Transitioning from Year 11 to Year 12

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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Transitioning from Year 11 to Year 12. What needs to be considered?. Your child’s pathway(s)/interests. Your child’s goals. Your child’s strengths/weaknesses. Your child’s motivations/aspirations. Why underline child?. Whose future is it? As parents we have to be careful to: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Transitioning from Year 11 to Year 12

Your child’s pathway(s)/interests.Your child’s goals.Your child’s strengths/weaknesses.

Your child’s motivations/aspirations

What needs to be considered?

Whose future is it? As parents we have to be careful to:

not live our children’s lives for them not project our own

preferences/desires upon our kids let our children learn from their own

experiences be realistic about our children’s

strengths and weaknesses remember that our motivations may

differ from our children

Why underline child?

1/ Past experience in course selection

Inappropriate subject choice.Unrealistic expectations.Underperforming, unhappy students.

Why the pop psychology?

2/ Educational and psychological researche.g. Hattie’s results regarding the educational impact of the “overly zealous” parent.

Why the pop psychology?

Supportive/nurturing home environment. Encouragement rather than nagging. An understanding of your child’s journey in Year 12. A quiet dedicated space for study where possible. The need for realism and honest conversations

about pathways, aspirations, motivation and work ethic.

Knowledge of the trials and tribulations of Year 12. Assistance with time management.

But I want the best for my child

It comes back to three fundamentals:

1/ What do I need (for my pathway)?

2/ What am I good at? 3/ What do I like?

Relevance to course selection?

Depends on pathway. Is your student planning to:

a/ go to a tertiary institution? b/ go to university or to TAFE? c/ enter the workforce d/ still unsure?In all cases it is important for students to achieve to their potential in order to maximise their choices.

1/ What do I need?

High, but realistic aspirations.

Disciplined thoughts.Disciplined actions.Disciplined people.

What do I need?

Categories of students:1. VCE certificate student2. VCAL certificate student

3. “Hybrid” student

What do I need?

To achieve the VCE must have:

Completed 16 VCE units.



English requirements:Three units from the English group (English, Literature, Foundation English 1 and 2).

At least one of these must be at Unit 3 or 4 level.

N.B. No Foundation English 3 or 4!


English for University Pathways Need to have both units 3 and 4 English

or Literature sequence to get a study score and an ATAR (discussed later).

English and Lit. will count towards ATAR

English/Literature the most common prerequisite for University courses


Other requirements:

At least three other unit 3, unit 4 sequences.e.g. Biology 3/4, History 3/4, Legal 3/4


The five block model introduced this year.

No “study” periods.More time for each subject.More time in front of teacher.

Less flexibility in course selection.

Implications of the five block model

Most students will “roll over” the five subjects they are currently studying into 3/4 units next year.

Implications of the five block model

Exceptions to this may include:

1/ Students already undertaking unit 3/4 VET/VCE subject sequences.

2/ Students who need to make a change of subject for other reasons.

Implications of the five block model

Why do we ask students to do five subjects when in year 12?

1/ A safety net against failed units.

2/ Implications for the ATAR.

Implications of the five block model

TSC encourages VCE students to choose five subjects when in year 12.

10 % of fifth and sixth study scores count toward ATAR.

Increased diversity of course/meet more prerequisites.

Can repeat a 3/4 unit with no penalty.

I’ve already done a 3/4 unit at year 11

Can I pick up a unit 3/4 subject that I have not previously done at year 11?

What if the subjects I wish to choose clash on the blocking sheet?

Choosing the five year 12 subjects

It depends!

Two new subjects offered at 3/4 level: Media Studies and Physical Education.

Some other subjects can be attempted at 3/4 level without having completed units 1/2 of the subject without significant disadvantage.

Other 3/4 units require a unit 1/2 background.

Can I pick up a new subject in year 12?

Students currently enrolled in Foundation English must choose unit 3/4 English or Literature if they wish to obtain a VCE and/or an ATAR score.

Can I pick up a new subject in year 12?

Students cannot pick up new VET units at 3/4 level and have them count toward the VCE or relevant VET certificate .

Can I pick up a new subject in year 12?

Possibility of undertaking 3/4 unit by distance education.

Past experience of dist. ed. shows only highly self motivated and well organised students experience success.

A clash of units or a subject not offered at


1/ What do I need?2/ What am I good at?3/ What do I like?

Remember the guiding principles

Why?TAFE or Uni?Why?What research have you done to justify a tertiary pathway?

Thinking of Tertiary Study?

How long is my course? What will it cost me (or my

parents)? What qualification do I get? What are the job prospects? Have you talked to any one who is

working in the field you are interested in?

Have you talked to employers?

Thinking of Tertiary Study?

Successfully obtain the VCE.

Achieve the appropriate ATAR.

Meet the prerequisites for the course.

My chosen pathway requires a University degree.

Australian Tertiary Admission Rank.

A percentile ranking relative to all other Year 12 students in the state.

e.g. an ATAR of 75 places you in the top 25% of students doing Year 12 VCE.

e.g. an ATAR of 99 places you in the top 1% of all students in the state.

What is ATAR?

Tertiary Institutions set an ATAR as a “cut off” score to select who can enter their courses.

What is it used for?

Calculated from aggregate of VCE subject scores.

English or Literature subject score plus:

1/ the next best three permissible subject scores.

2/ 10% of any fifth and/or sixth subject score(s).

How is the ATAR calculated?

Derived from scaled study scores.

Study scores (0-50) show how you performed in that subject relative to all other students doing that subject

What is a subject score?

Study scores are scaled to adjust for differences in abilities of students undertaking different studies.

Ensures students neither advantaged or disadvantaged based on subjects they choose.


Absolutely not!

Remember:What am I good at?What do I need?What do I like?

Should scaling influence my course selection?

Yes, but not all VET subjects make the same contribution.

VET 3/4 sequences with a scored assessment (end of year exam) can be used as one of the primary four studies.

e.g. Equine, Sport and Rec., Engineering

Can VET (Vocational Education and Training) subjects contribute to the ATAR?

VET subjects with no scored assessment (no end of year exam) can be used as fifth or sixth subjects in the calculation of the ATAR.

Increment counted as 10% of the average of the main four study scores.

E.g. Auto, Building and Construction

VET subjects and the ATAR

Examples of ATAR calculations

Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) has a website that allows you to search for courses and get an idea of what ATAR might be required for these courses.

How do I know what ATAR is required for the course I want?

Examples of ATAR for various courses

Subjects that must be undertaken to get into a particular course at a tertiary institution.

Different institutions may set different prerequisites for similar types of courses.

No prerequisites then no course irrespective of ATAR achieved.


Use the VTAC website again.


How can I find the prerequisites for courses?

Are your child’s ambitions/goals realistic?

Do your child’s efforts/results so far line up with their goals and ambitions?

Set high, but realistic goals.

Implications of ATAR and prerequisites

Is there another pathway to achieving the same goal?

Nursing at La Trobe Wodonga requires ATAR (how high?), HECS fee (how much?), 3 years full time (qualification?).

Nursing at East Gipps TAFE. Requirements? Prerequisites? Course duration? Qualification? Cost?

Alternative Pathways

Move to….. Nursing@ La Trobe (Div 2 Nurses

conversion) Look at type of course, duration,

prerequisites, extra requirements What advantages does this

pathway have? Cost? What if I don’t like nursing in first


Alternative Pathways

Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning

For students more interested in a apprenticeships or work rather than an academic pathway via university.

Focuses on the development of employability skills.

VCAL Pathways

VCAL offered at 3 levels:


VCAL Pathways

Literacy and Numeracy Skills

Industry Specific Skills

Work Related Skills

Personal Development Skills

What strands make up the VCAL?

Students can meet these requirements by:

1/ undertaking VCAL numeracy and literacy subjects.

or2/ satisfactorily completing appropriate VCE English and or Maths units.

Numeracy and Literacy

Requirements of this strand (at intermediate level) are met by:

Undertaking sufficient units of competency from one or more VET units (e.g . Automotive, Hospitality, Engineering)

Industry Specific Skills

This strand can be met by undertaking :

1/ a structured work placement.

2/ a part time apprenticeship/traineeship.

3/ part time work.

4/ completing appropriate modules from VET subjects and/or VCE Industry and Enterprise.

Work Related Skills

Can be achieved in a variety of ways e.g.:


Community based activities.

Organisation of work placements.

Personal Development Skills

Yes they can, if the units have been satisfactorily completed.

Speak to your course counsellor to plan how to obtain the remaining requirements of VCAL.

Can VCE subjects count towards VCAL?


Any VET/VCE subjects undertaken will contribute.

Must meet VCE requirements (Eng./Lit. 3/4 + 3 other 3/4 sequences, 16 units total).

Can I obtain a VCE and VCAL?

Yes it is possible to obtain a VCAL within one year.

Depends on the level.

Speak to your course counsellor.

Can I obtain the VCAL in one year?

A TAFE recognised qualification.

Further studies at TAFE.



Options with a VCAL?

Certificate I-IV


Advanced Diploma

Vocational Education and Training at TAFE

No minimum set tertiary entrance requirements.

Course and institutional requirements apply.

Certificate II and III at TAFE

For Year 12 students minimum entrance requirements for general entry include:Satisfactory completion of VCE

OR Senior VCAL Certificate

OR Literacy requirements as set out in VET training packages/curricula

Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma

Some students will be expected to undertake work placements in year 12.

Work placements

Contribution to VCAL (work related skills)

Improved employability/skills.

Improved networks of potential employers.

Better understanding of the occupation: do I actually like this type of work?

Why work placements?

Can you produce a current resume right now? Where is it stored?

Do you know what is “required information” in an application letter for a job?

Do you have qualifications that make you more suitable to the workplace than others?

Working after year 12?

What type of work will you be doing?just for the cash? future training opportunities?

Where do I get career advice ?

“I don’t know what I really want to do” “who can help me find some career


Work Pathways

Resume templates Job application letter templatesMrs McKenzieWorkways, ATELUniversity Student ServicesFamily and friends Job Guide Internet

Work Pathways

What other qualifications do you have?Driver’s LicenceFood Handlers certificateLevel II First AidResponsible Service of Alcohol

Work Pathways

Try your hardest.


Work/life balance. Don’t burn out.

Whatever pathway you’re on

If you are a student at TSC in 2014 we expect you to maximise your opportunities by trying your hardest.

Expectations 2014

If you are a VCE student we expect you to sit the end of year exams and try to achieve the best ATAR you possibly can.

VCE Student 2014

If you are a VCAL student we expect you try your hardest to maximise your chances of obtaining an apprenticeship/traineeship/job opportunity on completion of, or during, your final year at TSC.

VCAL Student

TSC is quite willing to suggest, support and facilitate the movement of a student out of the College to other, more appropriate destinations should the student not be prepared to make use of the opportunities provided by Tallangatta Secondary College.

Not willing to give it your best shot?

Duncan Livingstone : Later Years Coordinator ph: 026715000

Sue McKenzie: Year 12 Coordinator ph: 0260715000

Rab Kusmierski: Year 11 Coordinator ph: 0260715000

Sue Ledsam: Year 10 Coordinator ph: 0260715000

Joy Campbell: Later Years Administration ph: 0260715000

Useful Contacts

Accessing this presentation from the LMS at home.