Transylvania live halloween-dracula-tour-transylvania-show

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Europe is a small continent Transylvania is an entire world

Dracula Tours in Transylvania

Halloween Tours in Transylvania

“Live” Tours and Events

Transylvania LIVE


• Romania

• Vision

• Positioning

• Our Guests

• Strengths:• Company

• Team

• “Live” concept

• Partners

• Strategy• Professional organizing of


• Transportation

• Accommodation

• Meals

• Live tours and events.

• The general structure

• Festivals

• Things to see

• Moments to live

Why Transylvania?

• Romania is a growing tourist destination: Romania was second on the list of

European countries that have registered a growth in the number of incoming tourists, by 14%

• the name of Transylvania benefits of free publicity due to vampire legends

• Transylvania is a place where traditional ways of life are still preserved

Vision and Principles


Seeing the tourist circuits as live shows, will turn Transylvania Live, the expert in Dracula Tours and Halloween in Transylvania into the leader among tour operators valorising the double valence of Transylvania: legend

and tradition.


• travelling is most rewarding when it involves direct experiences of the characteristics of

the visited places

• the details make the difference

• sustainable tourism: both making use and preserving our traditions and mythology

Positioning. What makes us different.

• The creativity in conceiving the Dracula themed tours, our experience in event organising and our knowledge of Transylvania and Romania allows us to design some of the best itineraries;

•We are the only Romanian tour operator offering the possibility of enjoying Transylvanian Halloween live.

•All events are focused on the tourist’s needs based on the principle of interactive shows– we offer special happenings with medieval and traditional themes.

Our Guests

•Our literary – cultural Dracula tours and Halloween tours are conceived for people who value authentic cultures and immersion in other lifestyles and are interested in Vampire stories and the Dracula legends

In general our holidays are intended for people who:

• will appreciate being a living part of the picture

• are concerned for comfort and security and we setup our arrangement accordingly

Strengths. The “Live” Concept

Our name is the expression of our mission. We invite our tourists to

…Live Transylvania in all senses as well as to experience Transylvania… Live.

“Live” means:• experiencing the Transylvanian lifestyle: dances, songs, cuisine, holidays

• in addition to classical tourism sites, visits to villages and homes of peasant craftsmen

• happenings which involve the tourists directly

• local professionals coordinating events

• taking part in the best Halloween Party from Transylvania

Strengths. Our company.

“Transylvania-Live” is a trade-mark of Transylvania Live –Expert in Transylvania SRL

• tour operator license no. 4726 “Transylvania Live”

• radio station

• advertising agency

• Activity gift Supermarket

• 20 - years event organizing experience (outdoors concerts and festivals, charity events)

Sustaining our region through involvement in civic projects :• founding member of Tourist Information Centre in Turda

• sponsor of belles-lettres national magazine "Echinox",

• sponsor of Saint Daniel fundation,

Strengths. Our managing team.

• enthusiasts in our mission to have our guests enjoy Transylvania by the same passion that Romanians do

• passionate for ethnography and legendsand dedicated to bringing them to life.

• we have been working together for the

revival of traditional festivals and holidays

Hertha Todea

General Manager, Travel Guide

• Mirela Potinteu

Events Manager

• Andreea Grozav

Sales Manager

• Alin Todea

Business Development Manager, Travel Guide

• Timea Fabian

Operations Manager

• Mihai Gheghesi

Special Efects Manager, Travel Guide

• Andreea Szocs

Marketing Manager, Travel Guide

• Mircea Crisan

Creative Director, Travel Guide

Strengths. Associations; Partners

Transylvania Live joined the deontology principles of the professional association of

travel agents; until 2012 it use to be member of American Society of Travel Agents ASTA

Our export partners:

BD Graiver Israel

Let’s Travel Beverly Hill USA

Responsible Travel UK

Strategy: professional organizing of events

• Regional Centres for Preserving Tradition of Maramures and Brasov

• Community Cultural Centres in Sibiu and Fagaras

• City halls: The Festival at Prislop, Sighisoara and Jina

• Wine yards and wine factory

• British consultancy company

All of our special events are organized by professionals. We work with:

Strategy: transportation

We begin our Romanian experience from Cluj, Bucharest, Sibiu, Targu Mures or Timisoara airport because:

• It offers excellent low cost travel from UK

• Is the most attractive way to travel in comfort to Transylvania

Strategy: transportation

•Road transportation

Halloween and DraculaTours-for groups of 16 to 48 tourists - we can provide a luxury coach which offers refreshments, toilets and the

driver will stop when requested to do so – a MAN coach, 49 tourist seats, equipped with AC, toilets, foldable

seats, video, TV, refrigerator.

-for groups of 15 to 18 tourists the transportation is assured by a midi bus Isuzu Turquoise– 26 tourist

seats, equipped with AC, foldable seats TV, DVD, and refrigerator.

-for groups of 8 to 14 tourists the transportation is assured by a microbus Ford Tranzit, equipped with AC,

foldable seats, TV, video, refrigerator compartment.

- for groups of 5 to 7 tourists the transportation is assured by a microbus Mercedes Vito, 7 tourists seats,

equipped with AC, foldable seats, the guide will also be the driver.

- for groups of 1 to 4 tourists the transportation is assured by a car – BMW X5, Nissan Teranno or Nissan

Juke, equipped with AC, in this case the guide will also be the driver.

Strategy: accommodation & meals

• 3***, 4**** Dracula themed hotels, some of them described by our tourists as “medieval fantasies with beds” (exception: accommodation for one night in traditional

country-inns during some of the tours)

• we assure the opportunity to enjoy the best in matter of Romanian, Hungarian and Saxon cuisine

• special picnics in spectacular places in the middle of the nature

Strategy: guides

• For the Halloween and Dracula tours we use guides with minimum 7 years of experience in Romanian tours, cultivated persons, intellectuals, with a good sense of humour, most of them

coming from the university medium or from educational management.

• Our guides are proud ambassadors of their country and they enjoy very much their job

Strategy. Plan for success.

By respecting our principles and sustaining a strong network of

• suppliers, • artists and • event coordinators we created

an excellent customer satisfaction oriented system.

Competitive advantage. Academicals support

Here’s how Professor Duncan Light from Liverpool Hope University describes us:

Your company is one of the few that understands the Western market for Dracula.

Your product appears to be very innovative!

For many Romanians Dracula means Vlad Tepes but for people from the UK, America

etc. it means of course the vampire Dracula.

I agree with those people who say that Dracula is a way to get foreign tourists into

Romania creating an opportunity to show them all the other things the country can


Live tours and events. The general structure.

• visiting and sightseeing : medieval castles and citadels as well as Transylvania's most important cities and museums

• meeting craftsmen at their very workshop, tasting traditional food

• participating to happenings set up especially for our tourists •a medieval Vampire Hunting, •an evening sitting in Maramures, •talking with the venerable artist Emil Muresan, the only one that paint using web spider •participating at the Ritual Killing of a Livind Dead (as seen on Travel Channel)•getting introduced in medieval techniques and tactics of fighting with the sword and shield

Live tours and events

Halloween Dracula tours

Halloween shortbreaks

Halloween parties

private tours

– on request


Dracula Tours in


private tours

– on request


Dracula Tours


Dracula Tours in


private tours

– on request

Dracula Tours in


private tours

– on request

Dracula Tours in


guarantee departure

escorted tours

Live tours and events. Things to see.

Cities: Bucharest, Brasov, Sibiu, Alba Iulia, Cluj Napoca, Bistrita, Baia Mare, Sighetu Marmatiei

Castles and medieval cities: Dracula’s Castle at Bran, Vlad Tepes citadel from Poenari, Dracula’s castle-hotel from Borgo Pass and Turda, Sighişoara Citadel-Dracula’s Birthplace, Sibiu (European Cultural Capital in 2007), Biertan (the fortified church), The citadels of Mediaş, Făgăraş, Braşov, Râşnov, Alba-Iulia, the Royal Castle Peleş from Sinaia

Picturesque villages: Sibiel (near Sibiu), Huta Certeze (in The Land of Oaş), Bran (Ţara Bârsei),Săpânţa, Ieud, Bârsana, Săcel (in Maramureş),

Museums: The open-air village museum in Sibiu, The Bruckental museum in Sibiu, The Tower Museum in Sighişoara, The Arts Museum in Cluj, The Merry Cemetery Museum,The Pleş family Ethnographic Museum of Ieud

People: the craftsmen of Săcel: Grigore Tulean, Vasile Susca - leather masks craftsman, Emil Mureşan - the only spider web painter in the world

Live tours and events. Moments to live.

Vampire and Dracula themed events

•The Ritual Kiling of a livind Dead

•masquerade Vampire party

• The witch trial


• Dinner in the open air at the mouth of a cave (when the weather allows it)

• The open-air picnic lunch

• Evening sitting (traditional meeting of women who tell stories and work together)

•Carriage trips (optional in most of the tours)

Medieval :

•Participating in a medieval fight with Knights

•Visit, while the sun is setting, Dogarilor Tower in Bistrita, the Puppet exposition made by the

Venerable Misiuga, Baron of Dracula (RIP)

Press about Transylvania Live’sDracula Tours and Halloween in Transylvania

The Ritual Kiling of a Livind Dead was feature on Travel Channel

Fodor’s Travel Guide - placed Halloween in Transylvania with Vlad the Impaler –

Dracula Tour in Top Ten Must-Do-Adventures

Lonely Planet - Transylvania Live Dracula Tours -The world’s best vampire-

spotting locations

Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Men’s Journals, Woman’s Day, Fox News, Deutsche Welle,

BBC, Dailly Mirror are some of the prestigious publication that featured Transylvania Live’s

Dracula Tours and Halloween in Transylvania

details here

Company Identification

Transylvania Live - Expert in Transylvania SRL

Tourism business licence number: 4726

Registration: J12/167/08

Unique code: 23075037

Administrator: Alin Todea

Agency’s insure against bankruptcy risk: Nr.629843 /25.02.2008

Account number: UniCredit Tiriac Bank – 15 Republicii street, zip code 401095, Turda,

Cluj county. , swift code: BACXROBU

IBAN RO 66BACX0000000200221000 for RON

Transylvania Live - Expert in Transylvania office Address

Republicii Street, no. 28, first floor, zip code: 401167 Turda, Cluj county,

Romania, European Union

Gallery – Dracula Tours in Transylvania

Gallery – Halloween in Transylvania


USA, Canada- Toll-free: 866-376-6183

UK - Free-line: 0 808 101 6781

España: Llamada gratuita: 900 931 391

Transylvania Live Romania - Head office - Turda, Transylvania

Tel/Fax: +40 364 411 666

+40 264 313 112

Tel:+40 364 405 642

Bucharest office +40 21 569 99 82

email office @