Training or Learning

Post on 26-Jan-2015

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Modern Principles of Effective Training and Development


Training or Learning?

Modern Principles of Effective Training and Development

Theo Rushin Jr

TeraTech, Inc.

Training or Learning?

“Focus on learning, not training”

'Training' suggests putting stuff into people, when actually we should be developing people from the inside out - so they achieve their own individual

potential - what they love and enjoy, what they are most capable of, and strong at doing, rather than

what we try to make them be.

Training or Learning?”Focus on Learning, not Training”

'Learning' far better expresses this than 'training'.

Training or Learning?” Focus on Learning, not Training”

Training is (mostly) a chore; people do it because they're paid to. Learning is quite different. People

respond to appropriate learning because they want to; because it benefits and interests them; because it helps them to grow and to develop their natural

abilities; to make a difference; to be special.

Training or Learning?” Focus on Learning, not Training”

Training is something that happens at work. Learning is something that people pursue by choice

at their own cost in their own time. Does it not make sense for employers to help and enable that

process? Of course it does.

Training or Learning?” Focus on Learning, not Training”

The word 'learning' is significant: it suggests that people are driving their own development for themselves, through relevant experience, beyond work related skills and knowledge and

processes. 'Learning' extends the idea of personal development (and thereby

organizational development) to beliefs, values, wisdom, compassion, emotional

maturity, ethics, integrity - and most important of all, to helping others to identify, aspire to and to achieve and fulfill their own

unique individual personal potential.

Training or Learning?” Focus on Learning, not Training”

Learning describes a person growing. Whereas 'training' merely describes, and commonly

represents, transfer of knowledge or skill for organizational gain, which has generally got

bugger-all to do with the trainee. No wonder people don't typically enjoy or queue up for training.

Training or Learning?” Focus on Learning, not Training”

When you help people to develop as people, you create far greater alignment and congruence

between work and people and lives - you provide more meaning for people at work, and you also

build and strengthen platform and readiness for any amount of skills, processes, and knowledge

development that your organization will ever need.

Training or Learning?” Focus on Learning, not Training”

Obviously do not ignore basic skills and knowledge training, for example: health and safety; how to use the phones, how to setup

your desktop, etc - of course these basics must be trained - but they are not what

makes the difference. Train the essential skills and knowledge of course, but most

importantly focus on facilitating learning and development for the person, beyond 'work

skills' - help them grow and develop for life - help them to identify, aspire to, and take steps towards fulfilling their own personal

unique potential.

Training or Learning?” Focus on Learning, not Training”

Training or Learning?

“Develop the person, not just the skills and knowledge”

Skills and knowledge are the easy things. Most people will take care of these for themselves.

Helping and enabling and encouraging people to become happier more fulfilled people is what employers and organizations should focus on. Achieve this and the skills and knowledge will

largely take care of themselves.

Training or Learning?”Develop the person, not just the skills and


Training or Learning?

“Give people choice”

Training or Learning?”Give people choice”

Give people choice in what, and how and when to learn and develop - there is a world of choice out there, and so many ways to access it all. People

have different learning styles, rates of learning, and areas of interest. Why restrict people's learning and development to their job skills? Help them learn and

develop in whatever way they want and they will quite naturally become more positive, productive and valuable to your organization. (You may need to find bigger and/or different roles for them, but that's entirely the point - you want people to be

doing what they are good at, and what they enjoy - this is what a good organization is.)

Talk about learning, not training, focus on the person, from the inside out, not the outside in, and offer relevant learning in as many ways as you can.

Training or Learning?”Give people choice”

“What kind of learner are you?”

Training or Learning?

Worksheet Assignment

Step 1: Place a checkmark next to every statement that you agree with.

Step 2: Add up the number of checkmarks you have for each question category.

Step 3: Find out what kind of learner you are (next slide)

Training or Learning?”What kind of learner are you”


You are open minded and enthusiastic about new things. You’ll try anything once. Your days are filled

with activities. You tackle problems by brainstorming. Once an excitement has died down, you are looking for the next. You are outgoing and

like to be the centre of attention.

Training or Learning?”What kind of learner are you”

(B)REFLECTOR – Think It.

You like to stand back and think before you act. You’re a people person and enjoy

watching and listening to others. You’re quiet and thoughtful and like harmony. You like to have a good feel for a subject before talking about it. You look at the big picture

and you’re very ordered, calm and thorough.

Training or Learning?”What kind of learner are you”

(C)THEORIST – Test It.

You are analytical and love detail. You take a logical, structured approach to everything you do. You’re hardworking and a perfectionist. You enjoy

theories and concepts and are quick at pulling together odd bits of information into rational

arguments. You don’t like uncertainty and you don’t like anyone being flippant about serious things.

Training or Learning?”What kind of learner are you”


You love ideas and ways of doing things. You’re keen to see if theories work in

practice. You get impatient if people talk too much rather than getting on with things. You

are very practical and down-to-earth. You see problems as a challenge. You’re sure

there’s always a better way of doing things. If something works, it must be good.

Training or Learning?”What kind of learner are you”