TOW N OF ANNAP O LIS R O YAL · The Town Crier april 2014 Members of Council 2 Unapproved Motions...

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The Town Crier a p r i l 2 0 1 4

Members of Council 2

Unapproved Motions from the Council

Meeting of March 17, 2014


Calendar of Events 3

Biz News 4

What’s Happening 5

Easter Eggstravaganza


Recreation News Job Opportunity


More What’s Happening 6


Inside This edition

WASTE COLLECTION Pick up – Wednesday April 9th and  

Wednesday April 23rd.  

For more information contact Valley Waste  at 1‐877‐927‐8300 toll free 






Mayor’s Open Office Hours

Thursday April

3rd & 17th 6 to 8 pm

at the Town Hall

Spring Clean-Up April 23, 2014 Rules:

A maximum of 20 items will be collected from each stop. An “item” means an object, bag, container or securely tied bundle. (5 loose toys = 5 items. 5 toys in a clear garbage bag = 1 item! Please bag or bundle everything you can). Bagged garbage must be placed in clear bags. A bundle must measure no more than 4 feet in length. Put items out no more than seven (7) days before your collection. No more than two (2) or any one appliance type will be collected at any one stop. All items must be placed out for collection in front of the property at which they were generated. There are weight limits: furniture or appliances, no more than 91kg (200 lb.); other items no more that 34kg (75 lb.). Cardboard boxes will be emptied and left behind (they are recyclable). Items not collected are the responsibility of the resident and must be removed from roadside when your Clean-up day is finished.

The following items will not be collected during clean-up: Electronics: televisions, CD/DVD players, computers, printers, AM/FM radios, VCR’s, MP3 players, telephones, etc. Yard waste (leaves and brush) Cardboard & other recyclables Tires (car & truck) Propane tanks, paint and household hazardous waste Large or heavy auto parts, car batteries Fridges, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers without CFC stickers Large glass windows or doors

Important: Do not place anything at or near roadside during clean-up that you wish to keep. Valley Waste and our collection contractor are not responsible for lost or damaged items. During clean-ups, you can put out extra garbage and large items that won’t fit on the regular truck. Yard waste or recyclables are not accepted for clean-up. Keep your clean-up pile separate from your regularly collected items. Clean-up is collected by a separate truck than your regular garbage and recyclables.

P a g e 2 T h e T o w n C r i e r

If you witness any vandalism or unlawful behavior within the Town of Annapolis Royal, please report the incident to the Annapolis Royal Police Department. Thank you for your help in this matter.

To contact the Annapolis Royal Police Department

CALL 532-2427

Any time, 24 hours a day


Mayor Michael Tompkins

Deputy Mayor Pat Power

Councillor Sherman Hudson

Councillor Byron Mersereau

Councillor Paul Paquette

The public is welcome to

attend all meetings.

Next Meetings Planning and Heritage Advisory

Committee April 7 at 9:30 am

Committee of the Whole

April 9 at 6 pm

Marketing & Economic Development Committee

April 1 & 8 at 6 pm

Board of Police Commissioners April 23 at 9 am

Town Council

April 23 at 6 pm

Town Office Hours of Operation The Town Office is

open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm

CLOSED ON APRIL 18 and 21,


Weather Stats from Wednesday’s  (March 26th) Powerful   Extratropical Storm 

(submitted by Corrine Frantel)  My Weatherlink  showed the highest wind gust was 113 kph (70  mph) at  1905 ADT (7:05 ADT) with the highest  5 minutes  of sustained wind being  77 kph at 2010 ADT.  That is very impressive and I am almost surprised  that the anemometer and wind vane are still working OK and are  still  attached.   The lowest pressure was 981.6 millibars (hectopascauls) at  1800 ADT.    Here is the link to the Meteor Service of Canada Storm  Summary 

Unapproved Motions from Council Meeting held March 17, 2014  

MOTION a) Appointment to Annapolis Valley Regional Library Board It was moved by Councillor Mersereau, seconded by Councillor Paquette to appoint Lillian Stewart to serve as the Town’s representative to the Annapolis Valley Regional Library Board. CARRIED.  MOTION b) Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival It was moved by Councillor Mersereau, seconded by Councillor Paquette to give the Annapolis  Valley Apple Blossom Festival permission to list the Town of Annapolis Royal as a supporting  organization in their application for the Lieutenant Governor’s Community Spirit Award.  CARRIED.  MOTION c) 100 Poppies It was moved by Councillor Hudson, seconded by Councillor Mersereau to acknowledge that is has been 100 years in July since that start of WW1 by planting poppies in front of the Town Hall or near the Masonic Memorial, to advertise the planting of poppies in the Town Crier and on the Town  website, to contact the Historic Gardens with the request to plant poppies, to contact the Legion with the request to plant poppies, to contact Mary Ritchie of Thexton’s regarding the promotion of planting poppies, and to respond to the letter advising of the decision. CARRIED.  MOTION d) Cornwallis Military Museum It was moved by Councillor Hudson, seconded by Councillor Paquette to donate Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) which will be used for museum renovations and upgrades at the Cornwallis Military  Museum. CARRIED.  MOTION e) Hand‐out Regarding Wooden Windows It was moved by Councillor Hudson, seconded by Councillor Mersereau to accept the one page two‐sided informative hand‐out regarding Wooden Windows with amendments to include “this is an  educational reference”; “for heritage properties go to Nova Scotia Heritage Grant Program at” and to include a sentence at the bottom of both sides that would say “for more information contact the Town Hall or visit the Town website”.  CARRIED.   MOTION f) Annapolis Royal Regional Academy Promotional Brochure It was moved by Councillor Mersereau, seconded by Deputy Mayor Power that the proposal from Kimberly Gunn of Red Shed Graphic Design be accepted for the provision of a professional  document designed in high resolution digital and print format for the Annapolis Royal Regional Academy promotional brochure. CARRIED.  MOTION g) Agreement Ye Olde Town Pub It was moved by Councillor Hudson, seconded by Councillor Paquette that Council authorize Mayor Tompkins and CAO St‐Amour to sign the agreement between the Town of Annapolis Royal and Mr. Brian Keevill for carrying on Business as Ye Olde Towne Pub for the period of April 01, 2014 to  November 15, 2014, as amended. CARRIED. 

A p r i l C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s

12  HITCHCOCK (2012) 98 min.  Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren,  4pm For more details visit  

16   Annapolis County Volunteer Awards and Reception 7:00pm at King’s Theatre. For more details visit  

18  Good Friday—Town Hall Closed 

19  Easter Eggstravaganza  

19  FREE Easter Family Movie ‐ EPIC  Movie will be shown following the Easter Egg hunt .  102 minutes  Rated: Family,  Saturday at 3pm.  Sponsored by Bailey House B&B. For more details visit  

21   Easter Monday—Town Hall Closed 

22  Film Society presents ‐ Gloria, Starring: Paulina Garcia Spanish/English subtitles. 109 min.Tickets: $8. 7:30 pm For more details visit  

25  Happy Arbor Day 

26  THE SLEEPING BEAUTY – A Royal Ballet Encore Presentation    The Sleeping Beauty is the pinnacle of classical ballet: a perfect marriage of Petipa’s choreography and Tchaikovsky’s music and a glorious challenge for every dancer on stage. It is also The Royal Ballet’s signature work.   Conductor: Valeriy Ovsyanikov, Princess Aurora: Sarah La, 

Prince Désiré: Steven McRae, Orchestra: Orchestra of the Royal 

Opera House. Tickets: $14. Adult, $5 Youth/Child. Reserved 

Seating. 190 minutes. Part of our Encore Series – purchase a 

ticket to all three encore performances for only $39. …  For 

more details visit  

12  Partners in Crime: Hitchcock's Collaborators 7:00 pm Edith Head: Dressing the Master's Movies (2008) ‐ 19 min. Saul Bass: Title Champ (2008) ‐ 12 min. 7:30pm ‐ PSYCHO (1960) ‐ Remastered ‐ 109 min. Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren $20. Advance Pass (on sale until April 1st) Tickets: $8. per film at the door. For more details visit  


“Fleshold” D’Arcy Wilson’s work considers the human as an isolated  species of animal in search of a connection to, or role within, nature. The artwork explores gender differences in relationships to wildlife; it  converses with the complex activity of nurturing and its destructive  potential to inflict harm on other  species.   ARTsPLACE, 396 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia B0S1A0 Canada+ Google Map, April 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, and 30. For more information call 532‐7069. 

4  Family Fun Night at ARRA (Annapolis Royal Regional Academy Gym, 590 St. George Street). Family Fun Nights are held every Friday evening at the ARRA Gym 6:30‐8 pm. Kids of all ages accompanied by a parent are  invited, and it’s free! Sports and games equipment will be provided by the school, and there will be program leaders to lead games and activities. Come have fun and keep active this winter. April 4, 11, 18 and 25. 

4  Mr. Peabody and Sherman— The time‐travelling adventures of an  advanced canine and his adopted son, as they endeavor to fix a time rift they created.  Rated: Family/Animated  92 min. Tickets: $8 Adult, $7. Child. 7pm For more details visit  

5  Annapolis Royal Winter Farmer’s Market at the Historic Gardens, every Saturday 9 am to 12 noon, from October until May. Your source for local food products and more. Free admission. For more info 532‐7018. April 5,  12, 19 and 26.    

5  Going Once, Going Twice ARCAC Celebration of the Arts Auction        

Music, art and craft demonstrations, with raffles, live and silent auctions. 

Ticket event. Tickets include a drink and appetisers. 6:30 pm ‐ 10:00 pm 

Royal Canadian Legion, Community Centre, Branch 21 Victoria Street, 

Annapolis Royal, B0S1A0+ Google Map  

6  Mr. Peabody and Sherman—The time‐travelling adventures of an       advanced canine and his adopted son, as they endeavor to fix a time rift they created.  Rated: Family/Animated  92 min. Tickets: $8 Adult, $7. Child. 2pm For more details visit  

8  Film Society presents ‐ Finding Vivian Maier—Now considered one of the 20th century's greatest street photographers, Vivian Maier was a  mysterious nanny who secretly took over 100,000 photographs that went unseen during her lifetime. 84 min. Tickets: $8. (at the door).  7:30 pm. For more details visit  

10  The Champlain Garden Club is thrilled to host  Ian Christie, former     

President of the Scottish Rock Garden Club, a specialist on snow drops 

and blue poppies and an expert nurseryman.  His topic "My garden at 

Kirriemuir" promises to be a delight in words and pictures. All are        

welcome. 7:30 pm at the Annapolis Royal United Church (by the lights). 

11  King's Theatre Film Society presents "The Master of Suspense" GET HITCHED! VERTIGO (1958) Remastered 128 min.  Starring: James Stewart, Kim Novak. 7:30pm For more details visit  

P a g e 3 T h e T o w n C r i e r

P a g e 4 T h e T o w n C r i e r

                                    Happy Easter Everyone                         from Brian and all the staff  

                     of your favorite pub!  

                          We will be painting the floors                          From March 31 to April 2 

                         and re‐open Thursday April 3                  ready to serve you. 

              Come in and see the paint work. 

JOB POSTINGS  Visitor Information Centre (the VIC)  

The Annapolis Board of Trade (ABoT) runs the Visitor Information Centre, located at the Tidal Power Plant in Annapolis Royal. We are currently seeking applicants for the following two positions: Manager (full-time seasonal); Staff Person (part-time seasonal). If you are interested in finding out more about these positions, please contact Bill Monk, VP of ABoT, at (902) 532-0379.

SAVE THE DATE – May 25! 19th Annual Historic Gardens Dinner & Auction May 25, 2014, 4:00pm ‐ 9:00pm ‐ Annapolis Royal Legion & Community Centre, A community tradition since 1996!  This gala is one of the largest auctions of premium  horticultural material in Nova Scotia, with a wonderful selection of artwork, gift items, meals and services up for bid as well.  Tickets & Information: or 532‐7018. SAVE THE DATES – July 4 & 5! Join us in early July as the community showcases some of its unique gardens and houses in a special Annapolis Royal House & Garden Tour on Saturday, July 5, 2014.  Start your weekend experience in Annapolis Royal with Wine & Roses, Friday, July 4, 5‐7pm, a unique  opportunity to explore the Historic Gardens with a glass of wine in hand! Add First Friday celebrations in the downtown, a visit to the Farmers’ Market on Saturday morning, and so many other things to see & do in  Annapolis Royal and your weekend is complete!  Tickets & Information: or 532‐7018.  Did you know…  Annapolis Royal has one of the largest rose collections in Eastern Canada? Wow! NEWSFLASH! On March 19, Annapolis Royal’s Historic Gardens was named as one of Canada’s Top Ten “great garden gems” by the Canadian Tourism Commission.  Another reason 

to be so very proud of our community! 

Job Opening: The Annapolis Region Community Arts Council (ARCAC) 

has an opening for an Event Coordinator for ARTs Unleashed, a 9‐day, town‐wide 

celebration of the arts held in August. This is a part‐time, temporary position, 

beginning in early April and ending in late August. The successful candidate will 

have excellent organizational, communication and interpersonal skills, and be 

reliable, detail‐oriented, able to work well with others, and willing to work      

flexible hours. Interested candidates should submit resumes by e‐mail to or drop them off at ARTsPlace, 396 St. George Street in 

Annapolis Royal, between the hours of 10 and 4 Tues.‐Fri. or 1‐4 on Sat. or Sun, 

no later than April 4. 

P a g e 5 T h e T o w n C r i e r

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL SENIORS’ AFTERNOON OUT A safe, supervised, and enriching

afternoon An opportunity to keep active and

maintain independence A chance to socialize and exercise A respite opportunity for caregivers

Come and enjoy an afternoon of fun!

Monday and Thursday 1 to 4 pm at the Annapolis Royal Nursing Home

Cost $5.00 (A nutritious snack will be served)

For more information call Jane MacKay, Coordinator 532-8389

Port Royal Legion Branch 21

Monday ‐ Bridge 1:15 pm Tuesday ‐ 45s 2:00 pm Tuesday ‐ Senior Pool 1:30 pm Wednesday ‐ Bingo 7:00 pm   Executive Meeting Thursday 10 April 2014 7:00 pm Benefit Show and Bake Sale for Gilda & Garry Perkins 7pm April 11,.Call 532‐5196 for more info. All donations  appreciated. Everyone welcome. Easter Bunny Breakfast—April 19 2014 8:30‐11:00 am Pancakes (with toppings), bacon, sausages, hash browns, tea/coffee and apple juice for children Cost: Adults $7.00; Children $5.00 OR Family of 4 $20.00 (this is 2 children 2 parents). 

The Annapolis Royal & District Unit  of the Canadian Cancer Society  will have daffodils for sale,  Thursday April 10, 2014  for $8.00 per bunch. 

A portion of these monies will go towards the new “DAFFODIL HOUSE” Halifax, adding to the “Lodge that Gives”, housing cancer patients 

needing to stay over in Halifax while on cancer  treatments.  

ORDERS can be placed by calling  Jane at 532‐0782 or  Norma at 532‐5247 

THE ANNAPOLIS ROYAL LIONS CLUB is seeking community service minded individuals to support their efforts. The club which was founded in 1957 has a long history of supporting local, provincial, national and international projects. For more Lions information please visit our website at annapolisroyallions. The information event will take place at the Annapolis Royal Fire Hall on Monday April 28, 2014 from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm. As spaces are limited to 20 guests at the 'Get to Know the Lions' dinner please call 532-2841 to reserve a place.

P a g e 6 T h e T o w n C r i e r

“Walk in Our Shoes” Congratulations to ARRA’s Royal Robots, who recently won the Provincial Robotics Championships! The Royal Robots are taking their next big step, as they prepare to compete at the Canadian Open International Tournament at the  University of Toronto in June. This talented team will be selling raffle tickets to raise funds for travel costs. First prize is a handcrafted pair of custom made shoes from Jon Gray Bespoke (approx. value $1000). A limited number of tickets will be sold so the odds of winning are good! Cost is $50, and each ticket holder plus one guest are invited to attend a special reception at the interpretive centre at the Tidal  Generating Station in Annapolis Royal, May 17 @ 10am where the Honourable Stephen McNeil will be drawing the winning ticket and the team will be demonstrating what robotics is all about! Tickets are selling fast. To reserve yours, please contact Jeff and Paula Hafting:, or phone 523 1617. First Lego League (FLL) is a robotics program for 9 to 14 year olds, designed to get children excited about science,  technology, and engineering. FLL is an international  program involving more than 20,000 teams in 70 countries.  Teams of up to 10 design and build an autonomous robot, then program it to score points on a thematic surface, as well as create an innovative solution to a real world  problem. This year’s theme was “Nature’s Fury”.  

April is Volunteer Awareness Month Council and staff would like to thank all the Volunteers who live and volunteer in the Town of Annapolis Royal. A special “thank you” goes out to Rob Lawrie as the Town of Annapolis Royal’s provincial representative for 2014. The Town and Community appreciates all the volunteers that make Annapolis Royal what it is today.

Annapolis Royal Winter  Farmer’s Market 

  at the Historic Gardens  Every Saturday  9am ‐12 noon.  

Your source for local food products and more,  from October until May! 

Free admission. Call 532‐7018. 

Annapolis Royal in Maclean’s Magazine Annapolis Royal captured the attention of Maclean’s Magazine  – Canada’s only national weekly current affairs magazine – for their series on “must see” places in Canada. As the first permanent       European settlement in what is now known as Canada, it’s fitting that Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia is the first location featured in this  series. The rich history of our community, the beauty of our locale and, the welcoming warmth of its residents took centre stage for the creation of this article, photo‐essay and video. We could not be more proud of the opportunity provided by Maclean’s to invite everyone to our home – come explore your history in Annapolis Royal! Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia – First Stop in Maclean’s Magazine’s Canada 2014: 10 Places You’ve Got To See  

On line version available also at 

Sugar Shack ‐ Quebec Style At the Dragonfly Inn Sunday April 27th 

10:30 am RSVP seating 11:15 open seating 

$20 adult $12 child under 12 

For more info call 532‐7936 


To honour the men and women that fought in this war, 

let’s plan to plant 100 red poppies to mark this  occasion. 

The poppy tradition came from WW1 and given that John 

McCrae  author of “Flanders Fields” was a Canadian, it 

would be a great tribute. Poppies can be planted in early 

spring and bloom late spring/summer so the  timing is 

fitting.  We are asking Town resident who are interested 

in planting  poppies to let  administration at Town Hall 

know how many   poppies you planted.   Combined our 

community number may be far greater than 100. Call 

532‐3145 or email 

P a g e 7 T h e T o w n C r i e r

The Annapolis Royal Police Department dealt with the following complaints during the month of February: 1‐Disturbing the Peace Complaint 1‐Criminal Harassment Complaint 1‐Uttering Threats Complaint 7‐Criminal Record Checks 1‐False Alarm 4‐Property Checks 2‐Assistance to General Public  1‐Motor Vehicle Accident 1‐Parking Charge 1‐Other Moving Traffic Charge 1‐Other Non‐Moving Charge 4‐Motor Vehicle Charges

Heritage Grants Available 2014/15 There are a couple of incentives offered by the Province of Nova Scotia to eligible owners of municipal heritage properties registered under the  Heritage Property Act, including  those contained within an approved municipal heritage conservation district.  To better serve our heritage  stakeholders, application forms for the 2014‐15 Heritage Grants are now available at‐our‐past/heritage‐property/financial‐support.   Tax Rebate ‐  In addition to the grants described above, the Department of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations will continue to offer a  Provincial Tax Rebate (under the Sales Tax Act).  This program provides heritage property owners a full rebate of the provincial sales tax paid for  eligible materials used for the repair, improvement or restoration of the exterior of a heritage property. An overview can be found at‐taxcomm‐salestax‐info‐heritage.pdf.      Should you have any questions on these  incentives, please contact Sandi at 532‐3145. 

It will be 100 years in July since the  start of WW1 

Active Living News

Here’s what’s happening in the Town of Annapolis Royal to help keep you active, healthy, and happy.

P a g e 8 T h e T o w n C r i e r

285 St. George Street

PO Box 310

Phone: 902-532-2043 Fax: 902-532-7443

Toll Free 1-877-522-1110


Seeking lifeguards for the Annapolis Royal Community Pool for the 2014 Summer Season The Annapolis Royal Community Pool is seeking lifeguards for the 2014 season. Please visit for job descriptions. If you find you have any additional questions or may know of a potential candidate, please contact Christine Igot at, or call 902-955-1205.

The 55+ Club, a club for those aged 55 or more, is proud to present another Saturday Morning Nature Hike, this time in partnership with the Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP). Join us on Saturday, April 12 at 10am for a hike that starts at the Old Rail Station. We will hike the French Basin Trail, an opportunity to discuss the ecological role of wetlands, invasive species and hopefully sight some waterfowl and other bird species. Nature photography along the way is encouraged. The event is free, and will conclude with time to attend the Farmers’ Market afterwards! April 19th is the 8th Annual Annapolis Royal Easter Eggstravaganza! Please See Page (7) for a detailed description of all of this year’s exciting events. Family Fun Night has become a huge hit every Friday night from 6:30-8pm at the ARRA Gym. Come join this weekly session for some tag, skipping, dodgeball, races, free throw contests, and other fun stuff. Kids must be accompanied by a parent or adult and have proper gym shoes, and admission is always free! For more information on any of the above, please contact Noah at, or call (902)-955-1205.

Town of Annapolis Royal Public Works Labourer

The Town of Annapolis Royal, a small vibrant historic town located in the beautiful Annapolis Valley, is accepting applications for a Public Works Labourer. The Public Works Labourer reports to the Superintendent of Public Works. The Labourer needs to have successful completion of Grade 12 and experience in municipal water and sewer maintenance. A Certificate in Water and Wastewater would be considered an asset. Experience with trades such as; machinery, carpentry, painting, plumbing, and steelwork would be beneficial. An understanding of the use and maintenance of vehicles and heavy equipment is essential. Must have appropriate communication and interpersonal skills and have the ability to work in a team environment. The successful candidate will have a combination of suitable education and experience. If you are interested in this position, please contact the Town for a copy of the detailed job description and forward a letter of application along with a detailed resume to:

Confidential – Superintendent of Public Works Town of Annapolis Royal

285 St George Street PO Box 310

Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 Telephone: (902) 532-2043