Traditional slovenian breakfast

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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A traditional Slovenian breakfast is a sliece of dark bread, butter, honey, an apple and a cup of milk.

And with the “all clear” from the Slovene beekeeping group the Ministry of farming, foresting and food, together with the Ministry of education and sports and the Ministry for health and the Farming-foresting office of Slovenia, the Industrial office of Slovenia – the office of farming and nutrition companies and the Institute for health protection the project >>Tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk<< was started.

We wish that students, particularly those who don’t eat breakfast in the morning, would find out how important it is to start the day with breakfast witch gives you the energy for the day. Every day when you get out of bed think how many hours it’s been since your dinner. After so many hours your energy is depleted and you need a refill and that’s what breakfast is for. This means it is vital for you to have breakfast.

This project was created to introduce kids to Slovene food and have it for breakfast. We used food from farmers and not from shops because that way it is more fresh and more full of vitamins. We did not use anything for preserving food during long-distance hauling. Plus by doing so we’re preserving the environment. And when we buy food made by our farmers we are giving them funding to continue with there work. Tell this at home, remember it when you go shopping for food…

If Slovene farmers will have work they will bekeeping the country like it is, witch is valued by people from other countries who come to our country than by us who live on it.

• Some info on the project-we used:

• - 18 000 kg of bread

• - 2600 kg of butter

• - 52 000 l of milk

• - 3100 kg of honey

• - 34 000 kg of apples