Transformation Team Review & Plan Scrutiny...2011/05/26  · zDevelop and pilot mobile working app...

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Adult Social Care

Transformation TeamReview & Plan

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Achievements: TechnologyUpgrade of SWIFT to v25.2

Upgrade of reporting tool to Business Objects XI

Design, build and test of Adults Integrated System

Complete redesign of business processes for SDS

Complete redesign of financial processes

Complete redesign of management and performance reporting

Rollout of AIS and ESCR, including Safeguarding module, new processes and reporting

Rollout of basic IT skills testing and support

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What this means…SWIFT AIS on a stable, supported platform

Much-improved user interface to SWIFT

Full electronic files for the first time

Recording processes match SDS processes, forms and tools

Removal of the SS358 and numerous other forms

Simplified financial approval processes, fewer handoffs

Timely and useful management information direct from the system

Improved staff skills in recording and IT – prep for mobile working

All resulting in reduced duplication of recording across the board (in total!)

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The Year Ahead …Financial Assessment, Independent Sector Payments (automated invoice processing) and Block Contract modules of SWIFT AIS

Develop and pilot mobile working app for BlackBerry Playbook*

Upgrade to v27 – major improvements including useability, in-built RAS and finance processes

Business case for homecare electronic monitoring and scheduling system for in-house reablement – possible implementation

Tell Us Once

Look at citizen portal technologies

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Introducing the 


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Uncompromised web browsing

True multitasking 

High performance multimedia

Advanced security features

Out‐of‐the‐box enterprise support

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Achievements: Personalisation

• Rolled out SDS to all PC&S teams

• Co-designed and co-delivered comprehensive training programme on personalisation and Self-Directed Support

• Increased the overall number of personal budgets or direct payments April 2010 to March 2011 to 4,385 - 27% increase

• Independent brokers based with Advocacy Partners Speaking Up, Just Advocacy, Age UK, Stroke Association and Surrey Independent Living Council (SILC), as well as internal brokers in Social Care Teams

• Services to support personalisation, including Surrey Information Point, Support with Confidence and Surrey Independent Living Council’s Activity Finder, Care Finder, PA Finder and Timebank

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Achievements: Personalisation• Engagement events with private and voluntary sector providers,

borough and district councils and Surrey staff, to explore personalisation and its implications for the provider market

• Developed the Resource Allocation System (RAS) with links to budgets, and gained the confidence of managers with it as a workable tool*

• Right to Control developed and live in Epsom & Ewell and Reigate & Banstead

• Mental Health SDS development and pilot in Epsom & Ewell and Reigate & Banstead

• Framework for proportionate assessment developed and implemented• Supported the development of the ULOs and Hubs in Epsom and


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The Year AheadSupport and embed the new care pathways with personal care and support

Develop brokerage including take-up, quality and a mixed economy of brokerage

Work with providers on more personalised and reabling services

Develop more ways for people to manage their budget

Review / recalibrate the RAS, taking into account the budget position

Complete engagement events and develop next steps for each area with PC&S, Commissioning and Service Delivery

Review & implement proportionate assessment solutions

Evaluate the hubs and agreed the way forward for other areas

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The Year AheadMove to providing fully costed support plans including notional costs for in-house services and block contracts

Continue to develop procedure and guidance documents and resources to support staff with implementation

Move people already getting services onto SDS, working with PC&S and Service Delivery

Agree the way forward for SDS in Mental Health – and implement

Embed Right to Control

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Adult Social CareResource Allocation System


May 2011Transformation and Corporate Finance

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Purpose of the RASMake funding decisions fairer and more transparent

Rebalance the system, moving funds from younger adults to older people

Provide an upfront ‘indicative’ allocation of funding, so support planning can begin with a value

Allow support planning to be outcomes focused rather than services focused

Whole system designed to enable creativity, develop more informal support options and grow community capacity

Manage the budget and deliver savings identified in the MTFP

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Previous work July 2010Revised our Supported Self Assessment (SSA) and our Resource Allocation System (RAS) model

Used pilot data to calibrate the values (points to pounds table), using data on actual services received (OP) or the non-RAS (PLD and PSD)

Scaled up pilot data to compare against the MTFP budget

Applied a 25% reduction to PLD and to PSD – to make this affordable and create a contingency budget for overrides

Agreed to recalibrate when sufficient data, then six monthly

Agreed to move towards a generic RAS

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Actual Budgets - Numbers

Number of CasesOver IB Equals IB Under IB Total

OP 32 2 168 202PSD 7 1 36 44LD 10 1 24 35Total 49 4 228 281

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Actual Budgets - Value

Average Weekly VarianceOver IB Equals IB Under IB Total

£106.20 £0.00 -£152.54 -£110.04£371.48 £0.00 -£204.97 -£108.60£428.99 £0.00 -£280.17 -£69.55£209.98 £0.00 -£174.26 -£104.77


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Conclusions• Whilst the distribution of OP cases has changed since the

pilot data – this is still currently affordable but needs to be closely monitored and managed

• The OP RAS appears to be affordable against the MTFP assumptions, with the potential to make a higher level of savings than currently assumed as more cases (both new and existing) follow the SDS process

• It is too soon to say for definite whether the PSD and LD RAS are affordable as the number of cases that could be included in this dataset is too small

• The distribution of PLD cases requires further investigation and this will be undertaken by the LD PVR supported by Transformation and Corporate Finance

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Current Objectives• Provide evidence that the majority of people can meet their

needs for the IWBs generated by the RAS• Increase staff and manager confidence in the RAS• Gather more data so that the PSD and LD RAS can be

analysed and recalibrated as necessary

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• Focus on reducing recording errors to increase the number of cases that can be used for recalibration

• Improve SSA consistency with staff and increase management oversight

• Increase managers’ confidence and awareness of the RAS, using the IB reports to track the number and value of overrides agreed

• Investigate the distribution of LD cases through the LD PVR