Tourist information 2014 en

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Tourist information

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Geographic positionCroatia occupies the largest part of the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea which, as a part of the Mediterranean, penetrates deepest into European soil. Croatia’s shoreline and numerous islands make up the majority of the Adriatic coastline. The narrow Dinara Mountain Range separates the country’s Mediterranean region from its Central European continental part, which stretches from the easterly foothills of the Alps in the north-west to the shores of the Danube in the east, encompassing the southern part of the fertile Pannonian lowlands.

Surface areaCroatia’s mainland covers an area of 56 594 km2 and its coastal waters cover a sur-face area of 31,479 km2.

PopulationCroatia has 4,284,889 inhabitants.

DemographicsThe majority of the population are Croats, with the largest minorities being Serbs, Bosnians, Italians, Albanians, Roma, Hungarians, Slovenes and Czechs.

System of governmentCroatia is a multi-party parliamentary republic.

CapitalWith 790,017 inhabitants, Zagreb is the economic, transport, cultural and academic centre of the country.

Welcome!We are delighted you have de-cided to visit our country and wish you a warm welcome.All nations love their country and consider it to be the most beautiful of all. The Croats call their country “Our beautiful Homeland”, after the opening verses of the Croatian national anthem. The Republic of Croatia is a European parliamentary state and a part of European political and cultural history. It is classified as one of the medium-sized European countries such as Denmark, Ireland, Slovakia and Switzerland.Croatia is a land of open frontiers and simple customs regulations. It is also a peaceful country and one that is respectful towards its guests. We strive to make our country beautiful to all those who visit it and we do our best to en-sure that visitors take only beautiful memories home with them.

Welcome to Croatia!



Travel documents: A valid passport or some other identifica-tion document recognised by international agreement; for certain countries a personal identity card is sufficient (a document which testifies to the identity and citizenship of the bearer). More information: Diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Croatia abroad or the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of CroatiaTel: + 385 (0)1 4569 964, E-mail:,,,

Customs regulations:Customs regulations in the Republic of Croatia are harmonised with EU regula-tions and standards.Import of personal luggage is exempt from payment of import duties without restric-tion of its value, and applies to every per-son who enters the customs territory of the Union, regardless of whether the traveller carries their luggage with them or it arrives separately provided they can prove that all the stated baggage was declared at the same time, at the time of departure, to the person responsible for its transportation.Goods that are not intended for resale which are in a traveller’s personal luggage, the type and quantities of which are for the personal needs of the passenger and their family members are exempt from payment of import duties, if the value does not ex-ceed the equivalent value of HRK 2,200.00, in air and maritime transport HRK 3,200.00. This exemption applies to each passenger individually, and can be applied once a day.

Length of the coastline6,278 km, of which 4,398 km consists of island coastlines, solitary rocks and reefs.

Number of islands, islets, solitary rocks and reefs1,244. The largest islands are Krk and Cres. There are 50 inhabited islands.

Highest peak Dinara 1,831m above sea level.

Climate: There are three climate zones in Croatia: in the country’s continental interior the prevailing climate zone is moderately con-tinental, while the mountain climate pre-vails at 1,200m above sea level. The areas along the Adriatic coast have a pleasantly mild Mediterranean climate with a large number of sunny days; summers are hot and dry and winters are mild and wet. The average temperatures in the continental in-terior are: January -2 oC to 0 oC, with some-what lower temperatures in the mountains; July temperatures reach 20 oC to 22˚C, and around 13˚C in the highlands. The average temperatures in the Littoral (Adriatic Coast) are: January 5˚C to 9 oC and July 23°C to 26°C. Winter sea temperature is about 12 oC and it reaches approximately 25 oC in the summer.

Currency: The official currency in Croatia is the kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa). Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, post offices and in the majority of tourist information offices, hotels and campsites. Credit cards (Eurocard / Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners) are accept-ed in almost all hotels, marinas, restau-rants, shops and cash machines.


by oral declaration at the border crossing. Re-export of the above items is done in the same way.When a traveller exports or, especially, imports valuable professional equipment when leaving or entering Croatia, they need to fill in at the border a form ‘List of goods’ in triplicate, and, if necessary, de-posit the insurance for covering a possible customs charge which may arise.Persons who do not have permanent or usual residency in the European Union, are entitled to a refund of value added tax (VAT) for the goods they have purchased in Croatia, if the value of goods per invoice exceeds HRK 740.00, based on the com-pleted form PDV-P, or the appropriate Tax Free form certified by customs services for goods taken outside the European Union at the latest within 3 months of the date in-dicated on the invoice for the said goods. Foreign citizens must claim for a refund of the tax, within six months of the date of invoice.For additional information please con-tact the Customs Administration: www.carina.hrThe transport of domestic pets across state borders is possible only with the necessary veterinary documentation certifying the ani-mals’ state of health. Cats and dogs must be fitted with an electronic identification system (microchip). Up to five pets can be imported at border crossings approved for the passage of certain domestic pets, whilst the import of larger numbers of animals must be made at a border crossing where there is a border veterinary inspection

Items that exceed the specified amount or do not have the meaning of personal lug-gage, are subject to calculation and pay-ment of customs duties and value added tax (and possibly excise duties). For trav-ellers under the age of 15 years, the ex-emption from import duties will apply for goods to the value of the equivalent of HRK 1,100.00, regardless of the mode being used.When entering or exiting the territory of the European Union, travellers are re-quired to declare to the customs serv-ice the cash they carry with them to the amount of 10,000.00 Euros or more, or the equivalent of this amount in other currencies or other means of payment, such as cheques.Foreign nationals, as well as Croatian na-tionals with habitual residence in a third country, may temporarily, with full exemp-tion from import duties, import various items in order to use them for their own personal needs and for the needs of their family members. In the same way, persons residing in the EU, may temporarily export items they need during their stay in third countries.The personal belongings of passengers in-clude all items, new or used, which a travel-ler may reasonably need for their personal use during the journey, but excluding any goods imported for commercial purposes. Under personal items are considered, for example, video cameras, portable TV sets and audio devices, cameras, port-able pocket size computers, PCs, camp-ing equipment, sailing, scuba diving, skiing, skating, hiking, caravans, pleasure craft, portable medical devices with accessories (if needed by a passenger), pets and the like. Import of these goods shall be carried out without any special customs formalities


The following animal species are con-sidered as pets: dogs, cats, pet ferrets (Mustela putorius furo), invertebrates (ex-cept for bees and crayfish), ornamental tropical fish, amphibians, reptiles, all kind of bird species (except for poultry), rodents and rabbits (lagomorphs).

Maximum number of animalsThe importation of a maximum of five ani-mals into the territory of the Republic of Croatia (EU) can be considered as non-commercial. The animals must be sub-jected to an identification and document inspection by a customs official at a border crossing of the Republic of Croatia (EU). These animals will not be considered a commodity and must be accompanied by their owner or a person authorised by the owner to accompany them for the whole of the trip.

ConditionsGeneral import conditions for dogs, cats and tame martens (also called domestic ferret, white ferret, African ferret, weasel, skunk, tamed ferret, domestic weasel or tamed weasel – Mustela putorius) coming from EU member states and low-risk coun-tries outside the EU:Dogs, cats and tame martens must: – be fitted with an electronic identifica-tion system (microchip). If the animal is fitted with a microchip that is not in line with the ISO Standard 11784 or 11785, but with another type of microchip, the owner must provide the appropriate mi-crochip scanner needed for reading the microchip. The name and address of the animal’s owner, must be determinable at all times. The animal’s passport or cer-tificate, which is transported with the ani-

When travelling with your pet, you are responsible for itTravel with a pet must be timely and well planned. In addition to general customs rules, it is also necessary to respect veteri-nary medicine regulations.When bringing your pet into the Republic of Croatia, it is your full responsibility to meet all the conditions for its importation. Please check whether your pet – has been tagged with a microchip, – has been vaccinated at any time against rabies, and re-vaccinated, – an antibody test has been performed (for rabies), – has a valid passport or veterinary certificate, – belongs to terrier dog breed type and their hybrids that are not registered in the International Kennel Federation (IKF) Register o ((IKA) because their transit, entry and temporary stay are banned on the territory of Republic of Croatia.

Controlled breeding of bull terrier type of breed (Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Bull Terrier and Miniature Bull Terrier) is proven with the pedigree certificate issued by the Kennel Association of any country who is a mem-ber of the International Kennel Federation (IKF), and transit, entry and temporary stay for these dogs are permitted in the Republic of Croatia. If your pet does not meet the above stat-ed criteria when coming to the permitted border crossing, then your entry into the Republic of Croatia may be denied, specifi-cally, your pet can be returned to the coun-try of origin or quarantined. As the owner of the pet, you will bear all costs arising from the implementation of these measures.


– A list of authorized facilities can be found at the following website: h t tp : / /ec / food/an imal /liveanimals/pets/approval_en.htm.

The stipulated period of three months is not applicable in the case of re-entry of a pet into the Republic of Croatia (EU) whose passport confirms that the test of neutrali-sation of antibodies with a positive result was carried out before the animal left the Republic of Croatia (EU).Animals (Pets) imported as commercial, and those being shipped as a parcel, must be examined by a veterinarian prior to ship-ment, as they must fulfil different conditions from house pets.For additional information please contact the Ministry of Agriculture – Administration for Veterinary Medicine and Food Safety (Tel. + 385 (0)1 6443 540 or

Health servicesThere are hospitals and clinics located in all larger towns and cities, while smaller centres have dispensaries and pharma-cies only.Foreign visitors who are covered by health insurance in their own country are not obliged to pay for emergency medical serv-ices during a private stay in the Republic of Croatia if a convention on Social Security has been signed between Croatia and the visitors’ country of origin, i.e. if they have in their possession a certificate stipulated by such a convention confirming their right to health care. Health care (including trans-port) is used for emergency cases in the manner and according to regulations val-id for Croatian citizens covered by Social Security, with identical participation in health care costs (participation). Foreign

mal, must contain the microchip number which has been issued by a veterinarian, – be accompanied by a passport or certifi-cate issued by a veterinarian authorised by the relevant body, – be vaccinated against rabies.

Animals coming from EU countries, or countries outside the EU that are consid-ered low-risk, that are under three months of age and have not been vaccinated can be imported, if the owner or accompanying person holds a valid passport or certificate and if the animals have been living in the same place since birth and have not been in contact with wild animals which may have been exposed to infections, or are travelling with their mother on whom they are still dependent.Dogs, cats and tame martens coming from high-risk countries must fulfil the following conditions: – be fitted with an electronic identification system (microchip), – must have a veterinary certificate is-sued by an official veterinarian or by the relevant body or, at the re-entry into the Republic of Croatia, must have a pass-port (dogs from Croatia), – must be vaccinated against rabies and the data about the vaccination recorded in the certificate, – must have undergone a test on the neu-tralization of antibodies which determines a titar of antibodies; specifically the ef-ficacy of the vaccination against rabies and the titration of antibodies must be at least 0.5 IJ/ml or more. A sample must be taken by a certified veterinarian in an authorised laboratory 30 days after vac-cination at the earliest and three months prior to transfer.


Shops and public services working hoursDuring the tourist season, most shops are open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. on week-days, and many are also open during the weekend.Public services and business offices gener-ally work from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Post and electronic telecommunicationsPost offices are open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. on weekdays. Certain post offices in larger towns are opened from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. on weekdays and from 7 a.m. un-til 1 p.m. on Saturday. The central post office, which is situated in Branimirova 4, 10000 Zagreb, works every day from 0 - 24. Phone cards are used in all public phone boxes and may be purchased from post offices and from newspaper kiosks. International calls may be made directly from any public telephone. Tel: 0800 303 304 E-mail:

Power supply: 220 V; frequency: 50 HzTap water is safe to drink throughout Croatia.

DIAL 112

If you notice a natural, technical or technological threat or an accident which might threaten the life or well-being of people, property or environment

Dial 112, free of charge, 24 hours a day, from every telephone in the Republic of Croatia. You do not need to be aware of the territorial or occupational jurisdiction of

tourists coming from countries with which no such convention has been signed, per-sonally bear the costs of health services rendered. For further information, please contact Croatian National Service for Health Insurance (HZZO) Compulsory health insurance: Tel: 0800 79 79Supplementary health insurance: Tel: 0800 79 89White Telephone of the Ministry of Health: 0800 79 99

Veterinary servicesCroatia is covered by a network of veteri-nary clinics and dispensaries. Information: Ministry of Agriculture, Administration for Veterinary Medicine and Food Safety E-mail:

Public holidays 1 January - New Year’s Day6 January - EpiphanyEaster Sunday & Easter Monday1 May - Labour DayCorpus Christi22 June - Anti-Fascist Resistance Day25 June - Statehood Day5 August - Victory Day and National Thanksgiving Day15 August - Assumption Day8 October - Independence Day1 November - All Saints’ Day25-26 December - Christmas Holidays


– Handle open fires carefully and in line with regulations – Do not throw cigarette butts or flammable objects outside

Fire preventionCheck that you have undertaken all neces-sary measures to prevent fire!Do not throw burning or inflammable ob-jects into the environment!Obey signs forbidding the lighting of fires! Take care that your parked vehicles do not obstruct fire fighting vehicle approach and access roads.

What should you do in case of fire? – Promptly notify the fire department on tel-ephone number 112 – Use a fire extinguisher for extinguishing small fires but only if you do not endanger yourself or another person – Inform the people in the area about the fire – FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY FIREFIGHTERS

REMEMBER:For non-compliance of fire protection, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will submit a criminal charge.

On the road – Avoid traffic jams during the peak tour-ism season and driving at weekends and holidays – Be well rested when driving – Adjust your speed to the conditions on the road and obey the speed limits – In a traffic jam, be patient and take suf-ficient quantities of water with you

the emergency services but you should just explain: – what happened – where did it happen – when did it happen – are there any casualties – what type of casualties are there – which type of help do you need – who you are

By dialling 112 you can reach: – emergency medical services – fire department – police department – mountain rescue – coast-guard rescue – the help of other emergency services and protection and rescue operation forces

When dialling 112 it is possible to com-municate in: – English – German – Italian – Hungarian – Slovakian – Czech


Outdoor activities – Tell relatives or friends the route and plan of your journey – Walk on marked paths and trails – Take sufficient quantities of water with you – Provide adequate clothing and footwear – Prepare mobile telephone devices – Monitor weather forecasts


per minute from a landline and 8.41 kuna per minute from a mobile, Service provided by the National Hydrometeorological Institute, Tel: +385 (0)1 4565676, HT d.d., Savska cesta 32, ZagrebCroatian Automobile Club (HAK) Road Assistance: 1987(If you are calling from abroad or from a mobile phone dial + 385 1 1987)Road traffic information: 062 777 777User services: 0800 9987; + 385 (0)1 6611 999 E-mail: www.hak.hrRadio news in foreign languages during the tourism seasonCroatian radio broadcasts in foreign lan-guages programmes designed for tourists in Croatia on several channels On the First Croatian Radio Programme, every day at 20.05, there is a ten minute broadcast in English language.During the summer, (from 28 June to 7 September 2014.) on the Second Croatian Radio Channel, on the following frequen-cies: 98.5 MHz northwestern Croatia and Dubrovnik coast; 105.3 MHz Istria; 96.1 MHz Split; 98.9 MHz Makarska Riviera and 93,3 MHz Gorski kotar. In addition to regular news and reports by HAK in the Croatian language, there will be traffic infor-mation broadcast in English and German, and in August, (weekends only ) in Italian. Emergency information about traffic delays are broadcast by the HAK in Croatian and English.In the same period, Croatian Radio Programme 2 broadcasts the news for for-eign tourists, from Monday to Friday as fol-lows: 8am in English, at 12 noon in English, 8pm in German; weekends: 12 noon in English, 4pm in English, 8pm in German.

At sea – In the event of an accident or sea pollu-tion, call 195 (National Headquarters for Search and Rescue at Sea) or 112 – Before setting sail, be aware of the weath-er forecast, especially for the Adriatic – While swimming, stay in sight of other swimmers – Inform family and friends of the approxi-mate location where you will be diving and mark the area appropriately – Moderate your exposure to the sun and use protective means – Have sufficient quantities of drinking wa-ter with you

Important telephone numbersInternational country code for Croatia: +385Ambulance: 194Fire Brigade: 193Police: 192National Centre for Search and Rescue at Sea: 195State headquarters for protection and res-cue (unique European number for all emer-gency services): 112General information: 18981Information on local and intercity numbers: 11880 and 11888Information on international numbers: 11802Weather forecast and road conditions: 060 520 520 (automated messaging sys-tem), price: 3.49 kuna per minute from a landline and 4.78 kuna per minute from a mobile; Telecom service pro-vider: HT d.d., Savska cesta 32, Zagreb, Tel: 0800 1234.Duty weather forecaster at the NHI (from 8am to 6pm): 060 616 666, price: 6.99 kuna


– on major roads designed exclusively for motor vehicles and on fast roads - 110 km/h – on motorways - 130 km/h – motor vehicles with a trailer without brakes - 80 km/h – buses and buses with a light trailer – 80 km/h; on motorways - 100 km/h, except for buses used in organised transport of children (they have a limit of 80 km/h even on motorways)

Driving with dipped headlights or low beams is compulsory during winter time. It is forbidden to use mobile telephones while driving without the use of a hands-free de-vice. The use of seat belts is compulsory for the driver and all passengers of a motor vehicle which has seat belts built in. A reflective sleeveless jacket is a compul-sory part of every vehicle’s equipment. The driver must wear it when performing works on the vehicle on the road (changing a tyre, doing small repair works on the car, filling up with petrol, stopping other cars in an at-tempt to seek help, etc.)

Advice for safe driving:Respect traffic regulations and speed lim-its. For longer journeys, rest at purpose-built rest areas. Reduce and adjust your speed in wet road conditions. These are all prerequisites for a safe arrival at your destination.

Petrol stations: In larger cities and on motorways, petrol stations are open 24 hours a day.Petrol stations sell Eurosuper 95, Super 95, Super 98, Super plus 98, Euro Diesel and Diesel. Gas (LPG) is available in major cit-ies and at petrol stations on motorways.

Croatian Radio International Programme -Voice of Croatia broadcasts 24 hours via satellite and the Internet. More information about the programme schedule and meth-od of broadcasting can be found on the website of Croatian Radio and Television: Hrvatske/.


Documents To enter Croatia, a driver’s licence, an au-tomobile registration card and vehicle in-surance documents are required. An international driving licence is desirable for renting vehicles (rent-a-car). The permit is issued by the motor club of the driver’s country of domicile.The driver of a motor vehicle registered abroad entering the territory of the Republic of Croatia must have a valid International Motor Third Party Liability Insurance docu-ment valid in the territory of the European Union, or some other evidence of the exist-ence of such insurance. International insur-ance documents and evidence are consid-ered to be either an official licence plate of a vehicle normally stationed in the territory of a country whose national insurance bureau is a signatory of the Multilateral Agreement, or a valid Green Card issued for a vehicle which originates from a country whose na-tional insurance bureau is not a signatory of the Multilateral Agreement, and other docu-ments and evidence whose validity is ac-cepted by the Croatian Insurance Bureau.

Speed Limits: – within built-up areas - 50 km/h – outside built-up areas - 90 km/h


possible dangers. Wait for the arrival of the police.In the event of damage to the vehicle, you must obtain a police report about the dam-age to the vehicle, without which report you cannot cross the state border. Should you require vehicle repair services, or if your ve-hicle needs towing, call Road Assistance, on 1987. If calling from abroad, dial + 385 (0)1 1987 or + 385 (0)1 4693 700.

How to avoid traffic jamsTo avoid unnecessarily prolonging your journey and getting caught in traffic jams, you are advised to: – plan your trip by using the traffic organis-er from the Tourist Information Brochure, in which the days and directions of the highest expected densities of traffic are stated. If possible avoid travelling to-wards the south on Saturday mornings and from the Adriatic towards the north on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. – Before travelling, check the condi-tions of road and ferry traffic with HAK (HAK Information Centre: + 385 (0)1 6611 999 (062 777 777) or on where you can download the HAK multi-language application on your smart phone) or, during your jour-ney, on the Second Radio Programme of Croatian Radio (98.5 Mhz), when it is advisable to switch on the RDS.


Airports for aircraft in public air serviceBrač AirportTel: + 385 (0)21 559 701

For information on fuel prices and a list of petrol stations and centres sell-ing LPG gas go to:;,; and

Highway toll charges:

Motorways: A1 Zagreb - Bosiljevo - Zadar - Šibenik - Split - Šestanovac - Vrgorac-Ploče, A2 Zagreb - Zaprešić-Krapina-Macelj; A3 Bregana - Zagreb - Slavonski Brod - Županja-Lipovac; A4 Zagreb - Varaždin - Goričan; A5 Osijek - Đakovo-Sredanci; A6 Bosiljevo - Vrbovsko-Rijeka, A7 Rijeka - Rupa, A9 Umag-Pula.

Single carriageway: the bridge between the mainland and the island of Krk; tunnel Saint Ilija on the national road Zagvozd-Baška VodaMotorway under construction: B8 Kanfanar-Matulji (the motorway is not un-der construction between the intersection Kanfanar and intersection Rogovići)For more information, go to:;;;;;

Basic duties in event of a traffic accident First inform the police about the traf-fic accident by calling the number 192 or the unique European emergency phone number 112. This is not obligatory in the event of a traffic accident which results only in material damage.If there are injured persons call the emer-gency medical services (Tel: 194)Secure the site of the accident, put on your reflective vest, set up a triangle and undertake measures to eliminate any new


International airportsZagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Osijek, Brač and Mali Lošinj.Information: Zagreb + 385 (0)1 6265 222; Split + 385 (0)21 203 506; 203 555; Dubrovnik + 385 (0)20 773 333, Pula + 385 (0)52 530 105; Rijeka + 385 (0)51 841 222, Zadar + 385 (0)23 205 800, Osijek + 385 (0)31 514 441, 514 442;Varaždin + 385 (0)42 350 647,Brač + 385 (0)21 559 711; Mali Lošinj + 385 (0)51 231 666

Croatia Airlines:Croatia Airlines is the Croatian national airline company, a member of the Star Alliance association. Its international and national flight network connects continen-tal and coastal parts of Croatia as well as connecting Croatia with numerous attrac-tive destinations : Amsterdam, Vienna, Brussels, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Copenhagen, London, Munich, Paris, Priština, Rome, Sarajevo, Skopje, Zurich….. During the summer the schedule offers more flights on certain routes as well as additional des-tinations in scheduled and charter flights (Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Lyon...) With its partners, Croatia Airlines enables its passengers to reach destina-tions throughout the world. Contact Centre: Tel: +385 (0)62 500 505 (for calls from Croatia), + 385 (0)1 6676 555 E-mail:

Dubrovnik Airport Tel: + 385 (0)20 773 333 Mali Lošinj AirportTel: + 385 (0)51 231 666 www.airportmalilosinj.hrOsijek AirportTel: + 385 (0)31 514 400 www.osijek-airport.hrPula Airport Tel: + 385 (0)52 530 105 Rijeka Airport Tel: + 385 (0)51 841 222 Split Airport Tel: + 385 (0)21 203 506 Zadar Airport Tel: + 385 (0)23 205 800 Zagreb Airport Tel: + 385 (0)1 4562 222 Varaždin Airport Tel: + 385 (0)42 350 647

Airports with an authorisation for use of the airport, (Article 74 Paragraph 1 of the Law on Air Transport (“Narodne Novine” No. 69 / 09; 84/11; 54/13 and 127/13) are: Bjelovar-Brezovac, Zvekovac, Zabok-Gubaševo, Buševec, Vukovar-Borovo naselje, Vrsar, Grobničko polje, Daruvar, Lučko, Čakovec, Hvar, Osijek-Čepin, Sinj, Sopot-Vinkovci, OtočacMore information about Air traffic on:


338 Valbiska – Lopar 401 Zadar – (Ist) – Olib – Silba – Premuda – (Mali Lošinj)431 Zadar – (Ošljak) – Preko 432 Biograd – Tkon433 Zadar – (Rivanj – Sestrunj – Zverinac) – Molat – (Ist)434 Brbinj – Zadar435 Zadar – Bršanj – (Rava) 532 Šibenik – (Zlarin) – Kaprije – Šibenik 602 Vis – Split604 (Lastovo) – Vela Luka – Split604a Vela Luka – Lastovo 606 Drvenik Veli – Drvenik Mali – Trogir (Seget) – (Split)631 Split – Supetar 632 Drvenik – Sućuraj633 Ploče – Trpanj 634 Orebić – Dominče 635 Split – Stari Grad 636 Split – Rogač641 Drvenik – Dominče 638 Makarska – Sumartin 831 Dubrovnik – Suđurađ – (Lopud) 832 Prapratno – Sobra

High-speed national lines (links with the mainland or between the islands)9141 Pula – (Unije – Susak) – Mali Lošinj – (Ilovik – Silba) – Zadar9308 Mali Lošinj – (Ilovik – Susak – Unije – Martinščica) – Cres – Rijeka9309 Novalja – Rab – Rijeka9401 Olib – Silba – Premuda – Zadar9403 Ist – Molat – Zadar9404 Zverinac – Božava – Sestrunj – Ri-vanj – Zadar 9404a Zadar – Iž – Rava 9406 Zadar – Sali – Zaglav – (Veli Iž)

Other airline companies operating in Croatia: Aeroflot, Air France, Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, Malev, Germanwings, Qatar Airways, Iata Scandinavian Airlines, Turk-ish Airlines, British Airways, TUIFly, Nor-wegian Air Shuttle, TAP, Wizz Air, LTU, Estonian Air, EasyJet, Aer Lingus, Trade Air/Sun Adria, Dubrovnik Airlines, Adria Air-ways, Nouvelair Tunisie, Ryan Air, Darwin Airline, Skyeurope Slovakian, SN Brussels Airlines


Agency for coastal line services Tel: + 385 (0)21 329 370 Fax: + 385 (0)21 329 379 E-mail:

International car ferry services:Zadar – Ancona, Split – Ancona, Split – Stari Grad – Pescara, Ancona – Split – Pescara, Dubrovnik – Bari, (direct): Vis – Ancona, Stari Grad – AnconaAs well as the ferry lines, high–speed lines also operate between Italy and Croatia.

Seasonal ferry service along the coastRijeka-Split-Stari Grad/Hvar-Korčula-Dubrovnik

National ferry services connect the islands with the mainland: 101 Rijeka – Split – Stari Grad – Korčula -Sobra– Dubrovnik 332 Valbiska – Merag 334 Brestova – Porozina335 Prizna – Žigljen337 Stinica – Mišnjak


ship and high-speed lines. Its head office is in Rijeka. Tel: + 385 (0)51 666 111, 666 100

Other shipping companies:

Rapska plovidba, d.d.: Linijska nacionalna plovidba d.d.: G & V Line d.o.o: www.gv-line.hrMiatours: www.miatours.hrUTO Kapetan Luka: www.krilo.hrSNAV: www.snav.itVenezia lines: Blue Line International: Romagna Lines: www.emiliaromagnalines.itIvante d.o.o.: www.ivante.hrBura line & off shore: www.buraline.comAgricultural Cooperative Komiža Fishermen Cooperative Vrgada: Tel: + 385 (0)23 371 040Mediteranska plovidba d.d.:

Excursion Shipping AssociationsCroatian Association of Private Shipping Companies: www.cruising-the-adriatic.comCroatian Association of Shipping Companies: www.hrvatski-brodari.comCroatian Association of Shipping Companies and Shipbuilders ‘Adria’Croatian Cooperative Association of Shipping Companies and Shipbuilders in Dubrovnik-Neretva County – Association of Shipping Companies DubrovnikAssociation of Small Shipping Companies ‘Northern Adriatic’

9502 Žirje – Kaprije – Šibenik 9601 Split – Rogač – (Stomorska – Milna)9602 Vis – (Hvar) – Split 9603 Jelsa – Bol – Split 9603a Split – (Milna) – Hvar 9604 Lastovo – Vela Luka – Hvar – Split 9608 Korčula – (Prigradica) – Hvar – Split 9807 Dubrovnik – Šipanska Luka – Sobra – (Polače – Korčula – Lastovo)

National ship lines (links with the main-land or between the islands)310 (Unije – Srakane – Susak) – Mali Lošinj 311 Ilovik – Mrtvaška – (Mali Lošinj)405 Rava – Iž – Zadar405a Sali – Zaglav – Zadar409 Zadar – (Ošljak) – Preko415 Vrgada – Pakoštane – (Biograd)501 Brodarica – Krapanj505 Vodice – Prvić – Zlarin – Šibenik506 Prvić Luka – Prvić Šepurine – Vodice612 Komiža – Biševo614 Orebić – Korčula616 Trogir – (Slatine) – Split807 Šipan – Lopud – Koločep – Dubrovnik

Notes:Seasonal lines 101, 641 and 9141 in ac-cordance with the Amendments to the Law on Liner Shipping and Seasonal Coastal Maritime Transport (Official Gazette 80/13) become discontinuous lines of transporta-tion and as such cease to be part of the public transport.

Jadrolinija:The main Croatian maritime passenger transport line maintains the majority of reg-ular, international and domestic car ferry,


obliged to pay fees for the safety of naviga-tion and protection from pollution. The fees depend on the length of the vessel and the engine power. They are payable for the calendar year regardless of the period of navigation in the territorial sea and internal waters of the Republic of Croatian. – The following original documents must be on a vessel navigating in the Republic of Croatia and be available for checking: a document proving that all the fees have been paid, proof of seaworthiness of the vessel, proof that the skipper of the vessel is qualified to command the ves-sel in accordance with the regulations of the State under whose flag it sails, and in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia, proof of insurance against liability for damage caused to third parties and proof of ownership or the owner’s authorization to use the vessel.

List of crew members and passengers The following people can be onboard a ves-sel owned by an individual or individuals navigating within the Republic of Croatia: the owner, his close family members and people who have the owner’s written author-ization. The owner’s signature on the written authorisation must be certified by a local or foreign authorised body. This authorisation must clearly state the following: name of the responsible person who signed and certi-fied the authorization; period of time when the vessel is used by the authorized person; name of the person in charge of the vessel if there is no permanent employed crew, and the names of all persons who will stay on-board during the period. From the day of the accession of the Republic of Croatia in the EU, there is no longer a limit of the number of persons who can embark or disembark on one vessel.

Association of Shipping Companies Barkariol

Ports open for international traffic, for the entry of foreign passenger vessels and boats for sport and leisure, which provide customs formalitiesPermanent: Umag, Poreč, Rovinj, Pula, Raša/Bršica, Rijeka, Mali Lošinj, Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Ploče, Korčula, Vela Luka, Ubli and Dubrovnik.Seasonal (during the summer season): ACI Marina Umag, Novigrad, Sali, Božava, Primošten, Hvar, Stari Grad (Hvar), Vis, Komiža and Cavtat.

SAILING IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIAThe commander of a vessel entering the territorial waters of the Republic of Croatia by sea must take the shortest route to the nearest port open to international traffic in order to carry out border control formali-ties. He is required to undergo border con-trol, certify the list of crew and passengers on board at the harbourmaster’s office or branch office; to pay the prescribed fees for the safety of navigation; to pay the tourist tax and register the stay of foreign nation-als on board in accordance with special regulations.

The commander of a vessel, entering Croatia by land or has been moored in the harbour or other approved location in the Republic of Croatia, must, prior to setting out to sea, pay the prescribed fees for safe-ty of navigation, pay a tourist tax and regis-ter the stay of foreign nationals on the boat in accordance with special regulations.

From 1st January 2014. foreign vessels, as well as vessels under the Croatian flag, are


Vessels sailing from the Republic of CroatiaThe skipper of a vessel due to sail out of the Republic of Croatia is required: – To pass border control; – To verify the list of crew members and passengers who are onboard the boat at the Harbour Master’s Office or a branch thereof.

Having fulfilled these obligations, the ves-sel must leave coastal waters and the ter-ritorial waters of the Republic of Croatia by the shortest possible route.

Foreigners navigating Croatian boats and yachtsTo operate boats and yachts in command, a person must be qualified in accordance with the regulations of the State whose flag the boat or yacht sail under. If the home country does not prescribe any qualifica-tions for the skipper, then Croatian legisla-tion must apply. A person operating a boat or a yacht which is under the Croatian flag, depending on the category of boats and / or yachts, must have a Certificate of compe-tence to skipper, specifically a certificate of qualification for a yachtmaster or a licence/permit for the boats and yachts issued by the competent authorities of foreign coun-tries recognized by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure. The list of recognized foreign documents-per-mits was published on the website of MPPI: 20 (2) MOU% 206-2_13.pdf.

BY RAILCroatia has direct connections with Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Switzerland,

Registration of residenceRegistration of a foreign person who will stay on a boat must be done at a police sta-tion controlling border crossing in the har-bour in which the border control is carried out if this foreign person arrives to embark on the boat which enters the country, or at the police office, ie. police station at the place where the foreign person embarks on the boat.Citizens of member states of the EEA may enter the Republic of Croatia if they have a valid passport or identity card, provided there is no ban on their entry and stay and do not pose a threat to public order, national security or public health. Citizens of member states of the EEA may enter Croatia without a visa or residence permit and can stay in Croatia up to 3 months from the date of entry into Croatia. A na-tional of a Member State of the EEA who intends to stay longer than three months in the Republic of Croatia, must, not later than eight days from the expiration of their three months stay, register their temporary resi-dence to the nearest police office or police station in the place of residence.

Sojourn taxOwners or users of vessels and all persons which stay overnight on a boat which is more than 5 m in length and used for holi-days, recreation or sailing are required to pay a flat rate sojourn tax.The sojourn tax must be paid in the Har-bour Master’s office (or its branch office) before departure of the boat to sea, as a flat rate for residence periods of 8, 15, 30 or 90 days, or 1 year.


Information service for calls within Croatia: +385 (0)60 313 333

Information service for calls from outside Croatia: + 385 (0)1 611 2789

International lines (ticket office): Tel.: + 385 (0)1 6008 631

National lines (ticket office): Tel.: + 385 (0)1 6008 620

Rijeka Coach Station Tel: + 385 (0)51 660 300; 60 302 010 E-mail:

Split Coach Station Tel: + 385 (0)21 329 180; 60 327 777 E-mail:

Šibenik Coach Station Tel: +385 (0)60 368 368 E-mail:

Zadar Coach Station Tel: + 385 (0)23 211 555

Zagreb Coach Station Information office for calls within Croatia: +385 (0)60 313 333 Automated service: +385 (0)60 100 002 Information office for calls outside Croatia: + 385 (0)1 6112 789 E-mail:

Dubrovnik Coach Station Tel: + 385 (0)20 357 020; (0)60 305 070E-mail:

Osijek Coach Station Tel: +385 (0)60 33 44 66

Pula Coach Station Tel.: +385 (0)60 304 090

Germany, and Serbia. There are transfer connections with almost al other European countries.

Eurocity, Euronight i Intercity trainsEC „CROATIA”: Zagreb – Vienna – Zagreb EC „MIMARA”: Zagreb – Frankfurt – ZagrebEN Belgrade – Zürich – BelgradeEN „LISINSKI”: Zagreb – Munich – Zagreb IC „AGRAM”: Zagreb – Budapest Déli – ZagrebIC Zagreb – Budapest Keleti – Zagreb

Fast trains:„SAVA”: Vinkovci – Villach – Vinkovci„OPATIJA”: Rijeka – München – Rijeka „LJUBLJANA”: Rijeka – Ljubljana – RijekaZagreb – Sarajevo – Zagreb

Trains during the tourist season:„ADRIA”: Budimpest – Split – Budimpest Hrpelje Kozina – Pula – Hrpelje Kozina

Special Trains:Tel: + 385 (0)1 4573 208 E-mail:

Information: Tel: + 385 (0)60 333 444 (price from a land-line is 1.39 kuna/ minute +VAT, price from mobile phone 2.37 kuna/ minute + VAT, Croatian Telecom), Tel: + 385 (0)1 3782 583E-mail:

BY COACHRegular international coach lines con-nect Croatia with neighbouring countries and the majority of Central European and Western European countries.


Opatija – Croatian Tourism MuseumOsijek - Museum of SlavoniaPazin - Ethnographic Museum of Istria and Pazin Town MuseumPula - Archaeological Museum; Historical Museum of Istria; Amphitheatre (Arena)Rijeka - Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral; Museum of Natural SciencesPoreč - Heritage Museum of Poreč Split - Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments; Archaeological Museum of Split; Ivan Meštrović Gallery; City Museum; Ethnographic Museum; Natural History Museum; Art Gallery; Naval Museum; Cathedral Treasury Trakošćan - Trakošćan Castle Museum - large collection of ancient weaponsVaraždin - Town Museum in the Old Town - Department of History and Entomological Collection “The World of Insects”; Gallery of Old and New MastersZadar - Archaeological Museum – perma-nent display of sacral art; National Museum of Zadar; Museum of Antique GlassZagreb - Archaeological Museum; Ethnographic Museum; Croatian Museum of Naive Art; Modern Gallery; City of Zagreb Museum; Mimara Museum; Museum of Arts and Crafts; Croatian Natural History Museum; Museum of Contemporary Art; Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters; Technical Museum; “Klovićevi Dvori” Gallery; Museum of Croatian History; Dražen Petrović Memorial Museum Centre; Art Pavilion

MAJOR SANCTUARIESMarija Bistrica: Our Lady of Bistrica

TAXI AND RENT-A-CARThere are taxi services in all cities and tourist resortsThere are car rental services in all cities, tourist resorts and at airports.

MAJOR MUSEUMSČakovec - Međimurje MuseumDubrovnik - Dubrovnik Museum – Knežev dvor (Ducal Palace Museum); Ethnographic Museum – Rupe; City Walls; Dominican Monastery Museum; Maritime Museum; Cathedral Treasury; Home of the playwrighter Marin Držić; Aquarium – Dubrovnik Biological Institute; Franciscan Monastery “Mala braća” (Little Brothers) Museum; Museum of the Orthodox Christian ChurchGornja Stubica - Peasants’ Revolt MuseumGospić - Lika Museum; The Nikola Tesla Memorial Centre is in nearby SmiljanHlebine - Hlebine Gallery and the Ivan Generalić Museum CollectionKarlovac - City museum, the old town of Dubovac Klanjec - Gallery of the sculptor Antun AugustinčićKrapina - Krapina Neanderthal Museum, Ljudevit Gaj MuseumKumrovec - The Old Village – a unique ethno-museum with original village houses; the birthplace of Josip Broz TitoMakarska - Malacological Museum – mu-seum of fish, crustaceans and shellfish; City museumNašice - Regional museum located in the Pejačević castle


Primorje; the annual spring procession of "Kraljice/Ljelje" (Queens) from Gorjani in Slavonia region; the traditional manufac-ture of wooden toys in the Hrvatsko Za-gorje region; the cappella "Klapa" singing of Dalmatia in southern Croatia, the Sinjska Alka- a knights' tournament in Sinj, in the Cetinska Krajina region; the gingerbread craft from northern Croatia; the traditional music including the "Bećarac" from the Sla-vonija, Baranja and Srijem regions, the tra-ditional dance "Nijemo kolo" from the Dal-matinska Zagora region; the Mediterranean diet on the Croatian Adriatic and the ‘Pici-gin’ beach ball game. Croatia is among the countries with the most protected intangible cultural heritage inscribed on UNESCO's List. Musical expression Ojkanje is on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in need of urgent safeguarding.


The Brijuni Islands - a group of two larger and 12 smaller islands situated off the west coast of the Istrian peninsula.Information: NP Brijuni, Brionska 10, 52212 Fažana Tel: + 385 (0)52 525 888 Fax: + 385 (0)52 521 367 E-mail:

Kornati - the most densely packed archi-pelago in the Mediterranean, with a total of 89 islands, islets and reefs. Information Address: JU NP Kornati, Butina 2, 22243 Murter Tel: + 385 (0)22 435 740 Fax: + 385 (0)22 435 058 E-mail:

Trsat: Our Lady of TrsatSinj: Our Miraculous Lady of SinjAljmaš: Our Lady of ConsolationKrasno: Our Lady of Krasno Karlovac-Dubovac: St. JosephLobor: Our Lady of the MountainsLudbreg: Sacred Blood of JesusRemete: Our Lady of RemeteSolin: Our Lady of the IslandTrški Vrh: Our Lady of JerusalemVepric: Our Lady of LourdesVoćin: Our Lady of Voćin

Cultural and natural sites on the UNESCO List of World Heritage There are numerous cultural monuments in Croatia. The most famous ones are in-cluded on the List of World Heritage by UNESCO are the Old Town of Dubrovnik, Diocletian’s Palace of Split, historic town of Trogir, the Early-Christian complex of Euphrasius Basilica in Poreč, Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik, Starigrad Field on Hvar. The Plitvice Lakes National Park, the most beautiful and most famous Croatian national park, is our only natural resource that is on the prestigious List.

On the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity are the festival of Saint Blaise, the patron of Dubrovnik; lace-making in the towns of Lepoglava, in northern Croatia, and Hvar and Pag, on the islands of the same name; the annual Carnival bell ringers' pageant from the area of Kastav in Primorje region; the procession "Za Križen", (following of the Cross), on the is-land of Hvar; two-part singing and playing in the Istrian scale, in Istria and Hrvatsko


Risnjak - a forested mountain massif to the north of Rijeka, in which a hydro-geomor-phologic monument, the source of the river Kupa, is located.Information: Address: NP Risnjak, Bijela Vodica 48, 51317 Crni Lug Tel: + 385 (0)51 836 133 Fax: + 385 (0)51 836 116 E-mail:

Northern Velebit - the most valued and most attractive part of the Velebit mountain range.Information: Address: JU NP Sjeverni Velebit, Krasno 96, 53274 Krasno Tel: + 385 (0)53 665 380 Fax: + 385 (0)53 665 390 E-mail:


Biokovo - a mountain above the Makarska Riviera.Information: Address: JU PP Biokovo, Marineta - Mala obala 16, 21300 Makarska Tel/Fax: + 385 (0)21 616 924 E-mail:

Kopački rit - one of the largest preserved wetlands in Europe, situated at the confluence of the Drava and Danube rivers. Information: Address: JU PP Kopački rit, Titov dvorac 1, 31328 Lug Tel: + 385 (0)31 285 370 Fax: + 385 (0)31 285 380 E-mail:

Krka - the most beautiful river in Croatia, set within an impressive karst landscape. Information Address: JU NP Krka, Trg Ivana Pavla II br.5, 22000 Šibenik Tel: + 385 (0)22 201 777 Fax: + 385 (0)22 336 836, E-mail:

Mljet - an island southwest of Dubrovnik.Information: Address: JU NP Mljet, Pristanište 2, 20226 Goveđari Tel/ Fax: + 385 (0)20 744 041 E-mail:

Paklenica - a national park on the southern side of Velebit, the largest mountain massif in Croatia. Information: Address: JU NP Paklenica, Dr. Franje Tuđmana 14a, 23244 Starigrad-Paklenica Tel: + 385 (0)23 369 155, 369 202 Fax: + 385 (0)23 359 133 E-mail:,

The Plitvice Lakes - the oldest and the most popular Croatian national park, list-ed as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO.Information: Address: NP Plitvička jezera, 53231 Plitvička jezera Tel: + 385 (0)53 751 015, 751 014 Fax: + 385 (0)53 751 013 E-mail:




Day 7 a.m.- 2 p.m.

2 p.m.- 10 p.m. Day 7 a.m.-

2 p.m.2 p.m.- 10 p.m. Day 7 a.m.-

2 p.m.2 p.m.- 10 p.m.

1 h h 1 i 1 i

2 2 i 2 i

3 3 i i 3 i h

4 4 i 4 i

5 5 i 5 h h

6 i 6 h 6

7 i i 7 i 7

8 h 8 8

9 9 9

10 10 10 h

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12 12 i 12

13 i i 13 h 13

14 i i 14 i 14 h

15 h 15 i 15 h

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18 i 18 i i 18 h

19 i i 19 i 19 h h

20 i i 20 i h 20

21 i i 21 i 21 h

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25 h 25 i 25 h h

26 26 i 26 h h

27 27 h 27 h h

28 28 i 28 h h

29 h h 29 29 h h

30 i i 30 30 h h

31 i 31 h h


Minimal traffic

Increased traffic

Heavy traffic

Extremely heavy traffic


Invariable traffic

Dominant direction of traffic towards the sea

Dominant direction of traffic from the sea






Učka - a mountain in the east of Istria, rising above the Kvarner Riviera.Information: Address: JU PP Učka, Liganj 42, 51415 Lovran Tel: +385 (0)51 293 753 Fax: +385 (0)51 293 751 E-mail:

Velebit - covers the major part of the mountain massif of the same name and is the largest protected area in Croatia, included in the UNESCO List of International Biosphere Reserves. Information: Address: JU PP Velebit, Kaniža Gospićka 4b, 53000 Gospić Tel: +385 (0)53 560 450 Fax: +385 (0)53 560 451 E-mail:

Vransko jezero (Vransko Lake) - Croatia’s largest natural lake. A Nature Park with an Ornithological Reserve, located between Zadar and Šibenik. There are opportunities for sports fishing and bird watching. Information: Address: PP Vransko jezero, Kralja Petra Svačića 2, 23510 Biograd na Moru Tel: +385 (0)23 383 181 Fax: +385 (0)23 386 453 E-mail:

Žumberak - Samobor mountains - picturesque hilly area south-west of Zagreb.Information: Address: PP Žumberak - Samoborsko gorje, Slani dol 1, 10430 Samobor Tel: +385 (0)1 3327 660 Fax: +385 (0)1 3327 661 E-mail:

Lonjsko polje (Lonja Field) - the largest protected wetland area of the Danube region Information: Address: JU PP Lonjsko polje, Krapje 30, 44325 Krapje Tel: + 385 (0)44 672 080, 611 190 Fax: + 385 (0)44 606 449 E-mail:

Medvednica - a mountain massif to the north of Zagreb.Information: Address JU PP Medvednica, Bliznec 70, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4586 317 Fax: +385 (0)1 4586 318 E-mail:

Papuk - the most beautiful part of Slavonia’s highlands; a member of the Association of European Geoparks and of UNESCO’s Global Network of Geoparks. Information: Address: PP Papuk, Stjepana Radića 46, 34300 Velika Tel: +385 (0)34 313 030 Fax: +385 (0)34 313 027 E-mail:

Telašćica - a narrow bay on the southeast side of Dugi Otok, near the Kornati National Park.Information: Address: PP Telašica, Ulica D.Grbin d.d., 23281 Sali Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 377 096 E-mail:


NAUTICAL TOURISM AND MARINASThere are 98 nautical tourism ports in Croatia, of which 62 are marinas (11 on dry land). Of the marinas, 21 operate within the ACI d.d. Opatija. The total capacity of all nautical tourism ports is 17,454 berths in the sea and 5 359 on dry land. Almost all marinas provide technical services, cranes and various commercial and hospitality services. In addition, numerous charter companies providing vessel charter services and sailing schools can be found in the marinas. Information: Association of Nautical Tourism (Marinas) Tel: +385 (0)51 209 147 Fax: +385 (0)51 216 033 E-mail: www.hgk.hrACI - Adriatic Croatia International Club d.d. Chain of 21 marinas along the Croatian coast Information: Tel: +385 (0)51 271 288 Fax: +385 (0)51 271 824 E-mail:

Diving: For recreational (tourist) diving, contact registered diving centres that will provide you with all the necessary information and take care of your safety.Information: Section for diving tourism – Sector for Tourism Tel: +385 (0)1 4561 570 Fax: +385 (0)1 4828 499 E-mail:,

The Lastovo archipelago - belongs to the outer group of islands in southern Dalmatia and, in addition to Lastovo, includes the island groups of Lastovnjaci and Vrhovnjaci, and the Island of Sušac.Information: Address: JU PP Lastovo otočje, Trg Svetog Petra 7, 20289 Ubli Tel./ Fax: +385 (0)20 801 252 E-mail:

Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection Information: Tel: +385 (0)1 4866 102 Web:

ACCOMMODATIONCroatia offers guests accommodation in numerous hotels, tourist resorts, private houses, village houses, apartments, campsites and naturist campsites with a long tradition. In the continental part of Croatia there are many mineral and thermal health spa resorts.Information: Tourist Boards and travel agencies. E-mail: www.uhpa.hrLicenced ‘Hostelling International’ youth hostels are available in Dubrovnik, Gradac, Kumrovec, Pula, Samobor, Kumrovec, Stari Grad, Zaostrog, Veli Lošinj, Rijeka, Zadar, Vukovar and Zagreb. Information: Croatian Youth Holiday and Hostel Association Tel: +385 (0)1 4829 291, 4829 294 Fax: +385 (0)1 4870 477 E-mail:


What to drink?The cultivation of grapes and production of select wines is a centuries-old tradition among Croatian viticulturists both in conti-nental Croatia and the Primorje area (the littoral), and Dalmatia. Some of the best known varieties of Croatian red wines along the Adriatic coast and on the is-lands are: Teran, Merlot, Cabernet, Opolo, Plavac, Dingač and Postup, while the most appreciated of the white wine varieties are: Malvasia, Pošip, Pinot, Kujundžuša, Žlahtina, Muscat and the like. In continental parts, one can enjoy the famous Riesling, Graševina, Burgundy, Traminac and other wines. As far as spirits go, the most famous are the šljivovica (plum brandy), travarica, lozovača and biska, while among dessert drinks there are Prošek and Maraschino.

FOREIGN EMBASSIESEmbassy of the Republic of Albania Boškovićeva 7a, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4810 679 Fax: +385 (0)1 4810 682Embassy of the Republic of Algeria Bosanska 26, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 3780 333 Fax: +385 (0)1 3780 344Australian Embassy “Kaptol Centar”, Nova Ves 11/3, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4891 200 Fax: +385 (0)1 4891 216Embassy of the Republic of Austria Radnička cesta 80/IX, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4881 050 Fax: +385 (0)1 4834 461


Where to eat?Apart from hotels offering both full board and half board accommodation, in all tour-ist cities and along the main roads, there are restaurants, inns, taverns, wine cellars, pizzerias and fast-food. Restaurants and inns offering local Croatian cuisine will be of particular interest to gourmets.All foods of animal origin are subject to the same standards as in countries of the European Union and are under constant veterinary and health supervision.

What to eat?In addition to standard European cuisine, Croatia offers its most popular local dishes and specialties. Among cold dishes, there are the renowned Dalmatian or Istrian prosciuttos, cheeses from the island of Pag and the Lika region, sheep’s cheese, Slavonian kulen (a spicy cured pork meat speciality), the renowned garlic sausages (češnjovka) of Samobor and the Zagorje region, fresh cottage cheese with cream, and more. The main dishes on offer vary depending on the area that you are visit-ing. In Dalmatia, the Primorje coastal area, on the islands and in Istria, they are based largely on fish and other seafood, while typical meat dishes include pašticada (a stewed beef dish) and cooked lamb.In continental Croatia, there is a rich selec-tion of meat dishes, including the particu-larly prized roast turkey with mlinci (boiled rolled pastry), roast lamb, roast suckling pig and boiled or baked štrukli (thin rolled pas-try stuffed with fresh cottage cheese and cream). Among desserts, apart from the already mentioned štrukli, there are walnut loaf, poppy seed loaf and cheese or fruit strudel.


Embassy of the Republic of Egypt Babonićeva 58, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 2310 781, 2310 798 Fax: +385 (0)1 2310 619European Commission Representative in Croatia Ulica Augusta Cesareca 2, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4681 300Embassy of Finland Miramarska 23, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6312 080 Fax: +385 (0)1 6312 090Embassy of the French Republic Hebrangova 2, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4893 600 Fax: +385 (0)1 4893 660Embassy of the Greek Republic Opatička 12, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4810 444 Fax: +385 (0)1 4810 419Embassy of the Republic of India Kulmerska 23a, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4873 240, 4873 239 Fax: +385 (0)1 4817 907Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Prilaz Gjure Deželića 19, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4578 311 Fax: +385 (0)1 4578 399Embassy of the Republic of IranPantovčak 125c, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4578 983, 4578 980, 4578 981 Fax: +385 (0)1 4578 987Embassy of the Republic of Italy Medulićeva 22, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4846 386 Fax: +385 (0)1 4846 384

Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Srebrnjak 104, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6438 900 Fax: +385 (0)1 6438 929Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium Pantovčak 125 B1, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4578 901 Fax: +385 (0)1 4578 902Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina Torbarova 9, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4501 070 Fax: +385 (0)1 4501 071Embassy of the Republic of Brazil Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 10/1, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4002 250 Fax: +385 (0)1 4002 266Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria Nike Grškovića 31, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4646 609, 4646 631 Fax: +385 (0)1 4646 625Embassy of Montenegro Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 1/IV, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4573 362 Fax: +385 (0)1 4573 423Embassy of the Czech Republic Romeo Tower, Radnička cesta 47/6 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6177 246 Fax: +385 (0)1 6176 630Embassy of the Chilean Republic Smičiklasova 23/2, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4611 958, 4611 959, Fax: +385 (0)1 4610 328Embassy of Denmark Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 10, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4924 540 Fax: +385 (0)1 4924 554


Embassy of Malaysia Slavujevac 4a, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4834 346, 4834 347 Fax: +385 (0)1 4834 348 Embassy of the Netherlands Medveščak 56, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4642 200 Fax: +385 (0)1 4642 201Embassy of Norway Hektorovićeva 2/3, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6273 800 Fax: +385 (0)1 6273 899Embassy of Germany Ulica grada Vukovara 64, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 6300 100Fax: +385 (0)1 6155 536Embassy of the Republic of Poland Krležin Gvozd 3, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4899 444 Fax: +385 (0)1 4834 577 Embassy of the Republic of Portugal Trg bana J. Jelačića 5/II., 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4882 210, 4882 211 Fax: +385 (0)1 4920 663Romanian Embassy Mlinarska ulica 43, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4677 550 Fax: +385 (0)1 4677 854Embassy of the Russian FederationBosanska 44, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 3755 038, 3755 039 Fax: +385 (0)1 3755 040Embassy of the United States of AmericaUlica Thomasa Jeffersona 2, 10010 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 6612 200Fax: +385 (0)1 6612 371

Embassy of Israel Ulica grada Vukovara 271/11, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6169 500 Fax: +385 (0)1 6169 555Embassy of Japan Boškovićeva 2, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4870 650 Fax: +385 (0)1 4667 334Embassy of Canada Prilaz Gjure Deželića 4, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 4881 200Fax: +385 (0)1 4881 230Embassy of the Republic of KazakhstanPantovčak 142, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4839 086 Fax: +385 (0)1 4573 796Embassy of ChinaMlinovi 132, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 4637 011Fax: +385 (0)1 4637 012Embassy of Kosovo Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 1, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4827 741, 4827 742 Fax: +385 (0)1 4827 721Embassy of Libya Gornje Prekrižje 51b, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4629 250 Fax: +385 (0)1 4629 279Embassy of the Republic of Hungary Pantovčak 255-257, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 4890 900Fax: +385 (0)1 4579 301Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia Kralja Zvonimira 6/I., 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4620 261, 4572 812 Fax: +385 (0)1 4617 369


Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland I. Lučića 4, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6009 100 Fax: +385 (0)1 6009 111

CONSULATE GENERALS AND CONSULATESCONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY - RIJEKA Riva br. 16, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 355 200 Fax: +385 (0)51 355 225

CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY - SPLIT Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda 10/III, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 348 155; 344 577 Fax: +385 (0)21 361 268CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA - RIJEKA Erazma Barčića 9, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 337 420; 337 421 Fax: +385 (0)51 337 361 CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA - VUKOVAR Ulica Ivana Gundulića 19 32000 Vukovar Tel: +385 (0)32 441 016; 441 183 Fax: +385 (0)32 441 015

Embassy of Slovak Republic Prilaz Gjure Deželića 10, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4877 070 Fax: +385 (0)1 4877 078Embassy of Slovenia Alagovićeva 30,10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6311 000 Fax: +385 (0)1 6177 236Embassy of Serbia Pantovčak 245, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4579 067, 4579068 Fax: +385 (0)1 4573 338Holy See – Apostolic Nunciature in the Republic of CroatiaKsaverska cesta 10a, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 4673 996, 4673 995Fax: +385 (0)1 4673 997Embassy of Spain Tuškanac 21a, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4848 950, 4834 365, 4834 367 Fax: +385 (0)1 4848 711Embassy of Sweden Frankopanska 22, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4925 100 Fax: +385 (0)1 4925 125Embassy of Switzerland Bogovićeva 3, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4878 800 Fax: +385 (0)1 4810 890Embassy of the Republic of Turkey Masarykova 3/II, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4864 660 Fax: +385 (0)1 4864 670Embassy of Ukraine Voćarska 52, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4616 296 Fax: +385 (0)1 4633 726


CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS - ZAGREB Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 8, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)42 377 319 Fax: +385 (0)42 377 395CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CŌTE D´IVOIRE - ZAGREB Špansko 22, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 3895 127 Fax: +385 (0)1 3893 684 CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHILE - ZAGREB Gornje Prekrižje 12, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4674 044, 4620 616 Fax: +385 (0)1 4620 617 CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHILE - SPLIT Baktulijin put bb, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 352 401 Fax: +385 (0)21 352 407 CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK – ZAGREB Gramača 2 L, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 3760 536 Fax: +385 (0)1 3760 535 CONSULATE OF THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK - DUBROVNIK Bana J. Jelačića 19, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 313 335 Fax: +385 (0)20 416 377 CONSULATE OF THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK - RIJEKA Splitska 2, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 212 522 Fax: +385 (0)51 214 944CONSULATE OF THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK-SPLIT Matice Hrvatske 15, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 558 600 Fax: +385 (0)21 465 335

CONSULATE GENERALS, CONSULATES AND VICE CONSULATES HEADED BY HONORARY CONSUL GENERALS, CONSULS AND VICE CONSULSCONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA - OSIJEK Ulica Bartola Kašića 8, Ured br. 3, 31000 Osijek Tel: +385 (0)31 200 847CONSULATE GENERAL OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA - VIENNA Talgasse 11 Top 7, A-1150 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 1 89 40 58 250 Fax: +43 1 89 40 58 240CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA - ZAGREB Trg A. Starčevića 5/1, 10000 Zagreb Tel/Fax: +385 (0)1 4577 525 CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA - RIJEKA Stipana Konzula Istranina 2, 51000 Rijeka Tel/Fax: +385 (0)51 338 554 CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA - SPLIT Klaićeva poljana 1, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 322 353 Fax: +385 (0)21 362 308 CONSULATE OF THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM - DUBROVNIK Antuna Barca 10, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 438 177 Fax: +385 (0)20 438 176 CONSULATE OF BURKINA FASO - ZAGREB Medveščak 54, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4633 945, 4633 946 Fax: +385 (0)1 4633 947


CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF YEMEN – ZAGREBBiankinijeva 6, 10000 ZagrebTel/ Fax: +385 (0)1 4553 114CONSULATE OF THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN – ZAGREB Gračanska cesta 84, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 4645 957Fax: +385 (0)1 4645 956 CONSULATE OF SOUTH AFRICA – ZAGREB c/o Agrokor d.d., Trg Dražena Petrovića 3. 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 4894 111Fax: +385 (0)1 4844 363CONSULATE OF KAZAKHSTAN – UMAG Obala Josipa Broza 3, 52476 UmagTel: +385 (0)52 742 145Fax: +385 (0)52 742 145CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA - ZAGREB Ilica 43/II, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4921 873 Fax: +385 (0)1 4921 874 CONSULATE OF LATVIA – ZAGREB Ravnice 5 bb, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 4852 717Fax: +385 (0)1 4852 718 CONSULATE OF LITHUANIA (LITVA) – ZAGREB Amruševa 1/II, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 4811 612Fax: +385 (0)1 4811 612CONSULATE OF LITHUANIA (LITVA) – STARIGRAD - PAKLENICAUlica dr. Franje Tuđmana 12 23244 Starigrad –PaklenicaTel: +385 (0)98 665 892Fax: +385 (0)23 369 829

CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE PHILIPPINES - ZAGREB Tomašićeva 7, 10000 ZagrebTelefon: +385 (0)1 4612 000Fax: +385 (0)1 4618 414 CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND - ZAGREB Teslina 3, 10000 Zagreb Tel/Fax: +385 (0)1 4811 757CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND - RIJEKA Kumičićeva 13, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 218 756; 686 301 Fax: +385 (0)51 218 764 CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND - SPLIT Trumbićeva obala 5, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 345 275 Fax: +385 (0)21 345 275 CONSULATE OF IRELAND – ZAGREBMiramarska 23 (Eurocentar), 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 6310 025Fax: +385 (0)1 2413 901VICE-CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY – BUJETrg Josipa Broza 13, 52460 BujeTel: +385 (0)52 773 122Fax: +385 (0)52 772 082CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY – PULATartinijeva 15, 52100 PulaTel: +385 (0)52 388 864, 507 007Fax: +385 (0)52 388 863 VICE- CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY – DUBROVNIKc/o Hotel Libertas-Rixos, Liechtensteinov put 3, 20000 DubrovnikTel: +385 (0)20 200 262 Fax: +385 (0)20 412 838


CONSULATE OF MONACO - ZAGREB Kaptol centar, Nova Ves 17, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4860 377 Fax: +385 (0)1 4860 081 CONSULATE OF MONGOLIA - ZAGREB Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 4/III, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4002 025 Fax : +385 (0)1 4649 800CONSULATE OF NETHERLANDS – DUBROVNIKc/o „Atlantska plovidba” d.d., Od sv. Mihajla 1, 20000 DubrovnikTel: +385 (0)20 356 141, 356 133Fax: +385 (0)20 356 729 CONSULATE OF NETHERLANDS – OPATIJA Ulica 9. rujna br. 11, 51410 OpatijaTel: +385 (0)51 271 977Fax: +385 (0)51 271 996 CONSULATE OF NETHERLANDS – SPLITKralja Zvonimira 14/XV, 21000 SplitTel/Fax: +385 (0)21 312 399 CONSULATE OF THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY - RIJEKA Žrtava fašizma 2/II, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 335 827; 335 831 Fax: +385 (0)51 213 549 CONSULATE OF THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY -DUBROVNIK Uz Giman 7 A, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 357 945 Fax: +385 (0)20 357 943 CONSULATE OF NEW ZEALAND - ZAGREB Vlaška ulica 50a, 10000 Zagreb Tel/Fax: +385 (0)1 4612 060CONSULATE OF GERMANY– OSIJEK Ulica borova 1, 31000 OsijekTel: +385 (0)31 220 006Fax: +385 (0)31 220 007

CONSULATE OF HUNGARY - RIJEKA Riva Boduli 1, (P.P. 200), 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 213 494 Fax: +385 (0)51 331 614 CONSULATE OF HUNGARY - SPLIT Ivana Gundulića 26/A II, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 480 019 Fax: +385 (0)21 380 203 CONSULATE GENERAL OF HUNGARY – OSIJEK Vijenac Ivana Mažuranića 3, 31000 OsijekTel: +385 (0)31 200 427, 200 525Fax: +385 (0)31 200 787CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - RIJEKA Trg braće Mažuranića 10, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 406 500 Fax: +385 (0)51 406 588CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - ZADAR Trg Petra Zoranića 1, 23000 Zadar Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 211 162CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA - ZAGREB Petrova 48a, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4635 500 Fax: +385 (0)1 4635 589 CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA - SPLIT c/o “Brodospas” d.d., Obala Lazareta 2, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 405 100; 343 261 Fax: +385 (0)21 345 344 CONSULATE OF MEXICO - ZAGREB Mlinovi 81, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4674 338 Fax: +385 (0)1 4336 285 CONSULATE OF MEXICO - SPLIT Meštrovićevo šetalište 82 a, 21000 Split Tel/Fax: +385 (0)21 358 824


CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA - SPLIT Istarska ulica br. 9, 21000 Split Tel/Fax: +385 (0)21 389 224 CONSULATE OF SUDAN – ZAGREBVramčeva 17, 10000 ZagrebTel/Fax: +385 (0)1 4817 613CONSULATE OF OF SPAIN - DUBROVNIK Zagrebačka 2, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 426 528 Fax: +385 (0)20 411 022CONSULATE OF SRI LANKA - ZAGREB Heinzelova 62a/VI, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6387 780 Fax: +385 (0)1 6387 702 CONSULATE OF SWEDEN - RIJEKA Riva 20, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 212 287 Fax: +385 (0)51 211 014 CONSULATE OF SWEDEN - SPLIT Držićeva 8, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 338 234 Fax: +385 (0)21 338 236CONSULATE GENERAL OF THAILAND - ZAGREB Gundulićeva 18/IV, 10000 Zagreb Tel/Fax +385 (0)1 4830 359 CONSULATE OF TUNISIA - ZAGREB Iblerov trg 9, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4615 068; 98 708 564 Fax: +385 (0)1 4619 566CONSULATE OF UKRAINE - ZADAR Kralja Tvrtka 3, 23000 Zadar Tel: +385 (0)23 7892 988 Fax:+385 (0)23 7892 989 CONSULATE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND - DUBROVNIK c/o Trgovačko poslovni centar Mercante Vukovarska 22/I., 20000 Dubrovnik Tel/Fax: +385 (0)20 324 597

CONSULATE OF GERMANY – SPLIT Svačićeva 4, 21000 SplitTel: +385 (0)21 409 347Fax: +385 (0)21 486 401CONSULATE OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN - ZAGREB Kneza Višeslava 1/IV, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4611 161; 4611 163; Fax: +385 (0)1 4611 098, 4550 303CONSULATE OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN - ZAGREB Pasarićeva 12, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 5620 712 Fax: +385 (0)1 3617 333 CONSULATE OF ROMANIA – RIJEKA Korzo 6, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 315 033 Fax: +385 (0)51 315 242CONSULATE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – PULA Kandlerova 46, 52100 Pula Tel/Fax: +385 (0)52 215 758CONSULATE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – SPLITStarčevićeva 24a, 21000 SplitTel: +385 (0)21 484 445, 98 9548 670 Fax: +385 (0)21 484 445CONSULATE OF SYRIA – ZAGREB Kaptol 19, 10000 ZagrebTel: +385 (0)1 38 65 098Fax: +385 (0)1 38 84 801CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVAKIA – SPLIT Kralja Zvonimira 14/XI, 21000 Split Tel : +385 (0)21 315 108 Fax: +385 (0)21 315 109 CONSULATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVAKIA – OSIJEK Sunčana ulica 20, 31000 Osijek Tel: +385 (0)31 514 710 Fax: +385 (0)31 514 764


Ente Nazionale Croato per il Turismo 20122 Milano, Piazzetta Pattari 1/3, Italia Tel: +39 02 86 45 44 97 Fax: +39 02 86 45 45 74 E-mail:é Turistické Sdruženi 110 00 Praha 1, Krakovská 25, Česká Republika Tel: +420 2 2221 1812, 2221 0793 Fax: +420 2 2221 0793 E-mail:átske Turistické Združenie 821 09 Bratislava, Trenčianska 5, Slovenská Republika Tel: +421 2 55 562 054, 415 415 Fax: +421 2 55 422 619 E-mail:át Idegenforgalmi Közösség 1054 Budapest, Akademia u. 1, Magyarország Tel.: +36 1 267 55 88 Fax: +36 1 267 55 99 E-mail: National Croate de Tourisme 75116 Paris, 48, avenue Victor Hugo, France Tel: +33 1 45 00 99 55, 45 00 99 57 Fax: +33 1 45 00 99 56 E-mail: National Tourist Office Suite 4C, Elsinore House, 77 Fulham Palace Road, London W6 8JA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 208 563 79 79 Fax: +44 208 563 26 16 E-mail:

CONSULATE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND - SPLIT Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda 10/III, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 346 007 Fax: +385 (0)21 362 905

INFORMATIONCROATIAN NATIONAL TOURIST BOARDIblerov trg 10/IV, p.p. 251 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: +385 (0)1 4699 333 Fax: +385 (0)1 4557 827 E-mail: Zentrale für Tourismus Liechtensteinstrasse 22 a, 1/1/7, A-1090 Wien Tel: +43 1 585 38 84 Fax: +43 1 585 38 84 20 E-mail: Kroatische Zentrale für Tourismus 60313 Frankfurt/M, Stephanstrasse 13, Deutschland Tel: +49 69 23 85 350 Fax: +49 69 23 85 35 20 E-mail: Zentrale für Tourismus 80469 München, Rumfordstrasse 7, Deutschland Tel: +49 89 22 33 44 Fax: +49 89 22 33 77 E-mail:


Croatian National Tourist Office PO BOX 2651, New York, NY 10108, Tel: +1(212) 279 8672 E-mail: Ośrodek Informacji Turystycznej Republiki Chorwacji 00-675 Warszawa, ul. Nowogrodska 50, Polska, Tel: +48 22 828 51 93, 828 5194 Fax: +48 22 828 51 90 E-mail: Turistbyrån 11444 Stockholm, Jungfrugatan 24, Sverige Tel: +46 8 53 482 080 Fax: +46 8 20 24 60 E-mail: Kroatisch Nationaal Bureau Voor Toerisme 1081 GG Amsterdam, Nijenburg 2F, Netherlands Tel: +31 20 661 64 22 Fax: +31 20 661 64 27 E-mail: Office National Croate du Tourisme 1000 Bruxelles, A Oud Korenhuisplein, 38, Place de la Vieille Halle aux Bles, Belgique Tel: +32 2 55 018 88 Fax: +32 2 55 018 83 E-mail: Хорватское туpиcтичeckoe cooбщecтвo123610 Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab. 12, office 1502, Russia Tel: +7 495 258 15 07 Fax: +7 495 258 15 93 E-mail:

Hrvaška turistična skupnost 1000 Ljubljana, Gosposvetska 2, Slovenija Tel: +386 1 230 7400 Fax: +386 1 230 7404 E-mail: Kroatische Zentrale für Tourismus 8002 Zürich, Seestrasse 160, Switzerland Tel: +41 43 336 2030, 336 2031, 336 203, 336 2034 Fax: +41 43 336 2039 E-mail: www. ch.croatia.hrOficina Nacional de Turismo de Croacia28001 Madrid, Calle Claudio Coello 22, esc. B,1˚C, España Tel: + 3491 781 5514 Fax: + 3491 431 8443 E-mail: www.visitacroacia.esJapan クロアチア政府観光局 Ark Mori Building 12F 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6012 Tel: +81 3 4360 8384 Fax: +81 3 4360 8201 E-mail:

COUNTY TOURIST BOARDSBjelovar-Bilogora County Tourist Board Trg Eugena Kvartenika 2, 43000 Bjelovar Tel: +385 (0)43 243 944 Fax: +385 (0)43 241 229 E-mail: www.tzbbz.hrBrod-Posavina County Tourist Board Petra Krešimira IV br. 1, 35000 Slavonski Brod Tel: +385 (0)35 408 393 Fax: +385 (0)35 408 392 E-mail:


Dubrovnik-Neretva County Tourist Board Vukovarska 24, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 324 999 Fax: +385 (0)20 324 224 E-mail: www.visitdubrovnik.hrIstria County Tourist Board Pionirska 1, 52440 Poreč Tel: +385 (0)52 452 797 Fax: +385 (0)52 452 796 E-mail: www.istra.hrKarlovac County Tourist Board Ambroza Vraniczanya 6, 47000 Karlovac Tel: +385 (0)47 615 320 Fax: +385 (0)47 601 415 E-mail: info@tzkz.hrwww.tzkz.hrKoprivnica-Križevci County Tourist Board Antuna Nemčića 5, 48000 Koprivnica Tel: +385 (0)48 624 408 Fax: +385 (0)48 624 407 E-mail: County Tourist Board D.G. Krambergera 1, 49000 Krapina Tel/Fax: +385 (0)49 233 653E-mail: www.tzkzz.hrLika-Senj County Tourist Board Budačka 12, 53000 Gospić Tel/Fax: +385 (0)53 574 687 E-mail: www.lickosenjska.comMeđimurje County Tourist Board J. B. Jelačića 22, 40000 Čakovec Tel/Fax: +385 (0)40 390 191 E-mail:

Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board Kapucinska 40, 31000 Osijek Tel: +385 (0)31 214 852 Fax: +385 (0)31 214 853 E-mail: www.tzosbarzup.hrPožega-Slavonia County Tourist Board Županijska 7, 34000 Požega Tel: +385 (0)34 290 177 Fax: +385 (0)34 290 226 E-mail: kontakt@tzzps.hrwww.tzzps.hrKvarner Region Tourist Board N. Tesle 2, 51410 Opatija Tel: +385 (0)51 272 988, 272 665 Fax: +385 (0)51 272 909 E-mail: www.kvarner.hrSisak-Moslavina County Tourist Board Stjepana i Antuna Radića 28/II, 44000 Sisak Tel: +385 (0)44 540 163, 540 042 Fax: +385 (0)44 540 164 E-mail: Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board Prilaz braće Kaliterne 10/I, 21000 Split Tel/Fax: +385 (0)21 490 032, 490 033, 490 036 E-mail: www.dalmatia.hrŠibenik-Knin County Tourist Board Fra Nikole Ružića bb, 22000 Šibenik Tel: +385 (0)22 219 072 Fax: +385 (0)22 212 346 E-mail:


Varaždin County Tourist BoardUska 4, 42000 Varaždin Tel: +385 (0)42 210 096 Fax: +385 (0)42 210 073 E-mail: www.turizam-vzz.hrVirovitica-Podravina County Tourist Board Augusta Šenoe 1, 33000 Virovitica Tel: +385 (0)33 726 069 Fax: +385 (0)33 722 060 E-mail: www.tzvpz.hrVukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board Glagoljaška 27, 32100 Vinkovci Tel/Fax: +385 (0)32 344 034, 338 425 E-mail: www.tzvsz.hrZadar County Tourist Board Sv. Leopolda Bogdana Mandića 1, 23000 Zadar Tel/: +385 (0)23 315 316 Fax: +385 (0)23 315 107 E-mail: tz-zd-zup@zd.t-com.hrwww.zadar.hrZagreb County Tourist Board Preradovićeva 42, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4873 665 Fax: +385 (0)1 4873 670 E-mail:


ISTRIAISTRIA COUNTY ISTRA Pionirska 1a, 52440 Poreč (Parenzo) Tel: +385 (0)52 880 088 Fax:+385 (0)52 858 400 E-mail:,, www.istra.comFUNTANABernarda Borisija 2, 52452 Funtana (Fontane) Tel: +385 (0)52 445 119 Fax: +385 (0)52 445 124 E-mail: www.istria-funtana.comLABIN Aldo Negri 20, 52220 Labin Tel: +385 (0)52 855 560 Fax: +385 (0)52 855 560LABIN – TIC STARI GRADTitov trg 2/1 Telefon: +385 (0)52 852 399 E-mail: info@istria-rabac.comwww.istria-rabac.comMEDULIN Centar 223, 52203 Medulin Tel: +385 (0)52 577 145 Fax: +385 (0)52 577 227 E-mail: www.istria-medulin.comNOVIGRAD Mandrač 29a, 52466 Novigrad (Cittanova) Tel: +385 (0)52 757 075 Fax: +385 (0)52 757 075 E-mail:


POREČ Zagrebačka 9, 52440 Poreč (Parenzo) Tel: +385 (0)52 451 293 Fax: +385 (0)52 451 665 E-mail: www.istria-porec.comPULA Forum 3, 52100 Pula (Pola) Tel: +385 (0)52 219 197 Fax: +385 (0)52 211 855 E-mail: www.istria-pula.comROVINJ Obala Pina Budicina 12, 52210 Rovinj (Rovigno) Tel: +385 (0)52 811 566 Fax: +385 (0)52 816 007 E-mail: www.istria-rovinj.comUMAG Trgovačka 6, 52470 Umag (Umago) Tel: +385 (0)52 741 363 Fax: +385 (0)52 741 649UMAG – TIC SAVUDRIJAIstarska bb Tel: +385 (0)52 759 659 E-mail: www.istria-umag.comVRSAR Rade Končara 46, 52450 Vrsar (Orsera) Tel: +385 (0)52 441 746 Fax: +385 (0)52 441 187 E-mail: www.istria-vrsar.comCENTRAL ISTRIA Franine i Jurine 14, 52000 Pazin Tel: +385 (0)52 622 460 Fax: +385 (0)52 616 886 E-mail:

BALE Rovinjska 1, 52211 Bale (Valle) Tel: +385 (0)52 824 270 Fax: +385 (0)52 824 045 E-mail: www.istria-bale.comBRTONIGLA Mlinska 2, 52474 Brtonigla (Verteneglio) Tel: +385 (0)52 774 307 Fax: +385 (0)52 720 860 E-mail: www.istria-brtonigla.comBUJE 1. svibnja 2, 52460 Buje (Buie) Tel: +385 (0)52 773 353 Fax: +385 (0)52 773 353 E-mail: www.istria-buje-buie.comBUZET Vladimira Gortana 9, 52420 Buzet Tel: +385 (0)52 662 343 Fax: +385 (0)52 662 343 E-mail: www.istria-buzet.comFAŽANA 43. istarske divizije 8, 52212 Fažana (Fasana) Tel: +385 (0)52 383 727 Fax: +385 (0)52 383 728 E-mail: www.istria-fazana.comKAŠTELIR-LABINCI Plac bb, 52464 Kaštelir (Castellier) Tel: +385 (0)52 463 140 Fax: +385 (0)52 463 140 E-mail:


SVETVINČENAT Svetvinčenat 20, 52342 Svetvinčenat Tel: +385 (0)52 560 349 Fax: +385 (0)52 560 349 E-mail: www.istria-svetvincenat.comTAR-VABRIGA Istarska 8a, 52465 Tar (Torre) Tel: +385 (0)52 443 250 Fax: +385 (0)52 443 570 E-mail: www.istria-tarvabriga.comVODNJAN Narodni trg 3, 52447 Vodnjan (Dignano) Tel: +385 (0)52 511 700 Fax: +385 (0)52 511 700 E-mail:


KVARNER INFO - VRATA JADRANA Čikovići bb, 51215 Kastav Tel: +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888 E-mail: KVARNER INFO - SOUTH Kralja Tomislava 6, 51250 Novi Vinodolski Tel: +385 (0)51 791 171 Fax: +385 (0)51 224 306 E-mail: INFO - RIJEKA AIRPORT Hamec 1, 51513 Omišalj Tel: +385 (0)51 841 865 Fax: +385 (0)51 841 892 E-mail:

INFO GORSKI KOTAR Lujzinska cesta 47, 51300 Delnice Tel: +385 (0)51 812 156 Fax: +385 (0)51 811 174 E-mail: Korzo 14, 51000 Rijeka Tel: +385 (0)51 335 882 Fax: +385 (0)51 214 706 E-mail: Trg S. Radića 1c, 51260 Crikvenica Tel: +385 (0)51 241 051 Fax: +385 (0)51 241 867 E-mail: www.rivieracrikvenica.comKRK J.J. Strossmayera 9, 51500 Krk Tel: +385 (0)51 220 226 E-mail:, Cons 10, 51557 Cres Tel: +385 (0)51 571 535 Fax: +385 (0)51 571 535 E-mail: www.tzg-cres.hrMALI LOŠINJ Riva lošinjskih kapetana 29, 51550 Mali Lošinj Tel: +385 (0)51 231 547, 231 884 Fax: +385 (0)51 233 373 E-mail:


RAB Trg Municipium Arba 8, 51280 Rab Tel: +385 (0)51 771 111, 724 064 Fax: +385 (0)51 725 057 E-mail: www.tzg-rab.hrBAŠKA Kralja Zvonimira 114 (P.P. 7), 51523 Baška Tel: +385 (0)51 856 817 Fax: +385 (0)51 856 544 E-mail: Obala 46, 51511 Malinska Tel: +385 (0)51 859 207 Fax: +385 (0)51 858 254 E-mail:ŠALJ Prikešte 11, 51513 Omišalj Tel: +385 (0)51 841 042 Fax: +385 (0)51 841 042 E-mail: Pod Topol 2, 51521 Punat Tel: +385 (0)51 854 860 Fax: +385 (0)51 854 970 E-mail: www.tzpunat.hrFUŽINE Sv. Križ 2, 51322 Fužine Tel: +385 (0)51 835 163 Fax: +385 (0)51 830 000 E-mail:

SELCE Šetalište Ivana Jeličića 1, 51266 Selce Tel: +385 (0)51 765 165 Fax: +385 (0)51 768 108 E-mail: www.rivieracrikvenica.comOPATIJA M.Tita 128, 51410 Opatija Tel: + 385 (0)51 271 310 Fax: +385 (0)51 712 290 E-mail:



BIOGRAD-ON-SEA Trg hrvatskih velikana 2, 23210 Biograd na Moru Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 383 123 Tel +385 (0)23 385 382 E-mail: www.tzg-biograd.hrPAG Vela ulica 18, 23250 Pag Tel: +385 (0)23 611 286 Fax: +385 (0)23 611 286 E-mail: www.pag-tourism.hrZADAR Mihe Klaića 1, 23000 Zadar Tel: +385 (0)23 316 166 Fax: +385 (0)23 211 781 E-mail: www.visitzadar.netNIN Trg braće Radić 3, 23232 Nin Tel: +385 (0)23 264 280 Fax: +385 (0)23 265 247 E-mail:


STARIGRAD Trg Tome Marasovića 1, 23244 Starigrad Tel: +385 (0)23 369 245 Fax: +385 (0)23 369 255 E-mail: www.rivijera-paklenica.hrZATON Zadarska cesta 39a, 23232 Zaton-Nin Tel: +385 (0)23 265 461 Fax: +385 (0)23 265 462 E-mail: www.zaton-zd.hrVIR Put mula bb, 23234 Vir Tel: +385 (0)23 362 196 Fax: +385 (0)23 362 196 E-mail: www.otok-vir.infoPAKOŠTANE Kraljice Jelene 78, 23211 Pakoštane Tel: +385 (0)23 381 892 Fax: +385 (0)23 381 608 E-mail: www.pakostane.hrSV. FILIP I JAKOV Obala kralja Tomislava 16, 23207 Sv. Filip i Jakov Tel: +385 (0)23 389 071 Fax: +385 (0)23 389 239 E-mail:



ŠIBENIK Obala Dr. Franje Tuđmana 5, 22000 Šibenik Tel: +385 (0)22 214 411 Fax: +385 (0)22 214 266 E-mail: www.sibenik-tourism.hrVODICE Obala Vladimira Nazora bb, 22211 Vodice Tel: +385 (0)22 443 888 Fax: +385 (0)22 442 111 E-mail: www.vodice.hrBETINA Dolac 2a, 22244 Betina Tel: +385 (0)22 436 522 Fax: +385 (0)22 436 523 E-mail: - KRAPANJ Krapanjskih spužvara 1, 22207 Krapanj-Brodarica Tel: +385 (0)22 350 612 Fax: +385 (0)22 350 612 E-mail:ŠTICA Grebaštica Donja bb, 22216 Grebaštica Tel: +385 (0)22 577 044 Fax: +385 (0)22 577 044 E-mail: Put Zaratića 3, 22244 Jezera Tel: +385 (0)22 439 120 Fax: +385 (0)22 439 905 E-mail:


KNIN Tuđmanova 24, 22300 Knin Tel: +385 (0)22 664 822 Fax: +385 (0)22 664 819 E-mail: - KORNATI Rudina bb, 22243 Murter Tel: +385 (0)22 434 995 Fax: +385 (0)22 434 950 E-mail: www.tzo-murter.hrPIROVAC Kralja Krešimira IV br. 6, 22213 Pirovac Tel: +385 (0)22 466 770 Fax: +385 (0)22 466 770 E-mail:ŠTEN Trg Biskupa Arnerića 2, 22202 Primošten Tel: +385 (0)22 571 111 Fax: +385 (0)22 571 703 E-mail: Obala Kneza Domagoja bb, 22203 Rogoznica Tel: +385 (0)22 559 253 Fax: +385 (0)22 558 030 E-mail: Trg Male Gospe 3, 22222 Skradin Tel: +385 (0)22 771 329 Fax: +385 (0)22 771 329 E-mail:

TISNO Istočna Gomilica 1A, 22240 Tisno Tel: +385 (0)22 438 604 Fax: +385 (0)22 438 603 E-mail: Badnje bb, 22212 Tribunj Tel: +385 (0)22 446 143 Fax: +385 (0)22 446 143 E-mail: Zlarin bb, 22232 Zlarin Tel: +385 (0)22 553 557 E-mail:ŠDomovinskog rata 5, 22320 Drniš Tel: +385 (0)22 888 619 Fax: +385 (0)22 888 609 E-mail:



HVAR Trg Sv. Stjepana 16, 21450 Hvar Tel: +385 (0)21 741 059 Fax: +385 (0)21 741 059 E-mail: www.tzhvar.hrMAKARSKA Obala kralja Tomislava bb, 21300 Makarska Tel: +385 (0)21 612 002 Fax: +385 (0)21 616 288 E-mail:




STON Pelješki put bb, 20230 Ston Tel: +385 (0)20 754 452 Fax: +385 (0)20 754 452 E-mail: www.ston.hrKLEK Trg palmi 1, 20356 Klek Tel: +385 (0)20 691 336 Fax: +385 (0)20 691 336 E-mail: tzm.klek@du.t-com.hrOREBIĆ Zrinsko Frankopanska 2, 20250 Orebić Tel: +385 (0)20 713 718 Fax: +385 (0)20 714 001 E-mail: www.visitorebic-croatia.hrKORČULA Dr. F. Tuđmana 4, 20260 Korčula Tel: +385 (0)20 715 867 Fax: +385 (0)20 715 866 E-mail: www.visitkorcula.netVELA LUKA Obala 3 br. 19, 20270 Vela Luka Tel: +385 (0)20 813 619 Fax: +385 (0)20 813 619 E-mail: www.velaluka.hrLASTOVO Pjevor 7, 20290 Lastovo Tel: +385 (0)20 801 018 Fax: +385 (0)20 801 140 E-mail:

SINJ Put Petrovca 12, 21230 Sinj Tel: +385 (0)21 826 352 Fax: +385 (0)21 826 352 E-mail: www.tzsinj.hrSPLIT Peristil bb, 21000 Split Tel: +385 (0)21 345 606 Fax: +385 (0)21 348 604 E-mail: www.visitsplit.comSUPETAR Porat 1, 21400 Supetar Tel: +385 (0)21 630 551 Fax: +385 (0)21 630 551 E-mail: www.supetar.hrTROGIR Trg Pape Ivana Pavla II N°1, 21220 Trogir Tel: +385 (0)21 885 628 Fax: +385 (0)21 885 628 E-mail: www.trogir.hrVIS Šetalište stare Isse 2, 21480 Vis Tel: +385 (0)21 717 017 Fax: +385 (0)21 717 018 E-mail: Porat bolskih pomoraca bb, 21420 Bol Tel.: +385 (0)21 635 638 Fax: +385 (0)21 635 972 E-mail:


SOBRA Zabrežje 2, 20225 Babino Polje Tel: +385 (0)20 746 025 Fax: +385 (0)20 746 022 E-mail: www.mljet.hrSLANO Trg Ruđera Boškovića 1, 20232 Slano, Tel: +385 (0)20 871 236 Fax: +385 (0)20 871 555 E-mail: Brsalje 5, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 312 011 Fax: +385 (0)20 323 725 E-mail: www.tzdubrovnik.hrŽUPA DUBROVAČKA Šetalište dr. F. Tuđmana 7, 20207 Srebreno Tel: +385 (0)20 486 254 Fax: +385 (0)20 487 003 E-mail: www.dubrovnik.riviera.comCAVTAT Zidine 6, 20210 Cavtat Tel: +385 (0)20 478 025 Fax: +385 (0)20 479 025 E-mail: www.visit.cavtat-konavle.comTRPANJ Žalo 7, 20240 Trpanj Tel: +385 (0)20 743 433 Fax: +385 (0)20 743 290 E-mail:

BLATO Trg dr. F.Tuđmana 4, 20271 Blato Tel: +385 (0)20 851 850 Fax: +385 (0)20 851 241 E-mail: www.tzo-blato.hrDRAČE 20246 Drače Tel: +385 (0)20 741 130 Fax: +385 (0)20 741 130 E-mail: www.tzjanjina.hrDUBROVNIK - PILE Brsalje 5, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 312 011 E-mail: ured.pile@tzdubrovnik.hrDUBROVNIK – GRUŽ Pape Ivana Pavla II. br. 1, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 417 983 E-mail: ured.gruz@tzdubrovnik.hrDUBROVNIK - LAPAD Kralja Tomislava 7, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 437 460 E-mail: ured.lapad@tzdubrovnik.hrDUBROVNIK – ZATON Zaton veliki 2, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 891 230 E-mail: ured.zaton@tzdubrovnik.hrDUBROVNIK - ORAŠAC Autobusna stanica Orašac, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 891 166 E-mail: ured.orasac@tzdubrovnik.hrDUBROVNIK - LOPUD Obala I. Kuljevana 12, 20000 Dubrovnik Tel: +385 (0)20 759 086 E-mail:


DUBROVNIK – ŠIPAN Luka bb, 20223 Šipanska Luka Tel: +385 (0)20 758 084 E-mail: ured.sipan@tzdubrovnik.hrGOVEĐARI Polače bb, 20226 Polače Tel: +385 (0)20 744 186 Fax: +385 (0)20 744 086 E-mail: www.mljet.hrLOVIŠTE 20269 Lovište Tel: +385 (0)20 718 051 E-mail: www.visitorebic-croatia.hrMOLUNAT 20219 Molunat Tel: +385 (0)20 794 342 Fax: +385 (0)20 478 025 E-mail: www.visit.cavtat-konavle.comPOTOMJE20244 PotomjeTelefon: + 385 (0)20 612 423E-mail: zupa@visitorebic-croatia.hrwww.visitorebic-croatia.hrPRIŽBA Prižba bb, 20271 Prižba Tel: +385 (0)20 861 137 Fax: +385 (0)20 851 241 E-mail: www.tzo-blato.hrSMOKVICA Brna, 20272 Smokvica Tel: +385 (0)20 832 255 Fax: +385 (0)20 832 188 E-mail:

VIGANJ 20267 Viganj Tel: +385 (0)20 719 059 E-mail: www.visitorebic-croatia.hrDUBROVNIK- AIRPORT 20213 Čilipi Tel: +385 (0)20 773 313 Fax: +385 (0)20 478 025 E-mail: www.tzcavtat-konavle.hrŽULJANA Kraj bb, 20247 Žuljana Tel: +385 (0)20 756 227 Fax: +385 (0)20 756 227 E-mail:



KARLOVAC Petra Zrinskog 3, 47000 Karlovac Tel: +385 (0)47 615 115 Fax: +385 (0)47 600 602 E-mail: www.karlovac-touristinfo.hrDUGA RESA Šetalište dr. F. Tuđmana 3, 47250 Duga Resa Tel: +385 (0)47 844 752 Mobile: +385 (0)91 8983 955E-mail: Kurilovac 1, 47280 Ozalj Tel/Fax: +385 (0)47 731 196, 731 400 E-mail:


OGULIN Bernardina Frankopana 2, p.p. 17, 47300 Ogulin Tel: +385 (0)47 532 278 Mobile: +385 (0)98 364 329 E-mail: Braće Radića 7, 47240 Slunj Tel: +385 (0)47 777 630 Mobile: +385 (0)98 460 645 E-mail: Rakovica 6, 47254 Rakovica Tel: +385 (0)47 784 450, 784 303 Fax: +385 (0)47 784 039 E-mail:,


PLITVICE LAKES Rastovača b.b., 53231 Plitvička jezera E-mail: www.tzplitvice.hrNOVALJA Trg Briščić 1, 53291 Novalja Tel: +385 (0)53 661 404 Fax: +385 (0)53 663 238 E-mail: Stara cesta 2, 53270 Senj Tel: +385 (0)53 881 068 Fax: +385 (0)53 881 219 E-mail:

MAJEROVO VRILO SINAC 53224 Sinac Tel: +385 (0)53 771 603 Fax: +385 (0)53 771 603 E-mail:Ć Bana Ivana Karlovića 1, 53000 Gospić Tel: +385 (0)53 560 754 Fax: +385 (0)53 574 784 E-mail:



DARUVAR Trg kralja Tomislava 12, 43500 Daruvar Tel: +385 (0)43 331 382 Fax: +385 (0)43 331 285 E-mail: Trg E. Kvaternika 2, 43000 Bjelovar Tel: +385 (0)43 243 944 Fax: +385 (0)43 241 229 E-mail:,


KOPRIVNICA Trg bana Jelačića 7, 48000 Koprivnica Tel: +385 (0)48 621 433 Fax: +385 (0)48 623 178 E-mail:


KRIŽEVCI Nemčićev trg 6, 48260 Križevci Tel: +385 (0)48 681 199 Fax: +385 (0)48 681 199 E-mail:


KRAPINA Magistratska 28, 49000 Krapina Tel: +385 (0)49 371 330 Fax: +385 (0)49 370 197 E-mail: www.krapina.hrMARIJA BISTRICA Zagrebačka bb, 49246 Marija Bistrica Tel +385 (0)49 468 380 Fax: +385 (0)49 301 011 E-mail:ČKE TOPLICE Viktora Šipeka 24, 49244 Stubičke Toplice Tel: +385 (0)49 282 727 Fax: +385 (0)49 283 404 E-mail:, www.stubicketoplice.hrKRAPINSKE TOPLICE Zagrebačka 4, 49217 Krapinske Toplice Tel: +385 (0)49 232 106 Fax: +385 (0)49 232 106 E-mail: 4, Tuheljske toplice, 49215 Tuhelj Tel: +385 (0)49 556 630 Fax: +385 (0)49 556 630 E-mail:

OROSLAVJE Milana Prpića 73, 49243 Oroslavje Tel: +385 (0)49 284 370 Fax: +385 (0)49 284 370 E-mail: www.tzoroslavje.hrDONJA STUBICA Toplička 80, 49240 Donja Stubica Tel: +385 (0)49 288 081 Fax: +385 (0)49 288 081 E-mail: tzgdonjastubica@gmail.comwww.tzdonjastubica.hrPREGRADA Trg G. Kunagorske, 49218 Pregrada Tel: +385 (0)49 377 050 Fax: +385 (0)49 377 050 E-mail: tz@pregrada@hr


ČAKOVEC Kralja Tomislava 1, 40000 Čakovec Tel +385 (0)40 313 319 Fax: +385 (0)40 310 991 E-mail: www.tourism-cakovec.hrSAINT MARTIN ON MURA Trg Sv. Martina 7, 40313 Sv. Martin na Muri Tel: +385 (0)40 868 231 Fax: +385 (0)40 868 922 E-mail: www.svetimartin.hrPRELOG Glavna 33, 40323 Prelog Tel +385 (0)40 638 694 E-mail:


ŠTRIGOVA Štrigova 29, 40312 Štrigova Tel: +385 (0)40 851 325 Fax: +385 (0)40 851 325 E-mail: www.strigova.infoMURSKO SREDIŠĆE Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, 40315 Mursko Središće Tel: +385 (0)40 543 317 Fax: +385 (0)40 544 588 E-mail:


SISAK Rimska bb, 44000 Sisak Tel: +385 (0)44 522 655 Fax: +385 (0)44 521 615 E-mail: www.sisakturist.comKUTINA Tržna 8, 44320 Kutina Tel: +385 (0)44 681 025 Fax: +385 (0)44 680 110 E-mail: www.turizam-kutina.hrLONJSKO POLJE NATURE PARK Krapje 30, 44325 Krapje Tel: +385 (0)44 672 080, 611 190 Fax: +385 (0)44 606 449 E-mail:


VARAŽDIN Ivana Padovca 3, 42000 Varaždin Tel: +385 (0)42 210 987, 210 985 E-mail:

VARAŽDINSKE TOPLICE Trg Slobode 16, 42223 Varaždinske Toplice Tel: +385 (0)42 633 133 Fax: +385 (0)42 205 635 E-mail: www.toplice-vz.hrLUDBREG Trg svetog Trojstva 14, 42230 Ludbreg Tel: +385 (0)42 810 690 Fax: +385 (0)42 810 690 E-mail:

CITY OF ZAGREBZAGREB Trg bana J.Jelačića 11, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4814 051, 4814 052, 4814 054 Fax: +385 (0)1 4814 056 E-mail: ZAGREB – MAIN BUS STATIONAv. Marina Držića 4, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6115 507 Fax: +385 (0)1 6115 508 E-mail: Web: www.zagreb-touristinfo.hrZAGREB – CENTRAL RAILWAY STATION Trg kralja Tomislava 12, 10000 Zagreb E-mail: www.zagreb-touristinfo.hrZAGREB – KULA LOTRŠČAK Strossmayerovo šetalište 9, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4851 510 E-mail:


ZAGREB – AIRPORT Pleso bb, 10150 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 6265 091 E-mail:

ZAGREB COUNTYIVANIĆ GRAD Moslavačka 11, 10310 Ivanić-Grad Tel: +385 (0)1 2881 591 Fax: +385 (0)1 2881 591 E-mail: www.tzig.hrJASTREBARSKO Vladka Mačeka 1, 10450 Jastrebarsko Tel: +385 (0)1 6272 940 Fax: +385 (0)1 6272 940 E-mail: www.tzgj.hrSAMOBOR Trg kralja Tomislava 5, 10430 Samobor Tel: +385 (0)1 3360 044 Fax: +385 (0)1 3360 050 E-mail: GORICA Kurilovečka 2, 10410 Velika Gorica Tel: +385 (0)1 6221 666 Fax: +385 (0)1 6222 378 E-mail: www.tzvg.hrZAPREŠIĆ Trg žrtava fašizma 9, 10290 Zaprešić Tel: +385 (0)1 3310 309 Fax: +385 (0)1 3310 309 E-mail:

KRAŠIĆ Krašić 102, 10454 Krašić Tel: +385 (0)1 6270 910 Fax: +385 (0)1 6270 910 E-mail: krasic@tzzz.hrZAGREBAČKA ŽUPANIJA Preradovićeva 42, 10000 Zagreb Tel: +385 (0)1 4873 665 Fax: +385 (0)1 4873 670 E-mail:



NOVA GRADIŠKA M.A.Relkovića br.9, 35400 Nova Gradiška Tel: +385 (0)35 361 494 Fax: +385 (0)35 361 494 E-mail: www.tzgng.hrBROD - TURIST Trg Pobjede 13, 35000 Slavonski Brod Tel: +385 (0)35 445 765 Fax: +385 (0)35 448 594 E-mail:


JU KOPAČKI RIT NATURE PARK Ritska bb, 31327 Kopačevo Tel: +385 (0)31 752 320 Fax: +385 (0)31 752 321 E-mail: www.kopacki-rit.hrĐAKOVO Kralja. Tomislava 3, 31400 Đakovo Tel: +385 (0)31 812 319, 822 376 Fax: +385 (0)31 822 319, 822 375 E-mail:


DONJI MIHOLJAC Trg Ante Starčevića 2 (TZ: Vukovarska 1), 31540 Donji Miholjac Tel: +385 (0)31 633 103 Fax: +385 (0)31 633 103 E-mail: Kralja Zvonimira 10, 31327 Bilje Tel: +385 (0)31 751 480 Fax: +385 (0)31 751 481 E-mail: www.tzo-bilje.hrOSIJEK - UPPER TOWN Županijska 2, 31000 Osijek Tel: +385 (0)31 203 755 Fax: +385 (0)31 203 947 E-mail: OSIJEK - FORTRESS Trg Sv. Trojstva 5, 31000 Osijek Tel: +385 (0)31 210 120 Fax: +385 (0)31 210 120 E-mail: BELI MANASTIR Imre Nagya 2, 31300 Beli Manastir Tel: +385 (0)31 702 080 Fax: +385 (0)31 495 975 E-mail: www.tzbaranje.hrBARANJA Maršala Tita 90, 31307 Zmajevac, Baranja Tel: +385 (0)31 734 131 Fax: +385 (0)31 495 975 E-mail:

BELIŠĆE Vijenac S. H. Gutmanna 26, 31551 Belišće Tel: +385 (0)31 662 061 Fax: +385 (0)31 662 061 E-mail: tzbelisce@belisce.netwww.tzbelisce.netVALPOVOMatije Gupca 32, 31550 Valpovo Tel: +385 (0)31 650 306 Fax: +385 (0)31 650 306 E-mail:


VIROVITICA Trg kralja Tomislava 1, 33000 Virovitica Tel: +385 (0)33 721 241, Fax: +385 (0)33 721 241 E-mail: SLATINA Trg Sv. Josipa 1, 33520 Slatina Tel: +385 (0)33 553 629 Fax: +385 (0)33 553 629 E-mail:

VUKOVAR - SRIJEM COUNTYVINKOVCI Trg bana Josipa Šokčevića 3, 32100 Vinkovci Tel: +385 (0)32 334 653 Fax: +385 (0)32 334 658 E-mail:


Dear Guests,For your personal comfort and in order to respect the law, please check that you have been properly registered for the entire period of your stay in our country from the date of your arrival to the date of your departure.Your verification is especially important if you are staying in private accommodation, both for the quality of service rendered and for your own personal safety, as well as the prevention of illegal activities of hosts who are not licensed to provide accommodation services. We thank you for your cooperation and wish you a pleasant stay.Sincerely, Croatian National Tourist Board.

IMPRESSUM:PUBLISHED BY: Croatian National Tourist Board in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Agriculture – Department of the State Food and Veterinary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) and the Croatian Motorways Company, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Croatian Railways, National Office for Protection and Rescue and Croatian Radio.

All Information collected and updated by the Independent Department for Public Relations of the Croatian National Tourist Board.


PHOTOS: Damil Kalogjera, Romeo Ibrišević, Ivo Pervan, Damir Fabijanić, Juraj Kopač, Braslav Karlić, Andrija Carli, Petar Trinajstić, Mario Romulić, Mario Brzić, Milan Babić, Saša Pjanić, Ante Zubović, Vesna Štajner, Josip Mandračević, Goran Vranić, Sergio Gobbo, Renco Kosinožić, Dražen Stojčić and Boris Kragić


MAP SUPERVISIONProf. Zoran Klarić, D.Sc.


The publisher cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of the information contained herein, nor be held responsible for any errors that may be contained in future amendments to said information.In Croatia it is a punishable offence to camp in open spaces outside of registered campsites or parking lots for caravans and camper vans.

Croatian National Tourist Board

Iblerov trg 10/4

10000 Zagreb


Tel: + 385 (0)1 4699 333

Fax: + 385 (0)1 4557 827
