Translation Rotation - Quia · Translation Rotation Reflection Dilation Assignment: 1. Go to Quia...

Post on 02-Jun-2020

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Here is what you will need to submit as your final work product:

Translation Rotation

Reflection Dilation

Assignment: 1. Go to Quia and find Ms. Mejia’s Website. 2. Research the above transformations to get an idea of what each transformation is. Reflection,

Translation, Rotation, and Dilation. 3. Find or create one example for each transformation. Take a picture using Photo Booth and

drag it to the desktop. Then you drag your picture to word. 4. Impose your picture onto the coordinate planes provided. 5. Edit your picture to show your “original” figure (this is known as the pre-image). Super-

impose this edited picture on another, different coordinate plane. Identify important points that “make” the figure. List the points so someone else can plot them and figure out what the image is.

6. Show/explain your defined transformation (adding/subtracting to x and y, multiplying, reflecting across the line y-x, rotating about the origin, etc.).

7. Super-impose your edited picture to show the figure after the transformation (this is known as the image).

8. Create a product that can be shared with a math class to recreate your image and reveal what you really presented.

9. Email your assignment to

Here is what you will need to submit as your final work product:

o An example of each of the following transformations: dilation, reflection, rotation, and translation.

o A list of the points that "outline" your image and a "hint" as to what your image is. o Directions for the transformation. o Two coordinate planes for each of the transformations:

1. A coordinate plane that displays the image before the transformation. 2. A coordinate plane that displays the image after the transformation occurs.

o One of your products will be shared with middle school students. Be clear in your directions for plotting the transformed image. Include any additional information that would be beneficial for the student to know when trying to determine the type of transformation that has occurred. Provide a place for them to name the type of transformation.

RUBRIC 20 15 10 0

Mathematical Understanding Score: ____

Student displays a clear, in-depth understanding of all types of transformations.

Evidence exists that the student has an understanding of all types of transformations. 1-2 minor misconceptions are present.

Evidence exists that the student lacks confidence in his/her understanding of the various types of transformations. Many major misconceptions exist.

No evidence of work.

Images Score: ____

Images are accurately transformed on the coordinate plane with no mistakes.

Images are transformed on the coordinate with 1-2 mistakes.

Images are transformed on the coordinate plane with more than 2 mistakes.

No evidence of work.

Creativity Score: ____

A unique and creative approach to choosing images to transform. Information is presented in a unique and viewer-friendly manner. Extra & informative details are included.

It is clear that the student employed a great deal of creativity. Information is presented in a view-friendly format, but extra details may be missing or irrelevant. A unique approach was not taken.

Evidence suggests that little to no time was spent to make this assignment viewer-friendly. The final product lacks creativity.

No evidence of work.

Discussion Score: _20_

All students hold a confident & professional discussion appropriate to the assignment. Students guide thinking rather than reveal answers in a straightforward manner. The discussion does not stray from the topic of transformations. Misconceptions are recognized & addressed with a clear explanation.

Students hold a discussion appropriate to the assignment, but may be distracted. Some guidance is needed from the teacher to move the discussion along. Misconceptions may not be addressed with a clear explanation. Most group members participate in the discussion.

Students are distracted and lack confidence in their role in the discussion group. The discussion may stray from the main topic many times. Much guidance is needed from the teacher to move the discussion along. Misconceptions are addressed incorrectly or not at all. Only 1 group member participates in the discussion.

Students do not participate in the discussion.

Name: ___________________________________ Grade: ____ Period: ______ Due: 05/27/10