and eastern sweets.

Exhibitions held in Tashkent in September to December 2010

21 September - 23 September 2010 Machinery Central Asia - 20103rd Central Asian International Exhibition "Metallurgy. Machine Building. Machine Tool Building. Automation of Production"

21 September - 23 September 2010 MiningWorld Uzbekistan - 20105th Anniversary Uzbek International Exhibition "Mining Equipment, Production and Concentration of Ore and Minerals"21 September - 23 September 2010 Power Uzbekistan - 20105th Anniversary Uzbek International Exhibition "Power Generation, Energy Saving, Electrical Equipment"21 September - 23 September 2010 Security, Safety & Fire Protection - CAIPS 20104th Central-Asian International Exhibition22 September - 24 September 2010 AgriTek Uzbekistan - 20109th Annual International Exhibition of Agricultural Technologies in Uzbekistan

22 September - 24 September 2010 FoodWeek Uzbekistan - 201015th Annual International Exhibition of Food and Drinks, Food Processing and Packing Technologies in Uzbekistan

28 September - 30 September 2010 ExpoConstruction Uzbekistan - 20107th International Exhibition "Building. Building Machines. Building Materials"

06 October - 08 October 2010 World of Sports - 2010International Specialized Exhibition

06 October - 08 October 2010 Uzmedexpo - 20103rd International Specialized Medical Exhibition

02 November - 04 November 2010 Textile Equipment and Mechanical Engineering - CAITME - 20107th Central Asian International Exhibition09 November - 11 November 2010 PharmMedExpo Uzbekistan - 20106th International Specialized Pharmaceutical Exhibition

10 November - 12 November 2010Territory of Childhood - 20103rd International Specialized Exhibition

16 November - 18 November 2010Auto&Parts Uzbekistan - 20106th Uzbekistan International Exhibition "Automobiles, Components, Service Equipment"

16 November - 18 November 2010ChemPlastAsia - 20104th Central Asian International Exhibition "Chemistry, Plastics, Rubber"

16 November - 18 November 2010PromUpak Uzbekistan - 20103rd Uzbek International Exhibition "Industrial Packing, Containers, and Printing"

16 November - 18 November 2010TransUzbekistan - 20107th Uzbek International Exhibition "Transport and Logistics"16 November - 18 November 2010UzComak - 20102nd Uzbek International Exhibition "Road-Building and Municipal Vehicles"

23 November - 25 November 2010UzAgroExpo. Food Industry - 20106th International Exhibition "Food Equipment & Food Production Technologies. Packing. Trading and Refrigerating Equipment"

23 November - 25 November 2010UzAgroExpo. Agriculture. Foodstuffs - 20106th International Specialized Exhibition of Agriculture and Foodstuffs

24 November - 26 November 2010Build Expo Uzbekistan - 20105th International Exhibition of Building Equipment and Materials in Uzbekistan24 November - 26 November 2010Furniture Uzbekistan - 20103rd International Exhibition of Furniture

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Famous Hotels in Tashkent

Tashkent has several large luxury hotels along with relatively small cozy private hotels of B&B pattern. It's quite true that there is no clear downtown area in Tashkent. Therefore most of the hotels rightly assert that their locations are near to downtown and airport, which is also located within the city line. All hotels have shower or bath, toilet, TV set and telephone in the rooms; conference hall and restaurant as common amenities. Most of the hotels have a cozy courtyards.

Featured Hotel in Tashkent

Le Grand Plaza Hotel Tashkent 

Hotel is distinguished by its friendly atmosphere and by the range of services offered to busines travelers.Details, Reservation Single - $65, Double - $75

  Recommended Tashkent Hotels Room Price

Dedeman Silk Road Hotel Tashkent Business hotel in downtown. Great location and service make this hotel in Tashkent ideal for the business visitors.Details, Book it Free Airport Pick-Up and Drop-Off




Park Turon Hotel Located in the picturesque district of Tashkent . Details, Book it Free Airport Pick-Up or Drop-Off




Grand Tashkent Hotel   Located next to Tajikistan embassy.5 minutes drive from Tashkent airport. Details, Book it Best Budget Choice




  Tashkent Hotels: 4-5 Star Room Price

Grand Mir Hotel Business and leisure hotel with a nice terrace cafe Details, Book it Free Airport Pick-Up and Drop-Off

Single Double


InterContinental Hotel Number one luxury hotel in TashkentDetails, Book itFree Airport Pick-Up and Drop-Off

Single Double


Radisson SAS Hotel Tashkent Business hotel located next to the Expo CenterDetails, Book it

Single Double


Markaziy Hotel Former Sheraton Hotel with a great locationDetails, Book it

Single Double


Tashkent Palace Hotel Located across the Alisher Navoi Opera HouseDetails, Book it

Single Double


Uzbekistan Hotel   Amir Temur square and Broadway are across the road from this Hotel. Details, Book it

Single Double


Hotel Shodlik Palace   Located in a very quite green area of Tashkent. Super saving from this Luxury hotel in Tashkent. Details, Book it

Single Double


Tashkent Lakeside Golf ClubLargest golf club in Central AsiaDetails of Golf Holiday, Book it

Single, Double


  Tashkent Hotels: 2-3 Star Room Price

Hotel Expo Business hotel next to the Expo Center Details, Book it

Single Double


Asia Tashkent Hotel Located just on the way from the airport but close to center districts Details, Book it

Single Double


Rovshan-Tashkent HotelOne of the first budget hotels in Tashkent.Details, Book it

Single Double


Sayohat Hotel   Business-class hotel in Tashkent Located not far from Buyuk Ipak Yoli metro station. 

Single Double


The best hotel of the area.Details, Book it

Grand Bek Hotel One of the best home-style 4-star hotel in Tashkent Details, Book it

Single Double


Elite Hotel Located not far from Park BoburDetails, Book it

Single Double


Verona Hotel   

Details, Book it

Single Double


Viardo Hotel   Just five kilometers from the airportDetails, Book it

Single Double


Oazis Asaka Hotel Quite location and unbeatable health facilities for the priceDetails, Book it

Single Double


Malika Hotel   Located in Chilanzar district. Details, Book it

Single Double


Raddus Hotel   Offers an open pool and location not far from local cafesDetails, Book it

Single Double


Hotel Grand Raddus JSS Next to the Russian embassyDetails, Book it

Single Double


Oxus Hotel   Located not far from the Russian embassy Details, Book it

Single Double


Booking of a hotel to stay:

Sambuh Elite Hotel

10 Tsehovaya St, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100070

Hotel Sam Buh Elite was one of the first private hotels to emerge in Tashkent back in 90s, after independence. It is located in an old-style residential area, about 500m from main road. The hotel's building is situated in a quiet street in a secluded yard, with all facilities and rooms off the road, so nothing will disturb you while you rest in your room. The hotel's amenities are typical for a 2 star hotel/B&B as they are viewed in the local hotel industry. All staff of the hotel speak English. We can organize hotel pick up service from the airport for $10 USD. Please request in the comments when making reservation if you need a pick up service.

Map of Hotel:

Hotel Snaps:

Booking of Hotel:

I have checked the availability of hotel through various but I found it comfortable to check it through but all the famous hotels in city are not vacant on the date 5th oct. 2010. So, I booked Sambuh Elite Hotel, Standard twin room – twin beds for a price of US$ 245 for 5 nights which includes all the taxes + Breakfast.

Renting a Car in Uzbekistan:

I have searched various options for hiring a cab in Uzbekistan as follows:

So, I have hired a car through rent a car service prviding me Daewoo Nexia which costs me US$ 40 per day within city limits but one day, I will also go to chimgan for which the cab service charges me US$ 50. So, my total expense on cab service is US$ 170.

Shopping at Tashkent:

I have shopped around US$ 200 by purchasing the stuffs like cloths, rituals dresses, & some other stuffs.

Nightlife at Tashkent:

Map of night clubs:

The best night clubs in Tashkent Tashkent Night Life


cuisine: European, Uzbek, Russian, mixed

location: 1, Furkat Str.

tel.: (+998 71) 235 89 83, (+998 90)188 54 53

entrance fee:Friday-Sunday - 6000 sum for gentlemen, 4000 sum for ladies

 Monday-Thursday - 4000 sum for gentlemen, entrance for ladies free of charge!

working hours:

20:00 - 05:00


cuisine: European, Chinese, Seafoods

location: 23, Rokat Boshi Str.

tel.: (+998-71) 252-39-37, 253-36-76, 972-27-77

entrance fee: 5000 sum for ladies, 5000 sum for gentlemen

working hours:

11:00 - 04:00


cuisine: European, Uzbek, Russian, mixed

location:Navoi Avenue, C4 block, 10, view scheme here >>>

tel.: (+998-71) 236-18-05, 235-18-05

entrance fee: free, face control

working hours:

10:00 - 23:00


cuisine: European, Author

location: 17, Ataturk Str.

tel.: (+998 98) 305-53-50, (+998 71) 232-15-62

working hours:

20:00 - 05:00

Sky Club

cuisine: European, Uzbek, Russian, mixed

location:Le Grande Plaza Hotel, 14th floor, view scheme here >>>

entrance fee: 5000 sum for ladies, 5000 sum for gentlemen

more about club...

FM Bar Show-club

cuisine: European, Uzbek, Russian, mixed

location:Matbuotchilar Str., Zarafshan Entertainment Complex, view scheme here >>>

entrance fee: 5000 sum for ladies, 5000 sum for gentlemen

working hours:

20:00 - 05:00

Opera Night Club

location: 71, Sharaf Rashidov Str., C-5, Courage Memorial

tel.: 751-53-53, 751-46-46


working hours:

18:00 - 04:00

happy hours: 18:00 - 23:00 — discount 20%

entrance fee:10000 sum for ladies, 15000 sum for gentlemen, Dress code, Face control


cuisine: European, Uzbek, Russian, mixed

location: 33, Bobur Str.

tel.: (+998-71) 252-65-04

entrance fee: 5000 sum for ladies, 5000 sum for gentlemen

Rich Club

cuisine: European

location:C4 No:7/8, Dedeman Silk Road Tashkent Hotel, Amir Temur Str., Tashkent

tel.: (+998 71) 120 37 00

entrance fee:5000 sum for gentlemen, entrance for ladies free of charge!!!

more about club...

Frigate, restaurant-club

cuisine: European, mixed, Uzbek, kebab

location: 98a, Usman Nasyr Str.

tel.: (+998-71) 253-61-42

working hours:12:00 - 04:00

Casanova, restaurant-club

cuisine: European, Uzbek, Russian, mixed

location: 1-3, in the 1st alley, Murtazaev Str.

tel.: (+998-71) 237-16-53

entrance fee.: Face control

working hours:10:00 - 01:00

I have selected Sky Club, Le Grande Plaza Hotel for enjoying night life of Tashkent where the entrance fee is UZS 5000 = US$ 3.0085. So, I have almost spent an approximate of US$ 20 including entrance fee.

My Total Budget For my Trip to Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Sr. No. Description Price1. Ludhiana to Delhi & Delhi to Ludhiana 3200*2=Rs. 64002. Delhi to Tashkent & Tashkent to Delhi Rs. 384943. Airport Pick-up & Dropping Expense by Sam Buh Elite

Hotel($10 each Side)$20=Rs. 891Approx.

4. Hotel Rent $245= Rs. 10,913.525. Car Rent 3Days to Move within The City Limits 3*40=$120=Rs.5335.806. 1 Day Trip to Chimgon $50= Rs. 2,223.257. Shopping US $200= 8,916.008. Night Club US$20= Rs. 8919. Total Expense Rs. 74064.57