Traffic Southeastern/Newspapers/1986/1… · n l&jor...

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l&jor :oels uate ·k-a-

W.g !hen p. :urn D. pes 8

•e a· tm tti­iDg age

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Dr. L. Dauitl NorrU, ~ PN••••••• tie /inll 'IPI of ., boo.t .. A BiJtort of &adtlrtli a ~ SfGe ~ Silce 1101• to p,...., Z.oa ,..,.,. .. IJSIJOI NorrV .... IIIlA.... ...."'d /f1f' de Ul,... boo-t vlici illchllltt ouer eo,iu fl/flte &10i ..., 1M pnrca\aot4 • de Pt ..... 1t'• ~or .. ~ PUIWirlt co. 411 P. 0. llo«1011, ..0.,.,. OK 147VJ, .,. ., ..., ........,. n. ,. itl11.11.

P .arsons' F

Ti"+Mh.J Chm,ykbtiM, a Ruait" defeetor, will be on ampua Jfoad~. Oet. 6,uapelt.,.U...ol the p.,...,, SeMitr Ptv-j(itm, His ip88Cb will betPa at 10:80 a.m. in Muatp-; II) AudltaciD"'·"

, then ~~. Uld his lemi]y aatbbed aatioa•' end .IJdea " ........

•••••••••••• • t 0 If I 0 • • o o • o o 0

R • Defector Ml'pnl 'l'llltdnr, l-ord uc1 lev eoa-. 11n. Count NibJN Talltoy. ud Joen sa •• were a few of the intenationally lmowa abo joined U. 8. jouratHitt Uld tell t iti D11 penoaeJHJ11 who j«<"ed the Ita·-- fw Cluayk­b•lov'• ta uclom.

AUIItrelia, Ffnl•ad. Car• m•n7, Ft •-ee, llo"•M, lrelaDd, • ud Sa edlla aiiO joiDed tbe lon11 wllo bltfaeeteJ7 aid­ed the iD their filbt for- libenltlaG.

Today, at the ... ol M, Cbm7"•'" il ...... cl with "Cia; lilt for the Na-

tion•, IDe.~ in D.Qe• &Dd Ple .. that ol .. AoeboDc' of H011e• pablkltioa.

He ba tleo pubHded a boot iD Gn et Ba Item en­titled '"Relellel Tbe Mira­cle ol the Sib u iaa Seven" written in colltboretioa with l>uuly Smitll. The boot is the st•1 ol a

teeaepr's 8&rugle for faith &Dd fJeedo+n, a telt­'" ent ol coanp amidlt iDtenn d'DIW jaa foot­step• fmn KGB. It il a stw) wbieb wiD · aeble Chrilltiaaa iD the Weet t.o better undnltend the life of OlriltiaDs made eoa­t.M•ipKUJ ltullia.

ID the Fareward of tile ec.t. Oa Pap 2

1 October 2, 1986

NoiTis Completes Publication DoCu.tnenting University's History


by Leslie Herring Heritap: A tradition

derived from one's ances­tors of the pest. We as students and faculty and steff members, here at Southe•stem and even members of tbe Durant community have become a part of a remarkable heri­tage esteNi•hed by edu­eaiors of years long pnt.

But de spite being a part of sueh a DOteehle herit· age, the majcwity of us remain ignoraDt of both the people aDd events upon wbieb the basie fonndatioa of this institu-

• • tioD was constructed.

In an attempt t.o rectify this lituetioll, Dr. David Norris. of the matCII y Department, began a seereb. into the lristlay of the University and found

before I finbhd t luld compiled ih eadleu

•edt it aU wwth while.• Nania ... coadeBied the

NSIII'dl iDt.o 4&2 ..... of . mean+ aipt wlaida fnt)Ddll

250 ph«orplt• f:nwn as far beck as the eerb' ltoo't t.o the prneat. He entitled thb work ol ert, .. A lli8tGry of Sou~­•stun Oldehwna State UDiversitJSince 1901"'.

Tbe wlw; I! bouts a hater jniDed cover of the .-hoe'a a~llll'l aDd eanies a IMI'bt value of approximately~ $60-$?6. 'l1ae boal. which b DOW

· avejJebJe, ean be pur­cbued • Wily $11.16. .

able." When asked who assisted

him in his researeb Norris commented, .. 1 couldn't even begin to name every­one, I asked, and begged, and se~hed for informa­tion from anyone who was willing tO tell a story. Probably · the man who was most influentual in my preliminary research at the beginning was Dr. James Morrison •

"Dr. Morrison was a former Dean of Instruc­tion here at SOSV. He was abJe.t.o get me &tarted off on the right b aek. He spent many hours with me explaining the processes of the earlier educational system." Norris added an interest­

ing DOte, "The fath4tr of James Morrison was former Southeastern President. W .B.

mouth, I ewfipihd nmeh of my re1esrda fawn •••

paper articles. I began reading the Durant Democrat on mierofilm from 1910 to the present. Along with this I also read articles featured in TaE SOUTHEASTERN, . the campus newspaper beginning in 1923."

Continuing Norris stated, .. Another helpful source proved to be the MHolisso". Holisso is the Choctaw word for book. The .. HoliMO" is what we know today as THE SAVAGE yearbook.

"The use Of the m•erot SAVAGE was derived as a compliment to the Indian tn"'bes. To be ealled

• • a savage was rneoe~1•v•ng a compli;nent ud you were being labeled as a fierce. proud fighter. ' Ill the 1920's, eft'w ta qua t.o instill a senu of "Sanp PI ide" iD tile iutihtiaa .. Duriq times of t'Cnb•

venial i.- I aleololbd at otllier.,.. to .- ...... an view o1 the situaHJe, lor eDIIIple,

Coat. On Pqe ' 'I

Traffic Accidents •

Fa To Students TnfBc .ec:w.a .....

deiiDed tM 'liw 11 of two Southeastern freslliJDea dllriDg the paa wnk. WU.. aDd Cary L7DD, S,... were botb killed Oil their way t.o Durant from their lkott• e t.oWDS.

WilMD,. 20, ol Deni"DD, . was tbrowa from a pickup

driv,._ by-lab COUiiD. Bob­by .Lee Taylor, u they were «*""•ati•g to d•u­es IH Tbur.dq at ap­proxi•etely 8 LIB.

Tbe accident OCNned wheD the driver of the

· NhAD · pickup dl••1ed ••-es to 10 U'CM"HI a semi-trailer truck just DOI'tb of Deai.,. Oil lliab-way 75. .

Rem bad eaund the surf8ce of the ned t.o be · alick. &Dd the da iter lo!rt

. coatrol as the Jliehp left

the biahaay llld lifped thro.,.... wa ... rro. u. vehicle. He WU Jll'lldO'ID­

ced deed It tbe 801"1. wn..,.. wu beat l'lltlllll­

berecl for his CMJtpn tiJng play as a " Ember ol the Deni8oa YeDow J e:brt footbsD tum that WOD the

19M state dta pio! .. ihip. He had '*"ted for the

Yellow Jeekats for two years aDd luld been re­eruitecl b7 many IIJ'aD

college coeebes. He bad choeea Soutbeaste: D t.o further his education, but ' was DIJt playiDg footbeU

• • here. ,

Speoce, 18, was killed iD a tbru vehir'e ecddeat


;SUDday 1.6 mj)M .- of •

KiDptGa 0D biPW&Jl '10. SpeDCe. • d emb.. ol

Southeastern's bate ball Wm, ... Oil his ..,. t.o

CcMit. Oa Pap ~




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ThoBe wbo

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Editorial -

' I game got a . treat. . Our teem ple,ed -a avttJ beUgame and out the winDers acl the llarebiDg

. Savages got the erowd on their feet· with a treu eDCio>•s ·half-time show.

Direetor of Bands Mark Parker ad es'"stant Da Tolly have put a band together that takes gt eat pride in performing ad it shows. When wind instrument plaJers

- bend at the knees and lean baek tO put every OUDee of strength they have into their ·playing, a gteat sound emerges .

This band takes a half-time ebow seriou;_sly, and people in the stands benefit. <It was a gnat show. · Twirlers ad the flag. eoa jwJ added a nel touch of color. u you mjrsed it, you mi•aed the best perfw mtnce ol a

Soutbeastena baad in JeU'S· Parker aad TollJ have ••••pd the bpnd, but ban DOt

saeriflc:ed quality in their aeareh for qnaaiitJ. 'I'M band DOW boaatllOO superb muaic:iaaa. The p.t ide Parbr aad

·Tolly display alao radiates from the " embers as they create desipl pleasing to_ the eJeS, ad blum that stimulates the Hstening ear.. It was impoaaible to find listeners who werell't paWiig their feet or dappiag in t~e with the musie. ' · ,

By the respouse of the crowd when the perf01'1118DC8 ended, it was obvious they would have · a longer half-time.

Bend members are spolisoring the Great Car Wash Marathon '86 this Saturday. They will wash JOUI' ear free, and sponsors will pay specified amounts for eeeh vehicle washed.

I -

show your support for the band. by driving in to the ear wash on Main and. 20th Street and having your vebiele cleaned. Then show up at the nut football I"" e and enjoy tlteir performanee. You'll see a gooa gan;e ana a good sboyt :all ill one.

\ . . . .

. The Southeastet·•• •

USPS 504 THE SOUTHEASTERN, student newaptper ol

Southeastern Oklahoma State UDiversitJ, is pub­lished every Thursday ueept during bolidaJS and examiDttioas;

Seeond elan postage is paid by THE SOQ'l"BEA· STERN. "Btetioa A, Durut OK, ZIP Code T4'l01 • • Subeeriptioa rete is 16 per J8U' with the aew 1eer beginning 011 Sep~••±er 1:

()piDioa upreaed in THE SOU1'HEA81ERN are D~ 'UMJ11 of the ltudiDt bodJ, the~. and the admi*ra&ioD. The opinim1 a(IPehilll ill ,by-.Uned uticlee. cOlumn•, or letters to the editor are

· thoees of the iDdivic)ual writer.

• io I . -i I -Editor




Fteulty Advisor





events: &e• Wrestliag, Goat Tyinc, Team RopiDg, B•u el Raring, Poles, Break-away Roping, ad Calf Roping.

Each toiltezltni com­peted against all other eompetitors with DO el•u· ifieatioas for men and




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tiOn took t).ird wl&la fO paints.

First pl1 ce ill te•m Fb It plu1 iD llreak-awey roping wu earned by rophag weat to David Mark Routon who pieced Aateau With a ~·• ·of 80 with 60 points. Seooad points. Secoad place went pl1ce featured a tie be- to his brother Doug tween DerrieD Miller and AnU.u with 40 points,

co~tition, · Donn ~_;, Carter with 40 wlille third went to Brad Offield took first pl1ce points. . Weger with 36 points-. with ~ points and B.iD In the pole bending ----JIDfD--acadf1f::_ roping; Bob Noc:ker p'aeed 2nd with 3o eo m petition R e y an Conley and Donnie Offield points. ·!- Amason first plaee with 80 tied for first with 60 Matt Holt took first place points, Claudia Parrott points eaeh, while second

in Goat Tying with 70 took second with 60 plaee went to David points. Donnie Offield and points, and Cerra Carter Anteau with 40 points. Joe Custer tied for seeond

Traffic Fatalities


From Page One p~ in the tournament held during the weekend.

The aeddent oeeured at approximately lO a.m. Spence was driving-' 1976 Chevrolet pickup Wliea be

' reportedly veered left. of center into the path of a pickup driven by Robert D. Soow of Deoiaon who was traveling west.

After the collision with Snow, . Spe, ee's vebiele spun around and etme to a stop in the middle of the highway. The vehiele was theo hit broedside by a 1979 Chevy pickup ch ivan by Roger Davis of P.,napt,


Texas, who was also traveling west.

Spence's pickup then burst into OankiS. He •lso was pi'OilOUilCI8d dead at the scene. He was the aoa of I ,arry

and Cathy Spenee of Kingston aad was attend­ing Soutbeastet a oa a eeedemie eeboi"'Sbip. He had been a four-yen member of the HODOr Society at. KingatoD High School. He-had ai80 p~ baseball, b1sbtbeJJ aad football at Kingz_toa . ..

Funeral I8I'Vicea were held yesterday at 8 p.m. at Kingston's United lletbodist Church.

Thund~ys- CODege Night 7:00-9:00 12.00.

With l519N. Road



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It MeiDl to be a C011UD0D

trait that aeton in their later years have a ten­dency to move into the field of directing. It il rare that a twenty-eight year old student is able to have Strong aeting ability and the insight and qualities it takes to direct. L•nny Lee, eurrently in his second year at SOStrs theatre department, has not only suecessfully aceomplilhed these two

' demands on his t•1ent, but has gone one better and has just finished writing _ his first full­leqth play, .. On The Streetcar Again".

I ,•st year Lee played major roles in "Twelfth Night", . "The Secret Affairs of Mildred Wilde", and .. An Actor's Night­mare", as well as directing .. Beauty and the Be .. t", Southeastern's annual show for children. All four productions woved to be very aueceaaful, with "Twelfth Night" rec:ieving a lot of· attent.ioll at lut year's Am.ariun Collesef>­Theatre Festival (AC'l1'). Director of Theatre Molly Risso has ehoeen Lee's play to repreaent South­eastern Theatre at this year's ACTF.

.. Lee is an e:a:eepUonaJ student" said Risso, .. Since attending SOSU he has expanded his creative talents enOJ'IDOUily. I be­lieve he baa a natural ability to waite and has used this alrill alongside his other theah ical kMW·

ieqe in WI iting .. On The Streetcar Again". It ia one of the moat exciting original aeripta I have read in a lona' tin e."

I Ml ia I little n+ore

eautWJa about bia ••· tare: .. At lira I wu amued that people act- · ually enjoyed readtnc the script... later, when evetjoae wu 10 entha­

about dainr it far A~C"""i'l'so•, I became evftad u weD. Uwally a )IIQ· Wif&llt nita ,..... to ••• hia wwiL • .... ; I eaulderiDJIIIf~ fwbpnate that IWIJ lau .... Ieith Ia tlae ..... , ••

"'Oil Tbe Str ut:a• Apin• lallowa the prob­lema faced by a ....0-~ th•~·

iD ............ for ,....._

• A • 1nes ct•-••g, .. Claaaies like .. Streetear" seem to have a dramatic: effect on acton u well as audieneea," said Lee. "The complex, IOIDetimes funny, 1010etimea aerioua relationships that happen off stage is the basis for OTSA."

After writing the IC!i ipt, Lee turned it over to Risao who will interpret the play from a directorial point of view, adding her creative insight before tbe finisbed product takes the stage.

Lee will not lase touc:h of •

his play; however, for he has been cast as Rick, and actor c•lled in by the fictitious company to play the part of Stanley~ "Although there are cer­tain parallela between the character of Rick and my­aelf, it's not exaetly auto­biographical," aaid , ... _ .. Every eharaeter has a little of me in them, and rm lool ing forward to trying to make •Rick' Mil'£

to life." Although Lee wrote the

play, it will be Ri110 who m•kea final deehric"'' con­cerning the overaJl PJ!O­duc:tioa ... 1 trust Molly's expertise in directing more than l do my alrill at writing," said Lee ... U our

produetion of .. On The Streetear Apin" is ne­ceuful, it will be I reault of us wortiq topther as •u ensemble."

gon;ery Auditorium. It will then travel to OSU to compete in the ACTI'. U succesaful. the produdioD will go to Fort wcwth in January for regional finals. where it will ClOIII­

pete for a ebance to travel to Washington DC. u you want to w• fli"''"

Lee befOI'e this juat tm-e in to KSEO radio between 6 and 9 a.m. any weekday • Acting, directiDg and playwliting aside; IMt has •leo worked as a radio &DDOUDCer for 10 yeen. .. 1 just like to stay baa1."

S&4d IMt; and he teen't to be doing just that as "'On The Streetear Again" enters ita third w nk ol rehearsal.

Shcdenl tklce,. for the

production are 13.00.

Rue• ooliona


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• • •


•• ...... r .. - 1.-.l• .... .... ,., /llr,.. put tlt .. v:r•b ~for ,..... ...... ia "''Oa ,.. a ....... ~- dirt - ""'"- ,. c ... n. ,.,., .... Cktrlur 11 ia A.--. for •,......,.., n.cL Pvoae Aaro tie cut ,.. er..l,. ~ .... ,.. ,.. ..., - .. SOBU'• ....... ........ ~ n...n,....._ I

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. .



' . -""F"

Seven •

• From Pqe One ·

there wu a peaiod : of controversy between the • Ada aad Duraat eanmua­ities over eu.etly wbieb location that the iDatitu- . tion should be built." La~ Nw1is added, · "It was quite a little war. they had goinr fqr


awhile!" On a more aea hMia note


he ~ted. '"l'h•t is ·one· reason I feellia;t tbe book


could be valuable DOt oaly to Sout~ ll&udents and alumni, but •ho to members of the CMa•mua­ity as well. , I f~ iD .MY . .resun:h tfiat tbe hiMory of Southeastern, Durant, and surrounding communities alike were· inseparable."

Wheq questioned about what his goal was in writing this book Norris was quick to reply, "My main pWf'GIII in reaearcb­ing and wri~g thil book was to give the readers &D

opportunity to diuover their true heritap. To , help them realise the magnitude of tradition which exists in Ute very , foundation of thi• inatitu­tion and !how very inter- . . eating .aad infaamltive it · could be to them," I

He weot on to eay, "The • book is not aimpl)' a . ' borint, · faetual lilt. of · n•mn, datee. and p!a~a. It ia a Oowiftr a&or, ~ cover to eover, full ·or'

Oetallu J, 1•

, a Disting­Alum~i. Reetor

a 'formet .. Both of tbeae

. are still letive in ~t eoanmunity.

interviews•with them to be quite heM­

" eoliiii£Dted Norria. "Another man that

' a lot of credit

..1--".-:.­: was a . tremen-; during" my reeearcb Pr. Allen Shearer, a

SOSU PaeW'ent 1962 to 1987. · He

me with hua­of pages of taped

·••un," Norris •

He went on stating, "The ~ is just en~. I couldn't possibly begin to nabte everyone who co~tiibuted. I would like . ' to m•ke special reeogni-tio of two ladies who took ti.i.e out from their cur­reAt duties just to h~lp. rMary Castleberry. in the Registrar's Offic:e, w. a big help in provid­int many of the old photo­~ba. Many of the pbo­

ba that I uaed c•me f . put catalogues that sh provided.' ·

, Kay Parham wat ve helpful in the UTe of th. library facilitiea. I

' 't •ven begin to say -you 8M'•gb to thea a .. •

In ctiscnasing the book itself Noa 1 ia aaid, '1"'be bobk eontaina a eanphte

~ . storiea ranrinr Awn the ~ of fcw n ar SOSU pr11 remarkable ·to the absurd, i~nts and ~met faeulty full of pbotoa which are memben~ Compilation of

. • •L. t~ 1!.-A- ed to be separate storiee iD ·waem- ~ ~ prov selvn. It has a re•• per-· a ~arder t8•k than l .had

· aonal touCh to it that will anticipated. IJata that I place the reader right h~ from various cllss next to the. famous edu- scbedules and cataloges cators of the paet." w~uld contradict one

Other names nwatioaed ·• +her, but bopefully we by Nm 1 is in i* eat _,. .· ma!"•l'8d to CJeate an ciation of , their thew ·aad ac~urate list without input we~ Mi• Pa ieeDla . Wviq aayone out."

. ' . . . \

Car. ash M athon ' ' . ! • •

Set By Sav~ge Ba••d The SOSU M•rebini' . fo~ each ~that is washed

Band will be eaadadJng · "The Gnat Car , Wub. MarUboD '81" beaiaainr at a:00 a.m. at car· Wash, 20th and Wilt Main Street bJ Duaat. It wUI be held Oct. 4. . '

Memba1s of tbe rroup · wm. be out in · the ar. -aeekin• apaa10n t~ ~ flaaDcial 8lpiiGI't Band.


Research ~ompile University History He coatinued, "The faet

that tbve wu aueh a tUJ'DOver in the number of Pleaidenta in the early years WU IO*'WIWbat IUr·

priaing. Two yeara seemed to be about the averqe leqtb for one to serve . . A lot of contro­versy waa centered around the in the early days aa well. For instance the fit iq of the first WOIDUl Pleaident at SOSU was incredibly eontrovenial. ·

' "An interesting and very true quote wbieb I ran acroes inumerably while reaearc:hiag waa a credit to the late Paul Laird. It stated ·~ esidents may come, and PI eaidents m_ay go, but tbel'e will always be a part of Paul Laird iD Southeastern'.

"And surprisingly enough I find that true today. Of c:Oune, the only thing ""MMt of today's students lmow about Paul · Laird ia the flet that the fOotbaD field and stadium are named after him. But there is a lot more th•n that... just one more reason I feel that students should read the book," Norris aJuourpd.

The boak alao eoatains pict~ and stories fea­turing BO('itl clubs • and frate~ of the put, .. I know this Would interest students who ~.involved in the clubl of today. It ia important that they lmow how their particular organiution came to life, don't your think?"'

said questioningly. When asked the most

difficult obstacle be ran into while .Wirung the book Norris anawered, "Probably the moet diffi­cult taak in ~ng work of thia nat~ was having to be ao aeleetive. ·

When you sit down tO combilfe aeven years of researeb into !M4netbing readable, you naturally have to leave tbinp out. When I firat beaan I bad compiled over 1200 pages of m•nnsca ipt and over 800 photographs. It W&l

very diffieult to lower those figures to 452 and 250 respectively."

.. The manuaea ipt itself is very scholarly and it is . footnoted throughout. It wen~ through several crit­icism sessions by Di'. Byrd and Dr. Milligan aa weD aa others, but regardless of the writing, whether it be good or bad, the_ story of the institution ia a truly

• int&resting aad remark-able one."

Norris then commented when asked if be bad any reg1ets, .. No, I ·don't have any reg• ets in the w 1 iting

' . of the book, my repeta will COile wben tboae that. have passed tbrourb Southeastern or· those that are currently pawng through do not take enourb time and limPb' atop... and find out whati­tbe true meaning of "Heritage" ia.

(Eclieon .oe.: ~ t11W .,.,._ WA Dr. Not'TU

Off Off 7.00

Hours 4pm llpm 4pm-la•n·


'tMC h Wfll Ch Olle ICIJillf all of tM "tACIM-,n '•"· After complcCitag "'' itatervieto catad upota ~ tu •tory I CGirse to t.U COflduiofl cAGe ella WCII wrot~g. We Cll

,,ude•C•, fcaculcr, catad •to// . nsueber'l, MILJJii, a•cVor em..,.. of tM Dsuat~C co;LtSutliC, •Aould be .. ,i .. g ....,, •. .,. Dr. NorrV for ,ow tim.,

e/fot t, re•eon:A. and d.d;­coCiota. But ntNC of all. for rour grecae ••u• of curiotitJ of wAa .,.ad tu taOCiofl Co crnee ca book of cAW ....,...,.., wAtcA ita eww. "*'provide eacA of u tuAo eo•a.a ita

co .. eacc ""''' il ca gt •• enoUISt of JJI•arun ita kllowi;eg, caad remuaber ;..,. 1

Senators Select 'fh•·ee To Supreme Co11•·t

At the Student Senate Senate bill DUII'ber six meeting last Thursday the was paaaed. '1'hia ·bill waa final aelee_tions for the relating to bavmg a aeeur-supreme c:ourt were ity guard at tbe Home-eleeted as weD as the ,_coming ~ee on Oct. 80 . Cbie_f Justice being On Friday, Oet.S hiih appointed. Two bills were school girls will be on brought before the Sea- campus for the Junior ate, w,ith only one of thoae Miss Papnt. 'l'be8e girls passing. will be given a tour of the

The final aelections for campus by two aeniton. Supreme Court Justices .This tour will familarize were Danny LaCaze, the campus to the girls. Dwayne Rains and The pqent will be held Shelley Poore. Last Oct. 24 and efrbt n em-semester J. Kent Smith hers of the Student Sen-aad John Yates were ate will be aetiq aa appointed by paet preai- jlllben. dent Jay Paul Gumm, \ The aenate surpation Dwayne Raines waa DN"· box ia apia open. Thia inated u Chief Justice of box ia located iD the . . . the Student Supreme Coffee Shop bebtnd the Court. cash rer•«er. SuaaeJtiona

Senate Bill number five . for student ••""*• RMviea waa brouabt before the .Jhould be pl1ced in the senate. This bill bad to do box for

Spr htrfeet abirtl are still beinr .nld by the senate for one dcJollar each. The shirts are left over from the 1aat two Spriar-fests. .

J .

La,a·ge Pizza Pizza

M• . IDJ..,.JJ-l)JID



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HN• eeoming will be October 80- November 1. "We are expecting tbia homeeoming to be the best yet," said Steve

• Moody, wbo •• ves aa Chairman of the Home

• • com1ng eomm1ttee. "We're loc+ing forward to a gi eat w eekead."

All . 't . uniVtlfar 1 orgam-zatioas wi•ldag to eater a queen in the belt• ecomiag queen eoateat must do eo by Wedne8day, Oetober9.

Enta ies must be made in Dean Sleek's office, A210, by 4:00 p.m All organi­zations entering a queen must also eater a float in the parade.

Titles of their floats · should be subwtted to the Dean of Men, Dr. Pat Powers, in room A205 by October 9. The p~ of this is to avoid duplica­tions. Titles _will be approved on a "first come, first serve" b11is.

For the pw-pose of determining winners of the parade, there will be two divisions: (1) Uni­versity Organisations,

lections Due Oct. 9 and (2) Non-University Organizations. Firstrplece award in University 0Igani•ation will be $200, second pla.;e $150, and third ple~e $50. For Non­U niv&rsity Oa genirptioias

\ the lint place award will be $50, aeeond piece $36, and third place will be $20. All floats will be judged on eye appeal, originality, and appro­priateness to the theme.

The theme selected for Ooats in this years home coming parade is ~vel Extravagansa".

Hamecoming aetivities 'will begin Thursday, Oet. 30, with a Homecoming dance. The dance will begin at 8 p.m. and con­tinue until 12 Lm. It will be held in the Activity Center and "Mobile Music Unlimited" will present a video music show.

On Friday Oetober 31, there will be a Pep Reiley at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 1, registration will be held in the cafeteria from 9 Lm. to 12 noon the Alumni

Luncheon will be held in the Ballroom. Alumni Band rebearsal will be held on Paul Laird field at 1 p.m. At 2:80 p.m. Paul Laird field will be alive with aetioa. The Savages will host Northwestern.

The Alumni BeceptioD will be beld at Quality Inn immediatJ,y fo&wiag the game. It will bola all alumni, former Pielidents and Bill Seeds aa a Dis­tinguished Alumnus. Alao following the P"'l the Alumni Band reception will be held in the Fine Arts Building. The Alumni Focus Group

will meet at Quality Inn which is known aa tbe Alumni Headquarters, from 6 p.m.· 7 p.m.

"We are hoping thet many alumni as well as present students will attend the homecoming aetivities," said Moody, "we're really looting for­ward to a good turn-out. I encourage .ftti'J'ODe to attend. We're planning for this to be a terrifie home­coming."


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•Afriea's -Developmeat: Soae Major · laQaes oa \lte ~Dda· iD • ........ which is fiJI ....... to all ill~ ........ at 7:30p.m.~. Odo ..

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C.n you find the hidden •gazines?







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he • eeoaOIBie uvelop .. at piM._.Gia•aa

rr-. . 11'11 to 1110. Abadu wu PI'GI*'"' _.. apr lar the upper ........ of Gitana's . integrated ...ral cle.IIDp• eat JKo- . gram, wltielt was co-

' I I ' I p .. ect b.J tbe Wadel· Baal:, Bai' hh and Duteb goverameata. and the United. Nelms' Food aDd

• • Agricultural Orgaai-utioa. ne I'UI'II develop-\ meat progra"'!S were the

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• " . • il tile autbor ol '"Uaefal Eco­

• for Schrd•. <a lepa aDd Uaivku#t'ee•, a tutboak waitta to be

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• relevMt to AfJ kan Ita-cleats and othli I who wish

analyaia; Other boob· iDdude Review of F.eoow .. ira... "Se cuts for EJtain Sucuaa· Bow to Effeetivel7 Stud7 and Sueeessfully· P~s All Eums", and his moat

t b k • ~:ecea 5GO ,

Deveklp• IDt ia tlae I e•lt' Developed Member Couatriel of the lel•mi.c Developmeat Bank" o

AaibiO.A ...


New '

Students.., A Long es, H888les ~

Rem1niber tbe .loac liDea. holln of walttiac; and ll'lolld daSIIS duriDg enrollmeat? Due to the new pre. eDI"'llmeat sys­tem theM ineoDveaieDeies ean be avoided.

PIe urollu:.ent will be­gin Oil Oetober 'Z1 and last

9:00 Lm. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Oetober 'Z1 is re­served eJtelusively for Seni.n. Juniors can en­roll Oil Qetober 29-80, and Oetober 81 and November 3 111&1 enroll. November ~21 is open to an)'Oile wishing to pre­enroll.

New lt.udenta must first be admiUed. Students . . should 10 •• their ad­viaor tc;t ll'I'MP ~ebedule and ~ 8@rolhc&>&nt sheet. Students who cloa't pre . aently 1have an advhor should lao to the admi•

ice to .receive a permit to enroll. then they W"ll so· ••• the Dna of Students in Ad•inistra· tion Buj)djnR' I'OCMD 206.

After stud1ats have receivJd their urollment

inf room 101. Before a student e•n

enroll all linea must be paid. Thele fiDes iaclude library fines and parkipg fines a1on& with any other ebargod to them m pre­vious aemwters. Full tuition is due at tbe

time of eJIJ'OIImeut. Stu­dents receiviag cnata or voeatioaal rehabilitation should briDe proof of aeeeptanee with them of the Admiasions Olfite.

"In~" a lot of et'BS

pre-enrollment eauaes some eonfuejon, •• said Kay Hughea ... PIe en.roll­•oeat is eet up for atuc:lenta who know what they want to take the nut e, .. ter. It's a real havle when students eon:.e beck at tbe first of a SIWBiter to ebanp the pre earolhMnt aehedule." Kay abo said, "Pre-enrollment makes thinp earier and a lot simOn for jte students .

•• It eho saves ua 801'118 work during regular en.roll­ment." ·



0 celebrate, we·re ul'fering

·. . Off ENTIRE STOCK l Oct.obcr 1-4


IJ'e ate i1 .,.,lft.iUits ,tlclmeiiiM • tlefller

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Native Floridian citi••g Ballca•·rier

Osear Wright is a name that eould beeome v~ry well known to Savage fans in a very short time.

O&ear, who is a Meclieal Technician major from Gainesville, Florida, e•me to Southeastern after talking to Coeeh Kenny Evans who uaed to Coach at Florida University.

I ·:r eame here not1 expect· ing to start· right off beeauae I was told of the talented baek who was already here, Gilbert Reese. I was loo

toward specialty teams my first year, but rm very happy to be starting and playing a lot on offense," said 0~. ·

When watching Osear run with the ball you ean't help but feel be eould break it at any time. The number one on Oscar's jersey goes great with his body frame. Oaear looks like a runner, when he touches the ball you can't help but feel the

. excitment in watching the Cont. On 8

• •

Cw1il An~~~r - • • .....,.., e/lor& eo .... &Ail --,_ 2t.w 7lltiw mdr 8 IJif& IICOArf •lnrf of .... .,...... ~ .coNd tie /ita& S.,.,. ~ of 1M ...., • •

• -1_41& ...... ,

·Ra••d Ha

1J...,.l-...,.,._ _. 11:1~,.......... il ••unll JUt icul fl/ ,.,_ lTN S..U MH af aa Co tLia de ,_. U-JO ill /rtllll of • ..... Pwntl' Dq aowi

Savages Pin For

T 23-20 p

Bison ts' Day Win

The Sav..- outlut.ed HardiDg Uni"V•sity this past week, ~10. S1t"""~·· ~ au a

very eajoyaLJe P"* far Savap fan• to wMd. We WOD, played weD, ud pat Oil quite a show ... the Parata' Day erowd.

The 3-1 s....- .,.. boiling DOihin« baek iD their c6uift .Uadr.

Mih Kww)f w the Savap au.ek. pot•N'iill out 108 yards Oil Zl

• earriiiS.

O.cer Wrisht (Sa...­Spo.ttilbt) ~ the ball 11 tl11 II cheU!Inc up 47 yarda alone with retm D­

ing a_ kkkclf ... 5'1 yards to the Barolinc 33 yard tine, Oarv a'u heuld down two key s..,.... receJI4;il1Ml1, oae ...wtiltc iD a Savap touc"*'w• with 7:11 neaiainc iD tile 111rDDCI pli Wd.

tcluri¥luww • a 1J J•d reeept.ioa fro• 'hoy Taylor willa 11:13 ~ iJa« • tile chck.

0.:. Wnpt toak t.M aecoad S.,.. ......_ oftbehe".._ ......


a six Janl plll8 fiG" Taylor ~ four aNoatn

'ehr. lsePCe We~~tp'Ped Wh

extra :poiat. att.e.apt.a tlt.rouP t.M ........ _pat­ti•« tile s.o.- iD tile lead It 1.

. The &.,. I !HId wi&Ja 1:28 left .. tile IWf ....

-were , aralllllfal • tile _·two.lpailll PAra to hne

· tile- a- dnMMkad at •

tile half. 14-14. Oa tile day. Ti)NGWIJ .,., ..

waatar»witlatllrll xdtl ,_.

to.lliaa•• T•Balwaiu.....-.

Sa..- ueeiuF tar t.M 'dQ- witla two ucep•iau ... Myar& Se•• ~ receiuua

'caPt ,... .. die dQ witla Wnpt ........ die IMacat c••dt alii yar& TheS......rulind•

a,..._. =~• wn'd t.n out. to .... u. ......

P""l .U!¥'*1& a• iNC die punt er to 1 un o zt of the

_ bark of ee-dwae. As a resak S....... toot a

-16-14 lud ud a ""M'h II dedp.

· Tille BieaD ae..-ed late in -tM tllird period to teJre tile •••• ID-11 ....,.,.. • .....two

rM•t eft 2 I ciftlt« tM Snape.~- .... The 1'ltlt nnlred ..... wue led iD t.llle8 by 81 see Pafter with eiPt t.ekleL llib ......... David .,....._ nil Palll Gtay .. '•d ..... talee

-c-t. 0. Pap 8

• '


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. "' . . ~II actima MOR-, ...,.._. ,.,_.., ~ ccHd .oft"" coesepeeieio• eo a dote

for e1110tier •earo11.· n. COp two e..... o/ .ad cfiviiiolt /Geld ••c4 oeA.r eo ate• zni•e tAe nrvival of~ ,lie,_ CoatCi~ag eo •..,. victory _,,., eAe No N.,... o/cAc Gold DMao1L 7\q dt&e oue eAeir oppo~ae..C bw aecore ojJ().(J eo be crotoned 11116 ~ •oftball ~· 1

right: FromPap7

5'9", 162 pound fl11h••n dutee with the bd nm- · ning ''*"lOA effw ti1111T. , In Saturday's wiD O¥er

Hardbtg, O.:•r did e¥11'J· thillg right uc apt wUt. m.wt fle1hn en oftM have trouble working iDto th8ir· p•-e - blomng. I · · .. o.,.. bad a aooc1 pme, . not a a• e. at Ollie, but a 1WI good pme. He jua need• to wwk oa; his bb"ftl" s1id Linta. . ,.

FrelluDaD atlndoutl like Wrfa't are not ...... to .

• ba'riar to blor=k. 'l'beJ are

to ill • tJ. 1baeJiPt. With o.e.r'a abOitJ, it., .. , be ·long blb-e be ... Ilia blocking tecbniqull'dowa.

.Jour .atucUes and eoneen­trlte ~ ~ ... t." . ·· Mo.t students ud stu­dent athl.etea ·have ...... oae the7 ,.., e .to SOSU

' with or~ IIM•ieDDe tber bew was ala IIV attead­.ing Soutbe1stn a and they ldad of re)J ~ them or look up to tU .. for ...,. pcwt. Ou .. ~!led, .. l,·t1ke ~waatt ..... uacl ...... ~to be the belpt I "'D t-. E1ch aipt .l jult - .... l«d to ·~· .. _.. M,lp i• 1 out. when I

• • . .. • ' • ~ .w

·~ ...... FrotRPap2

need it. That's who I tl1k to when I need IIM"e ana wen 1boat my life." WMa you look at Oeear's . . . to mre m CQIIUP'' •eoa

tball U'OUIId bbn, you woacler bow be atand8 the punishment, but · wla_ea you SM him 1 ua, juke, aad atop oa a dbcc you woader how tbe7 catch him. Number oDe, Oaear Wnpt, a Dlfi e to rewa~ bar for future refereace, a Dumber to wateh... U you ean catda bfm. ·

. M far DOW, it is faa ja8t Great • I wavhfng him nm U.. t.n.

' I ' · .. 1 ba~'t niiJy .. IDJ ,a·k a of yet. To ·wiD is

Jlia Korhlw, .U. W lil•l'" oa cAc 611 • ll /ftll*4 eo-.1 Mol ill......,~,.... ClfPIIillttcAc.BUOIIO/~~.JrqobtlfrWila,.......ltleittbtoitl108JarU n JJ c:Grria to fnlf de S.u••• eo eA•ir d:inf "i• of tAe IIIIGIL n. e..i '' aHII eo ~ ....... dU ... t to e.h 011 , .. ...... idiJI of S.udlill LA,...,.. n. gasn• c. be ,._., 0111CLIJC n•io. F'JI107.6.

Savages D.efeat Ftooa Pap7

to their eNdit. The Sav..- ...........

three JgterupUMt OD the day, ODe •atehed bJ Ru;; t'"ne. ~ Alee

Copel1ad clowa the othlr tn. Comm eating Oil ta. game

'•uta •W, '"We piQed pori, DGtpllt, bat pact . I waa vwy pa-d with the wia." "Evea ia

not the iDOit tlleated


a co •



te1m we are lebedu'ed to plaJ, they are a. fuad•­aaeat•Dr "'mA te1•. We m•d•-lldl&abl.but our .... up far over the u""ii of the ...... .

The a....- plq oae of the t.Gup.i ~ OD the ach•dule t"w ...- Ia tbe 8oatMn An-11 ... tld1ra. nu...- 1ltcPeld help to ,........ u.. for

· oro · Wbea aabd IbM& hJa

a- ta die oro Lsn••

0 •

exrean Food •

. ., replied, "I eu't •"wd lo look piA the aut two outblp. We plq two eatrcwely tl'eated teuaa faa '* Arba8aa and. JBuat .. for ... tlr}lt. ....... to lomk ._the n~ad."

Fast . naturally . my jOAI. ~ IDdmdu•"yl juat W.t to

bave fan, &hit's wllat it's all •bout. having fun," DGted 01e1r.

CURA is pliDDing aaotber rodeo far Odober 8 beamaiDg at 5 p.m. No e8try f111 •• nquia ed far iH rpdio 'eveata but a S2& fee is eb•raed fOr be­eomiDg a cumber of tbe ·

. ti Oi'pDIU~.

.. We are :rea~~y looking forward to a· a• eat leiiOD," said Crlic Hiba., .. 1 think we're r8aUy piDg to have' a lot of fUll." '

lOam-lam Sunday- Thursday

WbeD laked if and how the lwlkh from a to DaraDt hu him Wrla'ht nplied, .. NatiF e1IJr it's clitiiMa&. but I t)tlpk it's baeD a pod

~ . eb1np. WbeD you 1 are a · fa e+••u ill spot t. ' ita bardto~... . "It •1kea -it 81ailr WhiP

.... :tw ia't .. much OD UN."'1M 10'1· It ....

· you tbe oppcw tnaitr· to do

' '

For &'e: pciiCOCi bltle _, vtAite Ho"* A,., . 11 ad attrdcti~g 61Metl. ~ ,.,., COIIIIiaeiL .,,

as.., ir/01 ••••• co e e Jlflllw -' · IIHJ1J1 ezt. 111 or 117 or ..... 11 . .

• 10am-3am y-Saturday


324 N. 1st -

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atch For New-

Accept CoUege



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920-0162 '



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