Tractor, Truck, Car & Motorcycle Show - Clover...

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Tractor, Truck, Car & Motorcycle Show

at Little Swatara Church Saturday, June 18, 2016

8am to 1pm Lawn and garden equipment,

hit & miss engines welcome too! (No pre-registration required)


And for the children—

Pedal Tractor Pull at 10am

Face painting, Train rides and other fun activities !

To Enter vehicles, Contact Paul Swei-gart @ 717-821-9701

******* Tables for RENT @ $10.00 Contact Sal-ly Emerich 717-304-2856 Tools to Sell? Con-tact Gary Bashore at 610-488-7603

Volume LXVI May 15, 2016 Number 20 Church Web Page -

The Gathering Place Café Contact:

Phone: 933-5958

Café Hours: Mon-Fri 6-11am & Sat 7-11am

(Volunteers always appreciated)


General Fund 4,886.00$

Building Fund 880.00$

Family Assistance 660.00$

Maintenance 120.00$

Sunday School 61.75$

Global Food Crisis 25.00$

Men's Fellowship -$

Women's Fellowship 35.00$

One Great Hour -$

TOTAL 6,667.75$

Last Sunday’s Attendance Worship 90 + 115 = 205 Sunday School = 126



Lebanon Valley Brethren Home Auxiliary Dues

Prayer Concerns

Let the office know if would like to be listed here. We will not post names without permission

Nigerian brothers and sisters

Robert Snyder Ruth Wenger

Roberta Bashore Jen Emerich

Pete Sanchez Jess Hartranft

Carol Sholl

Kathryn & Ken Wenger Jean Lingle

Sandy Kauffman Tom Schwenk

Lloyd & Naomi Moyer

Daniel Bryant *********************************

Youth membership classes start today after 2nd service in the parsonage base-ment until 2pm and the 22nd 12-4. Bap-tisms June 5th, 2pm Seiler pond or 2nd service that day.

Thank You

Thanks everyone for the beautiful birthday cards and the Women’s

Fellowship for their gift. Everything is appreciated, and its wonderful when people think of you. God Bless you all. Esther Yenser *******************************

The Spiritual Nurture Ministry Team will meet for lunch and meet-ing on June 26 instead of June 5th.

Mission & Evangelism- We will be collecting items to take to Annual Conference. These items will support the “Backpack Begin-nings” Ministry in Greensboro.

(All NEW) Items Needed—toothbrushes, toothpaste, back-packs, shampoo, wash cloths, spiral notebooks(wide ruled) comb or brush, fleece blankets (the kind rolled and ties with ribbon).

Drop-off Boxes will be in the narthex to collect the items.


CONTACT PASTOR MATT AT: 570-246-8196 Counseling & Appointments, contact the pastor or church office: 717-933-4723 Facebook: Matt Christ Twitter: @MatthewSChrist

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Secretary—Charlene K. Anspach, OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Fri, 8:30 am-12 noon E-mail: Substitutes- Dianne Younker & Denise Christ Treasurer—Dianne Younker, phone: 717-269-0803. E-mail:

Volunteers for May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2016

VIDEO PROJECTION Glenn Riegel & Mark Myers—CVLI#502613280; CCLI#157691 ORGANIST Marlene Blatt A/V Equipment use- Matt Sanchez **PRAISE TEAM-2nd Sunday @ 10:30am & 4th sun @ 8:15am.

CHORISTER 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday

8:15 Richard Frantz Kara Henning PRAISE TEAM Pam G 10:30 Dianne High PRAISE TEAM Allen Rebman Pam G Dianne High PIANIST Pam G Christine Doig Sarah Wise PRAISE TEAM Dianne Duell AUDIO Alan Bashore Todd Rebman Jayne Diamond Todd Rebman Kauffman Bros.


Jenn Speraw wk 1,2 Sandra Keeney. wk 3,4 Charlene A. wk 5

EXTENDED SESSION 10:30am (age 2-Grade K) Matt & Debra Yordy Diane & Tanya Bonnie Behney Chris DeMille Leah Blatt Diane Long Feathers Deneen Ebling Sue Hartranft WELCOME CENTER

8:15 Sharon Dosch Louise Graby Rachel Graby Michelle Snyder Sally Emerich

10:30 Ruthe C./Pat T Sandy Manbeck Dorothy Gensemer Barbara Batz Connie Manbeck USHERS 8:15 10:30

1st Sunday, Marvin Luckenbill Robert and Wendy Lingle Andy Wise Samuel Forry, Matt Blatt 2nd Sunday, Andrew Brubaker Richard Dundore, Jeremy Platchek Christopher Brubaker James and Gerald Bowman 3rd Sunday, Mike Graby Kenneth Duell, John Ziegler Rachel Graby Buddy and Debbie Seigfried 4th Sunday, Dorinda Kauffman Richard Yenser, Derek Yenser Carl M. Kauffman J.R. Yenser, Kyle Yenser 5th Sunday, Andrew Brubaker James and Gerald Bowman Chris Brubaker Richard Dundore, Jeremy Platchek

NURSERY (Infants & up to age 2 ) Doris Keeney (717)933-2525

1st Sunday, 8:15 - Rachel Graby

9:15 - Carol Peace & Doris K 10:15—Becky Rebman

2nd Sunday, 8:15 - Mike & Carol Peace

9:15 - Dianne High, Wendy Lingle 10:15 - Jim & Karen Weinhold 3rd Sunday, 8:15 –Shelley & Alexis Yenser 9:15 - Debbie Seigfried/Chris DeMille 10:15 - Jonathan & Tiffany Bicksler 4th Sunday, 8:15 - Becky Rebman 9:15 - Becky R & Doris Keeney 10:15 - Nolan, Doris Keeney 5th Sunday, 8:15 Joe & Brenda Brubaker 9:15 - Doris Keeney 10:15 - Sue Hartranft



Noon-2pm Parsonage, Youth Membership Class

PAV Res/ Scouts

6pm, JJJ Life Group Potluck

17, Youth Alpaca Shearing

7pm, Ministry Teams Meet

2-8pm, Photography Appointments

18, Youth Alpaca Shearing

2-8pm, Photography Appointments

19, 9am, F, Thirsty Thurs w/P.Matt (last one)

2-8pm, Photography Appointments

6pm Café, “Feeding Trough” Bible Study

20, 2pm, Bethel Food Pantry

1:30pm THS Baccalaureate Practice

2-8pm, Photography Appointments

6pm Tiger Cubs Meet

21, 7am Blue Star Rest. Men’s Ministry Breakfast

PAV Res-Wise Reunion

9-4pm Photography Appointments

9:30am, Pack Meeting

10am E-town, ANE Volleyball Tournament

6pm Young Family Fellowship meets

22, WLBR Broadcast Sunday

Newsletter Deadline

8am PAV Res/S Hartranft

12noon-4pm Parsonage, Youth Membership Class

4pm, Pack Meeting

6:30pm THS Baccalaureate

23, 9am Parsonage, Ladies Bible Study

7pm Preschool Recognition Night

24, Ministry Team minutes due

12:30pm 50 Plus Meets

6:30pm, Den Meeting

25, 7pm LVBH Service (Spring Remembrance)

26, Ministry Team Minutes Due

6pm Café, “Feeding Trough” Bible Study

30, MEMORIAL DAY (office closed)

31, 5:30pm PAV Res. Girl Scout Ceremony

June—type up the latest with changes from the calendar

Mission of the Month for MAY

Family Assistance



Mon & Wed



practices are 7pm,

Wednesdays. If an-

yone would like to

join in, we would

love to have you!

Choirs are almost done rehearsing for the season!

Jubilee’s last rehearsal is May 18.

JOY and Jubilee will resume September 7, 2016

Senior Choir will resume September 8, 2016

Li t t le Swatara

Church of the Brethren

Pastor Matthew S. Christ

GATHERING MUSIC WELCOME ... ANNOUNCEMENTS (please sign the friendship register and pass to your neighbor)

OPENING HYMN “Spirit divine, inspire our prayers” #30 JOYS & CONCERNS PASTORAL PRAYER HYMN “Savior, like a shepherd lead us” #355 TITHES and OFFERINGS HYMN “Oh Holy Spirit, making whole” #300 CHILDREN’S STORY MESSAGE “For what we believe”

SCRIPTURE: Acts 2: 1-47 CLOSING HYMN “I believe in you, Lord Jesus” #440 BENEDICTION

WELCOME ... ANNOUNCEMENTS (please sign the friendship register and pass to your neighbor)

HYMN—SR CHOIR “A Lord-Built House” JOYS & CONCERNS PASTORAL PRAYER HYMN “Spirit divine, inspire our prayers” #30 TITHES and OFFERINGS CHILDREN’S STORY HYMN— SR CHOIR “I shall not be Afraid” MESSAGE “For What We Believe ” SCRIPTURE Acts 2: 1-47 HYMN “I believe in you, Lord Jesus” #440 BENEDICTION MUSIC FOR THE JOURNEY


Thoughts for next week:

“This is where the healing begins”

Acts 3: 1-26

Have you ever expected God to act in a certain way and

He decided to act in another way?

There are Children’s Bulletins on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Please help yourself. Music & Worship Team


We are in need of VOLUNTEERS to welcome and sign in pictorial directory participants….. Tuesday 12-8, Wednesday-Friday 1:30-8, Saturday 8:30-2, call, text or email Denise Christ at 570-246-8196 or if you can help in any of these time slots. Much appreciated.

May 17, 18—Alpaca Shearing May 22—Activity June 5— Youth Yummies June 12—6-8pm @ Tri-County W.

Birthday Box 100 year old celebration! Verna Gibble will be 100

on May 17th! Help it be very special by dropping a birthday card

in the box on the narthex table.

Deadline is

May 15th.

You are Invited! District CoB 2016 Annual Conference Briefing with Moderator, Andy Murray, Sat. June 4 at the Hempfield Church of the Brethren in Man-heim, PA. 8:30am-11am. All are welcome, no registration needed.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Sr. High Youth are planning a work camp trip to South Carolina July 3 - 9. We have room for one more youth. If you would like to go, please contact the Advisors, Mark & Karen Myers, or Rich and Shelly Yenser.

BAPTISMS at Little Swatara Prepare now for June 5th. Baptisms for

some will be during the 10:30 service while others will take place later in the day at Seiler’s Pond outside of Bethel.


LOCAL MAY EVENTS Today, May 15, 2016

2:30pm Trinity United Brethren

Church (Little White Church)

Mt. Aetna PA

Service, music and fellowship

Please join us!


“An Afternoon with C.S. Lewis”

Sun. May 22 at Altalaha church

1-2pm by Pastor Stevenson.

Little Swatara Tractor, Car, Truck

and Motorcycle Show is June 18 from

8am-1pm. Food, Games and Fun!

There will be a Flea Market, Vendor

Sale and Tool Sale. For the children we

will have a pedal tractor pull at 10am,

face painting, train rides and some fun

games provided by the preschool board.

It will be a great time for all! Come on

by and enjoy the day!

Preschool will be having some fun free

games (bean bag toss, lollipop tree,

etc). We are providing some snacks and

prizes. We will also have some brochures

there to advertise the preschool program.

Attn. Youth: June 12 we will be par-

ticipating with local youth groups as

part of the Youth Ministry Network

started by Joel Jackson, youth pastor

at St. Thomas Church in Bernville.