Toy Story Dunknoe

Post on 19-Feb-2016

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A 500 word PP about the opening scene and the camera angles of Toy Story


Toy storyA film produced by Pixar and released by

Walt Disney.

Opening Scene Analysis The opening scene show a shot of the room whilst the camera is spinning slowly. The main character (Andy) is playing with all the toys.

Andy is playing with all his toys and you get a full body shot of Mr potato head with a plastic gun.

Camera type – Mid shot

Camera type – Full body shot

One of the main toys (Woody) enters the scene with heroic music in the background and a camera close up show him confronting the toy.

Camera type - Close up shot

Camera type – Full body shot

Full shot of the main character and it is portraying to be the saviour of the of the toys in this scene.

Camera type -