Tourism Shaping Places Mobilities and Tourism Destination …€¦ · 11.30 Les Rambles 11.45...

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Tourism Shaping Places

Mobilities and Tourism Destination Evolution

Programme Wednesday 18th October 2017 17.00 Arrival and registration – Hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura 18.00 Opening session Welcome:

Dr. Salvador Anton Clavé (Co-Chair), Dr. Julie Wilson (Co-Chair), Dr. Antonio Paolo Russo (Co-Chair) Dr. Josep Manel Ricart, Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy and Research URV Ms. Manuela Moya Moya, Deputy Mayor of Vila-seca

Dra. Marta Nel·lo Andreu, Dean, Faculty of Tourism and Geography URV 18.15 Presentation of the IGU Commission on Tourism, Leisure and Global Change

Dr. Dieter K. Müller, Umeå University, Sweden 18.45 Keynote Presentation:

Tourism Mobilities, Borders and Bodies Dr. Kevin Hannam, Middlesex University, Dubai (Chair: Dr. Antonio Paolo Russo)

19.45 Music performance and welcome drinks reception (until 21.00) Thursday 19th October 2017 08.15 Registration (continues) 09.00 Plenary session– Aula Magna, URV Vila-seca Campus (Chair: Dr. Dieter Müller) Keynote Presentation:

Giving Voice to “Alternative Economies”: A Pluralistic Framing of Post-industrial Tourism Dr. Szilvia Gyimóthy, Aalborg University, Denmark

A GRATET international workshop in collaboration with the International Geographical Union Commission on Tourism, Leisure and Global Change, supported by the project “THE TRANSFORMATIVE EFFECTS OF GLOBAL MOBILITY PATTERNS IN TOURISM DESTINATION EVOLUTION” (MOVETUR project) MINECO (CSO2014-51785-R. AEI/FEDER, UE), the Science and Technology Park for Tourism and Leisure of Catalonia (PCT), the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and the Diputació de Tarragona.

Rovira i Virgili University · Vila-seca Campus, 18-21st October 2017


10.00 Parallel workshop presentations A / B

A) Emerging avenues of community-based destination development Chair: Dr. Joan Miquel Gomis López Room: Aula Magna

B) B) Sports activities and events as turning points in destination development

Chair: Dr. Wilbert den Hoed Room: Seminar Geo

CHRISTIANE GAGNON, SYLVAIN SALAMERO AND GILLES CAIRE The cooperative tourism in Quebec: a mean to reduce socio-spatial inequalities at the regional scale?

RUDI HARTMANN The Impact of Mega Sports Events on Growth and Change of Winter Sports Destination Areas: The World Alpine Ski Championships of 1989, 1999 and 2015 in Vail and Beaver Creek as Crucial 'Moments' in the Evolution of Vail Valley

JON OLANO, FRANCESC GONZÁLEZ AND SALVADOR ANTON Creative Class attraction in Catalan coastal tourism destinations

ANTOINE MARSAC AND ANDRÉ SUCHET Olympics Course, Regional Development and Legacy: Case study in La Seu de Urgell, Spain

KAMRAN MUHAMMAD, JUAN ANTONIO DURO MORENO AND MUGHEES ZAHRA Community Based Economic Benefits of Sustainable Tourism Development: A Study People's Perception of the Northern Areas of Pakistan

NOEMI GARCÍA-ARJONA AND FRÉDÉRIQUE ROUX The role of outdoor sports activities on tourism development and metropolitan regions attractiveness: a comparative analysis between France and Spain

11.00 Coffee break 11.30 Parallel workshop presentations C / D

C) Mobilities and tourism spaces Chair: Dr. Maria Casado-Diaz Room: Aula Magna

D) Destinations in crisis and resilience-building mechanisms

Chair: Dr. Sandra Wall-Reinius Room: Seminar Geo

WILBERT DEN HOED ‘The wind through your hair, it’s bliss!‘ – the role of active mobility in tourism and recreation of older people

ELSA SORO Disaster Response: new actors in hospitality and the rhetoric of resilience in the aftermath of a disaster

KAISA PAANANEN Cruisers in the city: mobility and staging of short-term tourists in Helsinki

ERDA RINDRASIH, PATRICK WITTE, THOMAS HARTMANN, TEJO SPIT AND ANNELIES ZOOMERS Tourism dilemma in the veranda of Mecca Governing the halal tourism development in Aceh post disasters

ANTONI DOMÈNECH, DANIEL MIRAVET AND AARON GUTIÉRREZ Influence of tourists’ profiles on mobility patterns at destination: a Latent Class Analysis

DEBORAH CHE Placemaking and Tourism Development in Post-Disaster Greensburg, Kansas, “America’s Model Green Community”

13.00 Lunch – Hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura


14.30 Workshop presentations E / F – Hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura

E) Tracking and visualising destinations’ operation and development

Chair: Dr. Noam Shoval Room: Hotel. Room Pau Casals

F) Tourism spaces and places in evolution (I) Chair: Dr. Dimitri Ioannides Room: Hotel. Room Joan Miró.

LEONARDO NAVA JIMÉNEZ Tracking the spatial evolution of the camping industry: New Zealand

MARK SPEAKMAN AND CHRIS PHELAN Path dependence and tourism evolution: The case of Acapulco

JOAN JURADO ROTA AND YOLANDA PÉREZ ALBERT Outdoor Recreational Activities in Protected Areas: Characterizing and Tracking the Use of Open and Public Spaces

AURELI LOJO Public space in Barcelona and the construction of the cultural tourism city

SANDRA NAVARRO RUÍZ Modelling spatio-temporal visitor behaviour within a destination: the intra-destination patterns

SANETTE FERREIRA Wine tourism landscapes: Life cycles, wine resorts and lifestyle farming

VINCENT ANDREU-BOUSSUT, ELODIE SALIN, XAVIER MICHEL AND CHRISTIANE GAGNON Visitors Perceptions and Spatial Patterns in Coastal Heritage Sites

CINTA SANZ IBAÑEZ, SERGI LOZANO AND SALVADOR ANTON Who are the knowledge brokers in tourism destinations? A social network analysis approach

17.00 Bus departs for the city of Tarragona from the Hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura 17.30 Guided visit: Tarragona’s historic centre Prof. Dr. Joaquín Ruiz de Arbulo, professor of Archeology. URV 19.00 Cultural event 20.00 Dinner, El Llagut 22.30 Bus returns to the Hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura Friday 20th October 2017 09.30 Plenary session – Aula Magna, URV Vila-seca Campus (Chair: Dr. Julie Wilson)

Keynote presentation:

The Urbanisation of Tourist Resorts Dr. Mathis Stock, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

10.30 Coffee break


11.00 Parallel workshop presentations G/H

G) Tourism spaces and places in evolution (II) Chair: Dr. Elsa Soro Room: Aula Magna

H) From identities to representations. Place-making in the global tourism arena

Chair: Dr. Antonio Paolo Russo Room: Seminar Geo

DIETER K. MÜLLER Tourism resort development in a pleasure periphery: The case of Tärnaby/Hemavan in the Swedish mountains

BERNADETTE QUINN Repeat visitation, identity construction and place attachment: a case of Feakle village and its traditional music festival

SANDRA WALL-REINIUS AND JARKKO SAARINEN Enclave tourism: Bordering, spatial homogenisation and differentiation in tourism destination development

MARJORIE RUGGIERI Cultural tourism: between patrimony and representations. The Chinese tourists on the «Provence purple gold» road

ANNA ALEXANDROVA AND EKATERINA AIGINA New trends in construction and functioning of tourist routes in Russia

VELVET NELSON Experiencing place and community at local breweries in Houston, Texas, USA

12.30 Plenary session: Aula Magna, URV Vila-seca Campus

The MED Community of Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean Josep Rodríguez, Responsible for International Relations, Tourism Technical Office, Barcelona Provincial Council

13.00 Lunch – Hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura (return to campus URV afterwards) 14.30 Parallel workshop presentations I / J – URV Vila-seca Campus

16.00-16.45 Closing session– Aula Magna, URV Vila-seca Campus (Chair: Dr. Salvador Anton Clavé)

Discussant: Dr. Noam Shoval, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

17.30 Bus departs from the URV Vila-seca Campus for the city of Reus (Passing by the the Hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura at 17.40)

I) Walkability and tourism destinations Chair: Dr. Cinta Sanz Ibáñez Room: Aula Magna

J) The ‘cosmopolitisation’ of urban destinations -between controversy and negotiation

Chair: Dr. Pablo Díaz Luque Room: Seminar Geo

ALEXANDRA WITTE Hiking Performances on China’s Tea Horse Road: ‘Is this real?’

ASUNCIÓN BLANCO ROMERO, MACIÀ BLÁZQUEZ SALOM AND JAUME GUAL From local shops to franchises. Tourist cities’ everyday life gentrification

YAEL RAM AND C. MICHAEL HALL Walk Sleep Visit: How walkability influences tourist accommodations in an urban destination

DIMITRI IOANNIDES, MICHAEL RÖSLMAIER AND EGBERT VAN DER ZEE From Neo-bohemias to Tourist Enclaves? Urban Restructuring in the Sharing Economy Era

PASCALE NÉDÉLEC Walking on the Strip (Las Vegas). Increased pedestrian mobility reshaping hotel-casinos’ market positioning and attractions

MARTA DEREK, DANA FIAOLVÁ AND SYLWIA KULCZYK Tourism, gastronomy and the urban space in the old towns of Prague and Warsaw


18.00 Visit to the Gaudí Centre, Reus 19.30 Aperitif 20.00 Workshop Dinner, Capsa Gaudí Espai Gastronòmic 22.30 Bus returns to the Hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura Saturday 21st October 2017 – FIELD VISIT TO BARCELONA Barcelona: Tourism Mobilities Shaping City Spaces Organised by the tourism and sustainability team at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Itinerary 09.00 Bus departs from hotel Mercure Atenea Aventura (with participants’ luggage on board if heading to

the airport afterwards) The mobile field visit is a guided walking tour around some of the most interesting (and controversial) points of Barcelona's El Raval, Gothic Quarter and Eixample neighbourhoods. Different experts will be joining us at different points around our route to explain in situ some of the key issues and challenges facing these neighbourhoods. 10.30 Arrival – Plaça Universitat 10.45 Plaça dels Àngels, el Raval 11.00 Carrer Joaquín Costa, el Raval 11.15 El Mercat de la Boqueria, el Raval 11.30 Les Rambles 11.45 Plaça Reial 12.00 Carrer Avinyó

Coffee stop at La Granja 1872, Carrer dels Banys Nous 4

12.30 Plaça del Pi 12.45 Plaça de la Catedral 13.00 Passeig de Gràcia – Casa Batlló, Casa Ametller, Casa Milà La Pedrera

13.30 Arrive Jardinets de Gràcia

13.30 Lunch break (at participants’ own cost) 15.30 Bus from Jardinets de Gràcia to BCN airport terminals (traffic dependent!) and then onwards to Vila-seca (arrival expected 17.30)