Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A ...Transportation Planning, The City of...

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Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 3 (2015) 63-79 doi: 10.17265/2328-2142/2015.02.001

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A

Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability

in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Shahram Tahmasseby

Transportation Planning, The City of Calgary, Calgary 2500, Canada

Abstract: The City of Calgary did a comparative study between two techniques of traffic data collection: Bluetooth sensors and crowdsourcing, for measuring travel time reliability on two goods movement corridors in Calgary, Alberta. To estimate travel time and speed, we used the output of BluFAX sensors, which were operated by monitoring Bluetooth signals at several points along a roadway. On the other hand, TomTom historical traffic data were extracted from the TomTom Traffic Stats portal. To calculate travel time reliability, we applied the buffer index, and the planning time index recommended by FHWA (Federal Highway Administration). The Bluetooth traffic data were presumed as the benchmark in this study. Unlike the TomTom traffic data, the data provided by the Bluetooth technology met the minimum recommended sample size requirement, although data processing was time consuming and impractical for long study periods. Our study results showed that crowdsourcing technique can be a viable alternative and provide travel time reliability estimates with a reasonable accuracy, when there are adequate numbers of records registered. However, the TomTom sample sizes in Calgary were not large enough to provide a statistically reliable method of providing travel time indices. Further researches may verify the accuracy of crowdsourcing technologies for travel time studies. Key words: Bluetooth, BluFAX, travel time reliability, TomTom, buffer time index, GPS (global positioning system) based traffic data, crowdsourced traffic data.

1. Background and Study Motivation

Calgary in the province of Alberta, Canada is an

intersection of two major transportation corridors

(Fig. 1):

the Trans-Canada Highway which is a

transcontinental federal-provincial highway system

that travels through all 10 provinces of Canada between

its Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean coasts to the west

and east, respectively. It is, along with the

Trans-Siberian Highway and Australia’s Highway 1,

one of the world’s longest national highways with the

main route spanning 8,030 km (4,990 miles) (Fig. 1);

the Queen Elizabeth II Highway (known as

Deerfoot Trail in Calgary), which features 21

interchanges, stretches 50 km and is Alberta’s busiest

Corresponding author: Shahram Tahmasseby, Ph.D., P.Eng., research fields: transportation systems engineering and intelligent transportation systems. E-mail:

highway with traffic volumes ranging between 27,000

and 158,000 vehicles per day depending on the location


Calgary is a key distribution centre of Asia-Pacific

related imports and exports. Trucking accounts for

46% of imports and 64% of exports. Over the last 14

years, the number of registered commercial vehicles

has been growing faster than the population. This

indicates the growing importance of commercial travel

within Calgary. According to Alberta Infrastructure

and Transportation’s Office of Traffic Safety [2],

between 2005 and 2007, the number of registered

commercial vehicles in Calgary increased from 88,386

to 110,500, (25%), while Calgary’s population

increased by 7%. Commercial vehicles made over

265,000 trips a day in 2006. Out of those vehicle trips,

nearly 80% had origins and destinations within the city



Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Fig. 1 The nationwide Trans-Canada Highway (stretched over Canada from east coast to west coast) and the provincial Queen Elizabeth II Highway in Alberta (north-south).

The goods movement corridors are identified based

on the primary goods movement network map prepared

by the city (Fig. 2). The important corridors are

identified according to the percentage of traffic

consisting of trucks on the primary goods movement

corridors and thus ranking the corridors.

The MDP (Municipal Development Plan) [3] and

the CTP (Calgary Transportation Plan) [4] both

recognized the important role of goods movement in

Alberta economy in 2009. A safe, well-organized and

connected goods movement network contributes to a

prosperous economy.

The Monitoring and Reporting Program provides a

mechanism through which the goals, objectives and

policies of the MDP and CTP are being evaluated. The

programme identifies several citywide indicators that

are relevant to the implementation of these plans. The

travel time reliability on the goods movement network

is one of the citywide benchmarks monitored by the

programme. By estimating the travel time reliability on

selected goods movement corridors over time, the

effects of network improvements and the impacts of

congestion and delay on commercial vehicle

movement can be measured and alleviated as required.

Currently, most road authorities use loops,

pneumatic tubes (hoses), magnetic sensors, cameras or

infrared sensors to measure traffic performance.

Although, these traditional systems are proven

methods of collecting traffic data, they each also have a

number of drawbacks and shortcomings such as:

The initial cost can be excessive because these

systems may need the installation of hardware

alongside the road or directly on the road surface;

Maintenance costs can be significant as well due

to extreme weather conditions or vandalism;

Most of these traditional systems are not able to

precisely quantify speed and travel times over

segments and can only provide spot speeds at point

locations with a reasonable degree of accuracy;

While camera systems with automatic license

plate recognition can measure travel times, they are

incapable of measuring variations in speed between

two camera locations or provide local-level speed

measurements along the path;

The reliability of camera and loop systems

depends on calibration and validation;


Trans-Canada Highways

Queen Elizabeth

II Highway

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Fig. 2 The City of Calgary primary goods movement network. Source: the city of Calgary, ROADS [5].

Primary goods movement network Main goods movement corridor

Urban structure Centre city

Major activity centre

Community activity centre

Industrial-employee intensive


Industrial Greenfield

MD of rocky view industrial


Air cargo

Existing intermodal rail

Rail maintenance yard

Distribution facility

Research park

Future research park

Connection to route in region

Transportation/utility corridor

City limits


This map represents a conceptual land use structure and transportation networks for the city as a whole. No representation is made herein that a particular site use or city investment, as represented on this map, will be made.Site specific assessment, including environmental contamination, as well as the future financial capacities of the city of Calgary must be considered before any land use or city investment decisions are made.


0 1.5 3 6 9

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Automated counts do not provide information and

perception on travel behaviors.

Given the aforementioned disadvantages and to

fulfill the mandate of the MDP and CTP programmes,

the Transportation Department of the City of Calgary

[6] has investigated opportunities to use new

technologies, including Bluetooth travel time

monitoring equipment, as well as real time and

historical traffic data provided by crowdsourcing

techniques. The city envisages developing the

methodologies for travel time and speed measurements

with the following characteristics:

repeatable from year to year using available data;

simple and easy to understand;


easily applicable and reliable;

always feasible given the regions’ prolonged and

harsh winters.

2. Bluetooth Technology

Given the traditional methodologies’ shortcomings

for travel time and speed measurement and the city’s

trend to leverage the latest techniques of traffic data

collection, the Bluetooth technology could be a

preferred alternative to provide a larger sample size of

travel time and speed at a lower cost than that is

possible with the conventional methods.

Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for

exchanging data over short distances (using

short-wave length UHF (ultra high frequency) radio

waves in the ISM (industrial, scientific and medical)

band from 2.4 GHz to 2.485 GHz) from fixed and

mobile devices and building PANs (personal area


In terms of accuracy, the Bluetooth technology gives

an outstanding level of preciseness compared to the

other methods, i.e., inductive loops, radar detectors and

image processors commonly used to infer travel time,

because travel time is directly sampled rather than

inferred from the point speed detections.

3. Crowdsourcing Methodology for Traffic Data Collection

The wide deployment area of Bluetooth sensors

incurs significant costs including personnel time and

costs to traffic organizations.

Ironically, crowdsourcing has introduced a new

method for measuring speed, travel time and thus road

performance measures since the past decade. GPS

(global position system)-based data record, GSM

(global system for mobile communication)-based FCD

(floating car data), in dash navigation, and other forms

of crowdsourced traffic data are practical and handy in

this context. Probe devices in moving vehicles, which

may be cellular phones, or more commonly GPS

devices, provide crowdsourced traffic data. In the

context of FCD, as vehicles with probe devices are free

to move everywhere on the road network, they are

called “floating” probes and are not limited to roadside

infrastructure to communicate with the FCD system.

Consequently, FCD can measure traffic speeds

everywhere probe vehicles are moving. The major

advantages of crowdsourcing in comparison to the

traditional methods could be outlined as follows:

capability of measuring speeds and travel times on

lengthy stretches as well as the variance in speed along

the way with low cost and without degrading traffic


capability to understand travelers’ behavior

without conducting travel surveys;

no need for installation or maintenance of

roadside units and devices, saving substantial costs and

avoiding any disruptions to traffic flow;

supporting sustainability and environment;

providing information which is doable for the

whole traffic network and thus not limited to the parts

of the network facilitated by data collection


changing the trend of fieldwork with office work

for the purpose of traffic data collection, resulting in

cost savings and thus saving field personnel’s time.

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Due to the fact that the quality and accuracy of

GPS-based and crowdsourcing technologies are

continually improving, it will not be unrealistic to

presume that applying these technologies will be

dominant in transport authorities in the near future to

calculate real-time speed, travel time index, travel time

reliability metrics, queue measurements and so on. In

other words, they have potentials to be considered as

reliable alternatives for traditional methods of travel

time studies and may result in significant cost and time

savings for traffic and transportation organizations

particularly when dealing with tight budgets and

limited number of equipment and staff. Nonetheless,

the benefits of crowdsourcing may vary and depend on

the adequacy as well as accuracy of the data.

4. Recent Practices in Bluetooth and Crowdsourcing Techniques

Bluetooth technology as a non intrusive method for

traffic data collection has been used for traffic

measurement since 2005. When vehicles are carrying

detectable Bluetooth devices (i.e., navigators, mobile

phones, headsets, etc.), they can be identified by

Bluetooth sensors installed at multiple locations along

a highway. Bluetooth sensors generally are less costly

than other sensor technologies. However, expansion of

this technology for traffic monitoring and especially

travel time estimation depends on asserting its

accuracy and reliability. Outliers are a common

problem in travel time studies and the reliability of

Bluetooth studies depends on elimination of them [7].

Recently, TTI 1 conducted a comparative cost

analysis for data collection using different techniques,

i.e., toll tags, dual loops, magnetometer, private sector,

radar and Bluetooth [8]. The total costs (in thousand

dollars per mile) for a 5-year monitoring period

revealed that the Bluetooth technology is the least

costly method compared to the others.

In the I-95 Corridor Coalition’s VPP (Vehicle Probe 1TTI is the Texas A&M Transportation Institute in College Station, Texas is the largest transportation research agency in the United States.

Project), BluFAX sensors have been used by the

University of Maryland since July 2008 to monitor

INRIX2 [9] freeway data quality for the I-95 Corridor

Coalition VPP [10, 11]. On this corridor, the Bluetooth

technology has set the standard for quality control for

outsourced traffic data [10].

In 2010, MTO3 was the first in Canada to deploy

Bluetooth units for traffic delay compliance monitoring

[12]. Permissible traffic delays are included in the

Performance Specifications of MTO’s new

Design-Build Contracts, which portray the maximum

length of time a contractor may delay traffic throughout

a construction zone.

In 2011, the City of Calgary conducted travel time

and speed studies on three goods movement corridors

in the city (Glenmore Trail, Barlow Trail and Deerfoot

Trail) by using its BluFAX sensors [13]. Travel times

and according speed were measured on the

aforementioned roads three times a year

(September/October, January/February and May/June),

each time 20 weekdays, to provide a comprehensive

travel pattern and to include the impacts of seasonal

variations on travel time. To estimate the penetration

rate, pneumatic tubes were used to count the traffic

volume on the abovementioned corridors. The

penetration rate and the study results accuracy

demonstrated the applicability of BluFAX sensors for

short time assignments.

In the context of the applicability of crowdsourcing

technology in transportation modeling, Prato et al. [14]

present the estimation of the value of congestion and

the value of travel time reliability from the observation

of drivers’ route choice behavior in the greater

Copenhagen area in 2011. Car drivers were driving a

vehicle equipped with GPS and recorded GPS points

were matched to the network of the Danish national

2INRIX is a SaaS (software as a service) and DaaS (data as a service) company which provides a variety of internet services and mobile applications pertaining to road traffic and driver services. 3MTO (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) is the provincial ministry of the government of Ontario which is responsible for transport infrastructure and related law in Ontario, Canada.

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


model (LTM (landstrafikmodel)) for constructing a

dataset of observed route choices.

TomTom4 has recently published a traffic index for

more than 160 cities worldwide for the public

information for the year of 2013 [15]. The

methodology being developed compares travel times

during non-congested periods (free flow) with travel

times in peak hours. The difference is expressed as a

percentage increase in travel time.

INRIX uses a proprietary data fusion engine which

has been developed using a Bayesian modeling and

proprietary error correction technology to process over

400 crowdsourced data aggregated by the INRIX

Smart Driver Network and to generate traffic

information accordingly [16, 17]. INRIX collects

trillions of bytes of information about roadway speeds

from nearly 100 million anonymous mobile phones, a

few vehicle manufacturers, trucks, delivery vans and

other fleet vehicles equipped with GPS locator devices,

Garmin Navigation, Kenwood Traffic Services, etc..

The data collected are processed in real-time, creating

performance metrics on analytic tools

( by

exhibiting, for example, historical traffic speed

information, buffer time index, etc., on major freeways,

highways and arterials across the US continent. The

format of the data appears to be somehow similar to the

TomTom historical traffic data and performance


The MTO in 2012 purchased travel time data from

two vendors namely INRIX and TomTom for the

province of Ontario for 725 directional freeways, 407

directional arterials and eight ramps within the greater

Toronto study area [12, 18]. Also, travel time obtained

from Bluetooth receivers was obtained from the

ministry for selected arterial road sections and ramps.

A comparison was made between and among these

three data sources. The study results showed that both

TomTom and INRIX data sources were able to provide 4 TomTom NV is a Dutch manufacturer of automotive navigation systems, including both stand-alone units and software for personal digital assistants and mobile telephones.

traffic data for both collector and express facilities.

However, both sources failed to provide data for high

occupancy lanes separate from the general purpose

lane. Similarly, the Bluetooth technology is incapable

to provide results with a reasonable accuracy given its

inherent shortcoming in terms of traffic distinction

between close parallel routes.

KMJ Consulting, Inc. conducted a comparative

study to evaluate the efficiency and viability of two

different methods of travel time data collection on a

signalized arterial corridor (Verree Road in

Philadelphia, PA (Pennsylvania)), i.e., traditional

method of floating test car runs using GPS equipments

and the deployment of Bluetooth technology using the

BlueTOAD 5 product [19, 20]. They observed a

number of advantages when using the Bluetooth

technology such as offering more realistic

approach to measure travel time as experienced by the

drivers, the ease of installation and operation, and less

inclination for human error. However, they pointed out

some disadvantages as well, such as requirement for a

certain technology awareness/knowledge to operate the

device (installation, downloading data), the large

amount of data which can pose analytical

challenges, cost, vulnerability to vandalism and the

requirement for access to publicly or privately own

infrastructure such as utility poles, traffic signal poles,

etc. for installation. Nonetheless, the study findings

demonstrated that the Bluetooth technology is the most

cost effective alternative given the volume of data


5. Bluetooth Technology Widely Used by the City of Calgary

Given the advantages of the Bluetooth technology in

travel time measurement, the City of Calgary’s Roads

Traffic Division [21] uses data collected from travelers’

Bluetooth devices to routinely measure travel time and

speed on the city’s skeletal and goods movement

corridors and thus calculates and publishes travel time

5TOAD stands for travel-time origination and destination.

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


reliability metrics based on travel time observations.

The technology currently being used by the city is

“BluFAX sensor” which is a battery-operated,

self-contained unit designed by Traffax Inc. to conduct

travel time and O-D (origin-destination) studies on

freeways, arterials and urban roadways. It is suitable

for measuring travel time on both freeways and arterial

roads with a variety of modes. The system can collect

data from pedestrians, or from any vehicles occupied

by individuals carrying Bluetooth-enabled devices as

long as the Bluetooth devices are paired.

Furthermore, it is supported by proprietary software

(BluSTATS) to process and analyze the BluFAX

sensors data [10]. BluSTATS generates segment

summary statistics including segment length, number

of data points, travel time/speed descriptive statistics

(e.g., mean, median, minimum, maximum, percentiles

and standard deviations) in a .cvs format suitable for

manipulation in 5, 15 and 60 min time frames.

Moreover, it combines segments to constitute

alternative paths through the study corridors.

Currently, the city of Calgary has permanent

monitoring stations equipped with BluFAX sensors

along the Queen Elizabeth II Highway (known as

Deerfoot Trail in Calgary), Crowchild Trail and

Glenmore Trail (Fig. 3). For travel time studies on

other corridors, the city typically installs portable

BluFAX sensors as temporary Bluetooth traffic data


As indicated before, the main goal of operating those

units is to provide real-time travel time information to

the public. The roads operations centre stores the

real-time data which are then downloaded and

analyzed by the transportation data division to

determine the travel time and travel time reliability

indices. Fig. 4 exhibits travel time reliability,

represented by planning time index, during p.m. peak

hours (working days only) in the month of December in

2013 on few segments of abovementioned corridors

provided by the city owned stationary sensors. Fig. 4

clearly shows that the planning time index exceeded

600% on some segments demonstrating severe traffic

congestion in peak hours on the city’s skeletal roads

and goods movement corridors.

Similar to BlueTOAD’s shortcomings observed in

the case of Verree Road in Philadelphia, PA, the main

challenge of the BluFAX sensors in Calgary is

BluSTATS’ output formation which creates a huge

number of recorded vehicles on high traffic volume

corridors. Creation of such enormous records imposes

difficulties to traffic data analysts in terms of data

processing, manipulation and thus conducting travel

time and speed studies. Given the software’s

(BluSTATS) limited capacity for processing massive

data, the data need to be processed in two or three

weeks chunks. This process is time consuming and

notably demands a great deal of a data analyst’s

working time. For the sake of practicability and given

the limited capacity of the BluSTATS software, it is

not possible to calculate travel time reliability metrics

on a high traffic volume corridor (e.g., Deerfoot Trail)

for the entire year.

The other observed deficiency was frequent

interruptions and malfunctions during the operation of

the units as the units were aging. This was the case

particularly for the portable sensors which resulted in

significant gaps and omissions in the traffic database.

Given the challenges of using the BluFAX system,

for longer study periods on heavily used roadways, the

crowdsourced traffic data for travel time data

collection were investigated. A privilege was given to

the City of Calgary by TomTom to use its Traffic Stats

portal for accuracy check of historical traffic data in the

Calgary region. The portal is user-friendly and its users

can define routes consisting of a number of segments,

study periods (year, month and day) as well as time of

the day. Currently, TomTom is providing historical

travel time and speed indicators from the year 2008


6. TomTom Historical Traffic Data

According to a TomTom white paper about historical

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Fig. 3 Permanent BluFAX stations in Calgary, Alberta.

traffic information [22], the traffic data are collected by

millions of TomTom navigation device users

worldwide who voluntarily agree to share their

anonymous usage statistics.

TomTom processes the raw crowdsourced traffic

information received from customers in a

number of ways in order to protect privacy, filter

outliers and create geographic databases which can be


When connecting users’ GPS device to their

computer, these users report data anonymously for

each of their journeys. According to the TomTom

aforementioned white paper, the company now has a

database containing more than 6 trillion measurements

worldwide, collected since 2008 from millions of

TomTom users. Every day, numerous new

measurements are added to this database and this figure

increases exponentially.

Glenmore Tr.

BluFAX units placement

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Fig. 4 Travel time reliability index on two skeletal freeways in Calgary.

6.1 Traffic Stats

Historical traffic products from TomTom are being

delivered on the cloud through a self-service web portal

solution, called Traffic Stats. The portal ensures that

with a set of inputs (that is routes, dates and times), the

user can specify a customized query for their own area

or road of interest, their specific days of interest and the

time periods in that date range that are of interest

(Fig. 5). The results are computed and a report is

generated by the portal for downloading or online view.

BluFAX travel time reliability study—planning time index (December 2013)

Planning time index



Less than 200%

BluFAX units location

The planning time index represents how much total time

a traveler should allow to ensure on-time arrival.

Planning time index = 95% travel time/free flow travel time

0 1.25 2.5 5 Kilometers

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Fig. 5 TomTom Traffic Stats. Source: TomTom real time traffic data infosheet [22].

The results, which are route-based, are given in three

different types of output:

Excel file;

KML file format6;


The Excel file contains the following information:

length of route;

sample size of unique vehicles over the entire

route (or part of the route);

arithmetic average travel time across the route;

arithmetic median travel time across the route;

harmonic average speed over route;

travel time ratio (for “comparison set” time period

compared to the “base set” time period);

average travel time across the route, i.e., the 5th

percentile, 10th percentile, …, 90th percentile and 95th


7. Comparative Study in the City of Calgary

In order to evaluate the applicability of TomTom

historical traffic data in travel time reliability and speed

studies, two case studies were conducted on two

congested goods movement corridors (a freeway and

an arterial road). The main goal was to examine the

efficacy, accuracy and applicability of the

6KML is a type of file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth, Google Maps and Google Maps for mobile.

crowdsourcing technology in travel time reliability and

speed studies and whether it could truly supersede the

Bluetooth technology in some conditions.

Based on the ITERIS research on sample size,

3%~11% of actual traffic flow in North America

carries Bluetooth-enabled devices [23]. A study by the

University of Maryland demonstrates that well-placed

sensors should provide a 4% detection rate for

roadways of 36,000 ADT (average daily traffic) or

more [11]. Young [24] showed even a 2% match rate

on a roadway of 100,000 ADT would provide more

than enough hits to accurately generate mean travel

times in 5 min intervals. An early test of Bluetooth

travel time measurement produced match rates of 1.2%

and 0.7% [25]. An evaluation of the BlueTOAD system

captured approximately 4% of the traffic stream [19].

Kittelson & Associates, Inc., obtained match rates of

3% and 4% during the a.m. peak and p.m. peak

respectively during a 2009 Bluetooth study [26].

Similarly, the penetration rate was estimated from a

series of study on Crowchild Trail in the City of

Calgary in 2011 when the BluFAX units were initially

obtained by the city. The studies showed that the

penetration rate was approximately 3% following the

exclusion of outliers and anomalies. BluSTATS, the

BluFAX proprietary software, matches Bluetooth

MAC (media access control) address between

designated pairs of sensor stations, applying robust

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


statistical base filtering and segment processing to flag

high values of travel time as outliers and to discard

MAC IDs not detected at both locations.

Given the previous case studies’ findings, it was

concluded that the sample size should be at least 3% of

the total vehicle volume within the monitored time

period and that a minimum of 20 days of data

collection is needed to determine travel time reliability.

Given the constraints in data processing for

long-lasting study periods on high volume roadways

and the main study focus on working days, we

considered 15 working days in an uninterrupted 20-day

period (from Oct 1, 2012 to Oct 21, 2012). The total

studied segment length of this corridor is

approximately 2 km and the free flow speed is

presumed to be the maximum allowed speed of

100 km/h.

As Fig. 3 illustrates, 15 permanent BluFAX stations

are currently operating along this corridor measuring

travel times and speeds. These sensors continually

detect and record Bluetooth signals as they come in

range. Each signal’s unique MAC address is recorded

alongside date and time of day. By tracking when

individual signals reach various points along the route,

registration times are determined. By comparing the

records from different sensors, the travel time for MAC

addresses detected at multiple sensors was computed

(Fig. 6). Then, travel time data were clustered into

different time periods, such as a.m. peak, p.m. peak and

weekday based on the starting time. The average and

95% travel times were calculated for each segment of

the corridor. As indicated before, BluSTATS matches

Bluetooth MAC address between designated pairs of

sensor stations, discards MAC IDs not detected at both

locations and flags high values of travel time as


7.1 Case Study—A Segment on the Queen Elizabeth II

Highway (Known As Deerfoot Trail in Calgary)

This corridor is Alberta’s busiest highway with

traffic volumes ranging between 40,000 and 189,000

vehicles per day [4].

It is an important primary goods movement corridor

in the province and connects the City of Calgary to

Edmonton (the province capital) as well as forming a

critical link in Alberta’s north-south trade corridor.

In this case study, we opted for the segment between

S2 and S1 as depicted in Fig. 7. The figure exhibits the

study segment which stretches from the Beddington

Trail interchange (S2) to Airport Trail exit (S1) in the

northbound direction of Deerfoot Trail.

There are two permanent count stations on Deerfoot

Trail within the study area and we leveraged those

stations for the BluFAX accuracy check. In order to

assert the adequacy of the BluFAX sample size and

therefore the study accuracy, we compared the number

of observations recorded by BluFAX sensors during

the aforementioned period to that registered by the

permanent count stations along the corridor.

The average daily traffic count in the northbound

direction of this corridor is about 56,000 vehicles per

day (working days). BluFAX sensors provide adequate

number of records (36,191 out of 1,100,000 vehicles)

which exceeds the minimum recommended threshold

of 3% (Table 1). Nonetheless, TomTom’s observations

for this corridor in this 20 day period were negligible

(only 532 records) and did not meet the minimum

sample size requirement. One reason could be the

TomTom navigation system is not widely used in

Alberta by drivers. Moreover, truck drivers may be

familiar with their routes or use alternative navigating

Fig. 6 Leveraging the Bluetooth technology to measure travel time and speed on a corridor.

Time: 9:15:58 AMTime: 9:13:26 AM

3 KMs

Travel time: 2:32 MinSpeed: 71 Km/hr

3 km

Time: 9:13:26 a.m. Time: 9:15:58 a.m.

Travel time: 2:32 min Speed: 71 km/h

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Fig. 7 The study segment on Deerfoot trail between Beddington Trail and Airport Trail exit (northbound direction).

systems such as Garmin, Google Maps or MapQuest

which are widely used in Canada. Given the inadequate

number of TomTom records, it would be expected that

the travel time reliability study yields a biased result.

7.2 Travel Time Reliability Indicators

The average speed and travel time reliability

indicators are periodically published as “customer

mobility indicators” as part of the CTP and MDP

monitoring and reporting programs [3, 4] as well as

included as performance measures for the

transportation department. The travel time reliability

measures, which have been adopted and included in the

MDP/CTP monitoring and reporting programs, are

expressed as follows:

the 95% travel time;

the buffer index;

the travel time index;

the planning time index.

For more information on these indices, we can refer

to the Office of Operations of FHWA7 and strategic

highway research program [27, 28].

Table 1 outlines the cumulative travel time

reliability indices as well as the average speed for the

studied corridor in the 20-day study period over 24 h

during weekdays and excluding the weekends.

The travel time reliability indices indicate that the

drivers need to consider 38.9% extra travel time to

ensure an on time arrival based on the BluFAX study

7FHWA (the Federal Highway Administration) is a division of the United States Department of Transportation that specializes in highway transportation.

Airport Tr.

Deerfoot Trail 2 BluFAX units

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


outcome. However, TomTom only indicates that 5.4%

extra travel time is required. Regarding the travel time

indices, the figures show that the ratio of the actual

travel time to the theoretical travel time on Deerfoot

Trail stays close to 95% with the Bluetooth

methodology and TomTom estimation shows 91.7%.

Finally, both TomTom and BluFAX outcomes show

that the average speed during weekdays has exceeded

the maximum allowed speed on this corridor. It is

noteworthy to mention that this section of Deerfoot

Trail, which lies in the very northern part of the city,

usually does not suffer from heavy traffic congestion

and the level of service is expected to be on average

either A or B on weekdays.

In the context of comparison of TomTom to BluFAX

and thus evaluating the accuracy of TomTom results,

the travel time reliability figures resulted from

applying BluFAX and TomTom techniques are not

identical, although the difference in terms of the travel

time index is more or less negligible (Table 1).

However, the outcomes show that the two applied

techniques yielded quite dissimilar figures when it

comes to the planning time index.

As the outcomes demonstrate, the inadequacy of

observations provided by TomTom degrades the travel

time reliability and the average speed figures.

7.3 Case Study 2—52nd Street

Similarly, we conducted a comparative travel time

study using two abovementioned data sources on a

main arterial goods movement corridor, 52nd St.,

(Fig. 8) in Calgary form the last week of October 2012

to the first week of November 2012.

The total length of the studied corridor was

approximately 7.5 km and the observed free flow speed

was about 65 km/h (5 km/h higher than the maximum

allowed speed). In order to have a clear picture of the

adequate BluFAX sample size, we applied the

pneumatic tube technology twice (on two different

days) to have a rough estimation of regular traffic flow

in the working days for the study period. The average

daily traffic count for the southbound of this corridor is

about 15,000 vehicles per day.

The procedure of Bluetooth travel time monitoring

on this corridor began by mounting a few portable

sensors along the route for the study period (Fig. 8).

These sensors continually detected and recorded

Bluetooth signals as they came in range, similar to the

permanent BluFAX stations in the previous case study.

To ensure having adequate sample size along the

corridor, the corridor was split into four segments.

BluFAX sensors were placed at locations between the

segments (Fig. 8) to capture data from vehicles that did

not travel the entire path on this corridor. The data from

these segments were then aggregated into a single

dataset for the entire corridor.

Table 2 shows that unlike the case study of Deerfoot

Trail, the number of TomTom records on the 52nd St.

improved, although it was still inadequate and did not

meet the minimum sample size criterion.

Table 1 Comparative travel time reliability study on Deerfoot Trail (24 h).

Indicator BluFAX TomTom Difference

Number of observations 36191 532 -

Detection rate 3.3% Negligible -

Weekday average travel time (min:s) 1:06 1:07 1.5%

Weekday 95% travel time (min:s) 1:36 1:20 16%

Weekday buffer time (95th percentile-average travel time) (s) 30 13 56.6%

Weekday buffer index (%) 45.5% 14.9% 67.2%

Weekday travel time index (%) 95.5% 91.7% 4.0%

Weekday planning time index (%) 138.9% 105.4% 24.1%

Weekday average speed (km/h) 101.3 107.5 -6.1%

Total traffic volume for the entire study period is 1,100,000.

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Fig. 8 The portable BluFAX sensors placement on 52nd St. in Calgary, Alberta.

Table 2 Comparative travel time reliability study on 52nd St. (24 h).

Indicator BluFAX TomTom Difference

Number of observations 3434 960 -

Detection rate 2.3% 0.6% -

Weekday average travel time (min:s) 11:18 11:54 5.25%

Weekday 95% travel time (min:s) 18:18 18:36 1.38%

Weekday buffer time (95th percentile-average travel time) (min) 7:00 6:36 -5.56%

Weekday buffer index (%) 62.1% 55.7% -11.41%

Weekday travel time index (%) 163.3% 172.3% 5.23%

Weekday planning time index (%) 264.7% 268.3% 1.34%

Weekday average speed (km/h) 42.0 37.7 -11.31%

Total traffic volume for the entire study period is 150,000.

52 St. SE between Peigan Trail SE and 130 Av. SE

BluFAX location

S1—north of Peigan Tr. SE

S2—north of Glenmore Tr. SE

S3—south of 114 Av. SE

S4—south of 130 Av. SE

0 0.5 1 2 Kilometers

BluFAX unit is better to set up beyond intersections 100~200 m. Collect data for 4 complete weeks.

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


Table 1 summarizes the cumulative travel time

reliability figures as well as speed between the 1st and

the last station (S1-S4 southbound) on 52nd St. SE on

working days over 24 h.

Based on the BluFAX study outcome, the travel time

reliability indices indicate that the drivers need to

consider a significant extra travel time (164.7%) to

ensure an on time arrival. Similarly, TomTom indicates

to 168.3% extra travel time to ascertain on time arrival.

Regarding travel time index, the results show that the

ratio of the actual travel time to the theoretical travel

time for the case of BluFAX is estimated around

163.3%. Like BluFAX, TomTom suggests 172.3% for

the travel time index. Finally, both BluFAX and

TomTom results show that the average speed on

weekdays (42.0 kph and 37.7 kph, respectively) does

not exceed 60% of the free flow speed which is 65 kph

on 52nd St.

Comparing the results of BluFAX and TomTom, the

difference between travel time reliability figures,

hovers between 5% and 10%: weekday planning time

index (264.7% vs. 268.3%) and weekday travel time

index (163.3% vs. 172.3%)

Despite the inadequate number of TomTom

observations on this corridor (only 0.6%), the accuracy

of results has significantly improved from the previous

case study. This improvement evidently demonstrates

that the number of observations plays an important role

in accuracy of TomTom Traffic Stats. Nonetheless,

further studies need to be done in order to: (1) verify

the positive impact of the number of observations on

the TomTom Traffic Stats accuracy; (2) determine the

requirement of fulfilling a minimum penetration rate

(comparable with that of suggested for using the

Bluetooth technique) to leverage crowdsourcing

techniques in travel time and speed studies.

8. Conclusions and Final Remarks

The main goal of this study was to examine the

accuracy and applicability of traffic data from

crowdsourcing techniques for travel time and

reliability studies. The benchmark used in this study

was Bluetooth traffic data source. We extracted and

used the output of BluFAX sensors to record travel

times over 24 h on working days on two major goods

movement corridors (one freeway and the other one—a

major arterial road) in Calgary in a 20-day time

window. Similarly, in the context of crowdsourcing,

we derived travel times from the TomTom self-service

web portal, called Traffic Stats Portal, on the same

corridors in the same study period. A series of

customized TomTom historical traffic data were

generated containing custom area analyses, travel

times and speeds.

To calculate travel time reliability, we use travel time

reliability metrics recommended by FHWA. The

methodology is preferable since the calculated metrics

are readily understandable by laypeople, including

politician and the general public.

Our study results showed that the Bluetooth

technology as the benchmark was able to provide

reliable traffic data for the selected study corridors for

short study periods. However, Bluetooth constraints

and difficulty to analyze and process its generated

massive data records in long study periods and

particularly on heavily used roads can deter traffic

analysts to count on this technology for such studies.

Crowdsourced data can be an appropriate alternative

here. TomTom Traffic Stats Portal provides traffic data

for the study area, although our case studies’ results

showed that the number of observations was much

lower than that of BluFAX. In spite of this inadequacy,

travel time indices on the arterial road were comparable

to the baseline Bluetooth indices. Nevertheless, this

finding cannot be interpreted as a general conclusion.

Further researches need to be conducted to verify the

accuracy of crowdsourcing technologies such as

TomTom for travel time studies. Furthermore, it needs

to be addressed whether a lower detection rate,

compared to the 3% minimum penetration rate

recommended by several sources for using the

Bluetooth technology, can provide reliable estimates

Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing—A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada


with a reasonable accuracy for travel time studies on

Canadian roads.


The author wishes to acknowledge the help of Mr.

Ekke Kok, the manager of Data Division in the City of

Calgary for sharing his knowledge and making

valuable comments, and traffic data analysts, David

Zhong and Wendy Pan, for their important inputs and

providing the required data for this study.


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