Tower Fall/Winter 09/10

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Fall 2009 / Winter 2010


The Tower is published quarterly by the Offi ce of the President, West Virginia State University.

OFFICE OF ALUMNI RELATIONS200 Erickson Alumni CenterP.O. Box 1000Institute, WV 25112-1000Phone: (304) 766-3322Fax: (304)

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Gregory EppsEDITOR Amanda DownsWRITERS Philip Bright, Pat Dickinson, Amanda DownsPHOTOGRAPHY Todd Griffi thLAYOUT/DESIGN Jason Duffi eld

DIRECT COMMENTS TO Dr. Gregory Epps at or (304) 766-3249.

№ 24, December


A Land-Grant Institution Established in 1891

1188 99111 11


2009 Alumnus of the YearJudge Richard E. Fields, Class of 1944

Photo by Bob Walker

Issue Highlights

Homecoming 2009 8A recap of this year’s homecoming

events and a look ahead to 2010.

The Palmetto City Classic 5On the road with the Yellow Jackets as

the team plays in Columbia, SC.

Alumni Buzz 10Check out what some of your fellow

alumni are up to.

Alumni Chapters 18A complete listing of WVSU’s National

Alumni Chapters.

What’s New 18Use the form on page 6 to submit your

news items to The Tower.

J udge Richard E. Fields was born and raised in Charleston, SC. He entered West Virginia State College (now West Virginia State

University) in the fall of 1940 and graduated with a BS degree in Business Administration in the spring of 1944. He entered Howard University School of Law in the fall of 1944 graduating with a degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1947. Judge Fields was admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia and in the State of South Carolina in 1948. After graduation from Howard University, Judge Fields began the practice of law in his home city and state, Charleston, SC in April, 1949. He was the fi rst black person to open a law offi ce in historic Charleston since the early 1900s and the fi rst to ever become a litigator.

When he returned to Charleston, Judge Fields resumed his membership in historic Centenary Methodist Church which after a Church merger became a United Methodist Church. He was elected Treasurer of that congregation in approximately 1950 and retains that position to this date. He has been the Church’s delegate to the South Carolina Annual Conference for more than 50 years. Judge Fields was a delegate to fi ve jurisdictional and general conferences of the United Methodist Church. He was also a member of three World Methodist Conferences. In 1970, Judge Fields was elected to the General Board of Finance and Administration, the corporate body of the Church. In 1952, Judge Fields was elected to the Board of Trustees of Clafl in College (now Clafl in University), a Methodist institution in Orangeburg, SC. He served in that capacity for almost 50 years. He now serves as an ex-offi cio member of the Board of Trustees and is a member of the Board’s executive committee. The Richard E. Fields Scholarship at Clafl in University was established in 1992. The scholarship provides fi nancial assistance to students of merit. Throughout the course of his career, Judge Fields has served on numerous boards and committees in both the public and private sector. In November, 1980, Judge Fields, along with several businessmen, established the Liberty National Bank, and he served on its Board of Directors for a number of years. In 2004, the Charleston School of Law was established. Judge Fields was a member of the Committee to Establish the School of Law and now serves on the Advisory Committee to the School of Law. In 1999, the local chapter of “100 Black Continued, see Alumnus pg 4


Philip A. BrightDirector of Alumni Relations

Amanda DownsAlumni Relations SpecialistEditor

Warm Wishes from the Offi ce of Alumni Relations

W e hope that you and yours found the Holiday season in good spirits and health. As another year begins and we look toward the future, we ask you to keep in mind those that follow in

your footsteps. So many wonderful people have been blessed with an education at West Virginia State and have gone on to do amazing things. We hope that you can and will play an integral part in helping our current generation of students achieve these same goals. As alumni, you are our past and our future. You, the trail-blazers of yesterday, are our current students’ hope for a successful tomorrow. Whether you graduated 5 years ago or 50, you still play an important role in this University and for that, we commend you. If you are wondering how you can help the University, you can do so by:• Joining a Chapter of the National Alumni Association• Donating to the WVSU Foundation for scholarships • Volunteering for University or Alumni Association Events• Donating to the WVSU Alumni Relations Book Fund• Spreading the word about the great programs at WVSU• Mentoring a Student or Graduate in your area• Sending news and information into the Offi ce of Alumni Relations• Having your name, or the name of a loved one, engraved on the

Carillon • And so much more!

Again, thank you for your support of West Virginia State. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, Phil and Amanda


Membership Application

M A I L T O : WVSU National Alumni Association, P.O. Box 669, Institute, WV 25112-0669

Carillon Engraving Yes, please add my engraving to the Carillon (Clock Tower)

Name(s) To Be Engraved: (Max. of 30 letters and year) Year Year Year Total Enclosed ($200/name) $

Your Name Phone Address City State Zip

MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: WVSU Alumni Association Centennial Project

Name Grad. Year


City State Zip

Spouse Grad. Year

Home Phone Offi ce Phone


Spouse Occupation/Employer

Types Of National Membership (Check One) Individual Annual Membership: $25/year, Sep. 1–Aug. 31 Individual Life Membership: $250

Are You Interested In Joining An Alumni Chapter? Yes No






Alumni PollWe want to know what you think! Look for the Alumni Poll section in each issue of The Tower and send in your responses to the Offi ce of Alumni Relations.

E-TOWER– Do you think having The Tower primarily available online and sent via email is a good idea? Yes or No.

Please note: We will still print a small number of hard copies for those of you who do not have access to a computer or who wish to continue receiving a paper copy. If you wish to continue receiving The Tower and other publications by postal mail, please contact us! Send in your thoughts, we look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Email: adowns@wvstateu.eduPhone: 304-766-3322Mail: WVSU Offi ce of Alumni Relations, 200 Erickson Alumni Center, P.O. Box 1000, Institute, WV 25112

Photo by Bob Walker

Men” honored Judge Fields with a testimonial dinner for his public service and contributions to the community and legal profession. This occasion was attended by many distinguished Charlestonians. Judge Fields was elected a Municipal for the City of Charleston in 1969 and served in that position until 1975. At that time, he was reputed to have been the fi rst black elected judicial offi cial in the entire southeast. He was thereafter elected Judge of the Family Court

Alumnus, continued from front cover of Charleston County. He held that position until 1980 when he was elected as Judge of the Circuit Courts of South Carolina, where he served until his retirement in 1992. Judge Fields has maintained a close relationship with West Virginia State University since his graduation in 1944 and has contributed monetarily to the ongoing activities of the University. Judge Fields was honored as the 2009 Alumnus of the Year at the William L. Lonesome Dinner during Homecoming.

Greetings from WVSU National Alumni President

I t was great seeing so many Alumni and friends at Homecoming. The campus looked more beautiful than ever. We truly appreciate

President Hazo Carter’s leadership and the team spirit that continues to be an outstanding asset at the University. Commendations are extended to Glover Smiley and Phil Bright for providing leadership for Homecoming activities.

Homecoming highlights included the President’s Circle Reception and Dinner, Class Reunions, Alumni membership and directory up-date event during the Homecoming Game, recognition of Judge Richard Fields as “Alumnus of the Year”, and the awarding of scholarships to Zachary Crandall (Far West Region), Raphael Lee (East Region), Adrienne McHam (South Region), and Bruce Purnell (Midwest Region) at the

Homecoming Dinner. You owe it to yourself to mark your calendar for “Homecoming 2010” (October 7-10, 2010). You can help us plan by providing feedback on the survey located on page 9. In approximately six (6) months, W. Va. State University administrators, staff, alumni and friends will gather in Atlanta for our 20th National Conference. The proposed agenda will offer many opportunities for one-on-one dialogue with University offi cials as well as opportunities to network with alumni from across the country. The Atlanta Chapter will serve as our host. You are urged to send your registration as soon as possible. Your early response allows us to effectively plan for adequate meeting space, meals and special tours. Registration, lodging and travel information is included in this newsletter. Watch for additional information on the University’s website and in future issues of The Tower. I encourage you to continue to support our University and Alumni Association. If you are not a member, you are encouraged to become an active/fi nancial member.

Ann Brothers Smith, Ed.DWVSUNAA President



T he West Virginia State University Yellow Jackets and the Benedict College Tigers met on the football fi eld during The Palmetto Capital City Classic on September 5, 2009 in Columbia, S.C.

Students, alumni, faculty and staff of WVSU including Dr. & Mrs. Carter, and friends of our Yellow Jacket family were in attendance. Some activities during this event included tailgating, a parade, an after game reception, and a Friday night jazz concert. Special thanks go out to the WVSU South Carolina Alumni Chapter, without whom this wonderful weekend would not have been possible.


Alumni Association NewsA JOYOUS OCCASION—HAMPTON ROADS CHAPTERThe Hampton Roads Alumni Chapter hosted a local Inaugural Ball honoring President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009 – the same date of the National Inaugural Ball- at the Renaissance Hotel in Portsmouth, Virginia. This idea was the brainchild of our own member Jean Jeffery, Director of the Southern Region. The chapter was delighted with her suggestion and began working on the plan immediately. The National Inaugural Committee and our local newspaper, The Virginian-Pilot, listed our chapter’s Inaugural Ball with other organizations that participated in inaugural celebrations. Channel 3, a local TV station interviewed Mr. Alvin B. Harris, age 94 and our oldest guest who said, “I never thought I would live long enough to see a black United States president.” All of the guests were able to view the National Inaugural Ball through an audio-visual hookup to a Washington, DC station. Easels were placed around the ballroom displaying President Obama’s life from infancy to his rise as President of the United States. Attendees were able to have pictures taken with a cardboard likeness of President Obama, as well. More than 300 persons enjoyed an excellent buffet of hors d’oeuvres and an evening of fun, fellowship and dancing all for a donation of $25 each. At the end of the evening, all of our guests were given a souvenir admission ticket and a celebration card with a Remembrance Prayer for President Obama on the back.

A NIGHT OF THEATRE—NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY CHAPTEROn May 15, 2009 the New York/New Jersey Alumni Chapter hosted a fundraiser at the culturally, endowed Restoration Center in Brooklyn, New York. The Billy Holiday Theatre, a small intimate venue within the center, presented a play of startling revelations and swirling emotions, infused too with wit and laughter. Prior to the play, the chapter entertained other alumni and friends with a tasty repast, music and social interaction. Accolades were given to Everett Person, our fundraiser chairman, who took our fundraising to a level of success. Other committee members who assisted in this “sold out” event included: Shirley Colvin, co-president, Elinor and Erskin Agee, Charles Byers, Michele Jones, Joyce Miller, Darnley Osborne and Robert and Josephine Wilson. Betty Bates, East Region Director, participated in the affair. The Eastern Region held its 2009 Business Meeting in the National “W” Club hospitality suite during Homecoming 2009, on Friday, October 2, 2009. Several members of each of the fi ve (5) chapters represented were present. Dr. Ann B. Smith, President, WVSU Alumni Association, also, attended. Eastern Region Director Betty M. Bates and Eastern Region Secretary Bobbie H. Lee were re-elected and will serve from 2009-2013 under the new term limit, as set forth in the amended Constitution and By-Laws, during its national conference in Detroit, MI, May 2008. Director Bates presented Eastern regional awards for Student Recruitment, Student Financial Support and Alumni Recruitment to the New England Alumni Chapter, Ben Hunter, President. Also,


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Director Bates presented a “certifi cate of appreciation” to William Lipscomb, President, National “W” Club for his hospitality. Light refreshments and fellowship were enjoyed by the participants following the meeting. The revenue secured from this event will continue to provide scholarships for students in the area. Specifi cally, the chapter will continue to support Raphael Lee, a junior, with a 3.2 GPA. Raphael was honored at Homecoming with the Eastern Region WVSUAA $1000 scholarship.

2009 BUSINESS MEETING—EASTERN REGION The Eastern Region held its 2009 Business Meeting in the National “W” Club hospitality suite during Homecoming 2009, on Friday, October 2, 2009. Several members of each of the fi ve (5) chapters represented were present. Dr. Ann B. Smith, President, WVSU Alumni Association, also, attended. Eastern Region Director Betty M. Bates and Eastern Region Secretary Bobbie H. Lee were re-elected and will serve from 2009-2013 under the new term limit, as set forth in the amended Constitution and By-Laws, during its national conference in Detroit, MI, May 2008. Director Bates presented Eastern regional awards for Student Recruitment, Student Financial Support and Alumni Recruitment to the New England Alumni Chapter, Ben Hunter, President. Also, Director Bates presented a “certifi cate of appreciation” to William Lipscomb, President, National “W” Club for his hospitality. Light refreshments and fellowship were enjoyed by the participants following the meeting.


Upcoming EventsDecember 20, 2009: WVSU Fall Commencement – 2pm Charleston Civic Center, Charleston, WV

April 29 – May 2, 2010: WVSU National Alumni Association, Inc. 20th National Conference - Atlanta, GA (Registration form is located on page 13)

In 2010, the National Conference will be held in beautiful Atlanta, GA. This is a wonderful opportunity for all Alumni and Friends to “Reconnect and Recommit” our time and resources to our beloved “Alma Mater”. The members of the Atlanta Chapter are excited about hosting the upcoming 2010 National Conference and look forward to sharing the events, sights and sounds of Atlanta with you. Conference Dates: Thursday, April 29th – Sunday, May 2nd , 2010Conference Hotel: Marriott Marquis, 265 Peachtree Center Ave, Atlanta, GA 30303 Hotel Telephone – 404-521-0000 Toll Free – (888) 855-5701 Reservation Code Word: WVSU National Conference Hotel Room Rates: $139.00/plus tax Rate will apply 2 days before and after event.Airfare Discount: AirTran Airlines is off ering discount rates for Conference attendees. The discount code is ATL 042810 WVSU National Alumni Association. Their toll-free phone number is 1-866-683-8368.

May 16, 2010: WVSU Spring Commencement – 2pm Charleston Civic Center, Charleston, WV

October 7-10, 2010: WVSU Homecoming 2010 – Institute, WV and Charleston, WVHomecoming Hotel Headquarters: Embassy Suites Hotel, 300 Court Street Charleston, WV Hotel Check in: 3:00pm Cut off date for hotel reservations: September 15, 2010 Hotel and dinner registration forms will be mailed to you and also will be available on our website: airs . In 2010 we will be honoring the classes of 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, & 2005.

What’s Your “State” Story?Do you have an interesting story, experience or fond memory from your time at “State?” Send it in! We’d love to hear about your time at WVSU!

My name is Jim Marsh and I was the fi rst white basketball player along with my friend Tom Shivel to play for the Yellow Jackets in 1962. We were both from Saint Albans, WV. We won the conference tournament and the team went to the NAIA tournament in Kansas City.

I played three years and in my fourth year, I coached the freshman team to a 7-0 record and assisted Head Coach Frank Enty. I also played four years on the baseball team as a pitcher under Coach Grant Gray and was a teammate to Cal Bailey, the current and very successful coach of today. I also had the opportunity to pitch three times against

Joe Niekro, who played for West Liberty. He went on to the Major Leagues and played 10+ years for the Cubs and Astros.

I fi nally graduated in 1970 with a degree in Education. I went to school on an athletic scholarship and I’m thankful for WVSU. It was a Wild and Wonderful Experience!

I am retired from Prudential Insurance, where I worked for 32 years. I live with my beautiful wife, and have four children, all scattered. I sing southern gospel music and have a second home on Harkers Island, NC, where I saltwater fi sh, get clams, oysters, shrimp, and crabs.

Mail submissions to: WVSU Offi ce of Alumni Relations, 200 Erickson Alumni Center, P.O. Box 1000 Institute, WV 25112




W est Virginia State University celebrated Homecoming September 28th through October 4th 2009. The theme “Pride in the Past, Inspiration for the Future,” was

evident as hundreds of WVSU alumni and students gathered together for the festivities. Events that took place during the week included a campus picnic, coronation pageant, ROTC Hall of Fame Induction, campus parade, football game (The Yellow Jackets defeated Seton Hill 23-17), Sports Hall of Fame Induction Brunch and President’s Circle Dinner, as well as the WVSU Foundation Recognition ceremonies, the annual President’s pig roast and the Step Show. The WVSU National Alumni Association hosted the Class Reunion Dinner, recognizing the classes of 1934, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, and 2004 and the William L. Lonesome Dinner/Dance where Judge Richard E. Fields was honored as the 2009 Alumnus of the Year. Next year’s Homecoming events will begin the week of October 4th, 2010.


WVSU 2009 Homecoming Survey

Identify those activities which you feel are worth preserving.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Identify new activities you feel should be explored/added.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prioritize two to fi ve changes you would make to Homecoming that would benefi t everyone.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What role are you willing to play in Homecoming?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ________________________E-mail: ________________________

Please return to:

Or mail to:WVSU Offi ce of Alumni RelationsP.O. Box 1000Institute WV 25112

Photos by Bob Walker, Class of 1964

WVSU HOMECOMING COMMITTEE LOOKS TOWARD 2010Members of the University’s Homecoming Committee met on October 14th to review the events of Homecoming and to discuss how we can better our plans for next year. Some of the suggestions include offering more on-campus activities and trips, offering transportation from the Embassy in Charleston to the campus on Saturday, implementing an online registration/payment process, and having pre-registration options for visitors (including game tickets and on campus activities). We are open to any suggestions or questions you may have concerning our annual Homecoming celebrations. Please contact Mrs. Downs at 304-766-3322 or via email at with your thoughts and/or fi ll out our Homecoming Survey, included in this issue.




10 DECEMBER 2009

ALUMNI BUZZALUMNI BUZZWest Virginia State University has countless Alumni who excel in business, academics, and in their daily lives. We want to hear the great things you, our valued Alumni, are doing. If you have anything you want to buzz about with your classmates and fellow Yellow Jackets please let us know!

MS. BETTY M. BATES – BALTIMORE, MDBetty M. Bates, ‘72, Director, Eastern Region, WVSU Alumni Association took photo ops with Vice President Joe Biden during the National Fall (Washington, DC) Meeting of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Addressing a standing room only audience, Vice President Biden discussed health care reform. The meeting was held at National Harbor, MD on Tuesday, September 22, 2009. His speech entitled, “Need for Reform Acute; Time is Now” discussed the Administration’s health care proposal and the need to create a level playing fi eld in the insurance industry. Calling the national dialogue a “legitimate debate,” the Vice President directly addressed the most common arguments against the plan. On August 11, 2009, Ms. Bates, was re-elected to a third term to serve on the Board of directors for the Insurance Regulatory Examiners Society (IRES). IRES is an association of professional insurance regulators dedicated to consumer protection. The organization helps to promote fair, cost effective, and effi cient insurance regulation by ensuring professionalism and integrity among the individuals who serve state and federal insurance regulatory bodies During the 2008 Holiday Celebration of the Shenandoah Valley Chapter, National “W” Club, Betty M. Bates, ‘72 was the “2008 Recipient of the Presidential Award.” John Davidson, President, presented the beautiful plaque for her continuous service.

MR. HUGHIE MILLS – LAS VEGAS, NVHughie Mills, President of the WVSU Las Vegas Alumni Chapter and Class of 1949 Alumnus of West Virginia State University, has been honored by Columbia Business School. The Hughie E. Mills Professorship of Business was established this year in honor of Mr. Mills’ legacy of hard work and determination. Mr. Mills began working at Columbia Business School in 1967 and became a pivotal fi gure in increasing diversity at the school and in becoming a respected mentor to students. Mr. Mills was honored as the WVSU Alumnus of the Year in 1999.


DR. KARA SHAMBLIN – LOGAN, WVKara Shamblin, DO, daughter of Rosemary and Otis Stiwinter of Charleston, WV and Franklin Watkins of Logan, WV, graduated from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM) with the Degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, on Saturday, May 30, 2009. Dr. Shamblin graduated from Logan High School and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from West Virginia State University in Institute, WV in 2005. Dr. Shamblin and her husband, Mansford, have one son: Benjamin. She plans to enter the Family Medicine internship program at Charleston Area Medical Center.


RICHARD “CASEY” JAMES – CROSS LANES, WVThe Charleston Gazette (WV) recently featured an article about our very own Richard “Casey” James. James, a retired police offi cer with a career spanning 28 years, has written a book about the history of Wilson Hollow, his childhood home, and the challenges many of its residents faced to emerge as highly successful individuals. No stranger to success himself, Richard “Casey” James was the fi rst black lieutenant of his department, fi rst black captain and fi rst black to oversee the juvenile bureau. He is currently working on his second book that deals with his struggle for racial equality on the police force titled “Blacks in Blue”.

Photo by Lawrence Pierce, courtesy of The Charleston Gazette (WV)

SAM LYNCH, PHD – RANCHO MIRAGE, CAIn August, WVSU’s fi rst white cheerleader and fi rst white graduate to live on campus, Sam Lynch, returned to his Alma Mater to research the school for a memoir about his reverse-integration role at State. Lynch not only broke barriers by becoming the fi rst white cheerleader (at State and in the Intercollegiate Athletic Association), but he had an integral part in fi ghting for equality in the area. Despite the obstacles of prejudice and poverty, Lynch prevailed and devoted his life to teaching and racial equality, spending six years in Toga and Ghana teaching literacy and public health. A 1961 Biology graduate of “State” he went on to obtain his Masters in Public Health from UCLA and his doctorate at the University of Southern California. Now 70, he lives in California and is semi-retired and working as a fi nancial advisor.

Courtesy Photo. Pictured to the left is Sam Lynch, WVSU’s fi rst white cheerleader, with his black female cheerleading teammates at West Virginia State University. Lynch graduated in 1961.

12 DECEMBER 2009

The Soror Members of the Fall Pro 1969, Alpha Delta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. celebrate their “40th - FP ‘69 Line Reunion”

Affi nity Credit CardWest Virginia State University is pleased to offer the Visa card through MBNA America. This credit card provides benefi ts for both you and the Offi ce of Alumni Relations. For every transaction you make with the card, MBNA America will make a contribution to help support our programs at no additional cost to you. If you would like to receive an application, please call 1-800-847-7378.

Discount Auto and Homeowners InsuranceLiberty Mutual offers alumni discounted rates on auto and homeowners insurance. For information, contact Mr. Steve Adams at Liberty Mutual Group, 1-800-279-1387.

PublicationThe Tower is distributed quarterly to all alumni.

Special EventsSpecial events and social activities are held periodically. For additional information, please call (304) 766-3387.

WorkshopsVarious workshops also are offered free of charge to all West Virginia State alumni periodically. For additional information, call (304) 766-3387.

West Virginia State Volunteer GroupAlumni assist the Offi ce of Alumni Relations with projects, events, and activities. Membership is free and open to all alumni and friends of West Virginia State. Student, Parent, and Alumni Connection The organization focuses on ways to improve relationships among students and alumni by involving parent interac-tion. Alumni serve as mentors, assisting students in every aspect of his/her educational experience while attending West Virginia State University.

For additional information, contact the Offi ce of Alumni Relations at (304) 766-3322 or write to 200 Erickson Alumni Center, P.O. Box 1000, Institute, WV 25112-1000.

Alumni Services and Programs

During Homecoming 2009, they had “Big Dynamic Delta Delights and Fun”, as they shared and exchanged personal experiences while fellowshipping with their other Sorors and fellow alumni.


West Virginia State University “1891 – 1991 A Century of Excellence, Pride & Loving Memories”

20th Alumni Association Conference Atlanta, Georgia

April 29 – May 2, 2010

“An opportunity for all Alumni to Reconnect and Recommit our time and resources to our beloved Alma Mater”

Marriot Marquis Hotel 265 Peachtree Center Avenue

Atlanta, GA 30303 Hotel Reservations

Conference Room Rate: $139.00 per night + Taxes For reservations call: 1-888-855-5701

Reservation code: WVSU National Conference Airline Discount

AirTran 1-866-683-8368 Discount Code: ATL 042810




ADDRESS:_________________________________________CITY_________________________STATE______ZIPCODE:________ _______ Full Registration $100.00 (Includes all Conference activities, Luncheon, Dinner/Dance)

_______ Luncheon (Guest Only) $35. 00 _______ Dinner/Dance (Guest Only) $50.00

_______ Total Enclosed (Check #_____ Money Order # _____)

Deadline for registration: April 1, 2010.

Checks Payable to: Atlanta Chapter, WVSU Alumni Mail to: Naomi Martin 2892 Woodruff Drive Smyrna, GA 30080




14 DECEMBER 2009

Five Inducted Into WVSU ROTC Hall Of Fame During Homecoming 2009

T he West Virginia State University Reserve Offi cer Training Corps (ROTC) Hall of Fame Induction ceremony took place at on Friday, October 2, in the Davis Fine Arts Theater. The fi ve

WVSU alumni who were inducted are: Lieutenant Colonel Antoine B. Bethel (Ret.) (WVSU ‘84), Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Stanley “Stan” M. Jenkins (WVSU ‘82), Lieutenant Colonel Daniel B. Jones, Sr. (WVSU ‘ 87),Lieutenant Colonel Johnnie D. Ross (WVSU ‘88), Sergeant First Class (Ret.) Joseph Turner (WVSU ‘ 76) - Posthumously d. 1991. LTC Jenkins could not attend the ceremony due to a family obligation but his friend and classmate LTC Bethel stood in for him. All of the inductees spoke fondly of their memories of ROTC at “State” and attributed their success to lessons learned in the program. Names like Que Stephens and Charles Ledbetter were mentioned several times as examples of offi cers who were role models for the future soldiers. Major General Joseph Turner was on hand to witness the honorary induction of his father, Sergeant First Class (Ret.) Joseph Turner, who passed away in 1991. He is the fi rst non-commissioned offi cer to be inducted in the ROTC Hall of Fame. Sergeant Turner, who had a career in the Army, entered West Virginia State University (then College) following his retirement in 1970. He worked in part-time positions on the campus while earning a degree in criminal justice. His work ethic and love of knowledge made him a role model for his children and others with whom he came in contact. General Turner was joined on the stage by Chaplain Colonel (ret) Paul Easley and Lisa Groves. Ms. Groves spearheaded the re-naming American Legion Post 11 on the WVSU campus to the Sergeant Joseph Turner Auxiliary Chapter. She spoke passionately about the good work that is being done for veterans in the community in Sergeant Turner’s name such as Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, visits to the VA hospital, assistance for homeless veterans and much more. President Hazo W. Carter, Jr., concluded the induction ceremony

saying that by recognizing these great men, we are reminded that freedom is not free. This year’s inductees are:Lieutenant Colonel Antoine B. Bethel (Ret.) (WVSU ‘84)A native of Orlando Florida, LTC Bethel is a 1984 graduate of West Virginia State University (then College.) Following participation in the ROTC program he was a Distinguished Military Graduate and received an Army commission as a Field Artilleryman. His assignments include Nuclear Support Team Leader in Korea; Battalion Fire Direction Offi cer and Batter Commander in Alaska; Senior Operations Offi cer, National Military Command Center at the Pentagon; and service with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in Bethesda, MD. In addition to his Bachelor of Science degree in communications from WVSU, he earned a master’s degree in Public Administration from Central Michigan University. He also completed several military education courses. Colonel Bethel’s military awards and decorations

include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Meritorious Medal, the Joint Service Achievement Medal, the National defense Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Medal. Colonel Bethel is now the Chief of Staff, Offi ce of Time-Dominant Operations, of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in Bethesda, MD. He is married to the former Lendy M. Harris of Institute, WV. They are the parents of a daughter.

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Stanley “Stan” M. Jenkins (WVSU ‘82)LTC Jenkins is a Distinguished Military graduate of West Virginia State University (then College) and was commissioned in the Quartermaster Corps. In addition to his degree from WVSU he went on to earn a master’s degree in Human Resources Management and an MBA in Procurement and Acquisition Management. His assignments include the NATO/SHAPE support group and NATO Support Activity in Belgium; Battalion Operations Offi cer, Company Commander, and Logistics Plant Offi ce in Germany; and Chief, Command Planning Group, Executive Offi ce and Chief of Staff for the 46th and 47th Quartermaster Generals until his retirement in 2002.LTC Jenkins’ military awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal. LTC Jenkins is currently the Principal Logistics Analyst with CALIBRE Systems in Arlington, VA. He is married to the former Lori Robinson. They are the parents of two sons.

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel B. Jones, Sr. (WVSU ‘ 87)LTC Jones is a 1987 graduate of West Virginia State University (then College) with a bachelor’s degree with concentration in Business

L to R: Dr. Carter, MG Joseph Turner, Chaplain Colonel Paul Easley, LTC Daniel B. Jones , Ms. Lisa Groves, LTC Antoine Bethel, LTC Johnnie Ross, Mr. William Turner, PMS Timothy Phillips


Administration. Following graduation from the ROTC program, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. He went on to earn a master’s degree in Corporate and Organizational Communication from WVU. His assignments include Budget Offi cer, WV National Guard; Logistics Offi cer, Headquarters, 197th Regional Training Institute; Ohio Recruiting and Retention Command; Deputy Joint Chief of Staff Resource Manager and Acting U.S. Property and Fiscal Offi cer, District of Columbia National Guard. His awards and commendations include Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal and Army Service Ribbon. LTC Jones is Director of Property and Fiscal Operations for the D.C. National Guard. He is affi liated with the Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America, Charter member of the South Charleston/Institute Jaycees and is President of the Board of Directors for Children and Youth Behavioral Center, Inc. He is married to the former Jacqueline Cook. They are the parents of two sons.

Lieutenant Colonel Johnnie D. Ross (WVSU ‘88) LTC Ross is a native of Detroit Michigan. He earned a Regents Bachelor of Arts and an associate degree in Electronic Engineering from West Virginia State University (then College.). He completed four years of ROTC training, graduated in 1988, and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. His assignments include Platoon Leader, Company Executive Offi cer, 261st Ordinance Company, HHD Company Commander, Group/Battalion Communications Offi cer, 38th Ordinance Group. While deployed he served as Support Operations and Supply & Services Offi cer for the 561st Corps Support Group and Deployment/Redeployment Liaison Offi ce for the 1st Corps Support Command. His awards and commendations include the Bronze Star Medal, Combat Action badge, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on

Change Has Comea poem by C. Milton Kates

It all took place on November 4th.Two Thousand and Eight For History will always remember this historic dateOn this date ,tears of joy fl owed from eyes around the worldThere were hugs and kisses from the eldest to small boys and girlsChange has come

For on this date, American citizens fl ocked to the pollsThe outcome was stunning, decisive and truly boldThe blue states and red states had decided at lastThat the old way of voting and doing business were things of the pastChange has come

The opposition had tried every political trick in the bookHowever, this magnifi cent man was smarter and had just what it tookForty fi ve years earlier, Dr .Martin Luther

King had stood on the steps of The Lincoln Memorial preaching forgiveness and love Now Dr. King and Abraham Lincoln are smiling down from Heaven aboveChange has come

A true rainbow coalition had come together from all the racesOvercoming prejudices, hatred, discrimination and outdated social gracesFrom the small state of New Hampshire to the Rockies of Colorado and New Mexico The people stood in line to vote their conscience and to let the whole world knowChange has come

America has fi nally embraced a much too long deferred dreamAt last, at last, showing democracy, justice and choosing a new leader for the teamThere is still much to do in this broad and wondrous landRestoring hope, ending wars, balancing budgets and keeping America safe as he canChange has come

What Manner of man will this new president be?His insight, intelligence and audacity will be things of beauty to seeThe White House new occupants will be President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle and two beautiful little girlsVisitors will beam with pride and joy and come from all over the worldChange has come

May he have a long and safe life and we pray that God bless our new presidentFor he is our gift of destiny from God, that has been sentNow we salute you Mr. President number forty fourYou have earned your place in history as you walk through the White House doorChange has come

C. Milton Kates, Class of 1952December 11,2008

Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; Armed Forces Reserve Medal and Iraqi Campaign Medal. LTC Ross currently serves as the Senior Logistics Offi cer for the 1st Brigade/94th Division in Charleston, WV. He is employed by Appalachian Power Company in the Customer Design section and serves as United Way Campaign coordinator. He is married to Hope Elaine Ross. They have three daughters.

Sergeant First Class (Ret.) Joseph Turner (WVSU ‘ 76) - Posthumously d. 1991 SFC Turner distinguished himself by rendering exceptionally meritorious service to the U.S. Army from 1949 to 1970. His love for his alma mater, West Virginia State University (then College) ,and the military were surpassed only by his passion for reading and helping others. He was born in Reedsville, NC, and orphaned at an early age. Sergeant Turner enlisted in the U.S. Army and served at various bases in the southeastern U.S., two overseas assignments in Germany and Korea, and three tours of duty in the ROTC department of WVSU. Upon his retirement from the Army in 1970, he worked in part-time positions at WVSU and earned an associate and bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. His awards and honors include Distinguished West Virginian Award; named an honorary citizen of Korea in 1969 and became unoffi cial supervisor of an orphanage ; recipient of the Individual Production Merit Award from the South Charleston Carnegie Illinois Steel Corporation for an invention; National Defense Service Medal and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal for outstanding military service. SFC Turner and his wife Aurdie resided in Institute, WV. She passed away in 1984. He encouraged his oldest son to enroll at WVSU and join the ROTC. He later became a General Offi cer in the Army. One son made the Army his career; four sons pursued successful careers as educators and in other fi elds.

16 DECEMBER 2009

Seven Alumni Athletes Inducted Into “W” Club Sports Hall of Fame

Carlton R. Jackson (WVSU ‘90)Carlton Jackson was the 1990 NAIA All-American Statistical Leader. Single game receptions (19) v. Shepherd, 1990; Single game receiving yards (384 v. Glenville,1990); Season reception (87 in 1990); Season receiving yards (1569 in 1990) ; Pass reception game 19 v. Shepherd, 1990; Yards receiving game 384 v. Glenville in 1990. He currently resides in North Lauderdale, FL.

SWIMMINGRobert H. Strong (WVSU ‘60)Robert H. Strong lettered in swimming in ‘57,’58,’59 and ‘60. He was considered by Coach Burris as one of the most versatile swimmers on the team and was often asked to swim at least three events. He swam freestyle sprints, middle distance back stroke, individual medley, and freestyle relay events. Strong helped to recruit swimmers for “State.” He resides in Lauderhill, FL.

BASEBALLMark McCoy (WVSU ‘88)Mark McCoy lettered four years and was a starter all four years. As a left-handed hitter and left-handed thrower, he

made All-WVIAC in 1985 and 1988. In the summer of ‘87 he played in Waynesboro, VA, in the Shenandoah Valley Collegiate League where he starred with players from the likes of Florida State, LSU, and other D-1 power houses. He also made the Valley League All-Star team. Mark has remain involved with his Alma Mater serving on the WVSU Foundation, Business Cluster, Land-Grant and Research and Development. He lives in St. Albans, WV.

Mark Grimmitt (WVSU ‘81)Mark Grimmitt was the Yellow Jackets star pitcher throughout his career. He made the All-WVIAC and was All-WVIAC Pitcher of the Year in 1979. That year he made the All-NAIA (Area 7) team and set a national record for the lowest Earned Run Average (0.72) which is still a national record. In 1982 he signed a professional contract with the Cleveland Indians as a free agent. He is owner of NARCO Industries, a company that refurbishes mining equipment. He lives in Charleston, WV.

Walter Flournoy (WVSU ‘ 54)Walter Flournoy is a native of Richmond, VA. He enrolled in (then) West Virginia State College in 1950. While a student at WVSC, he received the honor of being named Mathematic Student of the Year as a sophomore. He was a member of the 1951 Yellow Jackets baseball team and fi nished the year by playing with the Huntington Red Sox baseball team of the WV Tri-State Baseball League. Upon graduation he entered the Army as a Second Lieutenant forgoing a professional baseball contract with the Pittsburgh Pirates. He played organized baseball with the Ashland Cubs, an affi liate of the Negro Baseball League. He was fi rst assigned to the 505 Infantry Regiment Baseball Team. Upon earning all-star status, he received the honor of being selected to the 2nd Army All Star Baseball Team in 1955. He later played with the Fayetteville Cardinals, an affi liate of the Negro Baseball League. He has served as Treasurer of the WVSU National “W” Club from 1979 to the present. Walter Flournoy had a 40 year career with the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) and was a project manager at the Goddard Space Center.

L to R: Walter Flournoy, Daniel Watson , Francis Scott, Carlton Jackson, Mark Grimmitt, Mark McCoy, and Robert Strong.

T he “W” Club inducted seven alums into its Sports Hall of Fame. The event took place on Homecoming morning October 3. Inductees ranged in graduation years from 1954 to 1990. A brunch was held

in the Wilson Student Union. Inductees then donned the traditional gold jackets to be offi cially welcomed into the Canty House, site of the Sports Hall of Fame.

Inductees are:Track: Francis A. Scott (WVSU ‘72)Football: Daniel B. Watson, (WVSU ‘73); Carlton R. Jackson (WVSU ‘90)Swimming: Robert H. Strong (WVSU ‘60)Baseball: Mark McCoy (WVSU ‘88), Mark Grimmitt (WVSU ‘81) and Walter Flournoy (WVSU ‘54)

TRACKFrancis A. Scott (WVSU ‘72)Francis Scott was a four-year member of the Track and Field Team specializing in shot put. He was a member of four WVIAC Championships, selected three times all conference in the WVIAC; set the WVIAC record and still holds the WVSU record for shot put. He currently resides in Canfi eld, Ohio.

FOOTBALLDaniel B. Watson (WVSU ‘73)Daniel Watson lettered for four years in Football and Track. He was captain of the Football team in 1974 and Captain of the Track team in ‘73 and ‘74. He was All Conference in Track in ‘72, ‘73 and ‘74. He coached weightlifting at “State” in 1989 and at Saint Albans High School in 1993. He had tryouts for two professional football teams. He resides in Saint Albans, WV.


~ In Memoriam ~

2007 Catherine J. Shrewsbury ‘92 Claude S. Ridinger ‘80

Evelyn R. Bankett ‘52 Regina B. Skeen ‘72 Tommy James Ruffi n Calvin F. Banks ‘39 Vernon R. Smith ‘52 Larry E. Rush ‘91Timothy A. Boyles ‘83 Yvonne B. Strickland ‘62 Edward Scott, Jr. ‘53Freda W. Burkett ‘41 Donald E. Thomas ‘98 Thedford L. Shanklin, Sr. ‘73Robert R. Cashwell ‘57 Gloria E. Thomas ‘48 Todd D. Smith ‘84Linton G. Cheers ‘56 Wanda C. Vaden ‘70 Dewey Thomas, Jr. ‘59Fred B. Chiles ‘53 Celeste Burns Waller ‘53 Ruth B. Tolbert Leroy W. Clark ‘53 2008 Darnell “Moody” Trimble ‘60Eileen J. Coleman ‘89 Dortha L. Bacchus ‘43 James C. Vereen, Sr. ‘48Kathy S. Coleman ‘06 Roy Bates Laura Whittington ‘38Dale K. Cooke ‘76 Florence E. Brooks ‘50 Connie H. Wickline ‘82Jonathan W. Crider ‘05 Gilbert Burroughs ‘53 Shirley E. Williams Junus Edward Cosby Dr. M. Elizabeth L. Carnegie ‘42 Valorie Williams ‘71Pamela K. Cottrell ‘03 Pearl S. Carter Oliver R. “Sac” Willis ‘62Virginia W. Davis ‘30 Charles H. Coleman Charles E. Wilson ‘54Daniel L. Ferguson, Jr. ‘47 Dorothy P. Cooper ‘49 Barry A. Withrow ‘83Donald D. Grigsby ‘50 Dr. John H. Cundiff ‘42 Lena M. Young ‘70Dorothy B. Gwynn ‘51 Rudolph Daniels ‘51 Barbara Bush Harris Charles Edward Halstead, Jr. Marsha Burton Dubose ‘59 Vaundalier White JohnsonThomas J. Hargis, Jr. ‘70 Robert E. Easley Alberta E. Brown-Tillman Mason A. Hawkins ‘31 Cortelyou Ellis ‘51 2009 Herbert H. Henderson, Esq. ‘53 Barbara Denson Gaitor Ella T. Anderson Charles H. James, II ‘52 Diana L. Gray ‘98 Andre Burrell ‘89Clara D. Jones ‘51 Chester L. Green ‘42 Carol “Sissy” (Carter) Criglar ‘56Otis Z. Jones ‘71 Daniel S. Green Clyde Divens ‘49John M. Joseph ‘06 Norma Faye Daniel Green ‘62 Sylvia P. Garrison ‘52Albert B. Kilby ‘40 Lyn B. Gumowski ‘71 Stan Harris Harold N. Kocher ‘67 Charles Hall ‘59 Barbara Burns William H. Law ‘31 David M. Hall Mary Ann Gardner Evans Leveridge ‘68 Alan L. Hamilton ‘69 J.D. Hoggard, Jr. ‘56Fred D. Lockett ‘44 Daisy M. Hawkins-Boyd ‘37 Albert W. Jeff erson ‘41Chauncey L. Logan, Sr. Frances E. Hawkins ‘48 Darla Jenkins ‘67Roger W. Magaw ‘60 Fleeks Hazels, Sr. ‘56 Ione B. McGee Kay P. Mann ‘74 Gloria Heard Lillie Nash ‘64Norma W. McDaniel ‘50 Drewie G. Jenkins ‘38 Paul E. Sims, Sr. ‘63Emma L. Moran ‘42 Audrey Reese Jones ‘49 Roscoe A. Swann, Jr. ‘57Alma P. Morris ‘03 B’Alma Epps Jones ‘36 Barbara L. (Smith) Finley ‘48Hortense E. Mumford ‘25 Brian E. Lowther Margaret Brown Wilkerson ‘35Malcolm J. Murphy ‘59 Daphine Scott Mascall ‘81 Donald S. Carter Elinor C. Pearis ‘60 Robert H. Meggison ‘53 Ron Johnson ‘49Marvin Pittman ‘54 Larry S. Morrison ‘71 Louis J. Boston Pleas Penny ‘61 Allen J. “Big Al” Nauls Austin Moore ‘09Vera J. Powell ‘76 Bernice W. Palmer ‘39 Chellis D. Madison ‘51Lillian T. Price ‘38 James B. Plear ‘72 Dawn Breckenridge ‘04Emma Ransburg Julian M. Pleasant ‘50 Paul Clak, Jr. Thomas Earl Walker, Jr. Joyce Harriett Butterfi eld Engram Phannye Mae Brinson Huger ‘41 Edward Daniels ‘49


DirectorMs. Betty M. Bates4200 Granada AvenueBaltimore, MD 21215(410)

Baltimore, MDMr. James Hawkins10526 East Wind WayColumbia, MD 21044(301) 596-5490 (H)(443) 520-1585 (C)

Buffalo, NYMr. Calvin Baxter144 Huntley RoadBuffalo, NY 14215(716)

Harrisburg, PAMr. Isom MobleyHarrisburg Chapter4322 North Carolina CourtHarrisburg, PA 17112(717)

New EnglandMr. Ben Hunter276 Crescent StreetNew Haven, CT 06511(203) 789-1048Email Designee: Jackee B.

New York/New JerseyMrs. Shirley Colvin (co-president)PO Box 710Maplewood, NJ 07040(212) 862-3896Email Designee:Michelle Johnson

Mr. Elbert Russell, Jr. (co-president)P.O. Box 710Maplewood, NJ 07040(973)

Philadelphia, PAMr. Charles Boddy103 Hanover AvenueNorth Wales, PA 19454(215)



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Offi ce of Alumni RelationsWest Virginia State University200 Erickson Alumni CenterP.O. Box 1000Institute, WV 25112-1000

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Personal Information L A S T N A M E F I R S T N A M E M I







Are you a member of a WVSU Alumni Chapter? If not, why not become an active alumnus and join a chapter in your area? For additional information, contact the Offi ce of Alumni Rela-tions at (304) 766-3322 or write to us at WVSU, 200 Erickson Alumni Center, P.O. Box 1000, Institute, WV 25112-1000.

Pittsburgh, PAMr. Frank Chester30 Beltzhoover AvenuePittsburgh, PA


DirectorMr. Joseph D. Nixon, Jr.See contact information below.

Chicago, IL/Gary, INMr. Joseph D. Nixon, Jr.9914 S. SangamonChicago, IL 60643(773) 233-6574Email Designee:Catherine

Cleveland, OHMr. Milton Kates172 N. Pintail DriveAuburn Township, OH 44023(410) 543-2653 (H)(216) 662-0600 (W)(216) 662-3330 (F)

Columbus, OHMr. Ronald E. Lewis4010 Wiston DriveGroveport, OH 43215(614)

Dayton, OHMr. Carl E. Moyler1415 Olt Road ExitDayton, OH 45418(937) 835-5942 (H)(937) 835-3071 (F)

Detroit, MIMrs. Markita Primm18968 Prevost St.Detroit, MI 48235(313) 659-9772markitawvsualum@yahoo.comIndianapolis, INMr. Rodye ButlerIndianapolis Chapter2916 E. Main StreetPlainfi eld, IN 46168(317) 839-3949

Chapter Directory

Kanawha Valley, WVMrs. Odaris FarmerKanawha Valley Alumni ChapterPO Box 165Institute, WV 25112(304) 768-5686Email Designee: Patricia

Metro CharlestonMrs. Debbie Walker-Hart5417 Morning Dove Ln.Cross Lanes, WV 25313(304)

Toledo, OHMr. Frank T. Johnson705 Eton RoadToledo, OH 43615(419) 531-2034


DirectorJean Watson-Jeffery608 Longdale CrescentChesapeake, VA 23325(757)

Atlanta, GAMs. Camille Shipman5924 San Gabriel LaneCollege Park, GA 30349-7529(678)

Charlotte, NCMs. Tiffany Walker4284 Glenlea Common DriveCharlotte, NC 28216(704)

Greater Williamsburg, VADr. Swanson D. Carter461 Zelkova Rd.Williamsburg, VA Gulf Coast RegionMr. William Leavitt (Acting President)302 Bay Shore Avenue #64Mobile, AL 36607(251) 479-6100

Hampton Roads, VAMrs. Eva M. Rice3757 Kings Point RoadVirginia Beach, VA 23452-3221(757) 340-2472

Jacksonville, FLMrs. Juanita Tunstall6857 Rhode Island Drive W.Jacksonville, FL 32209(904) 765-4629 (H)(904) 465-7737 (C)

Memphis Mid-SouthMr. Harold D. Brooks2316 Bridgeport DriveMemphis, TN 38114(901) 774-0486

Metropolitan WashingtonMr. Maurice Gregg50 Triple Crown Ct.North Potomac, MD

North Carolina TriadMs. Sabrina Mixon-Penn2729 Woodlore TrailWinston-Salem, NC 27103(336)

Raleigh-Durham, NCMr. Gary “Red” Thompson2836 Chapel Hill RoadDurham, NC 27707(919) 768-0766 (H)

Richmond, VAMr. Francisco B. Newman, Jr.1410 Ashley StreetRichmond, VA 23231(804) 222-6494

Roanoke, VA Mr. Francisco B. Newman, III3710 Parliament Rd.Roanoke, VA 24014(540) 345-0333

South CarolinaMs. Jennifer L. Seymour8100 Bayfi eld Road, Apt 31LColumbia, SC 29223(803)

South FloridaMr. Boisy Waiters733 SW 3rd StreetDania, FL 33004(954)


DirectorMr. Hughie E. MillsSee contact information below.

Las Vegas, NVMr. Hughie E. Mills2225 Pine Breeze Ln # 105Las Vegas, NV 89119(702)

Los Angeles, CAMs. Opal M. Carter5845 Doverwood Dr. # 308Culver City, CA 90230(310) 641-9534

Pacifi c NorthwestMr. James A. Manning8101 48th Avenue, SWLakewood, WA 98499-4073(253)

NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOC.P.O. Box 669Institute, WV 25112-0669

PresidentDr. Ann. B. Smith1370 Balmoral DriveDetroit, MI 48203(313) 893-2933 (H)(313) 873-7991 (W)

Executive SecretaryMr. Glover L. Smiley, Jr.117 Tugaloo CourtRoebuck, SC 29376(864)

Financial SecretaryMs. Mary Dillon845 Spring RoadCharleston, WV 25314(304)

Past PresidentDr. Howard L. Wilson2363 Somerworth DriveColumbus, OH 43219(614) 252-5552(614)

SecretaryMs. Donna Hunter100 Faculty Circle, House BDunbar, WV 25064(304)

National “W” ClubMr. William W. LipscombPresidentP.O. Box 198Institute, WV 25112(304)

First Vice PresidentMr. Milton Kates(see Cleveland, OH)

TreasurerDr. John L. Fuller, Sr.PO Box 127Institute, WV 25112(304) 766-3021 (W)

Director of Alumni RelationsMr. Philip A. BrightWV State University200 Erickson Alumni CenterP.O. Box 1000Institute, WV 25112-1000(304) 766-3387 (W)(304) 766-4107 (F)

Second Vice PresidentMr. Vernon A. Bell29180 Woodall Road, W.Solon, OH 44139(440)

ParliamentarianMs. Michele J. Jones1077 Sussex RoadTeaneck, NJ

Alumni Relations SpecialistMrs. Amanda DownsWV State University200 Erickson Alumni CenterP.O. Box 1000Institute, WV 25112-1000(304) 766-3322 (W)(304) 766-4107 (F)

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What to look for in the next Issue of The Tower:

• Alumni Spotlight, Dr. James Huger

• Call to Action! Ms. Jean Jeffery presents a personal challenge to the class of 1960!

• University and Alumni Updates

• And much more!!!

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